Witch Doctor

The Witch Doctor
Cloaked in mysticism and steeped in ancient rituals, the Witch Doctor harnesses the primal forces of magic and the spirits of the beyond. With a shamanistic connection to the ethereal realm, they commune with spirits, channeling their power to both heal and harm. Wreathed in the swirling mists of incantations, they wield hexes and curses with eerie precision, manipulating the very fabric of reality to achieve their goals.
Commencement Package
One spell from the class spell list.
+5 Dance, +3 Heal, +3 Alchemy, +3 Sense Intent, -5 Charm, -3 Athletics, -3 Lifting
Level 1
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Alchemy
+1 Sense Magic
+1 Seal Tampering
Level 2
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Healing
+1 Natural Senses
+1 Enchanting
Level 3
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Willpower
+1 Mettle
+1 Bravery
Level 4
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Alchemy
+1 Sense Magic
+1 Seal Tampering
Level 5
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Healing
+1 Natural Senses
+1 Enchanting
Level 6
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Willpower
+1 Mettle
+1 Bravery
Level 7
2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Alchemy
+1 Sense Magic
+1 Seal Tampering
Level 8
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Healing
+1 Natural Senses
+1 Enchanting
Level 9
1 Master Feat
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Willpower
+1 Mettle
+1 Bravery
Spell List
Gripping Shadow
Level 4 Black, Purple Spell
Element: Shadow, Space
Mechanics:controlled, knock back d6 plus personality mod, caster has to cast into a shadow and the spell comes out of a shadow somewhere else on the map, 6 space range.
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality:the caster places their hands into the shadows and shadowy hands come from the dark nearby the target and drag them away.
Notes: The caster can spend the 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp at night
Tar Baby
Level 6 Blue, Yellow, Red Spell
Element: Enchant, Illusion, Earth
Mechanics:Summons an optical illusion around a magic glob of tar (potency 24 vs accuracy/natural senses). If attacked or touched the illusion fades and it reveals itself as a statue of tar. The attacking/touching unit or units are stuck to it. (24 potency vs Lifting/Strength. They can’t use their move action to move and they are unable to dodge.)
Cost:18mp, 2OBP, 1SS
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell's cost by 9mp if out of the enemies line of sight.
OBP: The caster gather’s mud and magically charges it for 60 minutes.
Love Potion Number 9
Yellow, Blue, Green Ritual/Bewitchment
Element: Illusion, Enchant, Alchemy
Mechanics: The caster takes a potion worth 150 gold or more, they squeeze the blood from a human heart out into it. They draw a magic symbol and set the potion in its center. Then they set the magus candles on the corners of the symbol and light them. At this point the caster adds DNA from the target. Then the caster stirs while chanting for the remainder of the time. Very slowly the potion begins to glow bright pink. Whoever drinks the potion becomes disturbingly in love with the target. They will likely do whatever that person says unless it gets in the way of their love. This counts as mind control vs Willpower/Personality.
Cost:1 heart, (any potion worth 150 gold or more), level 2 Yellow magus chalk. 4 level level 1 yellow magus candles.
Cast time:2 hours.
Notes: The potion used as the base in this spell doesn’t lose its effects. Units that have drank this potion can often become jealous and deadly.
Enlarge Vermin
Level 2 Gray, Green Spell
Element: Manipulation, Fauna
Mechanics: The caster touches a bug or rodent and it grows to the size of a dog and develops more dangerous qualities. The transformation takes 2 rounds during which the target is flat footed and can’t attack. At the end the target becomes level 1 Vermin. At the end of the battle if the vermin isn’t thralled it becomes a neterual summon.
Cost:6mp, 1SS
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cast time by 1AA if there is already a level 1 vermin on the battlefield.
Viscous Face
Level 1 Red, Purple Spell
Element: Space, Earth, Water
Mechanics: The caster sits and meditates (prone) While scrying the area out a head with vision, hearing and smelling. They can only sry where there is something liquid or roughly viscous examples being, mud, water, blood, lava, even sand. The scrying ward looks like the casters face or mask that they are wearing, only it’s made of the material being scryed through. It has phase and can burrow down to hide itself. Can appear anywhere within the next two towns.
