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The Ranger

In tune with the heartbeat of the wilderness, the Ranger is a solitary sentinel of the natural world, their keen senses attuned to the rhythms of the land. With bow in hand and loyal animal companion by their side, they roam the untamed wilds, guardians of its secrets and protectors of its inhabitants. Masters of survival and unmatched trackers, they navigate dense forests and treacherous terrain with ease, their connection to nature guiding their every step. With every arrow loosed, they strike with the precision of a hunter's arrow, their bond with the wilderness making them a force to be reckoned with in both the civilized world and the vast expanse of the wilds beyond.

Commencement Package

One Spell from the class spell list.
+5 Knowledge of Nature, +5 Survival Skills +3 investigate, +3 Sneak, -3 Charm, -3 Use Device, -5 Sense Intent, -5 Willpower

Level 1

2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Investigate
+1 Natural Senses
+1 Knowledge of Nature

Level 2

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Athletics
+1 Mettle
+1 Animal Taming

Level 3

2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Alchemy
+1 Survival Skills
+1 Reflex

Level 4

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Investigate
+1 Natural Senses
+1 Knowledge of Nature

Level 5

2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Athletics
+1 Mettle
+1 Animal Taming

Level 6

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Alchemy
+1 Survival Skills
+1 Reflex

Level 7

2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Investigate
+1 Natural Senses
+1 Knowledge of Nature

Level 8

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Athletics
+1 Mettle
+1 Animal Taming

Level 9

1 Master Feat
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Alchemy
+1 Survival Skills
+1 Reflex

Spell List

Lone Shadow

Level 1 Black, Brown, Gray Spell (1)

Element: Shadow, Gravity, Talent

Mechanics: The caster gains plus 6 sneak. They also don’t weigh anything preventing them from setting off pressure or weight based traps. All of these effects last tell the caster’s next turn. This spell only takes effect if you are alone (no allies within 6 spaces of you.). While in this form the castor takes an additional 3 damage from light damage. Within

Cost:3mp (9Mmp if cast outside of battle)

Cast time: Addition Spell

Modality:The caster becomes one with their shadow appearing to be dark and translucent

Notes: The caster can spend the 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 3mp and add 2 sneak for the round.

Scatter Shot

Level 1 Brown Spell (1)

Element: Ability

Mechanics:add split level 2 to the effects of the caster’s attack. This spell can’t target units behind or to the side of where the caster is facing and has -1 accuracy vs units that moved this round.

Cost:3mp, 2FHS

Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality:The caster puts 3 arrows on their bow and can direct them to different targets in front of him/her

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell's cost by 3mp and give it a ¼ chance to shoot a second volley of 3 arrows.

Viper Strike

Level 1 Green, Blue Spell (5)

Element: Poison, Enchant

Mechanics:The caster adds a d4 poison damage, potency 18 vs mettle/toughness to the target’s next attack. The target has 5 green tower counter’s on them until the spell resolves.


Cast time:1AA, 1MA

Modality:The caster takes a weapon and imbues it’s next strike with a magic poison.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add a d4 green tower counter to the potency of this spell.

Pacify Beast

Level 2 Yellow, Green Spell (5)

Element:Physic, Fauna

Mechanics: Calm potency 22 vs intimidate/intelligence. This spell only works on beasts.


Cast time:1AA

Modality:The caster whispers to the creature and a psychic energy enters their minds and calms them down

Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to add a level 2 cone to this spell.

Wild Eyes

Level 1 Yellow, Green Spell (2)

Element: Psychic, Fauna, Flora

Mechanics: The caster imbues a creature or plant with green energy which allows them to see out of their eyes. If it doesn’t have eyes, a painting or carving of an eye or eyes will do. If it has eyes, but if the caster wants to add a few more visual points you can paint them on.The caster can also hear out of these.

Cost:3mp and 3mp for every eye past the first 4 on the same target, 1SS, 1PPU

Cast time:1MA

Modality: The caster imbues a creature or plant with green energy which allows them to see out of their eyes.

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA add the ability to smell and feel what the target smells and feels as well.


Level 1 Gray Spell (2)

Element: Transmutation

Mechanics: The caster uses magic to alter a poisonous or otherwise inedible object. The object becomes safe to eat and has plenty of nutrients. This can be done to objects big enough to provide 4 days worth of food.

