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Quest Glossary

Disarm: Disarm removes an item from the target, typically their held item such as weapons, potions, etc. However, it can also be used to take off items like necklaces, helmets, purses, etc. The disarmed item drops into a space adjacent to the target. Unless the spell or ability specifies otherwise with "Pick up," in which case the disarmed item is equipped to the caster.

Disengage: Enemies don’t get a free hit when the target leaves or moves about their melee zone for that round.

Teleport or Jump: This ability allows the target to move through the air a distance equal to their movement for the round.

Phase: This ability allows the target to pass through solid objects, though not if they are enchanted, sealed, or otherwise magical. If the target ends their turn inside an object, they become Pinned, and the escape check depends on the material they are in.

Phase 2 or Phase level 2: This enhanced version of Phase enables the target to pass through solid objects even if they are magical and sealed.

Breaks line of sight or Fade: This term indicates that a character that “breaks line of sight” can’t be seen during their movement, and if they move behind something that obstructs vision they count as sneaking or undetected. However if they end their movement in a space that can clearly be seen they still count as detected.

Ring: When added to a spell's area of effect, a level 1 ring extends the spell's reach to one space in every direction. Additional levels of Ring increase the spell's area of effect by one space per level around the spell's original area of effect.

Level 1 ring     Level 2 ring

Cone: increases the spell’s area of effect like so.

Level 1 cone                           level 2 cone

Beam: This effect extends the spell's area of effect to every space directly between the caster and the target.

Split: Split is an effect that allows the spell to be copied, targeting new entities. Each copy maintains the spell's range but not its area of effect. The additional casting cannot affect the same entity as the original spell or targets of other copies created in this way. Additional levels of Split add another copy per level.

Link: This effect allows the spell to jump to a new target if one is available within one space even if it is an ally. If there are multiple eligible units, the jump is randomized. Additionally, Link cannot affect the same target twice per casting. Additional levels of Link increase how many spaces the spell can jump to get to a new target. Each level increases the jump range by one space.

Linger:  This enhancement prolongs the spell's effects in the area of effect for X additional rounds, where X is the level of Linger. The roll to hit remains the same as the original roll.

Effects the Whole Battlefield: This enhancement increases the spell's area of effect to encompass the entire battlefield.

Potency: This enhancement imbues the spell with a check against a specific modifier and skill. The spell's effect recurs every round until the target successfully clears the check.

Revive: This ability brings a target back from the dead. However, it typically has a limited duration from the time of death during which it is effective.

Destroyed: This status renders a unit unable to be revived.

Luck: Possessing luck allows the owner to alter the outcome of d20 rolls by the amount of luck they have. For instance, if they roll a 19 and have 1 luck, they can turn it into a natural 20. Similarly, if an enemy rolls a 2 when attacking them, they can turn it into a 1, resulting in an automatic failure. This ability can be applied to any d20 rolls made by the owner or against them.

Mend: removes a wound from the target.

Counters: Counters can originate from any color of tower, such as Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Black, etc. When placed on a unit, counters have no immediate effect. However, once the counters on a target exceed the target's life, the target's soul becomes infiltrated by the magic of that tower. As a result, the target is subdued to that tower's magic and becomes susceptible to types of spells with harsher magical effects. These harsher effects are outlined in specific spells that utilize the subdued state to inflict additional or more potent magical effects.

Conducted: This enhancement allows the spell to be directed within its range, even around corners and through tight spaces, operating similarly to character movement, only it has flight.

Knock Back: This effect pushes the target away from the impact of the spell (unless it has Conducted). The distance of the push is determined by the associated dice roll. If the target cannot move further back due to an obstacle, such as a wall, then the target takes damage equal to the remaining spaces.

Knock Down and Prone: This effect knocks the target into a prone position. While prone, the target cannot dodge. Additionally, anyone affected can use 1 Bonus Action (BA) or 1 Move Action (MA) to stand up in response to being knocked down even if it is not their turn.

Sleep: This effect requires a Potency. It causes the target to drop into a prone position. While asleep, the target cannot take actions or dodge. They will wake up if another unit engages with them, unless the engagement is non-combat-related, such as moving or searching through their pockets. In such cases, the target may attempt to clear the check again whenever engaged in this manner. Upon waking up, the target may use a Bonus action to stand up even if it is not their turn.

