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Feat List

Resilient Fury: Upon receiving a wound, gain 1 strength mod for the battle. (idw, S)

Vital Vigor: Upon receiving a wound, gain 1 Agility mod for the battle. (idw, Agi)

Steady Resolve: Upon receiving a wound, gain 1 Accuracy mod for the battle. (idw, Ac)

Feral Swiftness:  Upon receiving a wound, gain 2 movement for the battle. (idw, M)

Sanguine Surge: Upon receiving a wound, heal a d8 hp. (idw, Hp)

Sanguine Sage: Upon receiving a wound, heal a d8 mp. (idw, Mp)

Painforge: Upon receiving a wound, gain 2 iron clad for the battle. (idw, ic, BL)

Moan: Upon receiving a wound, the attacker is infatuated with a potency of 16 vs will power/personality. (idw, love)

Kick in the teeth: Lower critical hit ratio by 4 when attacking units that are flat footed.(Cri, ATp)

Swift Kick: gain 2 agility mods for the round when attacking units that are flat footed.(Agi, ATp)

Kick and run: gain 4 movement for the round when attacking units that are flat footed.(M, ATp)

Careful Kick: Gain 2 accuracy mods for the round when attacking units that are flat footed.(Ac, ATp)

Curb Stomp: you can spend 1MA to add your Strength mod again to the damage when attacking units that are flat footed.(S, ATp)

Disarming Kick: you can spend 1MA to disarm the target when attacking units that are flat footed. (disA, ATp)

Clearing Kick: Disengage 1 space after attacking units that are flat footed.(ATp, disen)

Double Edge:you may add your strength mod again to your attack but you take your strength mod in pure damage when doing so. (teD, S)


Reckless Dodge: double your agility mod for the round, but take your agility mod in pure damage. (Agi, teD)

Reckless Shot: double your Accuracy mod for the round, but take your Accuracy mod in pure damage. (Ac, teD)

Double Edged Sword: you may gain an attack action. however you must take a d8 pure damage plus your weapon focuses and mods. (teD, A)


Unbridled Strike: double your weapon damage for the round, but you take the additional damage as pure damage. (S, teD)

Reckless Disarm: Your attack disarms the target. however you must take a d6 pure damage. (teD, disA)


Fireproof: Immune to fire damage. (imu)

Frost Born: Immune to ice damage. (imu)

Grounded: Immune to lighting damage. (imu)

Dust off: Immune to earth damage. (imu)

Water Proof: Immune to water damage. (imu)

Flora Immunity: Immune to flora damage. (imu)

Cauliflower Ear: Immune to sonic damage. (imu)

Mithridatism: Immune to poison damage. (imu)

Impregnable Mind: Immune to psychic damage. (imu)

Inner light: Immune to shadow damage. (imu)

Incorruptible: Immune to necrotic damage. (imu)

Black Heart: Immune to light damage. (imu)

Aerokinetic Immunity: Immune to wind damage. (imu)

Slash Immunity: Immune to slash damage. (imu)

Blunt Immunity: Immune to blunt damage. (imu)

Hack Immunity: Immune to hack damage. (imu)

Pierce Immunity: Immune to pierce damage. (imu)

Immunity: Immune to diseases. (imu)

Hex Proof: Immune to curses. (imu)

Moderation:  Immune to strength mod damage, but take an extra 2 damage from physical attacks. (imu)

All About the Base: Immune to acid damage. (imu)

Iron skin: immune to the multiplying effect of criticals. (imu)

Brew Master: only affected by the good effects of alchemy. (imu)

Stay True: enemies must roll a 20 to get a critical on you, or in other words the critical ratio can’t be lowered against you. (imu)

Sky warrior: don’t take fall damage. Plus 2 movement while flying. (imu, M)

True Sight: can see through illusions. (imu)

Watchful: Immune to sneak damage. (imu)

Reverse Mind control: When a psychic spell is cast on you, copy its effects and you can cast it for free on the original caster. You're still affected by the original spell if hit. (RfPo)

Mirror Mystic: When an illusion spell is cast on you, copy its effects and you can cast it for free on the original caster. You're still affected by the original spell if hit. (RfPo)

Fire With Fire: When a fire spell is cast on you, copy its effects and you can cast it for free on the original caster. You're still affected by the original spell if hit. (RfPo)

Counter flood: When a water spell is cast on you, copy its effects and you can cast it for free on the original caster. You're still affected by the original spell if hit. (RfPo)

Twin Snakes: When a poison spell is cast on you, copy its effects and you can cast it for free on the original caster. You're still affected by the original spell if hit. (RfPo)

Dig Two Graves: When an Earth spell is cast on you, copy its effects and you can cast it for free on the original caster. You're still affected by the original spell if hit. (RfPo)

Misery Loves Company: When a shadow spell is cast on you, copy its effects and you can cast it for free on the original caster. You're still affected by the original spell if hit. (RfPo)

Counter Cold: When an ice spell is cast on you, copy its effects and you can cast it for free on the original caster. You're still affected by the original spell if hit. (RfPo)

Tangle: When a flora spell is cast on you, copy its effects and you can cast it for free on the original caster. You're still affected by the original spell if hit. (RfPo)

Eye for an Eye: When a Necrotic spell is cast on you, copy its effects and you can cast it for free on the original caster. You're still affected by the original spell if hit. (RfPo)


Void Lung: you do not need to breathe and are immune to doom effects. (Neg)


Cornucopia: you don’t need to eat or drink. (Neg)


Early bird: immune to the effects of not sleeping, immune to sleep spells. (imu, Neg)


Water breath: breathe underwater. Plus 2 movement underwater. (Neg, M, uw)

Friend! Don’t Fire: immune to taking damage from allies unless you want to. (Neg)

Count Me Out: immune to spell counters of a chosen tower. (Neg)

Grip: you can’t be disarmed. (Neg)

Steady: You can’t be knocked back. (Neg)

Stability: you can’t be knocked down or lose bonus actions. (Neg)

Immortal Bones: You can be brought back to life even when your body is completely destroyed. (Neg)

Cling to Life: You can be resurrected no matter how long you’ve been dead as long as the battle is still going. (Neg)

Mediumship: Can see invisible units. (Neg)

Alert: Can dodge normally when flat footed. (Neg)

Dragon Spirit: when you die, you gain immunity to death. The potency is 16 vs Willpower/Toughness. The check increases every time you take damage. It’s increase is equal to the damage. If you fail the check you die. The check can be reduced by healing. (Neg)



Impervious vision: Your Accuracy mod can’t be reduced by spells, feats, or abilities. (Ac, StPr)

Impervious Strength: Your Strength mod can’t be reduced by spells, feats, or abilities. (S, StPr)

Impervious Speed: Your Movement can’t be reduced by spells, feats, or abilities. (M, StPr)

Impervious Dexterity: Your agility mod can’t be reduced by spells, feats, or abilities. (Agi, StPr)

Impervious Mind: Your intelligence mod can’t be reduced by spells, feats, or abilities. (int, StPr)

Sun Born resistance: block 3 damage from fire and ice. (Resi)

Temperature resistance: block 3 damage from fire and ice. (Resi) 

Toxin resistance: block 3 damage from flora and poison. (Resi) 

Mithridatism: Block 3 damage from poison and disease. (Resi)

Storm Cloak: block 3 damage from lighting and ice. (Resi) 

Holy Plumage: block 3 damage from shadow and necrotic . (Resi) 

Golem Hide: block 3 damage from blunt and earth. (Resi) 

Hero Hide: block 3 damage from criticals and slash. (Resi) 

Thick Hide: Block 3 damage from hack and slash. (Resi)

Seal Skin: Block 3 damage from water and ice. (Resi)

Spectral Resistance: Block 3 damage from shadow and light. (Resi)

Siren Skin: Block 3 damage from psychic and sonic. (Resi)

Arrow Bane: Block 3 damage from pierce and arrows, bullets, and bolts. (Resi)

Durability: Increase wound threshold by 2. (iw)

Hard hat: Immune to head wounds. (iw)

These boots are made for walking: Immune to leg wounds. (iw)

Safety gloves: Immune to arm wounds. (iw)

Hydratic Growth:¼ chance when attacked to recover a wound/limb. (C, iw)

Bud: regenerate a wound/limb 4 round cool down. (CD, iw)

Steeled: Increase wound threshold by 2 for the battle upon a finishing blow. (iw, X)

Deflect: If 2 point or less damage is dealt to you, ignore it. (BL)

Shrug off: If 4 points or less physical damage is dealt to you, ignore it. (ic, BL)

Gloss over:If 4 points or less magical damage is dealt to you, ignore it. (mC, BL)

Deflect missile: If 4 points or less Ranged damage is dealt to you, ignore it. (Rb,, BL)

Deflect Melee: If 4 points or less melee damage is dealt to you, ignore it. (Cc, BL)



Dual cast: you may gain an additional 1AA each round that can only be used for casting spells; however the second spell costs 6mp more to cast. It still counts as an addition spell and therefore cost addition spell slot and 1FHS. (A)

Friendly Fire: damage you deal doesn’t affect allies unless you want it to. (Prot)

Phase: can go through non magical obstacles. (phase)


Miss-ile: can instantly dodge a magical ranged attack. (4 round cool down) (Bd, CD)

Dodge: instantly dodge an attack. (8 round cool down)  (Bd, CD)

Duck: can drop into prone dodging a ranged attack. (4 round cool down) (Bd, CD)

Evade:can instantly dodge a physical melee attack. (4 round cool down) (Bd, CD)

No Touching: can instantly dodge a magical melee attack. (4 round cool down) (Bd, CD)

Elemental Avoidance:can instantly dodge a magical red tower spell. (4 round cool down) (Bd, CD)

Mental Maze:can instantly dodge a magical yellow tower spell. 4 round cool down. (Bd, CD)

Independence: Can instantly remove any effect (other than potencies of 30 or higher) that forces you to lose control of your character. 8 round cooldown. (Bd, CD) 

Quick Attack: gain an attack action even if it’s not your turn. With an 8 round cool down. (A, CD)