Cost:0mp upkeep cost, 1SS
Cast time:1AA,1MA (continuous channeling)
Modality: ^^^
Notes: Since the caster has to be so intouch with the earth to cast this spell,the caster may spend 2BA every round to gain a d4mp every round while in this state.
Ant Army
Level 2 Green Gray Spell
Element: Fauna, Gray
Mechanics: The caster looks at their jar of ants and the caster’s eyes glow a greenish yellow as they attempt to connect with the ants.(Caster potency 22 vs animal taming/personality) Then the caster chucks the container at the target or at the ground. It breaks and the ants crawl out. The ants travel as a swarm and can deal a d6 hack damage.They also deal double damage to terminal foes. They grapple with every attack. They are a 10 to hit. They have 6 hp collectively and move 6 spaces each turn they are immune to hack, pierce, and slash damage. Unit’s they are attacking lose 3 agility mods and 2 accuracy mods for the round.
Cost:6mp, 1OBP, 1SS
Cast time:1AA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may use gray magic to spend 2BA to increase the number of ant’s give the spell a level 2 cone. The caster may regather the ants if they are not killed, this takes 30 minutes to do.
OBP: The caster must gather a container of ants.
Swamp Poison Dart
Level 3 Green Spell
Element: Poison
Mechanics: The caster takes the weapon that is lightly poisoned and they activate it with their magic giving it a magic turquoise flame like aura. The poison is added to the attack of the weapon. The poison’s effects add a 25% chance to deal a d6 poison damage to HP and Mp The poison’s potency is 18 vs mettle/toughness. While under this spell’s effect the target’s breath has a turquoise fire like aura to it and they are paler.
Cost:9mp, 1OBP
Cast time:1MA
Modality: The caster magically poisons their arrow with an exhausting toxin.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp when attacking for out of the line of sight of enemies. Unit’s under this spell’s effect can breathe under water.
OBP: The caster summons a small swamp frog and wipes the poison from it’s back on the weapon. The whole process takes 30 minutes.
Grasping Dead
Level 4 Orange, Black Spell
Element: Summoning, Shadow
Mechanics: The caster thins the veil between dimensions in an area 30 feet away (6 spaces) and the grasping hands of the dead become semi physical pulling and scratching at the targets. This reduces the target's movement by 4 and agility by 3 and deals a d6 hack damage. Because the magic that gives them substance is weak, it takes only 6 damage to dismiss them. These hands last 2 rounds.
Cost:12mp, 1SS
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 6mp and increase the number of rounds it lasts by 1 if cast inside structures.
Shadow Man
Black Ritual
Element: Shadow
Mechanics: Kill’s and then Resurrects a unit with close to no memory of who they were. Though their skills and personality are still intact. When resurrected, their wounds are healed up with hard bone like armor or left gaping holes with a cold blue flame coming out of it. The Unit level’s up in the shadow man class and counts as a character instead of a summon. If the caster dies so does the shadow man, the shadow man always counts as subdued to black magic to the caster.
Cost: one level 2 magus chalk, 1 level 2 black magus candle, times the units level.
Cast time:20 hours unattended. 1 hour
Notes: The caster draws a large magic symbol, then digs a grave in the center of the symbol and places the body in the grave. (takes about an hour) then places the body in the hole. Then they put an unlit candle in the body's mouth and bury it. the rest of the candles are placed on the symbol’s edges. The caster waits and can even leave. In 20 hours, the candles on the edges light and the body erupts from the grave with the terrifying flames of a shadow man.
The Spirit’s Stride
Level 1 Purple, White Spell
Element: Space, Holy
Mechanics:The caster partially enter’s deadside being seen in both worlds but intangible to both, (immune to physical damage) only magic can harm the caster in this state. The caster can phase through solid objects, and has a cold blue flame like aura. (within)
Cast time: 1AA
Modality: ^^^
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to heal a d4mp
Widows Cradle
Level 3 Green Spell
Element: Fauna, Acid
Mechanics:The caster casts a spell on a corpse up to 30 feet away (6 spaces). The spell magically nests large spider eggs into the corpse, The eggs are flat footed and can take damage. after 3 rounds they explode out dealing a d4 acid damage in a level 1 ring. Any damage the eggs took carries over to the spider swarm (Level 1 spider swarm). If still alive, the spiders are ready to fight and hungry for flesh.