Friendly Fire: This feature enables you to choose which of the successfully hit targets within your spell's area of effect are affected or unaffected. It's useful for actions such as protecting allies from large fireballs you’ve cast or preventing enemies from benefiting from your healing breeze spell.

Cooldown: This term refers to the amount of time, measured in rounds or other units, that must pass before a character can reuse an ability with a cooldown. All spells, feats, items, and abilities a character possesses share the same cooldown.

Within: This effect restricts the spell to only be cast on the caster themselves.

Without: This effect prevents the spell's healing and positive buffs from being cast on the caster.

Hidden: means the caster is out of the line of sight of all enemies.

Alone: This status means the unit is at least 6 spaces away from any allied unit.

Exclusive: This attribute indicates that the spell cannot be copied or learned by individuals outside of its assigned class.

Contagious: This effect causes anyone who interacts with the target while within its melee zone to also be affected by the spell's effects.

Contagious Level 2: Extending the contagion, anyone within a level 1 ring of the target also catches the effects whether they interact with the target or not.

Destruction: Destruction annihilates all items  and structures, it’s level is capable of, within the area of effect, excluding those carried by units.

Level 1: Destroys structures with durability equivalent to wood or lower.

Level 2: Destroys structures with durability equivalent to stone or lower.

Level 3: Destroys structures with durability equivalent to metal or lower.

Level 4: Destroys enchanted items up to level 1 enchantment.

Level 5: Destroys enchanted items of level 2 and beyond.

Detect: This ability enables the user to sense an object or specific thing as outlined by the spell. This sensing can penetrate obstacles and even walls.

Scrying: This ability enables the caster to remotely perceive things within the spell's area of effect as if they were physically present there. The spell specifies which senses the caster can use to perceive in the scrying area, and some spells may allow the use of multiple senses simultaneously. The presence of scrying can be detected using the skill Sense Magic.

Covert: This effect enhances a spell or seal's concealment, making it more challenging to detect. It adds 2 times the level of Covert (2X) to the difficulty of the Sense Magic check.

Personal Power Up (PPU): Each character possesses one personal power up slot. Certain spells utilize this slot to bestow temporary abilities and powers upon the target. If a spell attempts to grant a unit another ability via the personal power up slot, and the slot is already occupied, the target can choose whether to keep their current personal power up or swap it out with the new one. Personal power ups persist both in and out of battle. If the battle concludes and you opt to retain the personal power up, you acquire self counters from the towers linked to the spell. The number of counters corresponds to the true cost of the spell.

Freeze: When a target is frozen, they are unable to move, attack, or be attacked until they clear the potency. The ice (or other materials used by the spell to achieve this effect) surrounding them has HP equal to its potency and can be attacked. Damaging the ice reduces its potency to clear. If the damage exceeds the ice's HP, the excess damage is dealt to the frozen unit.

Frenzy: This effect compels the target to use their attack action to attack the nearest unit. If multiple units are equidistant from the target, the attacker must be randomly determined.  For the round

Taunt: This effect restricts the target to only being able to attack the caster. For the round

Confuse: This effect causes the target to have a 1/4 chance each round of attacking themselves.

Fear and Repel: This effect compels the target to use its move action to run away from the caster during the first round, unless prevented by an obstacle like a cliff or if they need to leave a melee zone. If they are still affected after the first round, they are unable to move any closer to the caster.

Fear/Repel Level 2: This enhanced version of Fear/Repel maintains its effects regardless of any obstacles or harm present, compelling the target to continue running away from the caster.

Lure: This effect causes the target to use their move action to move towards a specified point, unless prevented by obstacles like a cliff or if they need to leave a melee zone.

Lure Level 2: This enhanced version of Lure disregards any obstacles or harm, compelling the target to move towards the specified point regardless.

Infatuate: This effect prohibits the target from attacking the caster for the duration. However, if the caster intentionally attacks the target, the effect is lost.

Infatuate 2: This enhanced version of Infatuate not only prevents the target from attacking the caster but also compels them to protect the caster if necessary. As with the previous level, if the caster intentionally attacks the target, the effect is lost.

