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The Psychic

Veiled in mystery and deception, the Psychic wields the power of the mind to warp perception and bend reality to their whim. Through their mastery of illusion magic, they craft intricate phantasms and beguiling mirages, weaving a tapestry of deceit that confounds the senses of friend and foe alike. With each flick of their wrist, they conjure illusions so vivid and lifelike that even the most astute minds are ensnared in their enchanting web. In the hands of an Illusionist, truth becomes but a fleeting illusion, and the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur into a mesmerizing dance of shadows and light.

Commencement Package

One Spell from the class spell list.
+5 Willpower, +5 Sense Magic, -3 Lifting, -4 Wrestling

Level 1

2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Sense Intent
+1 Scroll Writing
+1 Sense Magic

Level 2

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Willpower
+1 Concentration
+1 Seal Tampering

Level 3

2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Knowledge of Arcane
+1 Concentration
+1 Sense Intent

Level 4

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Sense Intent
+1 Scroll Writing
+1 Sense Magic

Level 5

2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Willpower
+1 Concentration
+1 Seal Tampering

Level 6

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Knowledge of Arcane
+1 Concentration
+1 Sense Intent

Level 7

2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Sense Intent
+1 Scroll Writing
+1 Sense Magic

Level 8

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Willpower
+1 Concentration
+1 Seal Tampering

Level 9

1 Master Feat
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Knowledge of Arcane
+1 Concentration
+1 Sense Intent

Spell List

Reverberating Scream

Level 1 Yellow Spell (5)

Element: Sonic

Mechanics: d6 sonic damage potency 14 vs concentration/toughness, level 1 cone


Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality:The caster magically shouts so loudly the vibrations echo through the mind and can eventually drop creatures dead.

Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to add a level 2 cone.

Cosmic Shout

Level 2 Yellow Spell (6)

Element: Sonic

Mechanics: d12 sonic damage, infinite range straight up from the target space. Can only be cast outside of structures.


Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality:The caster rains in a bizarre sound from the cosmos down upon the target.

Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to add a level 2 ring to the effects of this spell.


Level 6 Yellow Spell (10)

Element: Sonic

Mechanics: d20 sonic damage, level 2 cone, the caster can’t dodge the round this spell is cast.


Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality:The caster magically shouts so loudly the vibrations echo through the mind and can eventually drop creatures dead.

Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to reduce this spells cost by 9mp if

Hyper frequency

Level 6 Yellow Spell (10)

Element: Sonic

Mechanics: d20 sonic damage, 6 space range, beam, the caster can’t dodge the round this spell is cast. This spell only affects beasts.


Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality:The caster makes a super high pitches sound that only

Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to reduce this spells cost by 9mp if

Lesser illusion

Level 3 Yellow Spell (6)

Element: Illusion

Mechanics: 6 space range, 5ft cubed optical, and mobile illusion potency 18 vs natural senses/accuracy.


Cast time:1AA

Modality:The caster conjures up an illusion that can look like anything and move about.

Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to give this spell 15 foot cubed optical illusion instead of 5ft.


Level 3 Yellow Spell (6)

Element: Illusion

Mechanics: 6 space range, calm (The target can't attack with their attack action.)  potency 18 vs concentration/intelligence.


Cast time:1AA

Modality:The caster closes their eyes and transfers a serene turquoise looking energy into the target that briefly takes violence out of their minds and hearts.

Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to give this spell’s potency a d12hp heal and deal that many yellow tower counters.

Psychic Hammer

Level 2 Yellow Spell (5)

Element: Psychic

Mechanics: 6 space range, d6 psychic damage, ¼ chance to deal the caster’s intelligence mod as knock back.


Cast time:1AA

Modality:The caster psychically attacks the mind of the foe, Which causes the body to physically respond as if it were damaged. Stronger minded caters can even toss their foes about with this spell.

Notes: The caster can spend 2BA,1MA to add two more d4 chances to this spell and give it knock down.


Level 4 Yellow Spell (7)

Element: Psychic

Mechanics: 6 space range, d12 yellow tower counters.


Cast time:1AA

Modality:The caster fills their mind with psychic energizers that cause them to hear a debilitating ringing sound. This sound at high levels can cause insanity.

Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to remove the cost and cast time of this spell and instantly scramble the mind of a unit subdued by yellow tower counters. This renders the target permanently insane.


Level 5 Yellow Spell (7)

Element: Psychic

Mechanics: Caster potency 17 vs concentration/intelligence, level 3 cone, Daze(The target can't act or dodge until another unit engages them)  potency 22 vs concentration/intelligence.


Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality:The caster sends a pulse containing a convoluted psychic message that takes the brain a while to process, briefly leaving any targets vulnerable to attacks.

Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if outnumbered.

