
The Druid
The sound of swift foot falls in the bushes and whispers in the trees and the next thing you know, you're surrounded by all the fighting power mother nature has to offer. The druid kills the natural way and can guide their team through even the most treacherous of the world’s terrains.
Commencement Package
One Spell from the class spell list.
+8 Knowledge of Nature, +5 Animal Tame, +5 Survival, +5 Natural Senses, -5 Willpower, -5 Use Device, -5 Sense Intent, -5 Bluff
Level 1
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Healing
+1 Sense Magic
+1 Concentrate
Level 2
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Mettle
+1 Bravery
+1 Seal Tampering
Level 3
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Survival
+1 Animal Tame
+1 Alchemy
Level 4
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Healing
+1 Sense Magic
+1 Concentrate
Level 5
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Mettle
+1 Bravery
+1 Seal Tampering
Level 6
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Survival
+1 Animal Tame
+1 Alchemy
Level 7
2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Healing
+1 Sense Magic
+1 Concentrate
Level 8
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Survival
+1 Animal Tame
+1 Alchemy
Level 9
1 Master Feat
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Mettle
+1 Bravery
+1 Seal Tampering
Spell List
Level 2 Brown, Green Spell (6)
Element: Ability, Fauna
Mechanics:Chameleon potency 24 vs natural senses/Accuracy
Cost:6mp upkeep
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA Continuous Channeling
Modality:the caster blends with their background becoming completely invisible.
Notes: The caster can use the bonus action like normal to move around and pick things up. The caster can also spend the 2BA to remove the upkeep cost of this spell for the round.
Level 1 Gray, Red Spell (4)
Element: Transmutation, Water
Mechanics: The caster can turn a 5 by 5 foot area of metal or lesser objects into pure clean water.
Cast time:1AA
Modality: The caster transmutes material into drinkable water.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to cast this on a unit subdued to red or gray magic.
Sense poison
Level 1 Green, Purple Spell (2)
Element: Poison, Space
Mechanics: sense poison even through objects, 15 space range.
Cast time:1MA
Modality: The caster uses magic to be able to smell poison, even magic poisons in the area.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 3mp and increase the range of this spell to the entire battlefield.
Beast Bond
Level 1 Green, Brown Spell (2)
Element: Fuana, Talent
Mechanics: gives the caster plus 6 animal tame for one check, within
Cost:3mp, (9Mmp if cast outside of battle)
Cast time:1MA
Modality: The caster gives off a calming energy.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to increase the skill by 4.
Wolf Call
Level 2 Green Spell (6)
Element: Fauna
Mechanics: The caster is flat footed for the turn as they call a level 2 wolf to aid in the battle. Roll a d4 to see which edge of the battlefield the wolves enters at. Can only be cast outside of structures.
Cost:6mp, 1SS
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster calls out for help magically speeding the efforts of the wolf as it comes to help.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 6mp and give it a ¼ chance to call an additional wolf if there is already a wolf on the battlefield.When taking this spell, the player may choose to replace the word “Wolf” with any other level 2 creature. Once this is done, it is permanent.
Bear Call
Level 7 Green Spell (11)
Element: Fauna
Mechanics: The caster calls a level 5 bear to aid in the battle. Caster drops prone and can’t dodge the round this is casted., Roll a d4 to see which edge of the battlefield the Bear enters at. Can only be cast outside of structures.
Cost:21mp, 6hp, 1SS, 8 round cooldown
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster sits down and focuses all their power into calling a bear to their aid. This spell also magically speeds them to the caster’s location.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 15mp if the caster would be terminal after paying this spell’s cost. When taking this spell, the player may choose to replace the word “bear” with any other level 5 creature. Once this is done, it is permanent.
Animal Call
Level 3 Green Spell (7)
Element: Fauna
Mechanics: Caster potency of 22 vs animal tame/personality. The caster can’t dodge the round this is cast. They call a level 2 or lower animal of their choice to aid in the battle. Roll a d4 to see which edge of the battlefield the animal enters at.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster calls out for help magically speeding the efforts of the chosen animal as it comes to help.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give the animal plus 4 move movement the first round it enters.
Acid Spray
Level 4 Green Spell (8)
Element: Acid
Mechanics: d8 acid damage, level 1 cone, destruction level 3.
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster breathes out a mist of very corrosive acid.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove the destruction level 3 from this spell and up the damage by a d10.
