Death Knight

The Death Knight
Riding in with an aura of terror, this undead warrior is a master of armed combat and the dark art of necromancy. Diving into the heat of battle with no need to fear death as that is something this warrior welcomed into their heart long ago.
Commencement Package
One Spell from the class spell list.
+5 Scroll Writing, +4 Intimidate, +3 Willpower, +2 Mettle, -5 Persuade, -6 Charm
Level 1
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Scroll Writing
+1 Sense Magic
+1 Intimidate
Level 2
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Lifting
+1 Sense Intent
+1 Wrestle
Level 3
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Mettle
+1 Seal Tampering
+1 Investigate
Level 4
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Scroll Writing
+1 Sense Magic
+1 Intimidate
Level 5
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Lifting
+1 Sense Intent
+1 Wrestle
Level 6
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Mettle
+1 Seal Tampering
+1 Investigate
Level 7
2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Scroll Writing
+1 Sense Magic
+1 Intimidate
Level 8
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Lifting
+1 Sense Intent
+1 Wrestle
Level 9
1 Master Feat
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Mettle
+1 Seal Tampering
+1 Investigate
Spell List
Belligerent Phylactery
Black Ritual
Element: Necrotic
Mechanics: The Caster has their soul bound into a weapon. The caster becomes undead. If the caster dies and is not revived, then 8 hours later the caster reforms next to the weapon and grabs it, reuniting once more with the land of the living… sorta. If the weapon is destroyed the caster dies and their soul begins to depart to the hall of souls. If the weapon is more than 100 feet away from the caster, then the caster dies and takes 8 hours to reform near the weapon.
Cost: a host item. Level 1 black magus chalk
Cast time: 10 minutes
Rites: the caster cuts themselves and writes a rune symbol on the item and over their heart or on their head. The marks are made with their blood. Then they make a circular magics symbol all the way around them using the black Magus chalk. Then the Caster kills themselves with the item. The Caster’s soul leaves their body through the mark on them and enters the item through the mark on it. The marks on both become a permanent stain. Once the soul is in the weapon, a pulse of dark magic comes from it and into the body animating it. The caster then pulls the weapon from their body and wields it.
Notes: A variation of the ritual can be cast again to change the body or item. (Cost level 1 black magus chalk and 10 minutes )
Level 4 Black, Brown Spell (8)
Element: Necrotic, Ability
Mechanics: Within, the caster is immune to Shadow damage, heals a d2mp a round, ¼ chance to block physical attacks with an attack of your own.(Tags: imu, Er, Mp, A, C, Bd)
Cost:12mp, 1PPU
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster closes their eyes and bows their head. Then they lift their head and open their eyes. As quickly as their head rises their apparel turns black and is imbued with magic.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell's cost by 9mp if the caster is in direct darkness. (even when the spell ends the caster’s apparel remains dyed black.)
Level 6 Black, Purple Spell (10)
Element: Necrotic, Silence
Mechanics: 6 space range, Silence and Doom potency 18 vs Mettle/Toughness.
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster waves their hand at the target, slowly the target begins to realize they can’t breathe. Panic sets in and eventually death unless they clear the check or kill the caster.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the target is a lower level than the caster. (This spell does not work on units that don’t need to breathe.)
Cannibalize Parts
Level 3 black white spell (6)
Element: Holy, Necrotic
Mechanics: D12 heal, 6 space range, interrupt.
Cost: 9mp
Cast time: 1AA
Modality: The caster rakes life energy from the cells of the selected appendage into the target’s soul with an added amount of their own energy.
Notes: if cast on the caster's turn, reduce this spell's cost by 9mp and add 3 range.
Death Rake
Level 3 black white spell (3)
Element: Holy, Necrotic
Mechanics: The target adds a D12 Necrotic damage to their next attack, but gains a wound upon delivering said attack, the target has 6 black tower counters on them until this spell resolves.
Cost: 9mp
Cast time: Addition Spell
Modality: The caster rakes life energy from the cells of the selected appendage into the target’s attack adding ferocious necrotic energy to it.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 3mp and add “the target doesn’t wound themself if their damage wounds the what they are attacking.”
Phantom Choke
Level 7 black, Purple spell (11)
Element: Necrotic, Gravity
Mechanics: 6 space range, Doom and daze potency 18 vs strength/lifting, upon clearing the potency the target is knocked down and loses 1MA and 2BA for the round.