Mind Control: This effect grants the caster control over the target's move action and attack action. However, the caster cannot compel the target to harm themselves. The target retains the ability to dodge attacks and defend themselves as usual. If the caster or their allies intentionally attack the target, the effect is lost.

Call: This effect grants the caster control over the target's move action. The caster cannot compel the target to harm themselves. However, the target retains the ability to dodge attacks and defend themselves as usual.

Calm: This effect prevents the target from using their attack action to attack.

Fuddle: This effect restricts the target's move action to only moving, preventing them from using it for any other purpose.

Root: This effect immobilizes the target, preventing them from using their move action to move. Often, the target is held to the space they are currently occupying.

Daze: This effect renders the target unable to act or dodge until engaged by another unit. Requires potency to clear.

Stun: This effect deprives the target of both their attack and move actions.

Paralyze: This effect deprives the target of both their attack and move actions, and they cannot dodge.

Half Stun: This effect causes the target to lose their attack action.

Mini Stun: This effect causes the target to lose their move action.

Blind: This effect removes the target's positive accuracy modifiers and applies a -3 accuracy modifier to them. Additionally, all units are considered to have broken line of sight from the blinded target. It also decreases their Natural Senses skill by 4. Units under this effect are unaffected by certain optical illusion-based spells.

Deafen: This effect renders the target unable to hear. It also decreases their Natural Senses skill by 4. Units under this effect are unaffected by certain sound-based spells.

Insensitivity: This effect renders the target unable to feel pain, temperature or pressure. It also decreases their Natural Senses skill by 4. Units under this effect are unaffected by pain based spells.

Anosmia: This effect renders the target unable to smell. It also decreases their Natural Senses skill by 4. Units under this effect are unaffected by certain smell-based spells.

Ageusia: This effect renders the target unable to taste. It also decreases their Natural Senses skill by 4. Units under this effect are unaffected by certain taste-based spells.

Pinned: This condition prevents the target from using move actions to move, and they are unable to dodge.

Feeble: This effect causes the target to lose any positive strength modifiers.

Silence: The target is unable to cast spells.

Tower Silence: The target is unable to cast spells of the chosen tower.

Elemental Silence: The target is unable to cast spells of the chosen element.

Interrupt: This effect allows the caster to cast a spell out of turn, deducting from their upcoming turn's allotment.

Invisibility: The target becomes imperceptible to the naked eye. This effect cancels when the target interacts.

Invisibility Level 2: In addition to the target being invisible, the caster becomes invisible as well, enabling them to attack and interact with objects. If someone clears the check, they alone can see you.

Doom: This effect is fatal to the target if they cannot clear the check within 5 rounds (or however it is outlined by the spell). Requires potency to clear. This effect ends if the battle concludes while there are still rounds remaining before the doom occurs.

Auto Hit: This effect ensures that an attack automatically lands without requiring a roll.

Instant Dodge: This ability allows the target to instantly evade the damage and effects of an attack without any chance of failure.

Redirect: With this ability, the target can transfer the damage and effects of a dodged attack to an adjacent square, mitigating its impact.

Illusion: This effect, requiring potency to clear, deceives those who fail the check into perceiving something conjured up by the caster that isn't real. More potent illusions can engage multiple senses, and even use movement and speech.

Delayed: This effect causes the spell's effects to manifest one round after casting. When cast, the spell targets the area, and even if the target moves out of range afterward, they are still affected. If the battle ends before the spell manifests, it is canceled.

Dual Wielding: The player can use 1 Move Action (MA), 1 Free Hit Slot (FHS), and 2 Bonus Actions (BA) to attack with their off-hand weapon. This attack deals a dice roll lower than the base weapon damage and does not benefit from any feats or apply the strength modifier.

Max Hit Points (Mhp): This represents the maximum amount of hit points a character can possess. Healing cannot exceed this limit, and if your Mhp is reduced, you must rest for 8 hours to recover it.

Max Magic Points (Mmp): This represents the maximum amount of magic points a character can possess. Healing cannot exceed this limit, and if your Mmp is reduced, you must rest for 8 hours to recover it.