Feral Strength
Level 2 Brown, Green Spell (3)
Element: Ability, Fauna
Mechanics: Caster gains +5 strength mod for the round. Can only be cast outside of structures. Within.
Cast time:1MA
Modality: The caster focuses on their inter animal then lets it loose.
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to add destruction level 2 to their attacks for the round.
Plaguing Maw
Level 1 Black, Green Spell (2)
Element: Disease, Fuana
Mechanics: caster enchants a target animal’s next bite. (adds a d6 disease damage, -2 agility potency 10 vs Mettle/Toughness) (puts 3 green counters on the target until attack occurs.) Without and on beasts only.
Cost: 3mp
Cast time:1MA
Modality: The caster uses magic to give a target animal an infectious bite.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA add another -2 agility to the effect of the bite.
Level 2 Green Spell (3)
Element: Flora
Mechanics: d6 green counters, level 1 cone, delay 1.
Cast time: 1MA
Modality: The caster conjures a puff of fungi spores onto the targets.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to add a d6 green counters to this spell if the target already has 6 green counters on them.
Hardy Spirits
Level 1 White, Green Spell (4)
Element: Holy, Protection, Fauna
Mechanics:level 1 ring, targets blocks 3 points of ice damage, and 3 points or fire damage. (Tags:Resi)
Cost:3mp. 1PPU
Cast time: 1AA
Modality: The caster calls down animal spirits to dwell in the targets and help them endure the natural elements.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell a ¼ chance to resist 6 points instead of 3.
Wave Pull
Level 1 Red Spell (5)
Element: Water
Mechanics: the caster targets an area anywhere on the battlefield with at least 6 uses of water. From that area they cast a level 3 cone, knock down. And pulls the targets back to the cast point.
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster uses a wave of water to sweep clean enemies from of the battlefield.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 3mp and give this spell friendly fire.
Ryolu’s Painkiller
Level 1 Green Spell (4)
Element: Plant
Mechanics: D12 flora heal, but puts green counters onto the target equal to the hp healed this way.
Cast time: 1AA
Modality: The caster suppresses the symptoms of the injury using high doses of green magic. It also grows blossoming plants around the wounds.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to remove a d4 green counters from the target.
Veiled Poison
Level 1 Purple, Green Spell (2)
Element: Silence, Poison
Mechanics:Caster makes a poison undetectable vs a 22 sense magic/Intelligence check. This works on magic senses, detect and even natural senses.
Cast time:1MA
Modality: The caster veils a poison with a magic covering.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 3 and increase the check to a 24
Level 1 White, Green Spell (4)
Element: Fauna, Holy
Mechanics: increase target animal’s hp and max hp by a d6. Without and beasts only.
Cast time: 1AA
Modality: The caster magically adds bulk to the creature.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add a 9 space range to this spell.
Level 1 Green, Brown Spell (4)
Element: Fuana, Ability
Mechanics: level 1 ring, targets gains water breath and is unaffected by the negative effects of water. (Tags: Neg)
Cost:3mp, 1PPU
Cast time: 1AA
Modality: The caster gives gills and other aquatic features to the targets.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 3mp and add a level 1 ring.
Grappling Vines
Level 5 Green Spell (9)
Element: Flora
Mechanics: level 3 cone, friendly fire, vines grow from the ground and wrap up the target. Pinned potency 20 vs lifting/strength. The potency can be attacked.
Cost:15mp, 2OBP
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster magically sprays a handful of seeds which then grow into vines that entangle the targets.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast inside structures.
OBP: seeds of a plant and 30 minutes enchanting them.
Grappling Thorns
Level 4 Green (8)
Element: Flora, Poison
Mechanics: pin potency 16 vs strength/lifting. Deals a d2 pearce/poison damage every time the escape is attempted. This damage is upped by one die roll each time. The potency of this spell can be attacked. 6 space range.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster grows thorny vines around the target that keep them in place.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add a level 2 ring to the effects of this spell.
Hornet Swarm
Level 4 Green Spell (8)
Element: Fauna, Poison
Mechanics:flips 6 coins. Every heads deals d2 poison/pierce damage. Flip another round of coins for every heads you got, repeat this process until no heads are rolled. (Level 1 ward, immune to hack slash, and pierce damage, moves 6 spaces a round) cast point is a random side of the map. Must be outside of structures to cast.
Cost:12mp, 2OBP
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster calls a swarm of angry hornets to sting the target.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add a level 1 ring, and reduce this spell’s cost by 3mp.