Disguise: may change your appearance to look and sound like someone else. Potency 20 vs accuracy/Sense intent. 8 round cooldown. 4 hour cooldown outside of battle. Can cast on self only. (CD)

Frenzy: 6 space range, frenzy 10 potency vs willpower/Personality, uses a 1AA.  8 round cool down. (CD)

Invisibility: invisibility 16 potency vs natural senses/accuracy, uses a 1AA,1MA.  8 round cool down. Cast on self only. (CD, invis)

Muffling: plus 10 sneak for the round. 6 round cooldown. 3 hour cooldown outside of battle. can only be cast on self. (Sneak, CD) 

Disable: choose one of the target's feats and they can't use that feat. 6 space range, 12 potency vs memory/intelligence, uses a 1AA.  8round cool down.(CD)

Root: root potency 18. 6 space range. (CD, Rt) 

Daze: target unit can't act or dodge until another unit engages them. 16 potency vs concentration/toughness, uses a 1AA.  8 round cool down. (CD)

Calm: Calm 14 potency vs intimidate/Strength, uses a 1AA.  8 round cool down. (CD) 

Silence: 6 space range, Silence 12 potency vs Shout/Strength, uses a 1AA.  8 round cool down. (CD, Qxx)

Mass effect: a spell you cast may affect up to 5 additional targets. 8 round cool down. (ma, CD)

Nova: a spell you cast gains a level 5 ring. (ma, CD)

Dragon’s Breath: a spell you cast gains a level 5 cone. (ma, CD)

Irresistible: a potency spell you cast gains 10 potency. 8 round cooldown. (Pot, CD)

Lasting: a spell you cast gains a level 3 linger. 8 round cooldown. (ma, CD)

Hidden Power: invert your strength mod and add 2 to it. 8 round cooldown. (S, CD)

Marksmen: double the accuracy of your ranged attacks for the round. 4 round cooldown. (CD, Ac)

Way of the warrior: lower your critical hit ratio by 6 for one attack, interrupt. (8 round cool down) (CD, Cri)

The Warrior’s Way: lower your critical hit ratio by 10 for one attack. (8 round cool down) (CD, Cri)

Cancel: when a unit within 6 spaces casts a level 3 spell or lower, you may cancel that spell and its effects. Though the caster still pays its cost. 8 round cooldown. (CD, Qxx)

Dispel: you may cancel a spell being cast if you pay its mp cost plus 9mp for each 1AA and 3mp for each 1MA in its cast time. 4 round cooldown. (CD, Qxx) 

Devastating Blow: up a weapons attack dice 5 times for the round. 8 round cool down. (S, CD)

Rapid Recovery: requires 1AA, 2BA, target heals a d20 hp. 8 round cool down. (Hp, CD)

Witch Blade: gain Mp back equal to the damage dealt. interrupt. 8 round cool down. (Mp, CD)

Every second counts: remove 3 rounds from a current cooldown every time you're attacked when terminal. (T, CD)

Borrowed time: reduce a cool down by 5 rounds  upon a finishing blow.  (X, CD)

Save Time: ¼ chance to remove 3 rounds from a current cooldown every time you're attacked. (CD, C)

Make Time: ¼ chance to remove 3 rounds from a current cooldown every time you attack. (Ud, CD)

Only Time will Tell: ¼ chance each round to reduce a current cooldown by 3 rounds. (Er, CD)

True shot: one attack will not miss with an 8 round cool down. (instaH, CD)

Spread: reduces magic damage from area of effect attacks you’re hit with by 4. (BL, mC, vArea)

Span: reduces Physical damage from area of effect attacks you’re hit with by 4. (BL, ic, vArea)

Giant Skin: reduces damage from area of effect attacks you’re hit with by 2. (BL, vArea)

Targetward: reduces magic damage from single target attacks you’re hit with by 4. (BL, mC, single)

Precision Protection: reduces Physical damage from single target attacks attacks you’re hit with by 4. (BL, ic, single)

Solo Shield: reduces damage from single target attacks attacks you’re hit with by 2. (BL, single)


Breath of Luck: when an attack hits right on,(meaning the enemy’s roll plus targeting modifiers equals exactly what they had to get to hit you. No more, no less but exactly.) It misses and you gain 4 agility mods for the battle. (Ro, Agi, Bd)

Pressure Point Master:when your attack hits the target right on,(meaning your roll plus targeting modifiers equals exactly what you had to get to hit them. No more, no less but exactly.)you deal critical damage, that ignores immunities up to level 4. ignores armor, guarding feats, can’t be auto dodged. Knocks target into prone. Also puts the target to sleep with a 16 potency vs strength/willpower. (Ro, Igno, kP, Cri)

Perfect Strike:when your attack hits the target right on,(meaning your roll plus targeting modifiers equals exactly what you had to get to hit them. No more, no less but exactly.) you deal an additional 19 damage. (Ro)

True Crit: if you roll a natural 20 on your attack, you deal an additional 19 damage. This damage multiples with your critical multiplier. (Ro)

Hit Me Baby One More Time: when an attack hits right on,(meaning the enemy’s roll plus targeting modifiers equals exactly what they had to get to hit you. No more, no less but exactly.)  you gain 6 strength mods for the battle. (Ro, S)

Galactic Rhythm: when your attack hits the target right on,(meaning your roll plus targeting modifiers equals exactly what you had to get to hit them. No more, no less but exactly.) you gain 6 accuracy mods for the battle. (Ro, Ac)


Life Lust: You heal d6 hp every time you get a critical. (Cri, Hp)

Lore Lust: You heal d6 mp every time you get a critical. (Cri, Mp)

Immortal Lust: You heal d6 Mhp every time you get a critical. (Cri, Mhp)

Lust for Knowledge: You heal d6 Mmp every time you get a critical. (Cri, Mmp)

Zeal: gain an attack action every time you get a critical. (Cri, A)

Strengthening Strike: gain a strength mod for the battle every time you get a critical. (Cri, S)

Speculate: gain an accuracy mod for the battle every time you get a critical. (Cri, Ac)

Utilitarian: Gain 2 utility stats. (Util)


Magician: spells cost 1 less MP (Mpcr)

Tower Focus: choose a tower and spells from that tower cost 2mp less to cast. (Mpcr, that tower as a tag)

Mancery: choose an element. Spells of that element cost 3mp less to cast. (Mpcr, ma+, that element as a tag)

Elemental focus: choose 2 elements, spells of those elements cost 2mp less to cast. Every focus in this feat adds an additional element to the list. (Mpcr)


Mana Regeneration: replenish d2 Mp per round. (Mp, Er)

Regeneration: heal d2hp each round. (Hp, Er)

Increased Understanding: gain 1 max Mp a round. (Mmp,Er)

Grow a Pair: gain 1 max Hp a round. (Mhp, Er)

Hex Monger: Gain 2mp each round for every unit still under the potency of one of your spells. (UPot, Mp, Er)


Growing strength: each round put a brown tower counter on yourself. As a free action you may spend 3 brown tower counters to gain a strength mod for the battle. Counters dissipate after battle. (S, Er)

Building resistance: each round put a green tower counter on yourself. As a free action you may spend any number of green tower counters to lower a potancy on you by 2 per counter removed. (Potre, Er)

Chemical Cast: May toss Potions with a 6 space range acting like a ranged spell. (PoAd)

Fulminate: May give a potion a level 1 ring as if it were a spell. (PoAd)

Chem Trail: Requires Chemical cast, Gives a potion beam. (PoAd)

Quiet Wisdom: Gain 2mp a round while hidden. (Mp, Er, hid)

Repetitive Rage: ½ chance to gain a strength mod, If targeted by an enemy spell they have already targeted you with this battle. (S, TT)

Reflective Repetition: ¼ chance to block and reflect the spell back at the caster If targeted by an enemy spell they have already targeted you with this battle. (Bd, TT)

Grove Guard: Block 2 points of magical damage from a spell for every time you have been hit by that same spell this battle. (mC, TT)

Stacking Guard: Block 1 point of damage for each time you’ve been attacked this round. (BL, +Ar)

Stacking Scales: Block 2 points of ranged damage for each time you’ve been attacked this round. (BL, Rb, +Ar)

Stacking Magic Clad: Block 2 points of magical damage for each time you’ve been attacked this round. (BL, mC, +Ar)

Stacking Close Clad: Block 2 points of melee damage for each time you’ve been attacked this round. (BL, Cc, +Ar)

Stacking Iron Clad: Block 2 points of physical damage for each time you’ve been attacked this round. (BL, ic, +Ar)

Stacking Rage: Gain 1 strength mod for the round for each time you’ve been attacked this round. (S, +Ar)

Stacking Dodge: Gain 1 agility mod for the round for each time you’ve been attacked this round. (Agi, +Ar)

Stacking Sight: Gain 1 accuracy mod for the round for each time you’ve been attacked this round. (Ac, +Ar)

Stacking Speed: Gain 2 movement for the round for each time you’ve been attacked this round. (M, +Ar)

Maneuver: Move normally while sneaking, swimming, climbing and any other natural movement hindering check. (M)

Athlete: Increase your base movement by 2. (M)

Water walk: Can walk on water, plus 2 movement while walking on water. (M)

Wall crawl: allows you to crawl up walls without a check. Even super slick walls like glass. (M)

Flight: can fly up to half your movement. (M)

Rebound: Can reroll a damage dice roll but you must take the second result even if it is worse, 2 round cool down. (rr, CD)

Heads or Tails: you may reroll any d4 based dice, but you must take the second roll even if it is worse. 6 round cool down. (rr, CD)

Felicity: you may reroll any d20 based dice, but you must take the second roll even if it is worse. 8 round cool down. (rr, CD)

Increase skill cap: choose a skill and increase its cap by 2. The skill gets filled and you get reimbursed for any skills you have already put towards it. If you take this a second time in the same skill, the cap increases again and is filled, but you don’t get reimbursed for it. This can only be used on skills that are not in the negative. (the skill’s name is the tag)

Skill mastery: choose a skill. The choice is permanent. Roll 2 dice when performing  the chosen skill and take the best result. (the skill’s name is the tag, rr)

Proficient:Choose a skill when you take this feat, ¼ chance to add 6 to that skill when performing it.(the skill’s name is the tag, if the skill is a crafting skill it also has the tag, Sc) 