Cost:9mp, 1 corpse, 1SS
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to add a d4 acid damage to the explosion of this spell.
Animal Zombie
Level ? Black, Green Spell
Element:Necrotic, Fauna
Mechanics: Raises a target animal corpse as a zombie with that animal's character sheet, only it now counts as a zombie and undead besides it’s other titles.
Cost:12mp times the target animal corpses level. 1SS
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the caster is a higher level then the animal being raised.
Bat Shroud
Level 3 Green Spell
Element: Fauna
Mechanics: The caster channel’s a column of bats toward the target’s (level 1 cone). The bats swirl around the target’s and impede their vision until scared away. (reduces target’s accuracy by 3 potency 16 vs intimidate/strength)
Cast time: 1AA
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce the cost of this spell by 9mp at night.
Horrific Cackle
Level 5 Black, YellowSpell
Element: Fear, Illusion, Sonic
Mechanics: The caster’s mask is magically animated and looks life-like as it cackles maniacally resonating a magical terror (Level 2 cone). The terrified targets are left trembling and hesitate to act. (level 1 repel and removes the target's positive agility mods potency 24 vs Bravery/Toughness mod.)
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: The target swaps physical locations with the caster upon impact.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost By 9mp if outnumbered.
OBP: 30 minutes and various paints. The caster touches up the paint on their mask making it look extra life like.
Devour Power
Level 1 Purple, Gray Spell
Element: Silence, Manipulation
Mechanics:A torrent of cold blue magic comes from the target and swirls down into the caster mask’s mouth (6 space range). Removing the target’s magic power ups. (destroys a target’s PPU) The caster gains mana from this magical feast (gains a d6 mp).
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA and 3mp to gain the personal power up themselves.
The Hungry Head
Level 2 Blue Spell
Element: Animation
Mechanics: The caster’s mask sucks energy from the target’s in a large area (level 2 cone). The mask is greedy and so the more units in the area of effect, the stronger the sucking power. (steals d2 Mp for each unit in the area of effect -1.)
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 6mp.
Explode Toad
Level 5 Orange, Blue Green Spell
Element: Enchant, Animate, Fauna, Chaos
Mechanics:The caster whispers life into their frog effigy. The frog has 6 space movement and can explode at will dealing massive elemental damage in a small area of effect (d10 random element damage,level 1 ring, knock down d6 knock back.) The frog can be killed by being stomped on or attacked with any amount of damage. Upon death, the frog explodes, still dealing it’s damage and effects.
Cost:15mp, 2OBP
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster enchants their projectile with an unpredictable magic.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if out of enemies line of sight.
OBP: The caster spends 30 minutes carving a wooden toad. Then paints it with various paints.
Level 4 Black Spell
Element: Shadow
Mechanics:The caster’s soul leaves their body and can move equal to the caster’s movement. The soul can only remain out of the body equal to 5 rounds plus their toughness mod. Their body is prone and all its senses blind during the duration of this spell. The caster’s soul can enter a target’s body. Mind controlling it (potency 24 vs willpower/personality) The caster controls the target’s move action and attack action. The caster can't make the target hurt themselves. The target will still dodge attacks and harm normally. If the caster ro allies intentionally attack the target the effect is lost. The 5 round count down is removed when the soul is in the target’s body. If the target clears the check the soul is spat out and has to get back to another body or it’s own in 5 rounds plus their toughness mod or they die. The soul can phase and is immune to physical damage, but it takes double from magic damage and it can be soul trapped. The soul is invisible and has a 12 potency vs sense magic/intelligence to see.
Cost:12mp upkeep cost
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s upkeep cost by 9mp for the round if the target hasn’t taken damage this round.
Level 4 Yellow, Black Spell
Element: Psychic, Fear
Mechanics: The caster affects a target within 30 feet (6spaces) with a mind altering spell. The target see’s clawing zombie hands come out of the walls whenever they get near them. The damage seems so real that they are actually injured metally if they believe. (deal’s a d6 psychic damage to the target for every 5 feet of objects beyond the first 5 in the target’s melee zone. Potency 20 vs bravery/personality.)
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp inside a structure.