OBP: Have a queen hornet sealed up in amber. This is not consumed, it takes 30 minutes channeling magic into it.
Level 2 Green Spell (3)
Element: Fauna
Mechanics: The caster can dig through dirt and stone. 3 spaces.
Cast time: 1MA
Modality: The caster summons a spirit of a dire mole around them and then digs through the ground.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add 6 spaces to the digging depth of this spell.
Fly on the wall
Level 2 Green, Purple, Yellow Spell (6)
Element: Fauna, Space, Psychic
Mechanics: can see, hear, and smell out of an animal until the animal is attacked. The animal has 3 purple, and yellow tower counters on them.
Cost:6mp, 1SS
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster connects their soul with an animal sharing its senses.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 6mp.
Level 4 Green, Red, Purple Spell (7)
Element: Flora, Earth, Water, Space
Mechanics: The target is teleported to the edge of the biome. This can only be cast outside of structures.
Cost:12mp, 12Mmp, 12Mhp, 4OBP, 8 round cooldown
Cast time:1AA
Modality:The caster pleads with nature and then the target is speed from the area.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to cast this spell for free at a 6 space range vs units subdued to green magic. If cast this way it is a curse and that unit can never enter that biome again without being spewed back out by it.
OBP: requires 20 hours of being in that particular place.
Level 2 Purple, Green Spell (5)
Element: Time, Fauna
Mechanics: The target beast becomes a harmless infant version of itself. Unable to attack. Potency 24 vs intimidate/toughness.
Cast time:1AA
Modality: The caster temporarily dials back time on a creature making it an infant.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove this spell’s cost, and cast it as a curse vs units subdued to Green or Purple magic.
Weather Vane
Level 3 Red Spell (7)
Element: Water, Ice, Wind
Mechanics: changes the weather of the area. Can’t choose a damaging weather like acid rain or sand storm.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster changes the local weather.
Notes:The caster may use a level 4 green magus chalk and a level 4 red magus chalk to make a symbol that casts this as a ritual on a 2 day area.
Raise Animal
Level 2 White, Green Spell (5)
Element: Holy, Fauna
Mechanics: revive animal within 5 rounds of their death, 6 space range
Cost: 6mp
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster uses wild energies to revive the target.
Notes:the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 6mp and give it a level 1 ring if they haven’t dealt damage the round prior.
Cry of Hounds
Level 1 Orange, Green Spell (5)
Element: Summon, Fauna
Mechanics: If the caster has this spell then every time the caster gets a finishing blow they may place 5 green counters on themselves (these counter’s count as enemy counters). When the caster casts this spell they summon 1 level 1 hound dog and an additional level 1 hound dog for every 5 green enemy counters on them. Once cast remove all green counter’s used to cast this spell.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster summons a pack of hounds to fight for them and help them hunt.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to add a ¼ chance to remove summoning sickness from all their summoned units if the caster is subdued by green magic.
Sprout Spear
Level 3 Green, Brown, Purple Spell (6)
Element: Plant, Physical, Time
Mechanics: d10 plant/pearce damage, Destruction level 2, Leaves plants.
Cost:9mp, 1OBP
Cast time:1AA
Modality: The caster drops a seed onto the ground and magically grows it up. The rapid speed that it grows makes it act like a deadly spear.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to have their tree grow 15 feet tall, if it’s a bush it grows width wise.
OBP: a seed of the chosen plant.
Acid Rain
Level 3 Green, Red Spell (7)
Element: Acid, Water
Mechanics: Caster potency 22 vs dance/agility lasts the whole battle, affects the whole battlefield. d2 acid damage, can only be cast outside of structures. The caster can’t dodge the round this is cast.
Cost:9mp, 8 round cooldown
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster dances about in a tribal manor ushering in an acid rain.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 6mp.
Tree Traveler
Level 3 Purple, Green Spell (4)
Element: Space, Plant
Mechanics: the caster can go into a plant on the battlefield and go out of another plant on the battlefield, Phase, break line of sight.
Cost: 9mp
Cast time:1MA,
Modality: The caster phases into a plant then teleports out of another nearby plant.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast outside of battle.
Rumbling Beast
Level 5 Green Spell (9)
Element: Fuana
Mechanics:The caster calls a random creature with a random level 1-8. This creature is frenzied with a potency of 22 vs willpower/personality. Roll a d4 to see which edge of the battlefield the animal enters at.