Lesser Mind Control

Level 3 Yellow Spell (7)

Element: Psychic

Mechanics: caster potency of (12 + the target’s willpower/intelligence) vs the caster’s roll plus their concentration/intelligence. 6 space range, Mind control (The caster controls the target’s move action and attack action. The caster can't make the target hurt themselves. The target will still dodge attacks and harm normally. If the caster intentionally attacks the target the effect is lost.)  potency 12 vs willpower/intelligence.


Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality:The caster psychically takes hold of the target's mind and has them do their binding.

Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to reduce the caster potency of this spell by 4.

Mind Control

Level 3 Yellow Spell (7)

Element: Psychic

Mechanics:Caster potency 22 vs concentration/intelligence, 6 space range, Mind control (The caster controls the target’s move action and attack action. The caster can't make the target hurt themselves. The target will still dodge attacks and harm normally. If the caster intentionally attacks the target the effect is lost.)  potency 18 vs willpower/intelligence.

Cost:9mp, 8 round cooldown

Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality:The caster psychically takes hold of the target's mind and has them do their binding.

Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to remove the cooldown from this spell if the target is a humanoid and a lower level then them.


Level 5 Yellow Spell (9)

Element: Psychic

Mechanics:Caster potency 22 vs concentration/intelligence, 6 space range, deals a d2 yellow tower counters and Mind control (The caster controls the target’s move action and attack action. The caster can't make the target hurt themselves. The target will still dodge attacks and harm normally. If the caster intentionally attacks the target the effect is lost.)  potency 14 vs willpower/intelligence. The caster can’t dodge the round this spell is cast.


Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality:The caster psychically takes hold of the target's mind and has them do their binding.

Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to remove the cost and cast time of this spell and permanently control a unit subdued to yellow tower counters. This unit however takes EXP like any other NPC.

Push Thought

Level 3 Yellow Spell (7)

Element: Psychic

Mechanics: Special aiming and target stat of intelligence. caster potency of (12 + the target’s willpower/intelligence) vs the caster’s roll plus their concentration/intelligence. 6 space range, The target must perform an action they can reasonably do with one turn. This spell does not resolve until the action is performed or until this spell is sealed tampered off. The action can not include directly hurting oneself or loved ones.


Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality:The caster psychically places a thought in the target’s mind that they feel they must carry out.

Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to reduce the caster potency of this spell by 4.


Level 6 Yellow Spell (10)

Element: Psychic

Mechanics: Special aiming and target stat of intelligence. caster potency of (12 + the target’s willpower/intelligence) vs the caster’s roll plus their concentration/intelligence. 6 space range, The target must perform an action they can reasonably do with one turn. This spell does not resolve until the action is performed or until this spell is sealed tampered off. The action can include directly hurting oneself or loved ones.


Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality:The caster psychically places a thought in the target’s mind that they feel they must carry out no matter the consequences.

Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the target is a lower level than the caster.

Detect Minds

Level 3 Yellow, Purple Spell (4)

Element: Psychic, Space

Mechanics: Detect any unit on the battlefield with independent thoughts, through even walls.


Cast time:1MA

Modality:The caster can psychically sense those nearby.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp outside of mattle.

Psionic Weapon

Level 3 Yellow Spell (6)

Element: Psychic

Mechanics: The caster creates any basic weapon out of partially translucent psionic energy. The weapon remains until the end of the battle and deals Psychic damage instead of its normal damage type.


Cast time:1AA

Modality:The caster channels psionic energy into the form of a weapon or shield. This energy is stable for disappears at the end of the conflict.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to create any basic object, not just any weapon.


Level 6 Yellow Spell (10)


Mechanics: sleep (wake up after another unit engages you unless it’s non combat like moving or going through their pockets, if they are engaged in this way the target may attempt to clear the check again whenever engaged in this way. When the target wakes up they may use a reaction Bonus action to stand up) potency 22 vs willpower/intelligence.


Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality:The caster touches the target’s head and uses magic to put them to sleep.

Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 12mp if the caster is hidden.

Memory Manipulation

Level 2 Yellow Spell (5)

Element: Psychic

Mechanics: deals a d10 yellow tower counters.


Cast time:1AA


Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to manipulate the memories of a target creature subbed to yellow tower counters. The caster can implant false memories, alter existing memories, or erase memories altogether, making the target forget important information or even their own identity.

Mirror Images

Level 3 Yellow Spell (6)

Element: Illusion

Mechanics:The caster creates 4 illusionary (optical and mobile) copies of themselves that move and act independently uncontrolled by the caster, making it difficult for enemies to target the real one. The potency to see through the illusions is 16 vs natural senses/accuracy. The spell lasts 3 rounds before the illusions disappear.


Cast time:1AA

Modality:The spell creates 4 identical, mirror-image versions of themselves that move and act independently, confusing enemies and forcing them to waste attacks on the illusions.

Notes: The caster can spend 2BA any time this spell is active, to control 1 of the mirror images actions for the round.

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