Acrobatics Proficiency: ¼ chance to add 6 to any acrobatics check.(acrobatics) 

Seamless Craft: Choose a skill. A 1 is no longer an auto fail with that skill. (no-1, skill name)

(skill name) Acumen: While performing the chosen skill If you roll a 1 on the d20 attack roll, treat it as if you rolled a 12 instead. (1, the skill’s name is the tag )


Experienced: Gain 15 free skill points. (Skil)

Craftsmen: Plus 3 to all these skills: Does not break skill caps. Examples: Smithing, Enchanting, Use Device, Alchemy, Healing, Scroll Writing. Does not break skill caps.  (Skil)

Well Read: Plus 3 to all these skills:  knowledge of Arcane, Knowledge of Nature, Knowledge of Culture, Enchanting, Scroll writing, and Healing. Does not break skill caps. (Skil)

Herculean: Plus 3 to all these skills: Lifting, Athletics, Wrestling, Acrobatics, Reflex, mettle. Does not break skill caps. (Skil)

Well Spoken: Plus 3 to all social skills. List: Bluff, Charm, intimidate, persuade, sense intent, animal taming. Does not break skill caps. (Skil)

Jack of All Trades: Plus 1 to all skills. Does not break skill caps. (Skil)

Adept Strength: Plus 1 to all strength based skills. Does break skill caps. (Skil)

Adept Agility: Plus 1 to all agility based skills. Does break skill caps. (Skil)

Adept Accuracy: Plus 1 to all accuracy based skills. Does break skill caps. (Skil)

Adept Intelligence: Plus 1 to all intelligence based skills. Does break skill caps. (Skil)

Adept Personality: Plus 1 to all personality based skills. Does break skill caps. (Skil)

Adept Toughness: Plus 1 to all toughness based skills. Does break skill caps. (Skil)


Meditation: takes an attack action and move action. Give you plus 2 damage and 3 accuracy to the next attack. (S, Ac, Chann)

Chakra: takes an attack action and move action. Heals you and units in a level 1 ring a d4mp and hp. (Chann)

Mana Burst: takes an attack action and move action. Heals you and units in a level 1 ring a d8mp. (Mp, Chann)

Healing Burst: takes an attack action and move action. Heals you and units in a level 1 ring a d8hp. (Hp, Chann)

Focused Replenishing: takes an attack action and move action. Heals you a d10mp. (Mp, Chann)

Focused Regeneration: takes an attack action and move action. Heals you a d10hp. (Hp, Chann)

Angelic Touch: takes an attack action. Revive a unit that has been dead for 5 rounds or less. 8 round cooldown. (CD, Rev, Chann)

Arrow clad: Block 2 damage for any ranged attack. (BL, Rb)

Scales: -4 damage from ranged physical attacks. (BL, Rb, ic)

Missile Shield: Block 4 damage from ranged magical attacks. (BL, Rb, mC)


Close Clad: Block 2 damage for any melee attack. (BL, Cc)

Parry Clad: Block 4 from melee physical attacks. (BL, ic, Cc)

Touch Clad: Block 4 from melee magical attacks. (BL, Cc, mC)

Tinker: -30 minutes from each out of battle prep cost. (-OBP)


Unburden: Raises movement by 2 per enchanted item you have active. (M, pEI)

Cyborg: Increase strength mod by 1 per enchanted item you have active. (S, pEI)

Top Gear: Increase agility mod by 1 per enchanted item you have active. (Agi, pEI)

Greater Attunement: Gain an additional enchanted item slot. (pEI)

Long Shot: gain 2 accuracy vs units 6 spaces or further from you. (Far, Ac)

Farshot: Add 3 spaces to all range attacks. (Ri) 

Good Arm: Add your strength mod to the distance of all ranged spells and attacks. (S, Ri)

Sniper: Add your accuracy mod to the distance of all ranged spells and attacks. (Ac, Ri)

Feel the Wind: Add 6 space range to all ranged attacks if you haven’t moved this round. (Ri, Dmr)

Red Streak: Gain 3 spaces to your ranged attacks for the rest of the battle after a finishing blow. (Ri, X)

The One that Didn’t get Away: Gain 15 space range to one spell or attack. 8 round cooldown. (Ri, CD)

Gun on the Run: you gain 3 space range and 1 Accuracy mod for the round if you moved that round. Only adds range to ranged attacks.  (Ymr, Ac, Ri)

Stand your Ground: Up your attack dice roll twice if you didn’t move that round. (Dmr, S)

Turn on a Dime: Gain 2 agility mods for the round if you didn’t move that round. (Agi, Dmr)

Mercy strike: deal critical damage to terminal foes. (Cri, VTf)

Blood in the Water: Enemies count as terminal 5 Hp earlier than their actual range for you. (VTf) 

Insult to Injury: Add a d10 damage when attacking terminal foes. (S, VTf)

Feeding Force: Gain one strength mod for the battle when you attack a terminal foe. (S, VTf)

Punching Down: Add your strength mod again when you attack terminal foes. (S, VTf)

Bow Down, Stay Down: Your attack knocks the unit into prone and removes both of their BA, while attacking a terminal foe. (kP, VTf)

Give it Up: Your attack gains disarm while attacking a terminal foe. (disA, VTf)

Pursuit: when an enemy leaves your melee zone, you gain a move action with interrupt. (LZ, gM)

Come Again Soon: when an enemy leaves your melee zone, you gain a strength mod for the battle. (LZ, S)

Trip: when an enemy leaves your melee zone, they fall prone and lose 2BA. (kP, LZ)

Parting Gift: gain an attack action when an enemy unit leaves your melee zone. (A, LZ)

Soft Reset: when an enemy leaves your melee zone, gain a d6 hp. (LZ, Hp)

Strong Longing: when an enemy leaves your melee zone, gain a 1 strength mod for the battle. (LZ, S)

Hate to See You Go: when an enemy leaves your melee zone, gain a 1 accuracy mod for the battle. (LZ, Ac)

Anxious: when an enemy leaves your melee zone, gain a 1 agility mod for the battle. (LZ, Agi)

Salvage: when a craft check (Alchemy, smithing, enchanting…) fails you have a ¼ chance to keep the materials from being destroyed. (Sc)

Plagiarism: When a craft check succeeds you have a ¼ chance to still have the materials. (Sc)

Expertise: when you get a natural 20 while crafting, up the quality of the crafted item twice instead of once. (Sc)

Inspiration: ¼ chance to add 6 to a craft check. Only works outside of battle. (Sc)

Adept Chemist: you can add one more effect to potions being brewed. (Sc)


Under dog: up the damage dice roll by 2 if the enemy has more Hp than you. (S, u<Hp)

Catching a Break: ¼ chance to block damage from a unit that has more Hp than you. (Bd, u<Hp)

Second Wind: Plus 2 agility mods vs enemies with more Hp than you. (Agi, u<Hp)

The Conqueror:up your dice roll twice vs foes that have less hp than you for the rest of the battle after a finishing blow. (X, u>Hp,S)

Shellacking: up your attack dice roll twice vs foes that have less hp then you. (u>Hp, S)

Out Classed: Plus 2 personality mods, vs units that have a lower personality mod than you. (u>mod, Per, Per)

Out schooled: plus 2 agility mods vs foes with a lower intelligence than you. (u>mod, Intel, Agi)


Marvel Scale: block 1 from all damage for every added effect on you. (Added effects are wounds, potancties and PPUs). (+Eu, BL)

Stockpile Scales: block 2 from ranged damage for every added effect on you. (Added effects are wounds, potancties and PPUs). (+Eu, Rb, BL)

Stockpile Ironclad: block 2 from physical damage for every added effect on you. (Added effects are wounds, potancties and PPUs). (+Eu, ic, BL)

Stockpile Magic Clad: block 2 from magical damage for every added effect on you. (Added effects are wounds, potancties and PPUs). (+Eu, mC, BL)

Stockpile Strength: Increase your strength mod for every added effect on you. (Added effects are wounds, potancties and PPUs). (+Eu, S) 

Stockpile Accuracy: Increase your accuracy mod for every added effect on you. (Added effects are wounds, potancties and PPUs). (+Eu, Ac) 

Stockpile Agility: Increase your agility mod for every added effect on you. (Added effects are wounds, potancties and PPUs). (+Eu, Agi) 

Stockpile Speed: Increase your movement by 2 for every added effect on you. (Added effects are wounds, potancties and PPUs). (+Eu, M) 

Stockpile Regeneration: gain 2hp a round for every added effect on you. (Added effects are wounds, potancties and PPUs). (+Eu, Hp, Er) 

Stockpile Immortality: gain 2 Mhp a round for every added effect on you. (Added effects are wounds, potancties and PPUs). (+Eu, Mhp, Er) 

Stockpile Replenish: gain 2mp a round for every added effect on you. (Added effects are wounds, potancties and PPUs). (+Eu, Mp, Er) 

Stockpile Understanding: gain 2 Mmp a round for every added effect on you. (Added effects are wounds, potancties and PPUs). (+Eu, Mmp, Er) 

Whirlwind attack: your attack hits all units in your melee zone. Including allies. (Z, Aa)

Reach: increase your melee zone by a level 1 ring. (Z, Aa)

Vertical Jump: you can jump as far as you can move. (M)

Flight: can fly half your movement spaces. (M)

Burrow: can dig through destruction 1 materials. Speed is half your movement. (M)

Athlete: plus 2 movement. (M)

Blink: may teleport as far as your move. (breaks line of sight, phase, disengages.)  (Takes move action, 2BA, 8 round cool down) (M, CD)

Pilgrim: plus 1 movement and you can hold 50 pounds more. (M, inC)

Any Ground: plus 1 move, can move normally through any terrain. (M)

Pack Mule: increase carrying capacity by 100 pounds (inC)

Pure Pilgrim: Increase carrying capacity by 50 pounds, -3 from shadow damage (inC, Resi) 

Magic Focus: up the damage dice roll of 2 elements of your choice. everytime you focus in this feat you may add an additional element to its list. (S)

