Gray Mage

The Gray Mage
The Gray Mage epitomizes the delicate equilibrium between creation and destruction, commanding a diverse repertoire of versatile magics. With but a fleeting notion, they manipulate the very essence of reality, molding both matter and energy to their whims through adept manipulation and transmutation. By harnessing the invisible threads of gravity, they effortlessly traverse the boundary between the tangible and the intangible. In their hands, the distinction between the actual and the potential becomes indistinct, as they deftly navigate the intricate harmony between order and chaos, creation and decay.
Commencement Package
One spell from the class spell list.
+3 Knowledge of Arcane, +3 Enchanting, +2 Seal Tampering, +2 Scroll Writing, +2 Sense Magic, -3 Mettle, -3 Lifting, -3 Wrestle
Level 1
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Seal Tampering
+1 Scroll Writing
+1 Sense Magic
Level 2
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Seal Tampering
+1 Scroll Writing
+1 Sense Magic
Level 3
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Knowledge of Arcane
+1 Concentration
+1 Enchanting
Level 4
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Seal Tampering
+1 Scroll Writing
+1 Sense Magic
Level 5
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Seal Tampering
+1 Scroll Writing
+1 Sense Magic
Level 6
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Knowledge of Arcane
+1 Concentration
+1 Enchanting
Level 7
2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Seal Tampering
+1 Scroll Writing
+1 Sense Magic
Level 8
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Seal Tampering
+1 Scroll Writing
+1 Sense Magic
Level 9
1 Master Feat
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Knowledge of Arcane
+1 Concentration
+1 Enchanting
Spell List
Level 5 Gray Spell
Element: Manipulation
Mechanics: Interrupt 6 space range, add a level 3 ring to the target caster’s spell.
Cast Time:1MA
Modality:the caster intercepts a spell and adds a few modifications to it.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA to remove 1MA from the cast time of this spell and 12mp for this spell’s cost to target one of the caster’s own spells.
Level 3 Gray, Purple Spell
Element: Manipulation, Silence
Mechanics: Interrupt 6 space range, reduce the target caster’s spell’s area of effects by up to 2 levels.
Cast Time:1MA
Modality: the caster intercepts a spell and adds a few modifications to it.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the target is casting a spell with a greater level than 3.
Increase Potency
Level 5 Gray Spell
Element: Manipulation
Mechanics: Interrupt 6 space range, add 6 potency to the target caster’s spell (only if it has a potency).
Cast Time:1MA
Modality:the caster intercepts a spell and adds a few modifications to it.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA to remove 1MA from the cast time of this spell and 12mp for this spell’s cost to target one of the caster’s own spells.
Level 5 Gray, Purple Spell
Element: Manipulation, Silence
Mechanics: Interrupt 6 space range, reduce the target caster’s spell’s potency by 6.
Cast Time:1MA
Modality:the caster intercepts a spell and adds a few modifications to it.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the target is casting a spell with a greater level than 3.
Level 3 Gray, Purple Spell (3)
Element: Manipulation, Silence
Mechanics: add a condition to a spell you cast that makes it so the spell’s effect does not occur until the condition Is met. The caster has counters on them equal to the spell’s true level. The counters are the colors associated with the spell.
Cast Time: addition spell
Modality:the caster intercepts a spell and adds a few modifications to it.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the target is casting a spell with a greater level than 3.
Level 5 Gray Spell (6)
Element: Manipulation
Mechanics: Interrupt 6 space range, up the target caster’s spell damage or counters by 3.(if it has damage or counters)
Cost: 15mp
Cast Time:1MA
Modality:the caster intercepts a spell and adds a few modifications to it.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA to remove 1MA from the cast time of this spell and 12mp for this spell’s cost to target one of the caster’s own spells.
Power Down
Level 5 Gray, Purple Spell (6)
Element: Manipulation, Silence
Mechanics: Interrupt 6 space range, reduce the target caster’s spell’s damage/counter dice roll by 3.
Cast Time:1MA
Modality:the caster intercepts a spell and adds a few modifications to it.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the target is casting a spell with a greater level than 3.
Shatter Spell
Level 2 Gray Spell
Element: Manipulation
Mechanics:any time the target casts a spell, the opposing force gets to copy the spell and choose new targets for the copied spell. 16 vs concentration/accuracy.
Cast Time:1AA
Notes:The caster may use 2BA to add a ¼ chance to copy the spell 2 more times.
Without a Trace
Level 3 Purple, Gray Spell
Element: Silence, Manipulation
Mechanics: The target leaves no tracks and moves full spaces while sneaking or swimming.(invis, M)
Cast Time:1AA
Modality:the caster touches the target and they become null, having no smell, and lightweight leaving no tracks, and seem to be in a shroud of obscurity.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA to make it so that the target’s face is unrecognizable even though it hasn’t been changed. Outside of battle.
