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The Rogue

A master of deception and finesse, the Charming Rogue glides through the world with a smile and a silver tongue, effortlessly weaving through crowds and conversations alike. Their cunning intellect and quick wit make them a formidable opponent in both the game of shadows and the art of persuasion. With every daring escapade and whispered promise, they leave a trail of admiration and intrigue, their charm a weapon as deadly as any blade.

Commencement Package

One spell from the class spell list.
+3 Sneak, +1 Sleight of Hand, +3 Charm, +3 Reflex, +3 Persuade, +3 Use Device, -3 Intimidate, -3 Lifting, -3 Bravery, -3 Mettle, -3 Enchanting

Level 1

2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Sneak
+1 Acrobatics
+1 Sleight of Hand

Level 2

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Seal Tampering
+1 Use Device
+1 Reflex

Level 3

2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Athletics
+1 Acrobatics
+1 Bluff

Level 4

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Sneak
+1 Acrobatics
+1 Sleight of Hand

Level 5

2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Seal Tampering
+1 Use Device
+1 Reflex

Level 6

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Athletics
+1 Acrobatics
+1 Bluff

Level 7

2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Sneak
+1 Acrobatics
+1 Sleight of Hand

Level 8

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Seal Tampering
+1 Use Device
+1 Reflex

Level 9

1 Master Feat
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Athletics
+1 Acrobatics
+1 Bluff

Spell List

Lucky Penny

Level 3 Orange, Brown, Blue Spell

Element: Luck, Talent, Enchant

Mechanics:The caster may flip a coin when attempting a skill check, if heads add 4 to the check, if tails add 0 to the check.

Cost:9mp, 1OBP

Cast time: addition spell

Modality:the caster flips their lucky coin to test their luck.

Notes: The caster has to spend 2BA to remove 9mp from the cost of this spell for the round if they haven’t dealt damage this round.

OBP: every time you roll a critical it puts 5 charges onto the coin for this spell. One charge equals 1OBP


Level 1 Orange Spell

Element: Luck

Mechanics: When attacking, flip a coin, if heads double the damage, if tails your attack misses. This can be done on attacks targeting you as well.


Cast time:addition spell

Modality: The caster uses magic to gamble their fate.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA before flipping to add a d8 to the caster's attack damage if heads is rolled.


Level 2 Purple, Blue, Brown Spell

Element: Gravity, Mechanical, Talent

Mechanics:adds 8 to Use device for the round. Within


Cast time:1MA

Modality: The caster uses telekinesis to aid in picking the target lock.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA and the normal cost of this spell to instantly open any target lock with a difficulty of 20 or lowerer.


Level 3 Yellow, Purple Spell

Element: Illusion, Gravity

Mechanics: Tangible, optical, Tasteable, olfactory.  Potency 24 vs Natural senses/Accuracy. Make an object less than 5ft look, smell, feel, and taste like another object.

Cost:9mp, 1use of mud (or dirt, sand, leaves etc.)

Cast time:1AA, 1MA

Modality: The caster takes mud and wraps it in a telekinetic force field shaped like the desired illusion. Then shrouds it in the illusion. Making the illusion solid.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell by 9mp outside of battle.

Wall Crawl

Level 2 Brown Spell

Element: Physical

Required Weapons: Hack weapons

Mechanics:caster gains Wall crawl. Within (Tags,M)

Cost:6mp, 1PPU

Cast time:Addition spell.

Modality: The caster can now crawl up walls as quickly as they can move/

Notes: If the caster has this PPU on them they may spend 2BA to break line of sight.

Create lock

Level 2 Blue, Gray Spell

Element: Mechanical, Creation

Mechanics: 6 space range, Give target door or container lock. Locks difficulty check is 18 vs lockpicking/Agility

Cost: 6mp

Cast time:1AA

Modality: The caster Generates a lock equal to or less than metal quality. The lock forms to look natural given it’s placement.

Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to increase the locks difficult check by 4 when cast.

Sense treasure

Level 1 Purple Spell

Element: Space

Mechanics: detect treasure within 9 spaces, even through walls and objects.


Cast time: 1AA

Modality: The caster has a twinkle in their eyes as they scan for gold and gems.

Notes:Treasures constatues raremetal and gems. The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 3mp and increase the range by 3 spaces.

Sense Trap

Level 1 Purple Spell

Element: Space

Mechanics: Caster potency of 22 vs use device/intelligence. detect traps within 15 spaces, even through walls and objects.


Cast time: 1MA

Modality: The caster has a twinkle in their eyes as they scan for gold and gems.

Notes:Treasures constatues raremetal and gems. The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 3mp and increase the range by 3 spaces.

Sense Traps

Level 1 Purple Spell

Element: Space

Mechanics: detect traps within 9 spaces, even through walls and objects.