Weapon Focus: up the weapon damage dice roll of 3 weapons of your choice. everytime you focus in this feat you may add an additional weapon to it’s list. (S)

Slash Master: up the weapon damage dice roll of Slash damage. (S)

Hack Master: up the weapon damage dice roll of hack damage. (S)

Blunt Master: up the weapon damage dice roll of blunt damage. (S)

Pierce Master: up the weapon damage dice roll of pierce damage. (S)

Elemental Adept: Choose 1 element and Up the damage dice roll of your spells that belong to that element.(S)

In the Master’s Hand: A weapon focus in all weapons you make yourself. (S, my)

Meditate: takes an attack action, or 1MA and 2BA, ups your attack dice roll for the battle. (S)

Power Swing: can spend BA’s to up weapon damage dice rolls by 1 per BA used. (S)


Weapon Master: your weapon focuses apply to all weapons. (Wm)

Peaceful Pishogue: Non damaging spells cost 2mp less to cast. (nDs, Mpcr) 


Quick Climb: each round gain an additional 1MA that can only be used to climb or do an acrobatics check. (climb, acrobatics, Fa)

Spell proficiency: each round gain an additional 1BA that can only be used for spells. (Fa)

TakeDown: each round gain an additional 1BA that can only be used for wrestling attempts. (wrestle, Fa)

Quick draw: each round gain an additional 2BAs that can only be used to draw items, put them away, or grab things off of shelves. (Fa)

Quick Cast: remove 1AA and 1MA from the cast time of a spell you are casting. 6 round cool down.  (Fa, CD)

Rapid Reload: gain 1BA each round that can only be used for weapon load times and administering potions or applying poisons. (Fa)

Greater Grip: gain 1BA that can only be used for two handed weapons.. (Fa)

CQB: ½ chance to gain a wrestle attempt on an attack. (Ud, wrestle) 

Scraper: ½ chance to gain a wrestle attempt when attacked. (C, wrestle)

Wrestler: gain a wrestle attempt, 2 round cooldown. (wrestle, CD)

Grappler: Plus 3 accuracy on wrestling attempts (Ac, wrestle)

Escape Artist: Plus 3 agility vs wrestling attempts. (Agi, wrestle)

Armor bearer: -1 from all penalties of armor (BL)

Born in Steel: armor doesn’t affect skills. (BL)

Battle Mage: armor doesn’t affect Mp cost. (BL)

Metal Mover: Armor doesn’t affect movement. ( BL)


Armor Focus: All armor you wear blocks 1 point more of all damage. (BL)

Steel Sorcerer: blue tower spell’s cost 1mp less to cast depending on the armor you wear. Light -1, medium -2, heavy -3. (BL, Mpcr)

Steel kill: your armor blocks 1 more point of damage  upon a finishing blow. (BL, X)

Thick plate: armor blocks an additional 5 points of damage the first time it gets hit in each place. Resets at the end of each battle. (BL, CD)

Over shield: your armor gains 1 point each round in a pool. The pool can be spent at any time to increase your armor's blocking power by how many points spent for the round. (BL, Er)


Fanatic: gain an additional 1BA or 1MA that can only be used for offhanded attacks. (ff, Fa)

Double Backed: gain an additional 2BA that can only be used for offhanded attacks when attacking a flanked unit. (ff, Fa)

Twin Swords: Gain weapon focuses on off hand attacks as well. (ff, S)

Bilateral: added Ud tagged feats to your offhand attacks. (ff, Ud)

Ambidextrous: add the weapon’s abilities to off handed attacks. (ff)

Cross Eyed: Plus 2 accuracy to off handed attacks. (ff, Ac)

All Cylinders: Add your strength mod to off handed attacks when terminal. (S, ff ,T)

Berserk: double strength mod when terminal. (T, S)

Death dodgin’: Double agility mod when terminal. (T, Agi)

Make it count: Double accuracy mod when terminal. (T, Ac)

Closing remarks: Double personality mod when terminal. (T, Per)

Final thoughts: Double intelligence mod when terminal. (T, Int)

Fight or flight: Double movement when terminal. (T, M)

Wimp: add 5 to your terminal range. (T)

Death bed repentance:potencies are 6 easier to clear while terminal. (T, Potre)

The Tough get going: Plus 3 armor when terminal. (T, BL)

Terminal recovery: heal a d6 hp a round when terminal. (T, Er, Hp)

Mana Free: your agility mod goes up by 1 for the battle for every 6 mp missing past the first from your Mp pool. (Agi, Mana)


Mortal Strength: your strength mod goes up by 1 for the battle for every 6 hp you are missing. (S, T)


Mortal Dexterity: your agility mod goes up by 1 for the battle for every 6 hp you are missing. (Agi, T)


Mortal Eye: your accuracy mod goes up by 1 for the battle for every 6 hp you are missing. (Ac, T)

Hardy: Plus 2 iron clad for every 5 hp you have minus the first.  (Hrdy, ic,  BL) 

Strong Start:Plus 1 strength mod for every 5 hp you have minus the first. (Hrdy, S)

Right foot: Plus 2 movement for every 5 hp you have minus the first. (Hrdy, M)


Tough guy: gain 6 Hp. (Health)

Magic guy: gain 6 Mp. (Mana)

Greater resolve: takes a move action adds 1 to your Hp and 1 to your max Hp for the battle. (Hp, Mhp)

Summoner’s Soul: gain a pool of 12hp that can only be used for thralling summoned or otherwise thrall able units and animal taming. (Hp)

Spaz attack: Take a second turn this round, but you only get a move action next round. (A)


Greater understanding: takes a move action adds 1 to your Mp and 1 to your max Mp for the battle. (Mp, Mmp)

Combo: ¼  chance to attack again on an attack, even if you miss. (Ud, A)

Fury: ¼ chance to gain a strength mod for the battle, upon attacking, even if you miss. (Ud, S) 

Bull headed: ¼ chance to Gain 2 ironclad upon attacking, even if you miss. (Ud, ic)

Vampirism: heal 2 Hp when an attack successfully hits. If an attack has an area of effect it still only counts as one successful hit as long as at least one unit gets hit. (Hp, Ud)

Manapirism: heal 2 Mp when an attack successfully hits. If an attack has an area of effect it still only counts as one successful hit as long as at least one unit gets hit. (Mp, Ud)

Vampire Strike: heal 1 Hp every time you deal damage. (Hp, Ud)

Manapire Strike: heal 1 mp every time you deal damage. (Mp, Ud)

Taste of Blood: ¼ chance to gain a strength mod every time you deal damage. (S, Ud)

Hone: ¼ chance to gain an accuracy mod every time you deal damage. (Ac, Ud)

(chosen damage type) Burst: ¼ chance to add a d8 (chose a damage type for this feat) damage to your attack. (Ud, S)

Counterer: a ¼ chance to attack back with your off hand when attacked. (ff, C)

Thorns: melee attackers take d2 pearce damage every time they attack you. 14 potency vs agility/reflex not to take damage from it. (C)

Grudge: gives the caster ¼ chance when attacked to put brown counter’s on the attacker equal to the damage dealt. (S, C)


Counter: a ¼ chance to gain an attack action when attacked (A, C)

Reflect: ¼ chance to to take the damage, but also reflect a copy back at the attacker. (C) 

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger: a ¼ chance to gain a strength mod, for the battle, when attacked. (S, C)

Not again: a ¼ chance to gain an Agility mod, for the battle, when attacked. (Agi, C)

Swat spot: a ¼ chance to gain an Accuracy mod, for the battle, when attacked (Ac, C)

Swat for thought: a ¼ chance to gain an Intelligence mod, for the battle, when attacked (Int, C)

Speak of the swat: a ¼ chance to gain a personality mod, for the battle, when attacked (Per, C)

Superior Swat: a ¼ chance to increase your weapon dice roll once, for the battle, when attacked (S, C)

Hate: a ¼ chance to lower your critical hit ratio by 2, for the battle, when attacked (Cri, C)

What doesn’t kill you makes you tougher: a ¼ chance to gain 2 iron clad, for the battle, when attacked (ic, BL, C)

Spam summoning: a ¼ chance when attacked to summon a level 1 creature from your spell list. It has summoning sickness. costs you nothing to cast. (FS, C)

Dauntless Assault: up your damage dice roll twice for the round if you were attacked that round. This ability procs only once a round (S, C)

Motivation: Increase your agility mod by 2 for the round if you were attacked that round. This ability procs only once a round. (Agi, C)

Sunken State: ⅙ chance when attacked to turn invisible until you act. Potency 16 vs natural senses/accuracy. (invis, C)

Vitality Surge: a ¼ when attacked, to heal a d8 hp. (Hp, C)

Magus Surge: a ¼ when attacked, to heal a d8 mp. (Mp, C)

Soul Surge: a ¼ when attacked, to gain a d2 hp regen for the battle. (Hp, C)

Spirit Surge: a ¼ when attacked, to gain a d2 mp regen for the battle. (Mp, C)

Creedence: Gain 2mp when you dodge an attack successfully. (C, Cds, Mp)

Immortal Credence: increase Mmp by 2 for the battle, every time you successfully dodge an attack. (C, Cds, Mmp)

Salt in the Wound: when dealing a wound you may add a d4 damage to that attack and to any other’s you deal for the rest of the round. (dW,S)

The Quickening: Gain 2 agility mods for the round when you deal a wound. (dW, Agi)


Whip snap: when you roll max damage double it then -1. Requires a roll, if an attack simply does max damage this does not trigger. (S, wrMD)

Deep Strike: When you roll max damage deal Mhp damage equal to the damage rolled -1. Requires a roll, if an attack simply does max damage this does not trigger(wrMD, MhU)

Can’t Believe My Eyes: When you roll max damage, lower the target's accuracy mod equal to equal to the damage dealt -1,for 1 round. Requires a roll, if an attack simply does max damage this does not trigger (wrMD, LS)

To the Bone: When you roll max damage, lower the target's Strength mod equal to the damage dealt -1,for 1 round. Requires a roll, if an attack simply does max damage this does not trigger (wrMD, LS)

Vampiric Finesse: When you roll max damage, gain hp equal to the damage -1. Requires a roll, if an attack simply does max damage this does not trigger(wrMD, Hp)