Cost: 24mp
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell's cost by 9mp if the caster's strength mod is higher than the targets.
Harrowing Strike
Level 4 Black Spell (5)
Element: Shadow
Mechanics: adds d6 shadow damage to your attack, (reduces targets agility mod by 3 with a 10 potency vs bravery/personality)
Cast time:1MA
Modality: The caster weapon pulses a dark energy upon impact. The target is terrified and disheartened.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to increase this spell’s potency by 6 vs units that have black tower counters on them.
Sheltering Phantasm
Level 4 Black, Purple, White Spell (7)
Element: Necrotic, Space, Protection, Holy
Mechanics: level 1 ring, The target gains a d6 shell with: plus 6 agility vs ranged attacks.
Cast time:1AA
Modality: The caster summons a semi ethereal skeleton that phases in an out of existence blocking ranged attacks. It crawls through the caster and object in the near vicinity.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to increase the life of the shell by a d6 if the caster was targeted by a ranged attack this round.
Undead Vigor
Level 3 Black, Brown Spell (3)
Element: Necrotic, Ability
Mechanics: Increase caster’s movement, agility, and strength by 2 for the round. Only works if the caster is undead, within
Cast time:Addition spell
Modality: The caster gains a burst of dark energy.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell's cost by 9mp if there is an allied undead unit within the caster’s melee zone.
Blood Draw
Level 4 Black, Purple Spell (7)
Element: Necrotic, Gravity
Mechanics: lure level 2:uses their move action to come toward the caster regardless of harm. The target has fly during the effect of this spell. 6 space range.
Cast time:1AA
Modality: The caster’s eye’s glow and so do the target’s. Then every drop of the target’s blood in their body begins moving toward the caster. Forcing the target to be pulled against their will toward the caster. Often kicking and screaming.
Notes: If the target is subdued to black counters, The caster may spend 2BA and 1MA to remove this spell’s cost and cast time to yank the veins out of the target's body, killing them instantly. Or throw them about without a roll. This effect has a 6 space range.
Hungering Vengeance
Level 5 Black Spell (5)
Element: Necrotic
Mechanics: adds a d6 necrotic damage with a ¼ chance that the caster steals life from the target equal to all the damage the caster has taken this round.
Cast time:Addition spell
Modality: The caster’s weapon is bathed in a red hungering energy that guzzles life from its target, often leaving them as nothing but a dried corpse.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the caster lost more than 5 hp this round.
Anti magic Field
Level 3 Purple Spell (3)
Element: Silence
Mechanics: level 3 ring, silence, spells cannot hit anything inside the area of effect. Sense magic does not work regarding anything in the area of effect. This spell and its effects end if the upkeep cost is not paid. Also the effects of the silence end for any unit that moves outside of the area of effect.
Cost:12mp upkeep cost
Cast time:1AA, 1MA continuous channeling
Modality: The caster’s chants with their arms raised as a sphere of clear dark energy swirls around them. This “energy” is really the complete absence of energy and dissipates all magics within it.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to remove 9mp from the upkeep cost of the spell if they have not taken damage this round.
Dark Reboot
Level 1 Black, White, Yellow Spell (1)
Element: Necrotic, Holy, Psychic
Mechanics: reduce yellow tower potencies on the caster by 12 for the round. The caster falls prone when cast. Within
Cast time: addition spell
Modality: The caster’s soul leaps out of their body then jumps back in rebooting the mind.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to subtract 8 more from the yellow tower potencies.
Cruel Command
Level 5 Black Spell (9)
Element: Necrotic
Mechanics: mind control, 6 space range.
Cost:15mp, 2OBP
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster controls the blood in the target’s body to puppet them briefly.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell's cost by 9mp vs humanoid targets.
2OBP: Practice controlling blood for 1 hour to gain a charge for this.
Ghost Walk
Level 4 Black, Purple Spell (7)
Element: Necrotic, Space
Mechanics: plus 4 movement, phase, (invisibility potency 22 vs sense magic/intelligence.) The invisibility of this spell only lasts 2 rounds, Within.
Cast time: 1AA
Modality: The caster enters partially into the spirit world and can pass through both planes largely unnoticed.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA, 1FHS to remove within from this spell and give it level 1 split.