Cast time: 1AA

Modality: The caster uses magic to sense danger.

Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to increase the range by 6.


Level 2 Brown, Gray, Manipulation Spell

Element: Physical

Mechanics: adds Disarm to their attack.


Cast time:1MA

Modality: The caster strikes the hand of the foe in a calculated manor causing them to release their held item.

Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to have this disarmed item fly 6 spaces in a random direction.

Split Shot

Level 2 Brown, Gray Spell

Element: Physical, Manipulation

Mechanics: adds split level 2 to an attack.


Cast time: Addition spell.

Modality: The caster shoots multiple attacks at once.

Notes:The caster may spend 2BA, 2FHS to add up to two more levels of split to the attack.

Gypsy Mark

Level 1 Yellow Spell

Element: Psychic

Mechanics: The caster writes a simple symbol on a surface. The declared allies of the caster can read the symbol and anyone who has this spell can read the symbol. When the symbol is put down, the caster can place a long telepathic message in it. The message is only accessible to those who can read it.


Cast time:addition spell

Modality: The caster writes a symbol that holds a secret meaning to his/her friends.

Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to add a check of 14 vs forgety/Intelligence to this spell. Only

Non Allies that can read this  symbol have to pass the check to gain the message.


Level 2 Gray, Blue Spell

Element: Manipulation, Enchant

Mechanics: placed on a surface and cast twain with another spell. If stepped on or moved, the units in it’s space have to clear a 24 check, vs reflex/Agility to dodge its effects.

Cost:6mp, 3OBP (plus the attached spell’s cost)

Cast time: 1AA,1MA (plus the attached spell’s cast time.)

Modality: The caster writes a magic symbol on a surface then casts a spell into it. The spell blasts forward if anyone gets in it’s area of effect.Then the rune dissipates.

Notes:The caster may spend 2BA increase the runes area of effect by 2 rings.

OBP: one level 3 gray magus chalk.


Level 5 Brown Spell

Element: Physical

Mechanics: Disarm, knock down, d2 knock back, pickup, and disengage.


Cast time:1AA

Modality: The caster rips an item from the target and bashes them to the ground.

Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to steal an item on the target’s person instead of their held item. This works only on humanoids.


Level 1 Purple Spell

Element: Time

Mechanics: Reroll a personality check

Cost:3mp (can only be done once every conversation.)

Cast time: 1MA

Modality: Erases from time the caster’s last personality check and lets them retry.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add 4 more to the following check if it is the same one as the one erased.


Level 2 Brown Spell

Element: Talent

Mechanics:add 6 bluff for the round. Within


Cast time: 1MA

Modality: The caster uses magic to search their brain quicker for believable lies.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add 4 to the check of this spell.


Level 5 Yellow Spell


Mechanics:Optical, olfactory, audio, illusion 24 vs Concentration/Intelligence, Within


Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality: The caster disguises themselves to look like another person, creature or object. The caster looks, smells, and sounds like what they are disguised as.

Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to remove 9mp from the cost of this spell if the caster is not in line of sight.


Level 3 Yellow Spell

Element: Sonic, Illusion

Mechanics:Optical, olfactory, audio illusion 24 vs


Cast time:addition spell

Modality: The caster

Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to add 4 more points to their shout skill for the round.

Create sound

Level 3 Yellow Spell

Element: Illusion

Required Weapons: Blunt weapons

Mechanics: 9 space range. Audio illusion potency 18 vs natural sense/accuracy


Cast time:1AA

Modality: The caster releases a powerful strike that plows over the target.

Notes: The Caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the caster is hidden.

Steal Heart

Level 2 Yellow Spell

Element: illusion

Special targeting stat Personality vs Personality

Mechanics:6 space range, infatuate level 2 potency 22 vs Charm/personality, only works on the opposite sex.


Cast time:1AA

Modality: The caster uses magic to woo the target.

Notes:The caster may spend 2BA and 3mp more to make the spell a love based mind control.


Level 4 Purple, Blue Spell

Element: Space, Enchanting

Mechanics: the caster places a symbol on a person or object that allows them to see out of it. This sight has 6 space x-ray vision.

Cost: 12mp

Cast time:Addition spell

Modality: The caster placings a spying symbol on the target's clothing or on a surface.

Notes:the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the caster hasn’t dealt damage this round.

Underdog’s Bite

Level 2 Brown, Orange Spell

Element: Physical, Luck

Mechanics: The caster Adds a d8 to their physical attack. Only works against units that have more hp then the caster.


Cast time:Addition spell

Modality: Luck always sides with the underdog.

Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to add a d6 to the damage of this spell if the target is a higher level then the caster.