Cost:15mp, 1SS
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster makes a call that sounds like a competitor or a creature dangering an animal's young. The creature is magically sped up until it arrives at the scene of the battle. The creature flies into a rage killing everything in sight.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp and add 3 strength mods to the beast while it is frenzied.
Raise a Tree Ent
Level 3 Green, Blue, White Spell (7)
Element: Flora, Animate, Holy
Mechanics:The caster targets a tree up to 6 spaces away. Delay level 1 then Flip a coin. If heads the tree becomes a level 3 tree ent, if tails it becomes a level 1 tree ent.
Cost:9mp, 1 tree, 1OBP, 1SS
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster sends the spirit of a deceased druid into a tree and magically gives it the means to move about and fight on the druid's behalf.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to flip another coin. If heads add another level to the tree Ent, if tails do nothing.
OBP: The caster must meditate for 30 minutes communing with deceased druids spirits to put 1 charge on this spell.
Herbal Burst
Level 1 Green Spell (1)
Element: Flora, Poison
Mechanics:add this to an attack, adding Flora to the other damage types of the attack. if the attack successfully hits, put 2 enemy green tower counters on the caster. If this spell is cast and the caster has 6 enemy green tower counters on them, remove 6 and heal the caster or adjacent target with a d12 hp.
Cast time:Addition Spell
Modality: The caster has flowers growing out of their armor and clothes that are blooming with life.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to change the d12 hp to a d12 flora/poison damage with a level 1 ring instead.
Living Death Spores
Level 4 Green, Black Spell (5)
Element: Flora, Necrotic
Mechanics:add this to an attack, change the caster’s damage to green counter and add split level 2 and plus 2 accuracy, and a level 1 ring to each.
Cast time:1MA
Modality: The caster showers the battlefield with green tower charged spores that turn humans and creatures alike into fungi zombies.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove the effect, cost, and cast time of this spell to instead turn a green tower subdued unit up to 6 spaces away into a neutral summoned mushroom zombie.
Mushroom Missile
Level 1 Green Spell (5)
Element: Flora
Mechanics: 6 space range, d6 flora/blunt damage. ¼ chance to deal a d4 green tower counter in a level 1 ring.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality:The caster throws a handful of spores that rapidly grow into an amalgamation of mushrooms that strike the target and sometimes plume out a cloud of spores.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to increase the ¼ chance for a d4 green tower counter to a d16 green tower counters.
Healing Sapling
Level 1 Green Spell (4)
Element: Flora
Mechanics: heals a d6 hp, ward level 1.
Cast time:1AA
Modality:The caster grows a small frigaile plant that wiggle back and forth healing up to one target each round.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell ward level 2.
Level 3 Green, White Spell (4)
Element: Fauna, Holy
Mechanics: stays until it attempts to hit a unit. Heals target a d4X hp. Where X is how many rounds past the first it is on the battlefield. It can move 3 spaces a round and if any unit melee attacks it they take the healing effects and it dissipates.
Cast time:1MA
Modality:The caster conjures glowing fireflies that burst their healing charge then remain lightless on the battlefield.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell a ¼ chance to be cast 2 more times for free.
Exploding Bubble
Level 3 Red (4)
Element: Water
Mechanics: stays until it attempts to hit a unit. Deals a d4X water/hack damage. Where X is how many rounds past the first it is on the battlefield. It can move 3 spaces a round and if any unit melee attacks it they take the effects and it dissipates.
Cast time:1MA
Modality:The caster conjures glowing fireflies that burst their healing charge then remain lightless on the battlefield.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell a ¼ chance to be cast 2 more times for free.
Poison Bloom
Level 3 GreenSpell (6)
Element: Flora, Poison
Mechanics:auto hits, target’s must clear a 17 vs mettle/toughness to avoid the effects of this spell. Delay 2, level 2 ring, d18 poison damage, linger level 1. These effects come out of the target tree.
Cost:9mp, 1 tree
Cast time:1AA
Modality:The caster touches a tree and it grows buds, after a while the buds bloom into beautiful blossoms and release a very poisonous aroma that deals massive damage.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell and additional level of linger.
Forest Kami
Level 2 Green, White Spell (4)
Element: Flora, Fauna, Holy
Mechanics: delay 3, summon a level 2 Forest Kami.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality:The caster grows a forest Kami from out of the ground. To aid them.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove the 1AA from the cast time of this spell if cast outside of structures.
Life Sap
Level 3 Green, Black Spell (7)
Element: Acid, Necrotic
Mechanics: deal a d4 acid life steal, potency 18 vs mettle/toughness. 6 space range.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality:The caster saps small amounts of life from the target.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add a level 2 ring to the effects of this spell.