Cost:3mp, 6Mmp

Cast time:1MA

Modality: The caster uses magic to alter a poisonous or otherwise inedible object. The object becomes safe to eat and has plenty of nutrients.

Notes:The caster may spend 1AA,1MA, 2BA to put a d12 gray tower counters on a target, if the target is subdued by gray tower counters, the caster may instantly consume them. After which they do not need to eat for the rest of the day.

Owl Eye

Level 5 Green, White, Brown Spell (9)

Element: Fauna, Holy, Ability

Mechanics: target units can see in the dark and have plus 3 accuracy mods in the dark. Level 1 ring, This spell can only be cast outside of battle. Tags (Ac, Ac, Neg, aNi, aNi)

Cost:15mp, 1PPU

Cast time:1AA, 1MA

Modality: The caster uses an owl spirit to enchant a target with the ability to see in the dark and have superior sight in the dark.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA if cast at night to reduce this spells cost by 9mp

Wild Walk

Level 4 Green, Brown Spell (8)

Element: Ability, Flora, Fauna

Mechanics: The caster gains plus 4 movement and plus 2 agility mods outside of structures. Tags (M, outss, outss, Agi) Within.

Cost:12mp, 1PPU

Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality:The caster channels their soul to be one with nature. This allows them to have greater energy in it and quickly travel through it.

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast 1 day away from any town, or city.

Water Stride

Level 1 Gray Spell (1)

Element: Manipulation, Gravity

Mechanics: The caster can walk on liquids for 2 rounds. Within.


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality: The caster can dance coupons the water’s like a water nymph.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to double their movement if they cross at least 1 panel of water.


Level 1 Purple Spell (1)

Element: Space

Mechanics: The caster can find the direction of any location they have been to before.


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality: The caster uses their natural instincts to navigate, allowing them never to be lost.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove a d4 yellow tower counters from any target.

Deftly Fanged

Level 4 Brown Spell (4)

Element: Ability

Mechanics: caster potency vs an acrobatic/agility check of 17, add a d6 plus your agility mod to your weapons damage for the round.


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality: The caster uses their acrobatic talents to gain an advantage on the foe.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell's cost by 9mp if cast outside of structures.

Beast Bane

Level 1 Green, Brown Spell (1)

Element: Fauna, Physical

Mechanics: lower your critical hit ratio by 2 and add a d6 to your weapon’s damage for the round vs non humanoid creatures.


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality: The caster is a master hunter and can take down any beast with relative ease.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add another d6 if the target is also a mammal.


Level 1 Green, Brown Spell (1)

Element: Fauna, Physical

Mechanics: add a d8 pierce damage to your weapon for an attack vs an aquatic creature.


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality:The caster is a hunter of the seas and their deadly talent shines vs creatures of the deep.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add another d6 if the target is also bigger then the caster.

Hunter’s Eye

Level 1 Green, Brown Spell (1)

Element: Fauna, Ability

Mechanics: add 4 accuracy to your attacks for the round vs non humanoid creatures.


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality:The hunter has enough experience to predict the movements of creatures and use it to their advantage.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add 3 more accuracy if cast outside of structures.

Titian’s Bane

Level 3 Brown Spell (3)


Mechanics: add a d8 to your weapon’s damage for the round vs targets bigger than the caster.


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality:The bigger they are the harder they fall is the mantra of this giant slayer.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to have this attack ignore armor and other BL feats, as well as ignore guarding feats when attacking. Those are feats with the tag Bd.

Competitor's Eye

Level 1 Brown Spell (1)

Element: Ability

Mechanics: add 2 accuracy to the caster’s attacks for the round vs units with a higher agility mod than the caster.


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality: Like the animals they hunt, the caster doesn’t like competition and will work harder in the face of it.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add 6 more accuracy if the caster is terminal.

Maiming Strike

Level 4 Brown Spell (5)

Element: Ability

Mechanics: add “reduce the target’s agility mod by 2 for the battle” to the caster’s attacks for the round vs units with a higher agility mod than the caster.


Cast time:1MA

Modality: Like the animals they hunt, the caster doesn’t like competition and will fight dirty to pull a head.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce the caster’s critical hit ratio by 4 for the round.

Natural Escape

Level 3 Brown Spell (3)

Element: Talent

Mechanics:The caster reduces a green tower potency affecting them by 16. Within.