Touch of the Pale Rider
Level 2 Black, Green, Brown Spell (5)
Element: Necrotic, Disease, Fauna
Mechanics: This spell can only be cast on mounts. The mount counts as undead, and gains 2 movement. The mount has a ¼ chance to copy and cast any disease spell it's raider casts. Also reimbursing the rider for that disease spell’s cost. (tags: Bd, Mp, M, MBd, ma+)
Cost:6mp (1PPU uses the mount’s slot)
Cast time: 1AA
Modality: The caster touches the mount and it lets off a spectral mist from then on or until the spell ends. The mount is undead and can fly through the air if needed.
Notes:The rider may spend 2BA to give the mount flight for the round as long as the mount still has this PPU on it still.
Ghastly Gaze
Level 5 Black, Yellow, Purple Spell (8)
Element: Fear, Silence
Mechanics: Interrupt.Target’s a unit casting a spell, the effects of this spell occur before the target finishes the rest of their turn. silences them from casting any spells from that tower with a potency of 16 vs toughness/bravery. 6 space range. If the target was casting a spell and they fail the check of this spell, then they still pay their spell's mana cost and the spell is canceled.
Cast time:1AA
Modality: The caster glares with an unworldly evil causing the target to lose confidence in their abilities.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell's cost by 9mp if the target has less life than the caster.
Control Dead
Level 2 Black, Yellow Spell (6)
Element: Necrotic, Psychic
Mechanics: D12 black tower counters
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster touches a unit filling them with dark energy. If an undead unit is overpowered by that malicious energy then the caster can harness their mind.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to remove the cost and cast time of this spell and gain permanent mind control (potency 22 vs seal tamper/intelligence can’t be done by the target.) over any undead unit subdued by black magic. Has 6 space range.
Level 3 Black, White Spell (6)
Element: Necrotic, Holy
Mechanics: revive target within 3 rounds of their death plus their toughness mod. This spell's effects are delayed by 2 rounds but the target’s death rattle is halted right away. Targets revived this way gain black tower counts on them equal to their toughness mod. 6 space range.
Cast time:1AA
Modality: The caster fills the target corpse with dark magic and uses it to repair their body and raise them to life.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to add 1 round to this spell’s delay and reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp. (this spell can be cast on living units and stays on them even if they die.)
Sense Living
Level 2 Purple, Black Spell (3)
Element: Space, Necrotic
Mechanics: can see living units, even through objects, 6 space range.
Cast time:1MA
Modality: The caster can feel the life force of other units around them.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to increase the spell’s range by 6.
Boil blood
Level 7 Black, Red Spell (11)
Element: Necrotic, Fire
Mechanics: 6 space range D20 necrotic/fire damage.
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster stretches forth their hand and the target’s blood boils within them.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to add a ¼ chance to cast this spell on the same target 2 more times.
Level 5 Black Spell (5)
Element: Necrotic
Mechanics: (d2 necrotic damage, the damage dice roll is upped every round that the target fails the check. The bleed out potency is 18 vs heal/intelligence)
Cast time:addition spell
Modality: The caster strikes the foe then uses they're hemomancy powers to draw excessive amounts of blood from the wound.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to have the damage from this spell be dealt to the target’s Mhp as well.
Level 8 Black, Green Spell (12)
Element: Necrotic, Disease
Mechanics:D8 necrotic damage. (reduce target’s toughness mod by 1. The mod reduction is increased by one every round that the target fails the check. Potency 24 vs strength/mettle. When the check is cleared the toughness mods stay lost until the target sleeps.)
Cost:24mp, 8 round cooldown
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster touches the target and they begin to weaken and shrivel.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce the spell’s cost by 9mp when attacking units that are at full health.
Gripping Ghouls
Level 4 Black Spell (8)
Element: Shadow
Mechanics: 6 space range. Level 4 ring. Lure level 2. Pulls all units in the area of effect to the center of the ring, or as close as they can get.
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster summons skeletal phantasms that pull all within the spell’s area of effect to the target location.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to increase the spell’s area of effect by 2 rings.
Proet Contra’s Siphon
Level 3 Black, White Spell (6)
Element: Necrotic, Holy
Mechanics: every time you cast this spell it’s effects alternate to the other option.
Option one: level 1 cone, d10 necrotic damage. The caster gains white and black tower counters on themselves equal to the damage dealt.
