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Class is the foundation of your character's identity and  heavily effects your persona.  Your character's abilities, powers and standing int the world are guided by your class, as well as your weaknesses and affinities. Choosing your class is done early in your character creation process, though it can change or be added upon through out your hero's journey.  A Balanced party requires a variety of classes. Luckily Quest offers over a hundred options. 

Radiant in their conviction, the Paladin stands as an unyielding beacon of justice and righteousness, their faith a shield against the darkness. With every strike, they wield the divine fury of their beliefs, smiting evil with unwavering resolve. Their indomitable spirit and dedication make them a formidable bulwark against the forces of chaos and despair.

Releasing team aiding shouts and tearing the opposition limb from limb with all the ferocity of a wild Titan, this mountain of muscle is perfect for decimating the front line as well as soaking up all the punishment your foes have to offer.

Cloaked in robes adorned with arcane symbols and wielding the power of the cosmos, the Wizard stands as a beacon of intellect and mastery over magic. With ancient tomes and grimoires as their arsenal, they unravel the mysteries of the universe and command the very forces of creation itself. Through intricate spells and potent incantations, they shape reality to their will, bending time, space, and matter to achieve their desires. With each flick of their wand and whispered word of power, they unleash torrents of arcane energy that ripple through the fabric of existence, leaving behind a legacy of awe and wonder in their wake.

Honorable yet formidable, the Samurai walks the path of Bushido, embodying discipline, courage, and loyalty. With each strike of their blade, they uphold the ancient traditions of their ancestors, their swordsmanship a testament to their unwavering resolve. Bound by a code of honor, they stand as stalwart defenders of justice, ready to lay down their lives for the sake of honor and duty.

The sound of swift foot falls in the bushes and whispers in the trees and the next thing you know, you're surrounded by all the fighting power mother nature has to offer. The druid kills the natural way and can guide their team through even the most treacherous of the world’s terrains.

Cloaked in mysticism and steeped in ancient rituals, the Witch Doctor harnesses the primal forces of magic and the spirits of the beyond. With a shamanistic connection to the ethereal realm, they commune with spirits, channeling their power to both heal and harm. Wreathed in the swirling mists of incantations, they wield hexes and curses with eerie precision, manipulating the very fabric of reality to achieve their goals.

Silent as the night and lethal as a viper's strike, the Assassin moves with deadly precision, unseen and unheard. Their mastery of shadows and deception makes them a ghost in the darkness, striking swiftly and decisively before vanishing without a trace.

Nimble like a snake yet immovable as a mountain, This fighting philosopher can heal even the most powerful of ailments. As a master of the martial arts, The monk has no equal weaving out of harm's way and redirecting attacks with the smoothness of a flowing river. The whole of reality is but one universal wave to the monk. Making them nearly impossible to deceive with illusions or bewitchments.

Riding in with an aura of terror, this undead warrior is a master of armed combat and the dark art of necromancy. Diving into the heat of battle with no need to fear death as that is something this warrior welcomed into their heart long ago. 

Masters of the elements and wielders of storms, the Solomonar commands the very skies themselves, shaping weather to their will. With a profound understanding of the natural world, they evoke thunder and lightning, summoning tempests to lay waste to their enemies or bring bountiful rains to parched lands. Wrapped in the cloak of the elements, they stand as guardians of the balance, ensuring harmony between the heavens and the earth.

Rooted in the earth's embrace, the Geomancer channels the ancient power of the land itself, shaping stone and soil to their bidding. With each gesture, they command the very earth beneath their feet, unleashing seismic forces to reshape the battlefield. Bound by their connection to the elemental forces, they stand as stalwart guardians of the natural world, harnessing the power of geology to defend against threats and forge a path toward harmony and balance.

Steeped in arcane knowledge and relentless in their pursuit of darkness, the Hellsinger is a vigilant sentinel against the forces of the occult. Armed with holy relics and ancient lore, they track and confront witches, warlocks, and creatures of the night with unwavering resolve. With each strike, they purge the world of malevolent magic, their righteousness a beacon of hope in the shadowy depths of the supernatural.

A master of deception and finesse, the Charming Rogue glides through the world with a smile and a silver tongue, effortlessly weaving through crowds and conversations alike. Their cunning intellect and quick wit make them a formidable opponent in both the game of shadows and the art of persuasion. With every daring escapade and whispered promise, they leave a trail of admiration and intrigue, their charm a weapon as deadly as any blade.

Bearing the weight of countless battles upon their shoulders, the Warrior stands as a paragon of strength and valor on the battlefield. Clad in armor forged in the fires of determination, they charge fearlessly into the fray, their mighty blows cleaving through enemy ranks with unyielding force. With each swing of their weapon, they embody the indomitable spirit of courage, inspiring allies and striking fear into the hearts of their foes alike.