Chilling Phantom
Level 3 Red, Black Spell
Element: Necrotic, Ice
Mechanics:The caster points to a target within 30 feet (6 space range) and marks them with a blue symbol. A cold phantom appears occasionally to strike the target with bone chilling frost. If the target dodges it swiftly enough, then the phantom deem's his/her effort not worth it and departs. Always having to anticipate the attack makes the target distracted; also the chilling first slows the target’s movement. ( -1 agility, and -2 movement, ¼ chance to deal d6 ice damage Potency 16 vs natural senses/agility.)
Cast time: 1AA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add a d12 ice damage to the ¼ chance of this spell.
Rot Juggernaut
Level 5 Purple, Blue Spell
Element: Gravity, Enchant
Mechanics:A target corpse within 30 feet (6 spaces) of the caster is animated. The corpse gets up and runs equal to the creature's speed when it was alive. This reckless sprint knocks down those in its path and deals disease damage to all it encounters as it rots away at a rapid pace. The corpse disappears completely by the end of its turn. (knock down, Beam,d10 disease damage. Instead of the caster’s accuracy, the aiming stat for this spell is the corpse's agility mod when it was alive.)
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the zombie would be running down hill.
Spirit Dart
Level 1 White. Black Spell
Element: Holy, Shadow
Mechanics: The caster releases some of the energy of their soul up into their hand. Which causes their hand to glow with a cold blue-ish flame. They can fling it up to 30 feet away (6 space range). The flame burns the target and stresses their soul. (Deals the caster’s personality mod as holy damage.)
Cast time: 1AA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to make this a touch spell that does 2x the caster personality mod as shadow damage.
Spirit Gun
Level 3 White, Black Spell
Element: Holy, Shadow
Mechanics: The caster focuses the fickle energy of their soul into their weapon igniting it with a cold blue flame and causing it to add a stressing effect to it’s normal damage. (Adds caster’s personality mod as holy damage to the attack. Every round that the caster takes 6 or more damage, the damage of this spell changes to shadow instead of holy for the round.)
Cast time: Addition spell
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA, 1MA to increase the intensity of the flame. (add the caster personality mod again to the damage.)
Locust Swarm
Level 3 Green Spell
Element: Fauna
Mechanics: The caster summons a large swarm (level 2 cone) of hungry locusts that swirl about the targets greatly reducing their vision while in it’s area of effect. (reduce target’s accuracy by 6 while in area of effect only). The locust take no notable damage from Slash, hack, and pierce damage. (Immune to slash, pierce, and hack.). The locusts have 6hp and are flat footed. They eat away wood, plants, and unmagical fabrics. After 3 rounds they are full and satisfied and no longer have much effect. (spell effects only lasts 3 rounds)
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast outside of a structure.
Cackling Skull
Level 4 Red, Blue, Black Spell
Element: Fire, Enchant, Animate,Necrotic
Mechanics: The caster pulls the enchanted skull from their back pack and it comes to life in a blaze of orange flame. The skull laughs loudly and is unable to hide. It travels at 30 feet per round and can turn and move as it pleases. (6 spaces, conducted). It has 1Hp and can be set off by a simple slap. It’s agility is equal to the caster’s accuracy mod. The longer it stays on the battlefield the louder and more hysterical it cackles. The intensity of it’s flame follows suit. ( Deals a d2 fire damage that gets upped every round that it is on the battlefield.) The skull is completely controlled by the caster and can detonate whenever the caster pleases. The caster can give it commands instead of actually being present. For example, detonate on that man hiding somewhere behind those trees.
Cost:12mp, 2OBP, 1SS
Cast time: 1AA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast out of the enemies line of sight.
OBP: The caster must take a skull and spend 30 minutes decorating it and enchanting it. The skull is consumed for this spell.
Bawk of Bokor
Level 3 Gray, Green Spell
Element: Transmutation, Fauna
Mechanics: The caster calls upon the great witch doctor spirit Bokor to humiliate a target within 30 feet (6 spaces range). The target is then turned into a chicken until they clear the spell’s difficulty check or are targeted again by any unit or take damage. (potency 24 vs concentration/Intelligence) This spell’s effects only last 3 rounds.
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA,1MA to cast this spell for free with no other cast time and as a permanent hex vs units subdued to green or gray magic.