Sweet Dreams
Level 2 Gray, Yellow Spell
Element: Manipulation, Psychic
Mechanics:add 10 potency to an already sleeping target’s check to wake up.
Cast Time:1AA
Modality:the caster uses magic on a sleeping target, to change the flow of stagnant mana into the target, doing so intensifies the hold of their slumber. People have always reported having the best dreams of their life under such a spell.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA to remove the cost of this spell. If this spell is cast on someone, each hour of sleep counts as double for healing and penalty removal.
Color Shift
Level 2 Gray Spell
Element: Manipulation
Mechanics:6 space range, change the color of the magic counters on a target to another color.
Cast Time:1MA
Modality:the caster uses the charged magic within a target to change to another magic type..
Notes:The caster may use 2BA to add a d4 counters of the color it gets changed too.
Level 1 Gray Spell
Element: Manipulation
Mechanics:6 space range, increase a unit’s giant status by 1 level.(G)
Cast Time:1AA
Modality:the caster flings a thick slime-like gray mass of magic at the allied target, it sinks into the target, then the target begins to grow.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA,1MA to give this spell ½ chance to add another size category.
Level 1 Gray Spell
Element: Manipulation
Mechanics:6 space range,lower a units giant status by 1 level.
Cast Time:1AA
Modality:the caster shoots from their palm a silver spark into the allied target. The target and their items begin to shrink.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA,1MA to Allow this spell to be cast on enemies, with a potency 18 vs Concentration/Accuracy. It replaces 1 Personal power they all ready have on unless they have an empty slot. They can’t replace this PPU until they clear the check.
Level 4 Gray Spell
Element: manipulation
Mechanics:6 space range,(lower a units giant status by 1 level, potency 22 vs Concentration/Accuracy), disarm level 5
Cost:12mp, 8 round cooldown
Cast Time:1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster zaps the target with a silvery bolt of electricity. The target shrinks instantly, so fast in fact that their items and clothes fall off.
Notes:the caster may cast this spell for free and to any degree on a target subbed to gray tower magic.
Shrink Ray
Level 3 Gray Spell
Element: Manipulation
Mechanics:6 space range, beam, level 1 ring,(lower a units giant status by 1 level, potency 18 vs Concentration/Accuracy)
Cast Time:1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster stretches their hand at the targets. A wave of silver energy bursts forth, the targets and their items begin to shrink.
Notes: the caster may use 2BA to add another level 1 ring and 3 spaces range to this spell.
Level 1 Red, Gray Spell
Element: Fire, Manipulation
Mechanics:6 space range, d6 gray counters
Cast Time:1AA
Notes: the caster may use 2BA to explode a target subdued by red or gray magic.
Level 1 Gray, Red Spell
Element: Fire, Ice, Gravity
Mechanics:put a d6 gray counters on a target. 6 space range
Cast Time:1AA
Modality:the caster may change the charged energy within a target to heat, cold or pressure.
Notes: The caster may use 2BA to change the counters on a target to blunt damage, ice damage or Fire damage.
Level 3 Gray Spell
Element: Transmutation
Mechanics: The Caster can convert metal or weaker materials into any material of the same or lesser value. 6 space range, 5 by 5 foot area.
Cast Time:1AA, 1MA
Modality:the caster transmutes any non magic material into any material of equal or lesser value.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA to add 6 space range, and make the area of effect 15 by 15 feet.
Level 1 Gray Spell
Element: Transmutation, Creation
Mechanics: The Caster creates 4 uses of level 1 food.
Cast Time:Addition spell.
Modality:the caster grabs mounds of matter, such as sand, straw, clothes etc. and uses magic to transform it into food.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA to turn the food to level 3 food.
Mar-java’s Feast
Level 1 Gray, Green Spell
Element: Transmutation, Fauna
Mechanics:turn a level 0 unit into a meal worth of food. Or turn food into a level 0 creature.
Cast Time:Addition spell.
Modality:the caster may change a food item, for example a pear, into an animal for an example a rat. Or turn the animal into a food item. A frothy glowing lime green liquid falls off of the item or creature during transition and dissipates before it even gets to the floor.
Notes: The caster may use 2BA to give the spell 3 space range and a level 1 ring.
Hand of Midas
Level 8 Gray Spell
Element: Transmutation
Mechanics: the caster may turn a unit subdued by gray magic and smaller than 10ft into a hollow gold statue. The value of which is 100 gold per foot tall the unit was. The unit can’t be revived.