Tundra Call
Level ? Green Spell (?)
Element: Fauna
Mechanics: Caster potency of 22 vs animal tame/personality. The caster can’t dodge the round this is cast. The caster can call any tundra animal of their choice to aid them in the battle. Roll a d4 to see which edge of the battlefield the animal enters at. This can only be cast in the tundra.
Cost:X12mp, Where X is the creature’s level -2, 1SS
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster calls out for help magically speeding the efforts of the chosen animal as it comes to assist.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast outside of structures.
Desert Call
Level ? Green Spell (?)
Element: Fauna
Mechanics: Caster potency of 22 vs animal tame/personality. The caster can’t dodge the round this is cast. The caster can call any Desert animal of their choice to aid them in the battle. Roll a d4 to see which edge of the battlefield the animal enters at. This can only be cast in the Desert.
Cost:X12mp, Where X is the creature’s level -2, 1SS
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster calls out for help magically speeding the efforts of the chosen animal as it comes to assist.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast outside of structures.
Forest Call
Level ? Green Spell (?)
Element: Fauna
Mechanics: Caster potency of 22 vs animal tame/personality. The caster can’t dodge the round this is cast. The caster can call any forest animal of their choice to aid them in the battle. Roll a d4 to see which edge of the battlefield the animal enters at. This can only be cast in the forest.
Cost:X12mp, Where X is the creature’s level -2, 1SS
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster calls out for help magically speeding the efforts of the chosen animal as it comes to assist.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast outside of structures.
Ocean Call
Level ? Green Spell (?)
Element: Fauna
Mechanics: Caster potency of 22 vs animal tame/personality. The caster can’t dodge the round this is cast. The caster can call any water animal of their choice to aid them in the battle. Roll a d4 to see which edge of the battlefield the animal enters at. This can only be cast in the ocean, lakes, rivers, ponds, etc.
Cost:X12mp, Where X is the creature’s level -2, 1SS
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster calls out for help magically speeding the efforts of the chosen animal as it comes to assist.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast outside of structures.
Jungle Call
Level ? Green Spell (?)
Element: Fauna
Mechanics: Caster potency of 22 vs animal tame/personality. The caster can’t dodge the round this is cast. The caster can call any jungle animal of their choice to aid them in the battle. Roll a d4 to see which edge of the battlefield the animal enters at. This can only be cast in the jungle.
Cost:X12mp, Where X is the creature’s level -2, 1SS
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster calls out for help magically speeding the efforts of the chosen animal as it comes to assist.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast outside of structures.
Swamp Call
Level ? Green Spell (?)
Element: Fauna
Mechanics: Caster potency of 22 vs animal tame/personality. The caster can’t dodge the round this is cast. The caster can call any swamp animal of their choice to aid them in the battle. Roll a d4 to see which edge of the battlefield the animal enters at. This can only be cast in the swamp.
Cost:X12mp, Where X is the creature’s level -2, 1SS
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster calls out for help magically speeding the efforts of the chosen animal as it comes to assist.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast outside of structures.
Plains Call
Level ? Green Spell (?)
Element: Fauna
Mechanics: Caster potency of 22 vs animal tame/personality. The caster can’t dodge the round this is cast. The caster can call any plain animal of their choice to aid them in the battle. Roll a d4 to see which edge of the battlefield the animal enters at. This can only be cast in the plain.
Cost:X12mp, Where X is the creature’s level -2, 1SS
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster calls out for help magically speeding the efforts of the chosen animal as it comes to assist.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast outside of structures.
Werewolf Curse
Level 3 Green, Gray Spell (7)
Element: Fauna, Transmutation
Mechanics: The caster overlays all of their feats with those of the werewolf. The caster rearranges their stats with the werewolf stat hierarchy. The caster can’t dodge the round this spell is cast. Within.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster transforms into a werewolf.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast at night while there is a moon in the sky. If there is a full moon and the caster has this spell, they are forced to transform into a werewolf with no mana cost and with the following added effects: double the caster’s Strength, Agility, and Accuracy mod, but the caster is frenzied with a potency of 22 vs willpower/intelligence.