Your pain, My Gain: When you roll max damage, gain Mp equal to the damage -1. Requires a roll, if an attack simple does max damage this does not trigger(wrMD, Mp)

High on Myself: When you roll max damage, gain potency resistance equal to the damage. For the round. Requires a roll, if an attack simple does max damage this does not trigger(wrMD, Potre)


Defender: ¼ chance to block all damage, if you have a shield it no longer takes 1BA to use. (Bd)

Lone Guard: ¼ chance to block all damage from single target attacks and gain 1AA. (Bd, C, A, single)

Weapon guard: ¼ chance to block all melee attacks and gain 1AA. (Bd, C, A)

Hamodo: ¼  chance to block a physical attack with an attack of your own. (A, C, Bd)

Vanish: ¼ chance to block magical attacks and turn invisible with a potency of 16 vs natural sense/accuracy. (Bd, C, invis)

Magic guard: ¼ chance to block magical attacks and gain 1AA. (Bd, C, A)

Hado: ¼ chance to block physical attack and gain a d8hp. (Bd, C, Hp)

Mahou: ¼ chance to block physical attack and gain a d8mp. (Bd, C, Mp)

Soul Block: ¼ chance to block physical attack and gain a d2 hp regen for the battle. (Bd, C, Hp)

 Spirit Block: ¼ chance to block physical attack and gain a  d2 mp regen for the battle. (Bd, C, Mp)

Arrow guard: ¼ chance to block all ranged attacks and gain 1AA. (Bd, C, A)

Sporadic movement:  ¼ chance to dodge all ranged attacks and gain 1 Agility mod for the battle. (Bd, Agi)

Zerging: ¼ chance to block all ranged attacks and gain 1MA with interrupt. (Bd, C, gM)

Magic guard: ¼ chance to block magical attacks and gain 1 strength mod. (Bd, C, S)

Temperature guard: ½ chance to block fire and ice damage. (Bd)

Critical guard: ½  chance to block critical damage. (Bd)

Greater Guard: ¼ chance to block attacks from an enemies thats level is higher than yours and gain 1AA.(Bd, C, A)

Giant guard: ¼ chance to block attacks from an enemy bigger than you and gain 1AA.. (Bd, vBr, C, A)

Imp Guard: ¼ chance to block attacks from an enemy that is smaller than you and gain 1AA.. (Bd, crush, C, A)

Biosphere blocker: ½  chance to block attacks when in a certain terrain (choose one terrain for example dessert, tundra, jungle... you have a ¼ chance to block attacks when you are in the Biome. Whatever terrain you choose is permanent. (Bd, Bios)

Wonder guard: 1/2 chance to block damage that would kill you. (Bd, oX)


Summoning shield: ½ chance one of your summoned creatures will take the damage for you upon being attacked. (Bd, cS)

One heart one mind: all 5 of your senses (or more) are connected to your summoned units and theirs to yours. (cS)

Mind Tax:Gain 1 Mmp each round for every summoned unit you control -1. (Er, Mhp, cS)

Heart Tax:Gain 1 Hp each round for every summoned unit you control -1. (Er, Hp, cS)

Soul Tax:Gain 1Mhp each round for every summoned unit you control -1. (Er, Mhp, cS)

Thought Tax: gain 1 mp each round for every summoned unit you control -1. (Er ,Mp, cS)

Gecko climb: climb checks always work. (As)

Recorder: You can mimic any sound you’ve ever heard. Doesn’t apply effects such as sound based spells or sounds so loud they do damage. (As)

I’ve heard it all: The hearing aspect of natural senses checks always work within 15 feet of you. (As)

I’ve smelt it all: The smelling aspect of natural senses checks always work within 15 feet of you. (As)

Quick Study: Lower training difficulty and the ⅓ training by 2. (Train)

Infiltrator: ignore guarding feats when attacking. Those are feats with the tag Bd. (Igno) 

Hell Fire: fire damage you deal ignores level 1 fire damage immunities. (Igno)

Hell Ice: Ice damage you deal ignores level 1 Ice damage immunities. (Igno)

Hyper Cutter: Slash damage you deal ignores level 1 Slash damage immunities. (Igno)

Assurity: criticals ignore immunities, armor, and guarding feats. Those are feats with the tags: imu, Bd, BL.  (Igno, Cri)

Refresh: recover 4hp an hour outside of battle. (Hpr, Hp)

Passive Meditation: recover 4Mp an hour outside of battle. (Hpr, Mp)

Wide Swing: Attack the first 3 spaces in front of you, with your weapon attacks. (Doesn’t deal damage to allies) (Aa)

Ghost Fist: Your weapon attacks ignore armor and other BL feats. (Aa, Igno)

Echo Strike: Add level 1 link to your weapon attacks.(Aa)

The Old One Two: Add level 1 split to your weapon attacks.(Aa)

NonStop: Add beam to your weapon attacks.(Aa)

Remote Control: Ranged attacks can be controlled. They can even go around corners. (Aa, ma)

Penetration: your weapon attacks can go through walls. (Aa)

Wrecking Ball: Add destruction level 1 to your weapon attacks.(Aa)

Shatter Strike: You may spend 2BA to add destruction level 3 to your attacks this round. (Aa)

Flawless Fighter: 1-3 on the damage dice roll count as 3. (Aa)

Magic Blast: Add level 1 ring to spells you cast that already have rings. (ma)

Magic Leap: Add a level 1 link to spells you cast that already have link. (ma)

Magic Breath: Add a level 1 cone to spells you cast  that already have a cone. (ma)

Magic Beam: Add a level 1 beam to spells you cast that have range. (ma)

Magic Lasting: Add a level 1 linger to spells you cast that already have linger. 2 round cooldown. (CD, ma)

Chain Effect: your spells gain a level 5 link. (Can’t jump back to an already affected target. 8 round cool down. (CD, ma)

Destroy: Add a level 1 destruction to spells you cast if it already has destruction. (Des, ma)

Potent: Increase the potency of spells you cast by 2 that already have a potency. (Pot, ma)

Magic Damage: Up the damage dice roll of spells you cast that already have damage. (S, ma)

Choose a tower, Add a level 1 link to spells you cast from that tower. (ma)

Choose a tower, Add level 1 ring to spells you cast from that tower. (ma)

Choose a tower, Add a level 1 linger to spells you cast from that tower. 2 round cooldown. (CD, ma)

Multi-cast: ¼ chance to cast the spell again for free. (MBd, ma)

Gift of the Magus: ¼ chance to cast the spell for free. (MBd, ma)

Storehouse: can store gained beneficial effects (so they don’t affect you tell you want them to). May use them any time during your turn. May store up to 3 effects. They reset after battle. (Sto)

Die hard: come back to life after being killed. Heal up to your toughness mod or zero. Has a 6 round cooldown. (oX, CD)

Live to fight another day: if damage would have killed you, dodge that damage and move out of their melee zone  as a free action, no one gains a free hit from this move. (6 round cool down) (oX, CD)

Last Stand: if damage dealt to you would kill you, gain a free 1AA with interrupt. Lower the critical hit ratio of this attack by 6. (8 round cool down). (oX, CD, Cri, A)

Rampage: if damage dealt to you would kill you, gain a free melee 1AA with interrupt. (oX, A)

The Ghoul: every 4 rounds revive is cast on you if the battle is still going. (oX)


Ironclad: block 2 points of physical damage. (ic, BL)


Magic clad: block 2 points of magical damage. (mC, BL)


Cover: gain a move action when attacked with a ranged attack. (gM, C)  

Flee: Gain a move action when attacked with a melee attack. (gM, C)

Make a Break for it: Gain a move action when attacked with a magical attack. (gM, C)

Take Off: Gain a move action when attacked with a physical attack. (gM, C)

Zap Charge: gain an attack action when you take damage from an enemy’s lighting attack. (A, wEle)

Flame Charge: gain an attack action when you take damage from an enemy’s fire attack. (A, wEle)

Water Charge: gain an attack action when you take damage from an enemy’s water attack. (A, wEle)

Healing snap: ¼ chance to heal back all the damage done to you that round at the end of the round. During the day. (Bd, Hp)

Mana snap: ¼ chance to heal back all the Mp lost that round at the end of the round. (Bd, Mp)

Spirited: Strength mod multiplies with critical damage. (Cri, S)

Quick and the dead: if you deal the first damage of the battle, it’s a critical. (Cri, InA)

Pressure Point Master: lower critical hit ratio by 2. (Cri)

Critical Crit: increase the multiplication of critical damage by 1. (S, Cri)

Up the Ante: lower critical hit ratio by 2 every time and enemy’s stats increase within a level 1 ring. (Cri, Je)

Massacre: lower your critical hit ratio by 2 for every terminal foe within a level 6 ring from you. (Cri, Tof)

Blood lust: increase strength mod by 1 for every terminal foe within a level 6 ring from you. (S, Tof)

Bloodthirsty Blade: up dice roll by 1 for every terminal foe within a level 6 ring from you. (S, Tof)

Butchery: increase multiplication of critical damage by 1 for every terminal foe within a level 6 ring from you. (Cri, Tof)

Blood Bobbin’: Increase Agility mod by 1 for every terminal foe within a level 6 ring from you. (Agi, Tof)

Magnified Mess: Increase Accuracy mod by 1 for every terminal foe within a level 6 ring from you. (Ac, Tof)

Mame Memory: Increase intelligence mod by 1 for every terminal foe within a level 6 ring from you. (Int Tof)

Mangle Message: Increase personality mod by 1 for every terminal foe within a level 6 ring from you. (Per, Tof)

Macho Mangler:  Increase toughness mod by 1 for every terminal foe within a level 6 ring from you. (Toug, Tof)

Backlash: gain an attack action when attacked by a free hit. (A, HfH)

Rage Reflex: Gain a strength mod when hit by a free hit. (S, HfH)

Regenerative Reflex: Heal a d6 hp when hit by a free hit. (Hp, HfH)

Slippery Shell: block 6 damage from free hits. (BL, HfH)

Pack Precision: Plus 1 accuracy mod for every allied unit surrounding the target -1.(Ac, vFlank)