Cast Time:1AA
Modality:the caster touches the target and they quickly turn into gold. Their insides however, turn into air, making the hollow gold statue pressurized.
Notes:the caster may spend 1BA to allow this spell to work on terminal foe’s as well.
Wood into steel
Level 3 Gray Spell
Element: Transmutation
Mechanics: the caster turns one use of wood into steel.
Cast Time:1AA
Modality:the caster touches the item and fills it with magic, then once full it turns to steel.
Notes: the caster may use 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp in battle.
Sand to plants
Level 1 Gray, Green, Red Spell
Element: Transmutation, Earth, Flora
Mechanics: turn sand to plants on the whole battlefield. You can adjust what is turned to plants and what is not.
Cast Time:1AA
Modality: a pulse of energy comes out of the caster transmutation sand into plants.The caster can stretch their hand and reduce what is turned into plants and what is not.
Notes: the caster may use 1BA to turn plants into sand.
Water to Fire
Level 3 Gray, Red Spell
Element:Transmutation, Fire
Mechanics: turn water to fire on the entire battlefield. You can adjust what is turned to fire and what is not.
Cast Time:1AA
Modality: a pulse of energy comes out of the caster turning all water into fire.
Notes:The caster may spend 1BA to do the reverse and turn fire into water. (The fire deals a d2 fire damage to anyone that touches it and only stays if it's touching something flammable.
Stone to mud
Level 3 Gray, Red Spell
Element: Transmutation, Earth
Mechanics: turn stone to mud in the entire battlefield. You can adjust what is turned to mud and what is not.
Cast Time:1AA
Modality: a pulse of energy comes out of the caster transmutation stone into mud.The caster can stretch their hand and reduce what is turned into mud and what is not.
Notes:having this spell allows the caster to also be able to pay 1AA and 3mp to turn one use of stone worth of mud into stone.
Medical Debt
Level 4 Gray Spell
Element: Creation
Mechanics: the caster heals the target a d12 but puts a d12 gray magic counters on them. 6 space range.
Cast Time:1AA
Modality:the caster Fills them with pure gray energy which replaces the missing tissues.
Notes:the caster may spend 1BA to remove the damage or the counters from this spell.
Create lesser Creature
Level 7 Gray Spell
Element: Creation
Mechanics: Summon any level 1 creature whether it exists already or not.
Cast Time:1AA, 1MA
Modality:the caster creates out of base matter a living creature.
Notes:the caster may spend 2BA to add a ¼ chance to summon 2 more of this creature.
Create lesser Bug
Level 4 Gray, Green Spell
Element: Creation, Fuana
Mechanics: Summon any level 1 bug.
Cast Time:1AA, 1MA
Modality:the caster creates out of base matter a living creature.
Notes:the caster may spend 2BA to add a ¼ chance to summon 2 more of this creature.
Create lesser Aquatic Creature
Level 4 Gray, Green, Red Spell
Element: Creation, Fauna, Water
Mechanics: Summon any level 1 Aquatic creature whether it exists or not.
Cast Time:1AA, 1MA
Modality:the caster creates out of base matter, a living creature.
Notes:the caster may spend 2BA to add a ¼ chance to summon 2 more of this creature.
Create Creature
Level 7 Gray, Orange, Green Spell
Element: Creation, Chaos, Fauna
Mechanics: Summon any level 3 creature whether it exists already or not.
Cost:21mp, 8 round cool down.
Cast Time:2AA, 2MA
Modality:the caster creates out of chaotic energy a living creature.
Notes:the caster may spend 2BA to have a ¼ chance to reduce this spell’s cost by 18mp.
Create Weapon
Level 2 Gray, Blue Spell
Element: Creation, Mechanical
Mechanics: create any basic weapon.
Cast Time:1AA, 1MA
Modality:the caster creates a weapon out of base matter.
Notes:the caster may spend 2BA to remove the cost from this spell. (the caster can spend 9 max mp to make this item permanent and sell able)
Create Armor
Level 2 Gray, Blue Spell
Element: Creation, Mechanical
Mechanics: create any piece of basic armor weapon.
Cast Time:1AA, 1MA
Modality:the caster creates a piece of armor out of base matter.
Notes:the caster may spend 2BA to remove the cost from this spell. (the caster can spend 9 max mp to make this item permanent and sell able)
Create Shield
Level 2 Gray, Blue Spell
Element: Creation, Mechanical
Mechanics: create any basic Shield
Cast Time:1MA
Modality:the caster creates a shield out of base matter.