Option two: level 1 cone, d10 holy heal. The caster loses white and black tower counters on them equal to the dealt.
Cast time:1AA
Modality: The caster opens up their mouth and pulls dark energy out of the targets and into themselves. Though it makes the target’s feel happier and at ease, the energy is a part of them and weakens them. Then the caster can blow dark energy out of them, increasing the over all energy of those hit by it, but depressing their spirits.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to up the dice roll once and choose which option is being cast. Casting option one greatly increases the mood of the targets. Option 2 depresses them.
Infect Energy
Level 5 Black, Green, White Spell (6)
Element: Disease, Alteration
Mechanics:interrupt, Changes target spell that is currently being cast into disease damage and potency gains a potency of 12 vs mettle/toughness. 6 space range.
Cast time:1MA
Modality: The caster Shouts a brief incantation that turns the target’s spell into pale green plague.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s mana cost by 12mp if targeting an ally spell or spell the caster is casting.
Chromatic Infection
Level 4 Black, Green Spell (8)
Element: Disease
Mechanics:any time the target casts a spell they gain a d8 X counters on them where X is the colors of the spell cast, potency 20 vs mettle/toughness. Level 2 cone.
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster Shouts a brief incantation that turns the target’s spell into pale green plague.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to add to the potency of this spell a d4 X counters each round. Where X is the color of spell they have the most of.
Souls Betrayal
Level 5 White, Orange, Black Spell (9)
Element: Necrotic, Summoning, Holy, Alteration
Mechanics:Ward level 2 the ward is immune to physical damage, duplicates any spell the target casts. The caster may choose a new target for the duplication. (this spell can only be cast on enemies. The spell loses effect if the target gets controlled.) can only target humanoid units.
Cost:15mp, 2OBP
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster summons a spirit that looks identical to the target. The spirit swirls around the target and mimics their voice and magic as they speak.
Ward: The ward is a spirit that looks like the target.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the target has black tower counters on them.
2OBP: The caster takes 1 hour to conjure a mischievous spirit which he/she pulls into themselves to use for this spell later.
Angel Rot
Level 4 Black, Green Spell (8)
Element: Disease
Mechanics: level 1 cone. Every time the target is healed they take a d6 disease damage. 20 potency vs Toughness/Mettle.
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster puts a disease on the target that makes them partially undead, so that holy magics and even natural healing agents burn their flesh.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to increase the potency of this spell by 4.
Level 4 Black Spell (8)
Element: Shadow, Necrotic
Mechanics: add a d20 shadow damage to an attack. But the caster’s agility mod is reduced by 1 for the battle.
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster puts some of their own anima into their attack empowering it, but draining themselves greatly, causing them to look more undead.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell 3 more accuracy if the caster is missing 6 or more hp.
Testicular Torsion
Level 6 Black Spell (10)
Element: Shadow, Necrotic
Mechanics: deals a d6 black tower counters and daze potency 22 vs mettle/toughness. Can only be cast on male targets.
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster Inflict excruciating pain upon the target's lower anatomy, causing them to be stunned in pain. The caster's agility stat is decreased by 2 for the remainder of the encounter due to the strain of manipulating such dark energies.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 18mp if they have slept with the target.
Reaper Emblem
Level 2 Black, Brown Spell (6)
Element: Shadow, Ability
Mechanics: caster potency 22 vs scroll writing/intelligence. interrupt, Within, gives the caster “gain a d2 mp regeneration for the battle upon a finishing blow.” (Mp, Er, X)
Cost:6mp, 1PPU
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster quickly slashes a rune into the air. The rune them bind’s into their soul and absorbs the spirits of the fallen into them.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell's caster potency by 10.
Reaper Blade
Level 2 Black, Brown Spell (6)
Element: Shadow, Ability
Mechanics:add to a weapon Upon a finishing blow gain X.where X is one of the following chosen by the caster: (tags apply)
+1 strength mod for the battle. (X,S)
+1 agility mod for the battle. (X, Agi)
+1 accuracy mod for the battle. (X, Ac)
A d10 hp (X, Hp)
A d10 mp (X, Mp)
A d2 hp regeneration for the battle.for the battle. (X, Er, Hp)
A d2 Mp regeneration for the battle. (X, Er, Mp)
+1 armor for the battle. (X, BL)
Lower critical hit ratio by 2 for the battle. (X, Cri)
Cost:3mp, 1PPU
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster quickly slashes a rune into the air. The rune them bind’s into their soul and absorbs the spirits of the fallen into them.