Bonus: Gain a bonus action with a 2 round cooldown. (Fa, CD)

Rapid Strikes: ½ chance to gain an attack action when you get a free hit. (Wygfh, A)

Impulsive strike: Lower critical hit ratio by 4 with free hits. (Wygfh, Cri)

Mage Masher: gain an attack action whenever a spell is cast on you. Requires 1BA. (A, wmag)

Fit: Gain 2AA when someone deals critical damage to you. (Coy, A)

Energy Cycle: You gain a ¼ chance to gain an attack action at the start at each of your turns. (A, Er)

Filter Feed: Gain 2mp every time an enemy spell is cast on you. (Mp, wmag)

Mage Blood: Gain 2hp every time an enemy spell is cast on you. (Hp, wmag)

Wizard Slayer: Up your weapon damage dice roll twice vs unarmored foes every time you are attacked by ranged magic. (wmag, vuna, rA,S)

Hearth Arrow: Gain 2hp every time you are attacked with a ranged attack. (Hp, rA)

Dent: Up your weapon damage dice roll twice vs unarmored foes. (S, vuna)

Magnetic Shot: Gain 2 accuracy mods vs unarmored units. (Ac, vuna)

Heavy Hit: Gain 2 strength mods vs unarmored units. (S, vuna)


Chipped Blade: when someone deals critical damage to you, lower their damage dice roll by 1 for the battle. (LS, Coy)

Blood in the eye: when someone deals critical damage to you, lower the attacker’s accuracy mod by 1 for the battle. (LS, Coy)

Anger point: when someone deals critical damage to you, up your strength mod twice for the battle. (S, Coy)

Mad Master: when someone deals critical damage to you, up your dice roll twice for the battle. (S, Coy)

Rage Rigging: when someone deals critical damage to you, Gain 4 iron clad for the battle.(ic, BL, Coy)

Kill Caster: gain a spell focus for the battle upon a finishing blow.  A spell must be chosen when taking this feat. the chosen spell can be switched when you level up. (Mpcr, X)

Cleave: gain an attack action upon a finishing blow. (A, X)

Life Eater: heal d10 Hp upon a finishing blow. (Hp, X)

Soul Eater: heal a d10 Mp upon a finishing blow. (Mp, X)

Juggernaut: gain 1 strength mod  for the battle upon finishing blow (S, X)

Agile Inhalator: Plus 1 agility mod  for the battle upon finishing blow (Agi, X)

Exact Executions: Plus 1 accuracy mod for the battle upon finishing blow (Ac, X)

Intellectual Executioner: Plus 1 intelligence mod  for the battle upon finishing blow (Int, X)

Death Dictation: Plus 1 personality mod  for the battle upon finishing blow (Per, X

Gruff Galantine: Plus 1 toughness mod  for the battle upon finishing blow (Toug, X)

Slay Summoner: Summon one of your level one creatures for free upon a finishing blow. (X, FS)

Wreathing Rampage: Enemies in melee zone must clear a 12 willpower/toughness check or take 1 damage for every finishing blow you’ve had that battle. (Mpcr, X, Z)

God of War: lower your critical hit ratio by 2 for the battle upon a finishing blow. (Cri, X)

Behemoth: gain 2 iron clad for the battle for every finishing blow. (ic, BL, X)

Unseen Killer: Turn invisible with a potency of 16 vs natural senses/accuracy upon a finishing blow. (invis, X)


Horde Harden: Plus 1 iron clad for every enemy unit in your melee zone -1. (Z, ic, BL)

Mob Magician: Plus 1 Mp regeneration for every enemy unit in your melee zone -1. (Z, Mp)

Horde Healer: Plus 1 Hp regeneration for every enemy unit in your melee zone -1. (Z, Hp)

Surrounding Strength: Plus 1 strength mod for every enemy unit in your melee zone -1. (Z, S)

Army Accuracy: Plus 1 accuracy for every enemy unit in your melee zone -1. (Z, Ac)

Mob Master: Up attack dice roll for every enemy unit in your melee zone -1. (Z,S)

Surrounding Speed: Plus 2 move that round for every enemy unit in your melee zone -1 at the start of your turn. (Z, M)

On all Sides: plus 1 agility for every enemy unit in your melee zone -1. (Agi, Z)

Human Chain: gain a level 1 split to your weapon attacks  for all enemy units in your melee zone -1. (Aa, Z)

Crowd Clad: Plus 1 iron clad for every ally unit in your melee zone -1. (Z, ic, BL)

Rave Replenish: Plus 1 Mp regeneration for every ally unit in your melee zone -1. (Z, Mp)

Rave Regeneration: Plus 1 Hp regeneration for every ally unit in your melee zone -1. (Z, Hp)

Allied Strength: Plus 1 strength mod for every ally unit in your melee zone -1. (Z, S)

Leader Lens: Plus 1 accuracy for every ally unit in your melee zone -1. (Z, Ac)

Kill Captain: Up attack dice roll for every ally unit in your melee zone -1. (Z,S)

Crowd Cruiser: Plus 2 move that round for every ally unit in your melee zone -1 at the start of your turn. (Z, M)

Drove Dodge: plus 1 agility for every ally unit in your melee zone -1. (Agi, Z)

Chain Gang: gain a level 1 split to your weapon attacks  for all ally units in your melee zone -1. (Aa, Z)

Miss Mob: units in your melee zone have minus 1 accuracy mod. (LS, Z)

Weakening Aura: units in your melee zone have minus 1 strength mod. (LS, Z)

Bumping Shoulders: units in your melee zone have minus 1 agility mod. (LS, Z)

Surrounded by Softies:  units in your melee zone have minus 1 toughness mod. (LS,Z)

Tongue Tangled: units in your melee zone have minus 1 personality mod. (LS, Z)

I’m Surrounded by Idiots:  units in your melee zone have minus 1 intelligence mod. (LS, Z)

Sucks all Around: units in your melee zone have their attack dice lowered once. (LS, Z)

Hulking Horde: gain +1 strength mod for every ally unit in the target’s melee zone -1. (GS, S)

Hasty Horde: gain +1 agility mod for every ally unit in the target’s melee zone -1. (GS, Agi)

Critical crowd: gain lower critical hit ratio by 2 for every ally unit in the target’s melee zone -1. (GS, Cri)

Wreathing Aura: units in your melee zone must clear 12 willpower/Toughness check or lose one hp a round. (Mpcr, Z)

Fuddle Force :units in your melee zone must clear 12 willpower/Toughness check or lose one mp a round. (Mpcr,Z)

Precision Party: Ally units gain 1 accuracy mod while in your melee zone.  (GS, Z)

Potency Party: Ally units gain 1 strength mod while in your melee zone. (GS, Z)

Sprightly Squad: Ally units gain 1 agility mod while in your melee zone. (GS, Z)

Hardy Hoard: Ally units gain 1 toughness mod while in your melee zone. (GS, Z)

Pleasant Party: Ally units gain1 personality mod while in your melee zone. (GS, Z)

Clever Crew: Ally units gain 1 intelligence mod while in your melee zone. (GS, Z)

Chief Congregation: Allies units in your melee zone have their attack dice raised once. (GS, Z)

Solid Squad: Ally units gain 1 ironclad while in your melee zone. (GS, Z)

Team Terror: Allies units in your melee zone gain an attack action when you get a finishing blow. (GS, Z, X)

Rally Revival: Ally units in your melee zone gain one hp a round. (Ghp, Z)

Mana Aura: Ally units in your melee zone gain one mp a round. (Gmp, Z)

Matador: plus 2 agility mods vs foes that have moved that round. (Agi, VsM) 

Strong Stop: Plus 2 strength mods vs foes that have moved that round. (S, VsM)

Instinctive Incision: Plus 2 Accuracy mods vs foes that have moved that round. (Ac, VsM)

Clothes Line: Up your attack dice roll twice vs foes that have moved that round. (S, VsM)

Magic Walk: gain 2 mp if you move that round. (Mp, Ymr)

Enchanting Walk: gain 2 hp if you move that round.  (Hp, Ymr)

Steel Stroll: gain 2 armor durability points if you move that round.  (aa, Ymr) 

Mobile Master: up your attack dice roll twice if you moved that round. (S, Ymr)

Moving target: Up your agility mod by 2 for the round, if you moved that round. (Agi, Ymr)

Charge: bonus actions give you 3 movement instead of 2. (M, Ymr)


Run Mad Bull: up dice roll 3 times vs sprinting units. (S, VsSr)

Speed Lift: Double strength mod vs sprinting units. (S, VsSr)

Quick Word: Double personality mod vs sprinting units. (Per, VsSr)

Oh You’ve Gotta be Quicker than that: Double agility mod vs sprinting foes (Agi, VsSr)

Critical Close Line: Deal critical damage vs sprinting foes. (Works once per round per foe) (Cri, VsSr)

Fatal Folly: gain an attack action every time someone in the battlefield rolls an auto fail.  (A, WRF)

Folly Fountain:gain a d6 mp every time someone in the battlefield rolls an auto fail. (WRF, Mp)

Folly feast: gain a d6 Hp every time someone in the battlefield rolls an auto fail. (WRF, Hp)

Folly Founded: Gain a strength mod every time someone in the battlefield rolls an auto fail. (WRF, S)

Foil: 6 space range,cancel out an action at any time by making it an auto fail. Requires 2BA, 8 round cool down. (WRF, CD)

Sedative Strike: ups your attack dice roll once vs the target for every round that the target stays in the same space beyond the first. Resets when they move. (S, Sed)

Sedative Strength: ups your strength mod once vs the target for every round that the target stays in the same space beyond the first. Resets when they move. (S, Sed)

Sedative Shifter: ups your agility mod once vs the target for every round that the target stays in the same space beyond the first. Resets when they move. (Agi, Sed)

Sedative Striker: lowers your critical ratio once vs the target for every round that the target stays in the same space beyond the first. Resets when they move. (Cri, Sed)

Frustration: gain 2 mp when one of your checks does not succeed. (wuM, Mp)

Stay Heartened: Gain 2 hp when one of your checks does not succeed. (wuM, Hp)