Notes:the caster may spend 2BA to remove the cost from this spell. (the caster can spend 9 max mp to make this item permanent and sell able)
Create Rope
Level 1 Gray Spell
Element: Creation
Mechanics: create a length of rope.
Cost:3mp times X where X is how many 10 foot increments desired.
Cast Time:1AA
Modality:the caster creates a shield out of base matter.
Notes:the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp outside of battle.(the caster can spend 9 max mp to make this item permanent and sell able)
Neophantsmic Spark
Level 6 Gray, Black, White Spell
Element: Creation, Holy, Necrotic
Mechanics: revive any unit as a neutral summon.
Cost:18mp, requires 1 corpse.
Cast Time:1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster creates a new soul in a dead body repairing it.
Notes:the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if
Level 1 Gray Spell
Element: Gravity, Manipulation
Mechanics:6 space range, the caster turns all colored counters on a unit into blunt/gravity damage.
Cast Time:1AA
Modality:the caster uses the charged magic within a target to become a crushing weight. The target collapses in on themselves.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA outside of battle to deal destruction level 1 in a level 1 ring. Able to smash wooden doors and such.
Telekinetic Smash
Level 2 Gray, Brown Spell
Element: Gravity, Physical
Mechanics:6 space range, deals a d10 blunt/gravity damage.
Cast Time:1AA, 1MA
Modality:the caster uses a mostly invisible blast that does nothing until it hits the target. Then it crushes it.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA to add destruction level 2 to this spell.
Level 3 Gray Spell
Element: Gravity
Mechanics:6 space range, 6 space knock back, guided. Can lift 100 pounds of nonliving material.
Cast Time:1AA, 1MA
Modality:the caster uses a mostly invisible blast that does nothing until it hits the target. Then it crushes it.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA to remove 9mp from the cost of this spell outside of battle.
Growing Gravity
Level 7 Gray Spell
Element: Gravity
Mechanics:level 3 cone, paralyze (The target loses both attack and move action. The target can’t dodge.) potency 10 vs strength/lifting, each time the check is failed it increases by 2.
Cost:21, 2OBP
Cast Time:1AA, 1MA
Modality:the caster increases the gravity to an unbearable weight in an area.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA each round to keep the spell lingering in its area of effect. Doing this counts as channeling so the caster would be flat footed while doing this.
OBP: The caster must spend 30 minutes syncing 1 level 1 gray magas sand to the gravity of the earth.
Level 4 Gray Spell
Element: Gravity
Mechanics:The target floats 3 spaces per round and can only change direction or stop by grabbing or pushing nearby objects.The target becomes weightless.They get minus 10 from their dodge unless they are next to something they can grab. potency 18 vs concentration/intelligence.
Cast Time:1AA, 1MA
Modality:the caster reduces gravity on the targets causing them to float weightlessly.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA to add 6 space range, and a level 1 ring to the effects of this spell.
Forced Magnetism
Level 2 Gray Spell
Element: Gravity
Mechanics: 6 space range, level 2 ring. Pulls all units in the area of effect (up to level 2 ring) up tightly against the initial target.
Cast Time:1AA, 1MA
Modality:the caster increases the polarity of the target to suck in all the units in the area including untied down objects.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA to increase this spell’s area of effect and pull by a level 1 ring. Untied down objects are also pulled to the location.
Gravity Well
Level 9 Gray Spell
Element: Gravity
Mechanics: 6 space range, level 2 ring. Pulls all units and objects in the area of effect (up to level 2 ring) up tightly against the initial target. The units are pinned ( the target can’t use move action to move. The target can’t dodge) with a potency of 16 vs lifting/strength.
Cast Time:1AA, 1MA
Modality:the caster creates a powerful gravitational field, pulling creatures and objects towards a central point. The spell creates a small, black hole-like effect that draws in anything within a certain radius, making it difficult for creatures to move or attack. The field lasts for a limited time before collapsing.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA to lower this spell’s cost by 9mp if you’re outnumbered.
Gravity Grip
Level 6 Gray, Brown, Black Spell
Element: Gravity, Blunt, Necrotic
Mechanics:d20 gravity/blunt damage. This spell costs 3mp less to cast for each unit you have killed in this battle.
Cast Time:1AA, 1MA
Modality:the caster burn’s soul energy to channel some of Adeltha’s gravity into their palm to create a devastating grip.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA to remove 9mp from the cost of this spell if you are at full life.
Gray Hex
Level 1 Gray Spell
Element: Gravity, Transmutation, manipulation, Creation
Mechanics: deal a D8 gray counters.
Cost: 1 MP
Cast time: 1AA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may use 2BA and 3mp to place any gray tower hex on the target. If they’re subdued by gray tower counters.