Notes: This spell can be put on a weapon as a Device.
Device:Reaper Blade
Level 1 Black, Blue Device
Element: Shadow, Mechanical, Enchant
Mechanics:add to a weapon Upon a finishing blow gain X.where X is one of the following chosen by the caster: (tags apply)
+1 strength mod for the battle. (X,S)
+1 agility mod for the battle. (X, Agi)
+1 accuracy mod for the battle. (X, Ac)
A d10 hp (X, Hp)
A d10 mp (X, Mp)
A d2 hp regeneration for the battle.for the battle. (X, Er, Hp)
A d2 Mp regeneration for the battle. (X, Er, Mp)
+1 armor for the battle. (X, BL)
Lower critical hit ratio by 2 for the battle. (X, Cri)
Cost: 600 gold 22 scroll writing/intelligence.
Cast time: 60 minutes
Modality:the caster puts dark runes into a weapon, causing it to feed off death.
Notes: if this item is attuned or equipped as a PPU you may spend 2BA at any time to make the weapon deal double to terminal targets and harvest its chosen advantage one additional time for the round.
Betrayal of Arms
Level 6 Black, Blue Spell (10)
Element: Shadow, Mechanical
Mechanics: 6 space range, d6 shadow damage, disarm item 6 spaces in a random direction.split level 2.
Cost:18mp, 2FHS
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster quickly slashes a rune into the air. The rune them bind’s into their soul and absorbs the spirits of the fallen into them.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell's cost by 12mp if an enemy unit drew a weapon this round.
Level 3 Black, White Spell (7)
Element: Necrotic, Creation
Mechanics: wounds the casters, permanently create a basic bone weapon and instantly equip it, silence immunity level 3.
Cost:9mp (9Mmp if cast outside of battle)
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster’s limb tears in half giving way to a new bone weapon. This deep rooted spell cannot be silenced and often surprises unsuspecting foes.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to make this a sneak attack.
Reaving Missile
Level 3 Black Spell (6)
Element: Shadow, Necrotic
Mechanics: level 3 link, Xd6 shadow damage, where X is equal to the amount of units that have died during this battle.
Cast time: 1AA
Modality:the caster conjures a grave energy that increases in power with the presence of death.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell's cost by 9mp if a unit already died in thi9s battle.
Kill Steal
Level 2 Black, White Spell (2)
Element: Shadow, Necrotic, Alteration
Mechanics: caster potency 17 vs reflex/agility, Interrupt, 6 space range, if the target unit made a finishing blow this round, it no longer counts as a finishing blow for them, but for the caster instead.
Cast time: Addition spell
Modality:the caster snatches the departing soul from the grasp of another.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell 6 more spaces of range.
Grim Harvest
Level 1 Black, White Spell (2)
Element: Shadow, Holy
Mechanics: revive all enemy units in a level 2 ring.
Cast time: 1MA
Modality:the caster reviews their foes for the joy of killing them again.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to allow this spell to revive ally units as well and add a ring to it.
Dark Shell
Level 3 Black, White Spell (7)
Element: Shadow, Protection
Mechanics: The target gains a d6 shell with: immunity to fire, light, holy, and lightning.
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster protects the target with a thick magic.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add Shadow and necrotic immunity to the shell of this spell.
Foul Shell
Level 3 Black, White, Green Spell (7)
Element: Protection, Poison, Acid, Disease, Necrotic, Flora, Fauna
Mechanics: The target gains a d6 shell with: immunity to Poison, Acid, Disease, Necrotic
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster protects the target with a thick magic.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add Flora and Fauna immunity to the shell of this spell.
Psionic Shell
Level 3 Black, White, Yellow, Purple Spell (7)
Element: Shadow, Protection, Psychic, Illusion, Sonic, Fear, Silence
Mechanics: The target gains a d6 shell with: immunity to Psychic, Illusion, Sonic, Fear
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster protects the target with a thick magic.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add Shadow and Silence immunity to the shell of this spell.