Thralling: In Quest, summoned units are dismissed when transitioning from non-combat to combat situations and vice versa. However, thralling allows a summoned unit to persist both in and out of battle. When a summoned unit is about to be dismissed, the caster has the option to thrall it or not. Thralling a unit requires expending a portion of your soul’s energy, specifically reducing your Mhp by 6 times the level of the summoned unit. This allows the summoned unit to remain under your control regardless of changes in combat status. If you choose to recover the thrall cost of a thralled unit when you sleep, the unit is no longer thralled.

Summoning Slots (SS): Each character possesses summoning slots equal to their level. They can only have as many summoned, enthralled, or otherwise controlled units present simultaneously as the number of summoning slots they have available.

Summoning Sickness: Summoned units have summoning sickness the round that they are spawned and lose 1AA, and 1MA. 

Local Summon: This ability summons a unit from the area, causing them to enter from a random direction. They do not suffer from summoning sickness, but you cannot local summon a unit that wouldn't be present in the area. These units become neutral units when the caster dies.

Cloak Summon: This effect transforms the caster into another creature or unit, temporarily replacing their feats.

Dormant: This effect allows a summoned unit or ward to be cast onto the field in a paralyzed state without their feats or abilities. If the battle ends before the spell resolves, the summon/ward is canceled.

Replica: This effect creates a duplicate of the target with all their feats, stats, and abilities. However, it disappears as soon as it takes damage. The thrall cost is the same as a summoned unit: 6MP times the unit's level. It suffers from summoning sickness.

Shell: this ability overlays the target's hp equal to the shell's dice roll. as long as that overlaid hp remains, the abilities the shell has are accessible to the target. Once the overlaid hp is gone, so are the abilities.

Ward: A ward is a unit with 1 HP that sustains the effects of a spell until it is destroyed or dismissed. Once the ward is eliminated or dismissed, the spell and its effects come to an end. A ward can be dismissed by a character within its melee zone using almost any action. including 1 Bonus Action (BA), or 1 Move Action (MA), or 1 Attack Action (AA). To thrall a ward, the caster must pay 3Mhp. Wards occupy summoning slots. A level 2 ward however has 5 life and can only be dismissed with an attack action.

Out of Battle Preparation (OBP): Refers to actions and conditions that must be completed outside of battle to prepare for certain spells. This often includes specific activities such as meditating for 30 minutes. OBP is necessary to ensure that spells with these requirements are ready to be used during combat.

Fall Damage: The damage incurred from falling a dangerous or fatal distance. It is calculated as Xd6 blunt damage plus an additional 2X damage, where X represents every 10 feet fallen.

Burrow: This ability grants the caster the capability to tunnel through dirt and stone. The distance they can tunnel is specified by the spell or feat associated with Burrow.

Pure Damage: Damage that cannot be reduced or blocked in any way.

Chaos Damage: This type of pure, unblockable damage ignores feats with the tags Bd, Imu, Resi, and BL.

Self Potency or Caster Potency: This is a skill check plus a modifier that the caster must clear for the spell to take effect at all.

Insured: With this effect, the cost is only paid if the spell hits successfully.

Constant: This effect causes the caster to be flat-footed during the first round the spell is cast, even if it misses. However, the caster does not need to reroll to hit each subsequent round. The spell can be canceled if something obstructs it or if the target moves out of range.

Channeling: if a spell takes more than 1 round for its cast time, the caster is considered channeling and can’t dodge until the spell effects occur or are canceled.

Sealed: Magical seals or curses can be placed on units or objects and usually maintain some sort of effect. Doors, locks, rooms, and containers that have a magic spell on them are considered sealed. Until the seal is removed, effects like Phase, Destruction, Burrow, etc., won’t work on them. Seals can be removed through a successful seal tampering check. However, if the check fails, the tamperer takes a backfire effect that is usually quite dangerous. If the seal is a curse on a unit, the backfire effect typically applies the same curse to the tamperer.

Giant Status: This status indicates that a unit is massive, at least 10 feet tall or larger. The higher the level of Giant Status, the bigger the unit is. Units with Giant Status typically have a significant amount of life and a sizable Strength modifier. However, they take X times the damage from area of effect attacks, where X is the level of Giant Status they possess.

Scrolls: to cast a spell from a scroll, the caster must pay 2BA in addition to the spell’s other costs and cast times. The scroll is destroyed after its use.

Spell Targeting a Spell: To successfully target and hit a spell that has been cast, you must roll the same check as you would to hit the caster of the spell.

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