Veiled in shadows and steeped in the forbidden arts of death, the Necromancer commands the very essence of mortality itself. With dark incantations and arcane rituals, they summon forth legions of the undead to serve as their thralls and minions. Through mastery over the forces of decay and corruption, they wield power that defies the natural order, bending the wills of the deceased to their own malevolent desires. With each whispered invocation, they manipulate the very fabric of life and death, their presence a harbinger of doom and despair as they seek to unravel the mysteries of the afterlife and conquer the realms beyond the mortal coil.

Cloaked in shadows and wielding forbidden knowledge, the Warlock is a sinister practitioner of dark arts, siphoning the very essence of magic from fallen mages. With each fallen foe, they absorb the arcane remnants, weaving stolen spells into their own dark repertoire. Their eyes gleam with the twisted hunger for power as they stalk their prey, leaving a trail of drained and lifeless husks in their wake, their mastery over the arcane depths unmatched and feared by all who dare to wield magic.

A master of potions and elixirs, the Alchemist manipulates the very fabric of reality with their concoctions and brews. Through precise calculations and arcane ingredients, they transmute base elements into potent solutions that heal, enhance, or unleash destruction upon their enemies. With each bubbling cauldron and swirling vial, they unlock the secrets of alchemy, bending the laws of nature to their will and leaving an indelible mark on the world.

Harnessing the unpredictable forces of fortune and beckoning creatures from realms unknown, the Invoker stands as a mysterious and formidable figure on the battlefield. With a mere gesture, they twist the threads of luck to their advantage, turning the tides of fate in their favor. Through arcane incantations, they summon otherworldly beings to do their bidding, unleashing chaos and devastation upon their enemies. With each invocation, they dance on the razor's edge between mastery and madness, their powers transcending the boundaries of reality itself.

Wrapped in the whispers of ancient incantations and cloaked in the mysteries of the occult, the Witch wields magic that dances on the edges of shadow and light. With a cauldron bubbling with potent brews and a spellbook bound in leather, they commune with the spirits of nature and the beyond. Through their dark arts and arcane rituals, they command the elements and shape the very essence of reality, weaving spells that can both heal and harm, their cackling laughter echoing through the night as they cast their spells upon the world.

The Gray Mage epitomizes the delicate equilibrium between creation and destruction, commanding a diverse repertoire of versatile magics. With but a fleeting notion, they manipulate the very essence of reality, molding both matter and energy to their whims through adept manipulation and transmutation. By harnessing the invisible threads of gravity, they effortlessly traverse the boundary between the tangible and the intangible. In their hands, the distinction between the actual and the potential becomes indistinct, as they deftly navigate the intricate harmony between order and chaos, creation and decay.

Entwined with the spirits of nature and guided by the wisdom of the ancestors, the Shaman walks the sacred path between the physical and spiritual realms. Through rituals and invocations, they commune with the spirits of the land, the sky, and the beasts, channeling their power to heal, protect, and unleash primal fury. With each beat of their drum and whispered chant, they bridge the gap between the mortal world and the divine, serving as a conduit for the ancient forces that shape the world around them.

Born of the harmonious union between magic and nature, the Biomancer is a master of life itself, shaping and manipulating living organisms with their arcane powers. Through their deep connection with the natural world, they command the very essence of life, fostering growth, healing wounds, and even altering the very forms of living creatures. With each gesture, they breathe vitality into the world, weaving intricate webs of symbiosis and evolution that transcend the boundaries of traditional magic. In their hands, the cycle of life and death becomes a canvas upon which they paint the wonders of creation, their mastery over the living world unmatched and revered by all who witness their artistry.

Blessed with the gift of foresight and the ability to manipulate the currents of time, the Oracle stands as a beacon of insight in a world shrouded in uncertainty. Through their visions and divinations, they pierce the veil of fate, unraveling the threads of destiny to glimpse what is to come and unveil the secrets of the past. With a mere whisper, they can nudge the flow of time itself, altering fate in subtle yet profound ways. In their presence, the mysteries of the ages unfold, as they navigate the labyrinth of time with wisdom and grace, their guidance sought by all who seek to uncover the truths of existence.

Crafters of wonders and architects of innovation, the Artificer melds magic and machinery to reshape the world around them. Through intricate designs and arcane ingenuity, they forge enchanted contraptions and imbue them with mystical power. With each invention, they blur the lines between science and sorcery, creating marvels that defy logic and tradition. In their workshops, the hum of machinery harmonizes with the crackle of arcane energy, as they pioneer new frontiers of discovery and invention, their creations shaping the destiny of civilizations yet to come.

Forged in the crucible of elemental power, the Dusk Blade is a master of the arcane arts, channeling the forces of fire, ice, and electricity through their blade with deadly precision. With each swing, they unleash torrents of flame, cascades of frost, and crackling bolts of lightning, weaving a symphony of destruction upon the battlefield. Their sword becomes a conduit for raw elemental energy, carving through foes with the fury of a raging storm and the icy chill of the deepest winter night. In their hands, the elements themselves bow to their will, serving as both weapon and shield as they carve their path through the chaos of battle.