Acid Phantom
Level 7 Green, Orange Spell
Element: Acid, Summon
Mechanics: The caster summons a cloud of acid with a skull-like face (level 1 cone is it’s size/area of effect). The acid phantom envelopes it’s target’s dealing massive acid damage (D10 acid damage) The acid is extremely corrosive and eats away the target’s non magical items. One item each round it attacks. It starts with the target’s held weapons, then pieces of armor, then other items. It also can eat through metal objects and lesser quality objects. (destruction level 3). The acid phantom has 6 hp and is a 10 to hit. Acid damage heals it and increases it’s Mhp by the damage dealt. The acid phantom moves 6 spaces each round but only deals damage where it stops moving for the round. Because the magic binding it to the demnsition is thick, it can be hit by physical weapons.
Cost:21mp, 4OBP, 1SS, 8 round cool down. (The summon can’t dodge or attack the first round it is in.)
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if outnumbered.
OBP: The caster lights a level 1 green magus candle and spends 10 minutes inhaling it’s smoke. While asking the old tiki master of acid to possess them. Once the spirit agrees it goes into them, then the caster puppeted briefly by the spirit drinks 50 gold worth of alcohol as payment for it’s aid later in battle.
*Mass Hysteria
Level 5 Purple, Blue Spell
Element: Gravity, Enchant
Mechanics: deals confusion, frenzy, fear
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster enchants an arrow with powerful magnetic magic that goes into effect on impact.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if outnumbered.
Totem of Vigor
Level 3 Orange, Brown Spell
Element: Summon, Ability
Mechanics: The caster summons a 7 foot tall Totem pole. All allies within 10ft of it (level 2 ring, Friendly fire) gain +3 accuracy mods and +3 agility mods for the round. The totum pulses this spell until it takes any amount of damage. This spell can last up to 5 rounds.
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the panel the caster is on, is vertically higher then the highest panel on the enemy’s side.
Wall of Shades
Level 6 Orange, Black Spell
Element:Summon, Shadow
Mechanics: Enchants a wall, container, Bridge, or opening with a shadowy glow. Any unit that touches it or tries to go through is attacked by a lurking shade. The attack knocks them back with a cold dark pain. (potency 24 vs seal tampering/intelligence D10 shadow/slash damage, D6 knock back)
Cast time: 2AA, 2MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if out of the enemies line of sight.
Summon a Páo xiāo
Level 4 Orange Spell
Element: Summoning
Mechanics:The caster pulls out the enchanted mask and snaps it over their knee. Then appearing out of thin air a strange dog-like creature with an eye on it’s right hind leg picks up the mask and sticks the two parts onto its face. The creature then fights for the caster. (summon’s a level 3 Páo xiāo)
Cost:12mp, 3hp, 3mhp, 3 OBP,1SS
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA,
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the caster is older than at least half of the units on the battlefield.
OBP: The caster spends 30 minutes carving a plain mask out of any material, Then the caster lets it sit out overnight or 10 hours in the moonlight. The moon must be at least half full.
Summon a lesser Tiki
Level 2 Orange Spell
Element: Summon
Mechanics: The caster puts the palm of their hand on the ground and a masked goblin like creature pops out of the ground. The creature fights for the caster. (Summon a level 1 Tiki Imp) the summoned unit can not dodge or otherwise act during the round that the unit is summoned. (dormant)
Cost:6mp, 1SS
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to cast the summoned unit up to 9 spaces away.
Summon a School of Piranhas
Level 2 Orange, Green Spell
Element: Summon, Fauna
Mechanics:The caster summons a swarm of piranhas in a pool of water within 30 feet (6 spaces). The Piranhas rend flesh at a rapid rate (d10 hack damage, level 1 ring.) The piranhas collectively have 6hp. They resist 1 point of physical damage, but take double damage from lighting. They are flat footed and move 6 spaces each round. They only deal damage in the area that they end their turn at.
Cost:6mp, 1SS
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 6mp.
Living mask
Level 2 Blue Spell
Element: Animate
Mechanics: The caster animates a mask worth at least 500 gold. One spell from the caster’s spell list a round can be cast through the mask. It requires 1FHS, and an additional spell slot to do so. The caster can cast their own spells like normal in addition to this. Spells cast from the mask have the same cost plus additional costs based on the spell’s cast time. 1AA = 9mp, 1MA = 3mp. The caster can see and hear out of the mask even if it is not on them. The mask talks and has a personality of its own. (Tags: A)
Cost:6mp, 1PPU
Cast time:1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce the cost of spells being cast from the mask by 6mp.