Harden Shell
Level 3 White Spell (6)
Element: Alteration
Mechanics:6 space range, add a d8 to the life of a target shell and if the caster wants it heals the target that much hp as well.
Cast time: 1AA
Modality:the caster fortifies a shell's power.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add a d4 more to the target shell’s life/healing.
Shell Shock
Level 1 Black, White Spell (4)
Element: Shadow, Alteration
Mechanics: 6 space range, remove a target shell and deal its life as shadow damage in a level 2 ring, friendly fire.
Cast time: 1AA
Modality:the caster explodes a target’s shell in a shadow blast.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add two more levels of ring to the effects of this spell.
Ghost Shell
Level 3 Black, White Spell (7)
Element: Shadow, Holy
Mechanics: The target gains a d6 shell with: immunity to Slash, Hack, Pierce, and Blunt.
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster infuses the target’s soul with phantom energies that make them have some attributes of a ghost.
Notes: The unit with this shell on them, may spend 2BA to fly half movement and gain phase for the round.
Black Shell
Level 3 Black, White Spell (7)
Element: Shadow, Alteration
Mechanics: 6 space range, The target gains a d6 shell with: any damage dealt puts that many black tower counters on the target unit.
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster shrouds the target with a cloak that taints all damage the target receives.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add a d6 to this shell if the target is humanoid.
Level 4 Black, Brown Spell (8)
Element: Shadow, Ability
Mechanics:The target gains a d6 shell with: -3 agility, and -4 movement.
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster summons an evil spirit that weighs down and slows the target.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add 6 space range and -6mp from the cost of this spell if cast on a humanoid.
Iron Shell
Level 3 Brown Spell (7)
Element: Ability
Mechanics:The target gains a d6 shell with: If 6 point or less damage is dealt to you, ignore it.
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster shrouds the target with a cloak of iron-like magic.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add immunity to the multiplying effect of criticals. And a d2 more life to the shell of this spell.
Haunted Rampage
Level 3 Black, White Spell (7)
Element: Shadow, Holy
Mechanics: 6 space range, The target gains a d8 shell with: frenzy.
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster summons an evil spirit that possesses the target and flies into a wicked rage.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add 6 space range and increase the shell’s life by a d4.
Spectral Puppetry
Level 5 Black, White Spell (9)
Element: Shadow, Holy
Mechanics: 6 space range, The target gains a d8 shell with: mind control
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster summons an evil spirit that possesses the target and obeys the caster’s commands.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to increase this shell’s life by a d4.
Haunted Strength
Level 5 Black, White, Brown Spell (9)
Element: Shadow, Holy, Ability
Mechanics: The target gains a d6 shell with:plus 3 strength mod.
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster sends out a spirit that co-occupies the target’s body enhancing their strength greatly.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast on the caster.
Shell's Blessing
Level 5 Black, Brown Spell (9)
Element: Shadow, Ability
Mechanics: The target gains the personal power up “heal d10 hp and give a shell on you a d10 hp as well upon a finishing blow. (Hp, Hp, X, X)”
Cost:15mp, 1PPU
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster shrouds the target in a strength fortifying energy.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast on the caster.
Level 4 Green Spell (7)
Element: Flora, Poison
Mechanics: 6 space range, daze potency 12 vs strength/lifting. This potency can be attacked to lower the check. Upon the potency being cleared deal a d10 flora/poison damage in a level 1 ring. The unit that was in the potency is auto hit by this damage, but other units in the area of effect must clear a 17 vs reflex and agility to dodge the damage.
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster raises up vines of hemlock like plants that wrap around the target. If the target is attacked, the plants release a poisonous gas and retreat.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to add a d4 damage to the flora/poison damage for every round the potency isn’t cleared.
Spirit Reliquary
Level 5 Black, White Spell (9)
Element: Shadow, Holy
Mechanics: d2 black tower counters potency 22 vs bravery/personality. When cleared, if the caster is dead then they are revived with as much life as the target has black tower counters on them, then all those black tower counters are removed.
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster hides a small portion of their soul in the target each round, then if they die, it returns to their body.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 15mp if the caster is terminal.
Feeding Frenzy
Level 5 Brown Spell (9)
Element: Ability
Mechanics: each round the potency isn’t cleared the target emits a level 1 ring that gives units +3 strength for the round. This only affects the target’s enemies. potency 18 vs bravery/personality. When cleared, if the caster is dead then they are revived with as much life as the target has black tower counters on them, then all those black tower counters are removed.