Foreman: ¼ chance to gain a personality mod for every ally on your team at the start of the battle. roll chance for each ally separately. Don’t count self (Per, Fet)

Exemplar: ¼ chance to up your weapon dice roll for every ally on your team at the start of the battle. roll chance for each ally separately. Don’t count self. (S, Fet)


Forklift: can lift double your strength mod. (S)

Accumulate: takes an attack action, or 1MA and 2BA, gives you one strength mod for the battle. (S)

Hasten: takes an attack action, or 1MA and 2BA, gives you one Agility mod for the battle. (Agi)

Spell Focus: makes a chosen spell cost 3 less to cast. Also gives you an additional spell slot. You may change the chosen spell every time you level up. (Mpcr)

Spell forge: ¼ chance to gain a Spell Focus when attacked. A spell focus makes a chosen spell cost 3 less to cast. May change the chosen spell every time you level up. (Mpcr, C)

Striking Pin: ¼  chance to gain a spell focus when attacking. A spell focus makes a chosen spell cost 3 less to cast. May change the chosen spell every time you level up. (Mpcr, Ud)

Rage Mage: Gain 2 spell focuses upon taking critical damage. A spell focus makes a chosen spell cost 3 less to cast. May change the chosen spell every time you level up. (Mpcr, Coy)

Wack Wizard: Gain a spell focus when you get a critical. A spell focus makes a chosen spell cost 3 less to cast. May change the chosen spell every time you level up. (Mpcr, Cri)

Spell Forge: Takes an attack action, gain a spell focus for the battle. A spell focus makes a chosen spell cost 3 less to cast. May change the chosen spell every time you level up. (Mpcr)

Study Foe: takes an attack action , or 1MA and 2BA, and increases your accuracy mod by 1 for the battle. (Ac)

Stealing Base:may move 2 spaces without using an action once each round. (M, Fa)

Get up and Go: Can stand up as a free action. (Fa)

Mobile Mage: gain 1MA a round that can only be used for spell costs. (Fa)

Lightning Reflexes: gain 3 additional free hit slots. (fhS)

Counter Reflexes: ¼ chance to gain 3 additional free hit slots for the battle, when attacked. (fhS, C)

Growing Reflexes: ¼ chance to gain 3 additional free hit slots for the battle, when you attack. (fhS, Ud)

Scholar: gain 4 more spell slots. (^)

Legion Leader: gain 2 more summoning slots. (GSs)

Soul Transfer: Gain 2 summoning slots upon a finishing blow.(GSs, X)

Lashed Legion: ¼ chance to gain 2 summoning slots when attacked. (GSs, C)

Angry Legion: Gain 4 summoning slots when you are dealt critical damage. (GSs, Coy)


Repositioning: when you move you are immune to free hits but you must end your move in the melee zone of another enemy. Is a declared feat. (M)

Stalker: Plus 4 movement while sneaking. (M)

Grave Summoned: When you die your summoned units stay summoned for 1 round. They also stay summoned 30 minutes after battle without being thralled. (cB)

Grave Summoner: When you die your summoned units stay summoned for 5 rounds. 8 round cooldown. (cB, CD)

Invoked Longevity: ¼ chance to gain a grave summon counter when attacked. When you die, your summoned units stay alive for as many rounds equal to your Grave summon counters. (cB, C)

Provoked Longevity: When you are dealt critical damage, gain 2 grave counters. When you die, your summoned units stay alive for as many rounds equal to your Grave summon counters. (cB, Coy)

Disengage: gain an additional 1BA each round that can only be used on disengaging cost. (disen, Fa)

Point Blank Shot: gain 2 accuracy mods when attacking with a ranged attack in the target’s melee zone. (Ac, -b)

Magic Quiver:you never run out of ranged weapons. Arrows are always full. If one is enchanted you can always shoot that arrow, it always comes back. Even though you only have one. Outside of attacking you only have one. This works with javelins, throwing axes, and any weapon or projectile with a ranged attack. If a weapon is poisoned or has a one time use on it, that does expire after it is used. (-b)

Recall: as a free action you can bring thrown items back to your hand. (-b)

Back Whack: gain 2 strength mods for the round when attacking a flanked unit. (Ud, S, fB)

Feeding Frenzy: ¼ chance to gain 2AA when attacking a flanked unit. Ud, (A, fB)

Distracting Dodge: gain 2 Agility mods for the round when attacking a flanked unit. (Ud, Agi, fB)

Pack Precision: gain 2 Accuracy mods vs flanked units. (Ac, fB)

Back Blade: Up your weapon attack dice roll twice for the round when attacking a flanked unit. (S, fB)

Bump, Set, Spike: deal critical damage when attacking a foe that is in midair. Works once per foe per round. (VsFly, Cri)

Sky Sight: gain an Accuracy mod for the battle every time you attack an enemy unit that is in mid air. (VsFly, Ac)

Skittering Sky: gain an Agility mod for the battle every time you attack an enemy unit that is in mid air. (VsFly, Agi)

Aerial Block: gain 2 arrow clad for the battle every time you attack an enemy unit that is in mid air. (VsFly, Rb, BL)

Sky Strike: up your weapon attack dice roll for the battle every time you attack an enemy unit that is in mid air. (VsFly, S)

Clarity Shield:Gain 6 resist potency vs psychic and illusion spells. (Potre)

Cure Shield: Gain 6 resist potency vs poison and disease spells. (Potre)

Pure Shield: Gain 6 resist potency vs shadow and necrotic spells. (Potre)

Storm Shield: Gain 6 resist potency vs wind and ice spells. (Potre)

Base Shield: Gain 6 resist potency vs water and acid spells. (Potre)

Bitter Shield: Gain 6 resist potency vs disease and flora spells. (Potre)

Lava Shield: Gain 6 resist potency vs fire and earth spells. (Potre)

Tower Resist: Choose a tower, gain 4 resist potency vs all spells within that tower. (Potre)

Unfettered: gain 2 resist potency vs all spells. (Potre)

Skill Kill: Chose a skill to attach to this feat permanently. Upon a finishing blow  gain 2 to that skill. This ignores caps and disappears after battle. (X, The skills name) 

Skill Skin: Chose a skill to attach to this feat permanently. ¼ chance when attacked to gain 2 to that skill. This ignores caps and disappears after battle.  (C, The skills name) 

Skill Swat: Chose a skill to attach to this feat permanently. ¼ chance when attacking to gain 2 to that skill. This ignores caps and disappears after battle. (Ud, The skills name) 


Magic Knight: when attacking, ¼ chance to cast a spell with a true value of (4) or less from your spell list for free, and can have no other requirements unless they can be met. (FS, Ud)

Mage Knight: when attacking, ⅙ chance to cast a spell with a true value of (6) or less from your spell list for free, and can have no other requirements unless they can be met. (FS, Ud)

Magic Knight Shield: when attacked, ¼ chance to cast a spell with a true value of (4) or less from your spell list for free, and can have no other requirements unless they can be met. (FS, C)

Mage Knight Shield: when attacked, ⅙ chance to cast a spell with a true value of (6) or less from your spell list for free, and can have no other requirements unless they can be met. (FS, C)

Counter Spell:  when attacked by a magical attack, ¼ chance to cast a spell with a true value of (8) or less from your spell list for free, and can have no other requirements unless they can be met. (FS, C, wmag)

Water Warrior: Remove all penalties from being under water. Also can breathe under water. (Neg, uw)

Hydro Blade: Up weapon damage dice roll twice while under water. (S, uw)

Swift Swim:Gain 4 movement while under water. (M, uw)

Swim Goggles: Gain 2 Accuracy mods while under water. (Ac, uw)

Webbed Feet: Gain 2 Agility mods while under water. (Agi, uw)

Osmosis: Gain a d4 mp a round while under water. (Mp, uw)

Give said the Little Stream: Gain 2hp a round while under water. (Hp, uw)

Sponge: Gain d4 Mmp a round while underwater. (Mhp, uw)

Crustacean: Gain 4 iron clad while underwater. (ic, BL, uw)

Veiled Strike: Up attack dice roll twice vs foes under the effects of a potency. (S, vPotre)


Giant Slayer: up your attack dice roll twice vs foes that are bigger than you. (vBr,S)

Nimble: plus 2 agility vs foes that are bigger than you. (vBr, Agi)

Broadside of a Barn: plus 2 Accuracy vs foes that are bigger than you. (vBr, Ac)

Colossal Cut: Lower critical hit ratio by 4 vs foes that are bigger than you. (vBr, Cri)

The Harder They Fall: Increase the multiplying of your critical hits by 2 vs foes that are bigger than you. (S, vBr, Cri)

Crush:Up your attack dice roll twice vs units that are smaller than you. (crush,S)

My Crush:plus 4 charm vs units that are smaller than you. Can break caps. (charm, crush)

Microscope: Plus 2 accuracy mods vs smaller units. (crush, Ac)

Punt: gain 4 space knock back to you weapons attacks vs smaller foes. (crush, kB)

Attractive: Plus 2 personality mods vs units of the opposite sex. (x+y, Per)

Widow’s blade: up attack dice roll twice vs units of the opposite sex. (x+y,S)

Looking For the One: plus 2 accuracy mods, vs units of the opposite sex. (Ac, x+y)

Charming: Plus 4 charm vs units of the opposite sex. Can break caps. (charm, x+y)

Body Language: Plus 4 sense intent vs units of the opposite sex. Can break caps. (sense intent, x+y)

Scoundrel:Plus 4 bluff vs units of the opposite sex. Can break caps. (bluff, x+y)

Many Fish in the Sea: plus 4 willpower vs units of the opposite sex. Can break caps. (willpower, x+y)

Bewitching Beauty:Calm potency 24 vs willpower/Personality vs units of the opposite sex. 6 round cooldown. (CD, x+y)

Smooth Talker: Roll two personality checks and take the best result vs units of the opposite sex. (x+y, Per, rr) 

Night Clubber: Plus 4 entertain at night. Breaks caps (entertain, aNi)

Night Stalker:Plus 4 sneak at night. Breaks caps. (Sneak, aNi) 

Night Blade: Up weapon damage dice roll twice at night. (S, aNi)

Night Vision: Plus 1 accuracy mod and night vision at night. (aNi, Ac, Neg)