Voodoo Doll
Level 6 Purple, Blue Spell
Element: Gravity, Enchant
Mechanics: 6 space range, The caster controls the body of the target. Or can do a d20 psychic damage to them. Target must be humanoid. (potency 22 vs willpower/personality)
Cost:15mp, 4OBP, requires DNA from the target.
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA, 1MA to cast this spell for free as a curse with 6 space range vs target’s subdued to purple or black magic. However, the caster has to use 1AA, and 1MA to activate the effects of the curse for the round.
OBP: the caster makes a voodoo doll out of cloth. Requires 1 use of a sewing kit and takes 1 hour to do. Then the caster spends 30 minutes magically imbuing the doll.
Breath of Pele
Level 2 Red Spell
Element: Fire
Mechanics: The caster breathes a level 1 cone of fire dealing a d4 fire damage. Each time this spell is cast increase the damage it deals by a d4 fire damage.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster breathes a blast of flame that grows in power as it is used.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA add destruction level 3 to this spell if the spell’s damage is over d12 or if cast outside of battle.
Spider Nest
Level 3 Green, Black Spell (7)
Element: Fuana, Necrotic
Mechanics: 6 space range, deal a d2 green and black tower counters, potency 18 vs mettle/toughness. If the caster kills the target while they are under this spell’s effect, then summon a level 1 spider for every 2 counters (1 black, 1 green) that are on the target. Then remove those counters.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality:The caster grips the target and drains the life from them dealing heavy damage.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to cast this for free vs terminal foes.
Level 3 Green, Black Spell (7)
Element: Acid, Necrotic
Mechanics:The caster is flat footed for the round that this spell is cast, and while channeling it. Once this spell hits, it doesn’t have to reroll to hit each additional round until it is canceled. If the target moves out of this spell’s range or a unit or object gets in the way, this spell cancels. The caster may cancel the spell any time they wish, but they are still flat footed until the end of that round. D8 Acid life steal, 6 space range.
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality: Greenish yellow energy leaps out of the target in a constant stream to the caster. Draining the target’s life and healing the caster.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to remove 9mp from the cost of this spell if the caster has 5hp or more missing.
Life Drink
Level 5 Green, Black Spell (4)
Element: Acid, Necrotic
Mechanics: deal a d12 acid life steal.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality:The caster grips the target and drains the life from them dealing heavy damage.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to cast this for free vs terminal foes.
Rude Awakening
Level 1 Yellow, White Spell (4)
Element: Psychic, Holy
Mechanics: 6 space range, revive a target 5 rounds after their death plus their toughness mod. The revived target is frenzied with a potency of 20 vs willpower/toughness.
Cast time:1AA
Modality:The caster violently fling’s the target’s soul back into its body. The shock of this causes the target to return with mindless violence.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce the potency of this spell by 4.
Mind Slug
Level 3 Yellow, Green Spell (7)
Element: Psychic, Fuana
Mechanics: Mind control potency 12 vs willpower/toughness. The potency of this spell can be attacked to reduce the difficulty of the check.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality:The caster throws a mind slung onto the target’s head. The slug latches on and controls the mind of the target. Once the slug dettaches it dies.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add 6 space range to this spell and increase the potency by 2.
Blood Sparrow
Level 1 Gray, Green, Black, Purple Spell (4)
Element: Creation, Fauna, Necrotic, Space
Mechanics: The caster raises their arm’s and the blood splattered all over the entire battlefield turns into harmless little red birds.
Cost: 3mp
Cast time:1AA
Modality: The caster raises their arm’s and the blood splattered all over the entire battlefield turns into harmless little red birds.
Notes:The birds are neutral and controlled by no one. If the caster has this spell they may use their bonus actions as follows without casting the spell. The caster may spend 2BA to teleport through one bird and out another, phase, break line of sight.
Tongue of Takor
Level 3 Green, Purple, Yellow Spell (7)
Element: Fauna, Space, Psychic
Mechanics: The caster shares sense with the target thralled unit and can cast spells through them as well. The caster can also talk through these creatures. This can be cast on a level 0 creature and will thrall them for free, but spell’s cannot be cast through a creature thralled this way.