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality:The caster has become quite accustomed to the snares and poisons of nature.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if they have been to the current location before.

Nature’s Stride

Level 1 Green, Brown Spell (1)

Element: Flora, Ability

Mechanics: the caster can jump as far as they move plus 4 for the round as long as they are outside of structures. Within.


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality: The caster can bound through nature like a white stag.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to increase their agility by 5 for the round if they are in a forest biome.

Sky’s Eye

Level 3 Brown Spell (3)

Element: Physical, Ability

Mechanics: add 4 accuracy and a d6 damage to your attack vs a flying unit (or unit suspended in air such as falling), this spell can only be cast outside of structures.


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality:The caster is accustomed to hunting prey from the air.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the target is 6 spaces away or more.

Natural Arsenal

Level 3 Green, Gray Spell (6)

Element: Flora, Creation

Mechanics: The caster channels green energy into any plant which causes it to grow one of any basic weapon the caster desires. The weapon is permanent and can be sold. It is non-metal and has flora damage in addition to its other types but nevertheless can be sharp and or thorny. If arrows are chosen then 25 are grown with a quiver.

Cost:9mp, (9Mmp)

Cast time:1AA

Modality:The caster channels green energy into any plant which causes it to grow one of any basic weapon the caster desires.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell a ¼ chance to grow 2 more weapons.

Detect Beast

Level 1 Green, Purple Spell (1)

Element: Fauna, Space

Mechanics: Detect any non-humanoid creature on the battlefield, through even walls. This only works on living creatures.


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality:The caster can magically sense the life force of animals nearby.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add 2 accuracy to your next attack. The caster has 2 brown tower counters on them until this effect resolves.

Bramble Strike

Level 3 Green, Brown Spell (4)

Element: Flora, Poison, Physical

Mechanics: add a d2 poison/piearce damage and a level 2 cone to the caster’s attack attack. Each time an attack is attempted on the caster, the caster may gain 1 green tower counter on them. The caster may spend those counters and any other enemy green tower counters on them to up the dice roll of the poison/piearce damage of this spell. Each point spent ups the dice roll once.


Cast time:1MA

Modality: Thorny vines erupt from the ground and tangel a large area in front of the caster while they strike.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add 2 more levels to the cone of this attack.

Tracker’s Eye

Level 1 Brown, Purple Spell

Element: Talent, Space

Mechanics: plus 8 investigations for one check.

Cost:3mp if outside of battle add cost of (3Mmp).

Cast time:1AA


Notes: The caster may spend 1MA, and 2BA to curse a target subbed by any tower to be instantly tracked by you forever.

Survivor’s Spirit

Level 1 Brown Spell

Element: Talent

Mechanics: plus 8 survival skills for one check.

Cost:3mp if outside of battle add cost of (3Mmp).

Cast time:1AA


Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add a ¼ to add another 12 to the check.

Hunter’s Long Shot

Level 1 Brown Spell

Element: Ability

Mechanics: plus 9 space range to the casters ranged attack for the round vs non-humanoid creatures.


Cast time:Addition spell


Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to gain an additional move action this round if the attack hits.


Level 2 Brown Spell

Element: Ability

Mechanics: disengage as long as you end in an enemies’s melee zone, gain 2 accuracy vs flanked units for the round.


Cast time:Addition spell


Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to gain 6 movement if the enemy is outnumbered.

Fox Sword

Level 4 Brown Spell (8)

Element: Ability

Mechanics: the caster gains a ¼ chance to gain two attack actions when attacked Tags: (A, A, C, C) Within.

Cost:12mp, 1PPU

Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality: The caster is swift and cunning like a fox and can turn a bad situation to their advantage.

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast 1 day away from any town, or city.

Hermit Bite

Level 2 Green, Black Spell (3)

Element: Disease

Mechanics: the caster adds a d6 disease damage and a level 1 cone to their attack, if alone.


Cast time:1MA

Modality: The caster channels disease damage from their lonely soul.

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to add their inverted personality mod as disease damage to the attack if all the targets have a higher personality mod than the caster.

Dancing Blade of the Forest

Level 2 Green, Brown Spell (4)

Element: Ability, Flora

Mechanics: the caster adds a level 3 ring to their attack and can disengage and move to any spot inside the area of effect. Can only be cast outside of structures and in wooded areas.