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster causes the target to emit a rage inducing aura.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to cast this spell at 6 space range and give it a level 1 ring.
Level 5 Black, Blue Spell (5)
Element: Necrotic, Animation
Mechanics: add to an attack, if this attack kills, then revive the killed unit or units under the casters control, only they count as undead revenants in addition to their other types.
Cast time: Addition Spell
Modality:the caster adds to their undead army with the foes that fall victim to their blade.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the caster already has at least 1 thralled unit.
Level 8 Black, Orange Spell (12)
Element: Necrotic, Summoning, Chaos
Mechanics: Until the target clears the potency, summon a level 1 demon or undead unit without summoning sickness that is taunted to the target. Potency 18 vs bravery/personality.
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster opens a small window to hell and attaches it to the target's soul. Creatures leap out and try to claim the soul.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell 6 space range and insurance.
Necrotic Reliquary
Level 5 Black, Blue Spell (5)
Element: Necrotic, Animation
Mechanics: 6 space range, raise a target corpse as a level 1 zombie and halt its death rattle if any. Once the zombie is killed or dismissed, revive is cast on the corpse.
Cost:9mp, 4 round cooldown
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster raises a zombie that protects the target corpse's soul from leaving. Then when the zombie dies it’s life energy sparks the soul.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to heal the revived unit a d4 hp for each round the zombie lived.
Raise a Loyal Zombie
Level 1 Black, Blue Spell (4)
Element: Necrotic, Animation
Mechanics: The caster raises a level 1 zombie.
Cost:3mp, 1SS, one corpse (Thrall cost 6 Mhp)
Cast time:1AA
Modality:The caster animates a corpse into a ravenous zombie.
Notes: The caster can spend the 2BA to remove summoning sickness from the zombie if it was a unit the caster killed themselves.
Skeletal Steed
Level 1 Black, Orange Spell (5)
Element: Necrotic, Summon
Mechanics: summon a level 1 Skeletal Steed.
Cost:3mp, (thrall cost 6Mhp)
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: summon an animated horse skeleton. With a saddle and supplies.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove 3mp from the cost of this spell and give it 6 space range, if it is cast outside of battle and out of a structure. (1 meal worth of food and water comes with the bone horse as does a saddle. All items summoned with the horse or left in it’s saddle bags disappear when the horse does. If the caster dies and the horse is unsummoned. The items left in the saddle bags appear on top of the caster's corpse. If the saddle is removed more than 10 feet from the horse it turns to smoke as do the items in its bags until the next time the horse is summoned. There are 2 saddle bags each can hold about 50 pounds of goods.)
Skeletal Steed (level 1)
HP: 21 MP:6 EXP:1
Stats: +2 strength, +2 Agility, +6 move, -3 intelligence, -2 Utility
Tough guy: gain 6 Hp. (Health)
(Gives to it’s rider) High Ground: Increase accuracy mod by 2 when attacking from high ground. (Abo, Ac)
Undead Constructs: Takes damage from holy healing effects, but heals from necrotic damage. Immunity to poison, psychic, fear, disease, and doom effects.
Weaknesses: takes double from holy damage.
Multiply the net damage you take by the destruction level of the attack +1.
Skills: +8 jump, +8 sprint, +3 mettle
Zombie (level 1)
HP: 15 MP: 9 EXP:1
Stats: +3 strength, -2 Agility, -2 intelligence, -2 personality, -2 move
Hulking Horde: gain +1 strength mod for every ally unit in the target’s melee zone -1. (GS, S)
Zombie resilience 2: every 2 rounds revive is cast on you if the battle is still going, unless the finishing damage was targeting the head. (oX, oX)
Dark energy 2: add a d4 black tower counter to your attack. (U, U)
Life Eater: heal 5 Hp upon a finishing blow. (Hp, X)
Undead Constructs: Takes damage from holy healing effects, but heals from necrotic damage. Immunity to poison, psychic, fear, disease, and doom effects.
Weaknesses: takes double from holy damage.
Multiply the net damage you take by the destruction level of the attack +1.
Skills: +8 mettle, +8 lift, +8 sense magic, +5 climb, +4 wrestle, -4 acrobatics, -4 reflex