Strength Siphon: ¼ chance to steal 1 mod of strength from target when attacking. move half spaces in the light. (S, Ud, aLi, -Mod)

Sunbathe: lower agility mod by 1 in the light, but recover 2hp a round. (aLi, Er, Hp)

Solar Panel: lower agility mod by 1 in the light, but recover 2mp a round. (aLi, Er, Mp)

Hamper: ¼ chance to lower the target’s strength mod by 1 for the battle upon an attack. (Ud, -Mod)

Maime: ¼ chance to lower the target’s Agility mod by 1 for the battle upon an attack. (Ud, -Mod)

Blind: ¼ chance to lower the target’s Accuracy mod by 1 for the battle upon an attack. (Ud, -Mod)

Wild Walker: plus 4 movement outside of structures. (M, outss)

Natural Mage: Gain 2mp each round if you’re outside of a structure. (Mp, Er, outss)

Beast Dodge: plus 2 agility mods outside of structures. (Agi, outss)


Sneak attack: add ad4 to sneak damage. (S, SD)

Sneak Strength: Plus 2 strength mods when dealing sneak damage. (S, SD)

Backstab: Lower critical hit ratio by 4 when dealing sneak damage. (Cri, SD)

Debilitating strike: Lower your critical hit ratio by 2 and knock enemies into prone when dealing sneak damage. (SD, kP, Cri)

Hefty Smite: your critical damage, knocks units into prone and removes 2BA from them. (Cri, kP)

Smite: ½ chance to knock enemies into prone and add a d2 damage when attacking. (kP, Ud,S)

Lash Out: 1/2 chance to knock melee attacker into prone when attacked and plus one agility for the round. (kP, C, Agi)

Thunderstruck: add a d4 lightning damage and knock down to your weapon’s attack and change the damage type to lightning. 6 round cool down. (CD, kP)

Demilitarize:  your critical damage disarms the target unit. (Cri, disA)

Disarm: ¼ chance to disarm target when attacking. (disA, Ud)

Swashbuckler: ¼ chance to disarm attackers when attacked. (disA, C)


Shatter:¼ chance to remove one personal power up from the target on a weapon attack. (RPU, Ud)

Barron Wind: requires 1AA. Removes 1 personal powerup in a level 4 cone. 8 round cooldown. (RPU, CD)

Unstable Attunement:¼ chance to remove one personal power up from the attacker when attacked. (RPU,C)

Power Up: You gain 1 personal power up slot. (PPU)

Weapon finesse: use agility mod for added Damage instead of strength. (Agi, Agi, S, S, S)


Refined Taste: Up the damage dice roll with enchanted weapons. (wEch,S)


In the Master’s Hand: up the damage dice roll with items you personally made. (my,S)

The Master’s Mantle: Gain an armor focus in armor you personally made: (my, aa)

Artificer’s Guard: 1/2 chance to block damage from an enchanted weapon. (Bd, vEch)

Artificers Dodge: Plus 2 agility mods vs enchanted weapons. (Agi, vEch)

Swat Silence: ¼ chance to silence a unit for the round upon a weapon attack. (Ud, Qxx)

Hush:⅙ chance to silence a unit potency 16 vs Shout/Strength upon a weapon attack. (Ud, Qxx)

The Quick and the Quiet: if the damage you are dealing is the first damage dealt this battle, add silence potency 16 vs Shout/Strength. (InA, Qxx)

Soundless Strike:silence a unit for the round upon a sneak attack. If you moved that round. (Qxx, SD, Ymr) 

Gag: upon a critical silence the target with a potency 16 vs Shout/Strength. (Cri, Qxx)

Cut and Run:plus 2 agility mods, if you deal the first damage of the battle. (InA, Agi)

Swift Sight:plus 2 accuracy mods, if you deal the first damage of the battle. (InA, Ac)

Swift Steel: plus 4 Iron clad, if you deal the first damage of the battle. (InA, ic, BL)

Phantom Strike: Turn invisible with a 14 potency, vs Natural senses/Accuracy. if you deal the first damage of the battle. (invis, InA)

False Start: The first time you attack, even if it’s not the first damage dealt, it counts as an initiate, but you have minus 1 agility for the remainder of the battle. (InA) 

Phantasmal Power: Turn invisible with a 16 potency, vs natural senses/Accuracy. Upon dealing critical damage. (Cri, invis)

Sunken State: ⅙ chance to turn invisible with a 16 potency, vs natural senses/Accuracy. When attacked. (C, invis)

Chameleon: you may use 2BA to gain invisibility 24 vs natural sense/Accuracy. If you move you lose invisibility. (invis, Dmr)

Third Eye Blind: You can’t be detected with magical forms of detection. Examples: detect life, detect humanoid, etc. Also Can’t be seen by magical means such as scrying or viewing the past or seeing out of a summoned unit or ward (invis)

Telekinesis: takes 1AA, 2BA. 6 space range, X+1 space knock back (where X is the caster’s intelligence mod, guided. (Teleki) 

Earth bender: takes 1AA, can lift 300 pounds of earth and move it up to 30 feet conducted. (Teleki) 

Fire Bender: takes 1AA, can put out fires or increase their area of effect by a beam of 45 feet. (Teleki) 

Water Bender: takes 1AA, can lift 300 pounds of water and move it up to 30 feet conducted. (Teleki) 

Lesser X-ray Vision: Gain declared X-ray vision 5 feet distance. You can see through non magical objects, but it is not always on. You must tell the GM that you are using your X-ray vision to look through an object. (X-ray)

Moderate X-ray Vision: Can use 1BA to see through non magical objects at a 15ft distance. (X-ray)

Superior X-ray Vision: Can use 1AA to see through non magical objects at a 45ft distance. (X-ray)

Lesser Telepathy: Gain declared Telepathy 15 feet distance. You can converse with people in their minds, but it is not always on. You must tell the GM that you are using Telepathy. (Tlpy)

Moderate Telepathy: Can use 1BA to converse with units in their minds at a 30ft distance. (Tlpy)

Superior Telepathy: Can use 1AA to converse with units in their minds at a 60ft distance. (Tlpy)

Diligence: -1 for exp penalties. (Exp)

Magic Shell: You block 4 points of magical damage coming at you from the 3 spaces behind you in your melee zone and the space to the side of your dominant hand. (mC, BL, Shell)

Devouring Blade: Up your attack dice roll once for every 5 hp they are missing. (Devo,S)

High Ground: Increase accuracy mod by 2 when attacking from high ground. (Abo, Ac)

Uphill Battle: Increase strength mod by 2 when attacking from high ground. (Abo, S)

Aerial Maneuver: Increase Agility mod by 2 as long as you have the high ground. (Abo, Agi)

Aerial Attack: lower critical hit ratio by 4 when attacking from high ground. (Abo, Cri)

Discouragement: units in your melee zone must clear a Mettle/Toughness check of 12, if they fail they have a ¼ chance to lose a random mod for the battle. (presence) 


Giant status: increase one size category. double hp, +2 strength, -2 accuracy,  -3 agility, take double damage from area effect spells and abilities. (G)

Colossal Kill: Increase one size category for the battle, upon a finishing blow. (G, X)

Skulking: Plus 4 sneak when alone. Breaks caps. (L, Sneak)

Neighborly: Plus 2 personality mods vs people you know. (f+, Per)

Called Shot: Lower wound damage threshold by 2. (cals)

Scar: Add a d2 MHp damage to your attacks. (MhU)

The Best Teacher: Every time you roll a one, even if it is re-rolled, up your dice roll with that dice for the battle. (1)

Serendipitous: when you roll a 1 on the d20, you can turn it into an automatic hit and critical. (8 round cool down) (CD, Cri, 1)

Make up: if you roll a 1 on the d20, your next action is a critical. Of the same type. (1, Cri)

Graceful Recovery: if you roll a 1 on the d20, heal 20hp. (1, Hp)

Redemption: if you roll a 1 on the d20, heal 20mp. (1, Mp)

Acumen: If you roll a 1 on the d20 attack roll, treat it as if you rolled a 12 instead. (1, Ac)

Arcane Agility: Plus 2 agility vs magical attacks. (vma, Agi)

Battle Caster: dodge normally while channeling. (Agi)

Contrary: take one stat and subtract it from 20 and set the resulting number as the new stat. Example: 4 -> 16, 9 -> 11. (The tag is the tag of the mod chosen.)

Rick Roll: Up dice roll and add knock down vs flat footed units. (kP, ATp,S) 

Stomp: Plus 2 strength mods vs flat footed targets. (S, ATp)

Stone Stomp: Earth Spells cost 6mp less to cast vs flat footed targets. (Mpcr, ATp)


Acid Stomp: Acid Spells cost 6mp less to cast vs flat footed targets. (Mpcr, ATp)

Elephant gun: add your accuracy mod to damage when attacking an armored foe with a ranged attack. 2 round cool down) (Ac, CD, Vaf)

Aromamancy: may up the dice roll or lower it for encounters while traveling also can increase or decrees the rarity and difficulty of encounters by 2.


Strength Boost: your strength stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 strength stats. (S, S, Boost)

Accuracy Boost: your accuracy stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 accuracy stats. (Ac, Ac, Boost)

Agility Boost: your agility stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 agility stats. (Agi, Agi, Boost)

Toughness Boost: yourTougness stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 Toughness stats. (Toug, Toug, Boost)

Intelligence Boost: your intelligence stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 intelligence stats. (Int, Int, Boost)

Personality Boost: your personality stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 personality stats. (Per, Per, Boost)

Utility Boost: your utility stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 utility stats. (Util, Util, Boost)


Strength Up: Gain 2 strength stats. (S)

AccuracyUp: Gain 2 accuracy stats. (Ac)

Agility Up: Gain 2 agility stats. (Agi)

Toughness Up: Gain 2 Toughness stats. (Toug)

Intelligence Up: Gain 2 intelligence stats. (Int)

Personality Up: Gain 2 personality stats. (Per)

Utility Up: Gain 2 utility stats. (Util)

Fore Thought: spend 1MA and 2BA to see how your current turn would turn out and then decide whether to do it or not. (Insure)



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