Cast time:1MA

Modality: The caster dances about with deadly agility in the forest.

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast 1 day away from any town, or city.

Witch Hut

Level 4 Green, Gray Spell

Element: Flora, Manipulation

Mechanics: the caster channels green/gray magic into a tree(or other large plant) The tree changes and grows to make a small cottage-like structure that can tightly house 4 people.

Cost:12mp,and 12Mmp

Cast time:1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA and 6Mmp to make the structure big enough to house 6 people instead of just 4.

Poison Plume Arrow

Level 3 Green

Element: Poison

Mechanics: the caster adds beam, level 1 ring, and level 1 linger to their attack, the attack counts as poison damage on the lingering rounds.


Cast time:1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to add an additional round of linger to this spell.

Rope Trap

Level 2 Blue, Brown

Element: Mechanical, Talent, Physical

Mechanics: self potency 22 vs survival skill/agility. The caster sets a hidden trap on a space within 6 spaces of something 10 feet tall or taller like a tree or pillar. Any target that steps on or in a level 1 ring of the target is pulled to the tall object and hung upside down by their feet. The target is pinned with a potency of 12 vs acrobatic/agility. If the check is cleared the target is dealt a d4 blunt damage +1 and knock down.


Cast time:1AA, 1MA, 1OBP

Modality: The caster uses magic to speed themselves up to quickly lay a complicated trap.

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this caster potency of this spell by 6.

OBP: require at least 10 feet of rope.

Root Trap

Level 2 Green

Element: Flora

Mechanics: The caster sets a hidden trap on a space within 6 spaces of a tall tree or other large plant. Any target that steps on or in a level 1 ring of the target is pulled to the tree and hung upside down by their feet and wrapped up. The target is pinned with a potency of 12 vs strength/lifting. If the check is cleared the target is dealt a d4 blunt damage +1 and knock down. Each time the escape check is failed, it increases by 2.

Cost:6mp, 8 round cooldown.

Cast time:1AA, 1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to add a d4 blunt damage to the potency of this spell.

Log Trap

Level 1 Blue, Brown

Element: Mechanical, Talent, Physical

Mechanics: self potency 17 vs survival skill/agility. The caster sets a hidden trap on a space in between two 10 feet tall or taller things like trees or pillars. Any target that steps on a space between the tall objects must clear a reflex/agility check of 17 or take two d10 blunts damage in the form of two slamming logs.


Cast time:1AA, 1MA, 1OBP

Modality:The caster uses magic to speed themselves up to quickly lay a complicated trap.

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this caster potency of this spell by 6.

OBP: require at least X feet of rope, where X is 5 times the spaces between the two tall objects required for the spell.

Pit Trap

Level 2 Blue, Brown (6)

Element: Mechanical, Talent, Physical

Mechanics: self potency 17 vs survival skill/agility. The caster sets a hidden trap on a space. Any target that steps on or in a level 1 ring of the target falls into a pit of spikes taking a d14 pierce damage. Units must clear a climb/strength or acrobatics/agility check of 14 to get out of the hole.


Cast time:1AA, 1MA, 1OBP

Modality: The caster uses magic to speed themselves up to quickly lay a complicated trap.

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this caster potency of this spell by 6 if cast out of line of sight.

OBP: requires 30 minutes to cut sharp wood staves.

Foot Trap

Level 3 Blue, Brown (7)

Element: Mechanical, Talent, Physical

Mechanics: self potency 17 vs survival skill/agility. The caster sets a hidden trap on a space. Any target that steps on or in a level 1 ring of the target takes a d14 hack damage. Units must clear a lifting/strength check of 16 or they are rooted for another round.


Cast time:1AA, 1MA, 2OBP

Modality: The caster uses magic to speed themselves up to quickly lay a complicated trap.

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this caster potency of this spell by 6 if cast out of line of sight.

OBP: requires 30 minutes magically charging a foot trap worth at least 50 gold. To put a charge on this spell.

Thermal Trap

Level 4 Blue, Red, Brown (8)

Element: Mechanical, Talent, Fire

Mechanics: self potency 17 vs survival skill/agility. The caster pours flambale tar on a space and then puts a fire symbol on it. Any target that steps on or in a level 1 ring of the target space is set on fire dealing a d12 fire damage potency 16 vs reflex/agility. The potency of this check increases by 2 every time it is failed.