In tune with the heartbeat of the wilderness, the Ranger is a solitary sentinel of the natural world, their keen senses attuned to the rhythms of the land. With bow in hand and loyal animal companion by their side, they roam the untamed wilds, guardians of its secrets and protectors of its inhabitants. Masters of survival and unmatched trackers, they navigate dense forests and treacherous terrain with ease, their connection to nature guiding their every step. With every arrow loosed, they strike with the precision of a hunter's arrow, their bond with the wilderness making them a force to be reckoned with in both the civilized world and the vast expanse of the wilds beyond.

Veiled in mystery and deception, the Psychic wields the power of the mind to warp perception and bend reality to their whim. Through their mastery of illusion magic, they craft intricate phantasms and beguiling mirages, weaving a tapestry of deceit that confounds the senses of friend and foe alike. With each flick of their wrist, they conjure illusions so vivid and lifelike that even the most astute minds are ensnared in their enchanting web. In the hands of an Illusionist, truth becomes but a fleeting illusion, and the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur into a mesmerizing dance of shadows and light.

With the melody of magic and the rhythm of charisma, the Bard weaves tales of enchantment and inspiration, captivating hearts and minds wherever they roam. Their voice is a conduit for the arcane, their music a spell that transcends barriers and stirs the soul. Through their artistry, they shape the very fabric of reality, transforming despair into hope and fear into courage. With each performance, they paint a tapestry of wonder and delight, their songs echoing through the annals of history as a testament to the power of creativity and the enduring legacy of the bardic spirit.

Shrouded in ominous darkness and wielding the chilling aura of terror, the Dread Knight emerges as a formidable force on the battlefield. With their mastery over fear and illusion, they sow discord and despair among their enemies, instilling dread with every menacing step. Clad in ebon armor and wielding a blade infused with the essence of nightmares, they strike fear into the hearts of all who dare to oppose them. Their presence alone commands respect and obedience, as they harness the power of darkness to bend reality to their will, leaving a trail of shattered minds and broken spirits in their wake.

Graceful as a falling petal and swift as a summer breeze, the Elegant Blade Dancer glides across the battlefield with mesmerizing finesse. Their movements are a dance of deadly elegance, their blade an extension of their own fluid motion. With each twirl and flourish, they carve a path through their foes with effortless grace, leaving behind a whirlwind of steel and shattered illusions. Their artistry in combat is unmatched, their every step a testament to the beauty of martial mastery and the allure of the dance of blades.

Blood Mage

Drenched in the crimson tide of Sanguine sorcery, the Blood Mage commands the arcane power coursing through their veins. With their magic pulsing with the rhythm of a heartbeat., they can bend the very essence of life and death to their will. Navigating the delicate balance between life and death, they walk a perilous path, their power and ambition shadowed by the ominous legacy of their craft. Amidst whispers of dread and awe, the Blood Mage’s deeds echo through the annals of history, a testament to the enigmatic and fearsome power they wield.


Stealthy shadows and silent whispers mark the domain of the Ninja, a master of stealth, agility, and deadly precision. Cloaked in darkness, they move with the grace of a whispering breeze, their footsteps unheard and their presence unseen. With every strike, they deliver swift and lethal blows, their martial prowess honed to perfection through years of disciplined training. Versed in the arts of assassination, espionage, and sabotage, the Ninja navigates the treacherous paths of intrigue and danger with unrivaled skill, their legacy shrouded in myth and legend as they vanish into the night, leaving naught but whispered tales of their exploits in their wake.

Radiant with divine grace and imbued with the sacred power of their deity, the Cleric walks the mortal realm as a conduit of faith and healing. With prayers on their lips and holy symbols clutched in hand, they channel the benevolent energies of their god to mend wounds, banish darkness, and bring hope to the downtrodden. Through their unwavering devotion, they serve as beacons of light in the darkest of times, their faith guiding them through trials and tribulations. With each word of blessing and gesture of piety, they stand as pillars of strength and compassion, their presence a testament to the boundless mercy and love of the divine.

Ferocious and primal, the Xanda Warrior embodies the untamed wilderness, their instincts honed to a razor's edge. Feeding on the strength of living and fallen foes, they grow ever more formidable, their savagery unmatched. With each wound they deal, they amass more and more power, becoming a relentless force of primal fury that strikes fear into the hearts of all who dare to oppose them.


Emerging from the depths of decay and corruption, the Morbus is a harbinger of pestilence and decay, wielding the vile powers of acid, slime, and disease with deadly proficiency. Clad in armor forged from the remnants of rot and decay, they stride into battle, leaving trails of festering slime and corrosive acid in their wake. With each swing of their blade, they unleash torrents of foul substances that eat away at flesh and bone, their very presence spreading sickness and contagion. Masters of biological warfare, they sow chaos and despair among their enemies, their twisted visage a testament to the horrors of the abyss from which they draw their power.

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