Smoke Cloud

Level 5 Black Spell

Element: Shadow

Mechanics:Breaks line of sight, level 1 ring, blinds while in the area of effect., linger one. Can only cast if the caster hasn’t dealt damage this round.


Cast time:1AA

Modality: The caster conjures a thick dark cloud to disappear in.

Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if there is more than 1 enemy in the caster’s melee zone. The cloud is 10fet tall and can’t be seen through like a wall.

Gypsy Tunnel

Level 1 Purple, Blue Spell

Element: Space, Enchant

Mechanics:Phase 2, Ward level 1

Cost:3mp, 1OBP

Cast time:1AA

Modality: The caster places the cloth on a wall or item. Then anyone may pass through the object. The cloth can be pulled off on either side of the tunnel.

Notes:The caster may spend 1BA to remove 3mp from the cost of this spell.

OBP: requires a black cloth worth 5,000 gold, and it is not consumed by the spell.

Hitchhiker’s song

Purple Ritual

Element: Space

Mechanics: Teleports the caster to another unit playing the hitchhiker’s song. Distance can be as far as the 2 nearest towns.

Cost:an instrument worth at least 500 gold not consumed, level 2 purple magus chalk.

Cast time:30 minutes.

Modality: The caster draws a circle around themselves using the chalk, then plays the instrument for 30 minutes. During that time the chalk burns up counter clockwise. Then the caster is given the option if there is more than one person or object playing the hitchhiker’s song. Once the caster chooses, they are teleported to that location.

Midus Beg

Level 3 Gray Spell (3)

Element: Creation

Mechanics: the caster gains 150 gold.

Cost: 9mp, 9Mmp

Cast time:Addition spell

Modality: The caster creates gold with magic.

Notes:The caster can spend 2BA to remove the 9Mmp cost of this spell if it is cast in battle.


Gray Ritual

Element: Manipulation

Mechanics: The caster may put any amount of gold onto half of a magic symbol. Then flips a coin, if heads the money is doubled, if tails, the money is lost.

Cost: 0mp

Cast time:30 minutes.

Modality: The caster draws the infinity sign on the ground. Then flips a coin, if heads, the gold doubles, if tails the gold is lost forever. This coin flip can not be tampered with in any way.

Notes:The caster may Draw the infinity sign with a level 8 gray magus chalk to perform this spell on magic items.

Cheat Death

Level 3 Black, Brown Spell

Element: Necrotic, Talent

Mechanics: 6 space range, interrupt, target stays alive after death potency 16 vs bluff/personality. Check increases equal to damage taken in this state and is reduced equal to healing in this state. Even though the PPU goes on the target, it is the caster who has to clear the check for them. (Tags:Neg)

Cost: 9mp 1PPU

Cast time:1AA

Modality: The caster keeps death busy spinning yarns and bluffs for as long as he/she can.

Notes:The target can spend 2BA to. Deal a d4hp.

Grappling Hook

Level 3 Blue, Orange Spell

Element: Mechanic, summon

Mechanics: 6 space range, grabs target and pulls it to the caster. Unless the target is heavier than the target, in that case it pulls the caster to the target. Knocks the target prone, but gives it disengage for the movement. .

Cost: 9mp

Cast time:1AA

Modality: The caster conjures a magical hook that pulls objects to them or pulls them out of trouble.

Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if they haven’t dealt damage this round.

Calculated Array

Level 1 Brown, Orange Spell

Element: Physical, Luck

Mechanics:The Caster plans out their next move so perfectly that even if one iota is out of place, the whole arrangement falls apart. (¼ chance to gain 3 attack actions, and 3 move actions.)


Cast time:1AA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add 6 accuracy for the round.


Level 3 Brown Spell

Element: Physical

Mechanics:The Caster runs their body into the target knocking them back (d2 spaces) and into prone dealing minor damage. (d2 blunt damage).


Cast time:addition spell

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the target won’t hit an object with the knock back.

Stone Throw

Level 2 Brown Spell

Element: Physical

Mechanics:The Caster throws an object with force and accuracy dealing a d2 plus their strength mod of blunt damage. 6 space range.


Cast time:1AA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add a ¼ chance to double the damage and add a d6 knock back.

Treasure Hunt

Level 1 Orange Spell

Element: Luck

Mechanics:The Caster searches the spaces that they pass, using the kiss of mother luck to guide them. They have a ¼ chance to find an item decided by the DM that’s true value is worth around 300 gold. This spell takes 1 hour to cast outside of battle. The caster must have moved this round to cast this spell.


Cast time:Addition spell.

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to increase the value amount of this spell by 300 gold.


Level 9 Blue, Gray Spell (13)

Element: Mechanical, Manipulate

Mechanics:The Caster targets an object and reduces the use device and seal tamper check by 24.


Cast time:1AA, 1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp when cast outside of battle.

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