Cast time:1AA, 1MA, 1OBP

Modality: The caster uses magic to speed themselves up to quickly lay a complicated trap.

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this caster potency of this spell by 6 if cast out of line of sight.

OBP: requires 50 gold worth of tar.


Level 2 Blue, Brown, Purple (6)

Element: Mechanical, Talent, Space

Mechanics: The caster sets a hidden trap on 6 spaces, conducted, beam. If any unit steps on any of the spaces the caster immediately is warned about it and they’re level. Ward level 2.


Cast time:1AA, 1MA, 1OBP

Modality: The caster uses magic to speed themselves up to quickly lay a complicated trap.

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 6mp.

OBP: requires at least 1 use of thread, or rope, or twine, etc.

Hoxie’s Sleep Charm

Level 2 Brown, White (7)

Element: Ability, Protection

Mechanics: level 1 ring, can stand up as a free action, dodge normally when flat footed. (Tags: Neg, Fa)

Cost:9mp, 1PPU

Cast time:1AA, 1MA

Modality: This spell helps a party avoid night time attacks by being magically alert and ready from combat even in deep sleep.

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast outside of battle.

Sense Traps

Level 1 Purple, Blue (4)

Element: Space, Mechanical

Mechanics: Sense all traps on the battlefield, or within 100 feet in all directions.


Cast time:1AA

Modality: The caster magically senses all traps in the area.

Notes: if the caster has this spell, they may spend 2BA to remove a d4 blue tower counters from a target.

Treat Wounds

Level 1 White (4)

Element: Holy

Mechanics: remove all wounds from the target and heal them a d2 hp.


Cast time:1AA

Modality: The caster wraps up the wounds of the target and magically soothes the pain.

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to remove the cost of this spell and add a d4 to the heal of this spell if cast outside of battle.

Animal Messenger

Level 1 Green, Yellow (4)

Element: Fauna, Psychic

Mechanics: the caster tell’s a beast a message and then sends it to a location the caster has been before. The beast will travel to the location relentlessly until they arrive, at which point they will psychically deliver the message to the person described by the caster. This spell work on level 0 beasts or beasts the caster owns or otherwise controls.


Cast time:1AA

Modality: The caster gives a psychic message to a creature to deliver.

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to remove the cost and cast time of this spell to learn what a target animal has seen in the last 20 minutes.

Bark Meld

Level 3 Green, Gray (7)

Element: Flora, Manipulation

Mechanics: the caster magically phases into a tree. Nearly perfectly hiding themselves. Invisibility (Target is imperceivable with the naked eye. This effect cancels when the target interacts.) 24 vs sense magic/intelligence. The caster can’t move without negating this spell. The caster can’t dodge until this spell resolves. If attacked the damage goes to the tree first. The tree has 12 hp.


Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality: The caster magically phases into a tree to hide.

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to remove 9mp from the cost of this spell if cast out of line of sight.

Coughing Gas

Level 4 Green, Black (8)

Element: Disease

Mechanics: silence and reduce accuracy 3 potency 16 vs concentration/toughness. Level 1 cone. Can only be cast on humanoids.


Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality: The caster feels for the earth and hates the pollution of man. This connection allows them to spue smog out at the human scum before them.

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to remove 9mp from the cost of this spell if in town or city.

Savior Shot

Level 2 Brown (2)

Element: Ability

Mechanics:gain an attack action, interrupt. This spell can only be cast if the target’s damage was about to kill another unit. If this attack kills the target then the damage they dealt this turn is revoked.


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality: The caster quickly strikes the foe in an effort to save someone about to die.

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to gain an move action to get to (or closer to) the target.

Beast Dodge

Level 4 Brown, Green (4)

Element: Ability, Fauna

Mechanics:interrupt, instantly dodge and attack from a beast.


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality: The caster’s hunting experience allows them to easily predict the attacks and movements of beasts.

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to remove 6mp.


Level 4 Purple (8)

Element: Space

Mechanics: cast on an object. The next time the caster is attacked they instantly dodge the damage and the object takes it instead. Both the object and the caster switch places. Phase, teleport, break line of sight. Within. The caster has purple tower counters on them until this spell resolves.


Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality: The caster’s hunting experience allows them to easily predict the attacks and move monets of beasts.

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast out of enemy line of sight.

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