Werebear Curse
Level 3 Green, Gray Spell (7)
Element: Fauna, Transmutation
Mechanics: The caster overlays all of their feats with those of the werebear. The caster rearranges their stats with the werebear stat hierarchy. The caster can’t dodge the round this spell is cast. Within
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster transforms into a werebear.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast at night while there is a moon in the sky. If there is a full moon and the caster has this spell, they are forced to transform into a werebear with no mana cost and with the following added effects: double the caster’s Strength, Agility, and Accuracy mod, but the caster is frenzied with a potency of 22 vs willpower/intelligence.
Level 4 Green, Gray Spell (8)
Element: Fauna, Transmutation
Mechanics: Target willing or green tower subdued unit is turned into an animal of the caster’s choice that is equal or lower in level than the target. 6 space range.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The target transforms into an animal.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast outside of battle. If the target is a willing target then they may shed this form and return to normal whenever they choose. If they are not a willing target then it is a permanent curse.
Level 4 Green Spell (8)
Element: Fauna
Mechanics: Caster potency 17 vs animal taming/Intelligence. Target willing or green tower subdued unit is turned into an animal of the caster’s choice that is equal to the target’s level minus 2 or lower. If a willing unit is killed in this form it returns to its original form but takes the animal form’s hp as pure damage.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The target transforms into an animal.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast outside of battle. If the target is a willing target then they may shed this form and return to normal whenever they choose. If they are not a willing target then it is a permanent curse.
Level ? Green, Yellow Spell (?)
Element: Fauna, Psychic
Mechanics: Caster potency 12 vs animal taming/personality. Instantly convert a target animal ,that is not being controlled by another unit, to your side. The unit will not fight kin or beloved allies. 6 space range.
Cost:X12mp, where X is the creature's level -2. 1SS
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The target transforms into an animal.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast outside of battle. Once battle ends, the caster can release the creature and it will remain a friendly unit which takes exp like any other NPC, or they can thrall it normally like a summoned unit.
Primal Link
Level 3 Green, Brown Spell (3)
Element: Fauna, Ability
Mechanics: Caster potency 12 vs animal taming/personality. The caster may bestow any two feats with no overlapping tags from any of their called creatures onto a target as a personal power up. 6 space range.
Cost:9mp, 1PPU
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The target gains select features and abilities from one of the caster’s animal allies.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast on themselves.
Primal Union
Level 2 Green, Brown Spell (2)
Element: Fauna, Ability
Mechanics: Caster potency 12 vs animal taming/personality. The caster gains 2 random feats from a random one of their called creatures as a personal power up. within.
Cost:6mp, 1PPU
Cast time:Addition Spell
Modality: The caster gain’s random features and abilities from one of their animal allies.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 6mp.
Call a Dire Owl
Level 3 Green (7)
Element: Fauna
Mechanics: call a level 3 dire owl. Roll a d4 to see which edge of the battlefield the animal enters at. This spell can only be cast in the forest biome and at night. The caster cannot doge the round this spell is cast.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster calls a dire owl to help them fight.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to put the feat “tough guy” on the owl as a personal power up.
Level 3 Green, Black (7)
Element: Disease, Fuana
Mechanics: -6FHS from a target animal and they take a d2 disease damage potency 20 vs concentration/accuracy. Level 2 cone.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster calls a dire owl to help them fight.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to have the disease damage of this spell upped twice every time the check is failed.
Lunar Lust
Level 1 Green, Black, Brown (4)
Element: Fuana, Necrotic, Ability
Mechanics: if the caster is in a “were” form they gain the following personal power up. Gain 1 hp and 1 accuracy mod for every successful hit made on the target in a row. Missing or changing to new targets resets this. (Ac, Hp, Ud) within.
Cost:3mp, 1PPU
Cast time:1AA
Modality: The caster's form gains a focused rage that heals them as they devour their foes.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA while this PPU is on them to gain 3 accuracy mods for the round vs units they have successfully hit last round.
Level 2 Green, Gray (6)
Element: Fuana, Manipulation
Mechanics: target beast gains giant status level 2 as a personal power up.
Cost:6mp, 1PPU
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster greatly increases the size and ferocity of the target beast.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add the feat “Iron clad” to the PPU of this spell.
Orc Dragon Call
Level 4 Green (8)
Element: Fuana
Mechanics: flip a coin, if heads call in a level 5 orc dragon. If tails call in a level 1 toad. The caster can’t dodge the round this spell is cast. This spell can only be cast in a swamp biome.
Cost:12mp, 1SS
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster attempts an orc dragon call which is very difficult and sounds like many toad calls.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove the biome condition of this spell if cast outside of structures.