Cost:9mp, 1PPU
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster connects their soul with an animal sharing its senses.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp. If cast outside of battle.
Lava Lice
Level 4 Green, Black, Red (8)
Element: Disease, Fuana, Fire
Mechanics: -6FHS from the target and they take a d2 disease/fire damage potency 20 vs concentration/accuracy. Level 2 cone.
Cost:12mp, 2OBP
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster calls a dire owl to help them fight.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove 3mp and 2OBP from the cost of this spell if the majority of the target’s are humanoid.
OBP: The caster must spend 30 minutes magically altering lice.
King Leech
Level 3 Green, Black, Orange (7)
Element: Fuana, Necrotic, Summoning
Mechanics: d2 pierce damage potency 16 vs strength/lifting. Each time it is failed, the damage dice roll is increased and the potency is upped by 2. The potency of this spell can be attacked to reduce its difficulty. 6 space range. Damage this spell does heals the caster.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster conjures a leech and throws it at the target. The leech grows in size and power each round.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 3mp and give it ward level 2 if the damage of this spell kills its target.
Arms of Night
Level 3 Black (6)
Element: Shadow
Mechanics: Pinned potency 16 vs strength/lighting. The potency of this spell can be attacked to reduce the difficulty of the check. This spell can only be cast on a target standing in a shadow or at night. 6 space range.
Cast time:1AA
Modality: The caster conures black tentacles that come out of the shadows and binds the target.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add a d4 black tower counters to the potency of this spell.
Mask Of Deceit
Level 4 Black, Blue (8)
Element: Shadow, Enchant
Mechanics: Blind (all the target’s attacks miss. In addition, the target can’t see.) potency 18 vs concentration/intelligence. The potency of this spell can be attacked to reduce the difficulty of the check. 6 space range. This spell also has contagious level 1 (anyone who interacts with the target while in it’s melee zone, catches the spell’s effects.)
Cost:12mp, 2OBP
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster tosses a living shadowy mask onto the target. It holds on fast using black tentacles. Every time a nearby unit tries to remove the mask it splits in two and grows a new one that latches onto the helping person. While the mask is on it screams for help using the voice of the target.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp at night. The target’s attacks auto hit the mask.
OBP: the cast must spend 30 minutes craving a vague face into a piece of wood.
Witching Skull
Level 2 Black, Blue (6)
Element: Shadow, Necrotic, Enchant
Mechanics: The caster may spend 30 minutes magically carving a symbol into a skull. Carrying the skull puts 2 blue and black tower counters on the unit. The caster must pay the cost and cast time of this spell before they apply it to the second spell. The second spell’s cost is reduced by X6mp, where X is the number of skulls the caster is carrying carved by this spell. The skulls are then destroyed.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster stores magic inside skulls for later use.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to instantly snatch the skull from a unit subdued to blue or black tower magic. Doing so burns away the flesh of the target.
Summon a Loa
Level 74 Orange (78)
Element: Summoning
Mechanics: Summon level 9 Loa.
Cost:222mp, 8 round cooldown
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster summons a voodoo god known as a loa.
Notes: If the caster has this spell, they may communicate with Loas and do favors for them to get enchanted items and blessings.
Patron of Azagon Lacroix
Level 1 Black, White, Purple (5)
Element: Shadow, Holy, Space
Mechanics: Send a unit subdued to any color of counters to the spirit world as an offering to Azagon Lacroix. 6 space range.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster deals with the powerful Loa of death and Sex.
Notes: As a ritual with the cost of 1950 gold. The caster brings back to life someone who has lived less than 72 year who is dead no matter how long it has been since their death. However, Azagon gives them a task that is 2 times their party's level - X, where X is how many offerings have been sent to Azagon. If the party does not complete the task in 30 days then the caster and the target both die. If it is completed then the caster’s offerings to Azagon are reduced to 0.
Patron of Agau
Level 1 Black, White, Purple (5)
Element: Shadow, Holy, Space
Mechanics: Send a unit subdued to any color of counters to the spirit world as an offering to Agau. 6 space range.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster deals with the powerful Loa of death and Sex.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to