
The Necromancer
Veiled in shadows and steeped in the forbidden arts of death, the Necromancer commands the very essence of mortality itself. With dark incantations and arcane rituals, they summon forth legions of the undead to serve as their thralls and minions. Through mastery over the forces of decay and corruption, they wield power that defies the natural order, bending the wills of the deceased to their own malevolent desires. With each whispered invocation, they manipulate the very fabric of life and death, their presence a harbinger of doom and despair as they seek to unravel the mysteries of the afterlife and conquer the realms beyond the mortal coil.
Commencement Package
One spell from the class spell list.
+4 Seal tampering, +4 Sense magic, +4 Knowledge of Arcane, +3 Mettle, +2 Willpower, -5 Athletics, -3 Acrobatics, -3 Bravery, -3 Survival Skills
Level 1
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Intimidation
+1 Concentration
+1 Seal Tampering
Level 2
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Enchanting
+1 Mettle
+1 Willpower
Level 3
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Knowledge of Arcane
+1 Bluff
+1 Sense Magic
Level 4
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Intimidation
+1 Concentration
+1 Seal Tampering
Level 5
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Enchanting
+1 Mettle
+1 Willpower
Level 6
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Knowledge of Arcane
+1 Bluff
+1 Sense Magic
Level 7
2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Intimidation
+1 Concentration
+1 Seal Tampering
Level 8
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Enchanting
+1 Mettle
+1 Willpower
Level 9
1 Master Feat
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Knowledge of Arcane
+1 Bluff
+1 Sense Magic
Spell List
Grim Voice
Level 4 Yellow, Black Spell (7)
Element: Fear, Psychic
Mechanics: level 3 cone,(fear level 1 potency 18 vs willpower/Toughness)
Cost: 12mp
Cast time:1AA
Modality:the caster describes how they are going to kill the targets, while he/she does so the targets perceive the caster as death himself.
Notes: the caster may pay 2BA to reduce this spells cost by 9mp if outnumbered.
Umbral Voracity
Level 3 Black Spell (7)
Element: Shadow
Mechanics: D8 shadow damage, 6 space range, link level 2.
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster conjures a dark spirit that flies from one target to another tearing a piece of each victim's soul as it goes. Gaining more and more strength before fleeing the battle to pursue its own agendas.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to have this spell gain a d4 more damage after each jump.
Death Knell
Level 3 Black, Yellow Spell (7)
Element: Shadow, sonic
Mechanics: D12+ caster’s intelligence mod shadow/sonic damage, 6 space range. If it doesn’t kill then it deals 3 shadow/sonic damage instead.
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster strikes the target with a putrid bolt that tears flesh and leaps from target to target.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp vs units that are missing 6hp or more.
Black Serpent
Level: 2 Black, Orange Spell (6)
Element: Shadow, Summoning
Mechanics: a d6 shadow damage, 3 space range, conducted. Ward level 1.
Cost: 6mp, 1SS
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster conjures a shadowy serpent that can travel the battlefield to find a target to detonate on.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce the target’s agility mod by 2 until they are next attacked or the battle ends.
Shadow Limbs
Level 5 Black Spell (9)
Element: Shadow
Mechanics: 6 space range. D6 shadow damage, Level 1 ring, disarm, knock down.
Cost 15mp
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: incredibly black tentacles emerge from the ground underneath and begin wrapping around and pulling on the units in the area of effect. Pulling weapons out of their hands, unbuttoning clothes, undoing belts, opening doors and so on. The touch seems to weaken the targets and depress their souls. When they retract into the ground they pull the units down to prone.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to remove 2BA from the targets. (instead of disarm, the tentacles can do an action as intricate as you could do with your own hands. If the target is glowing or near a bright light, the tentacles won’t touch it.)
Level 1 Black Spell (4)
Element: Shadow
Mechanics: D6 black tower counters, 6 space range.
Cast time:1AA
Modality:The caster calls up dark energies from underneath the ground that seep into the target’s soul.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA, 1MA in addition to this spell’s cost and cast time to bestow any black tower themed curse they see fit onto a target subdued by black magic.
Depressing Ray
Level 4 Black Spell (8)
Element: Shadow
Special aimer: Personality vs Personality
Mechanics:6 space range, beam, d6 shadow damage to Mhp, targets lose 2BA.
Cost: 12mp
Cast time:1AA
Modality: the caster points their finger as a ray of darkness beams forth. Depressing the spirits of the targets and reducing their will to live.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast in the dark. (it’s effects linger until the Mhp is recovered. Causing the targets to act more depressed and hopeless the more Mhp they lost to this spell. If the target’s Mhp is reduced to terminal from this spell, the target must clear a will power/personality check of 12 every hour until the Mhp is healed. If they fail the check they will attempt to kill themselves.)
Level 8 Black Spell (10)
Element: Shadow
Mechanics: d12 shadow damage dealt to hp and Mhp, 6 space range, this spell has -3 accuracy
Cost: 18mp
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: the caster stretches their hand toward the target. A shadowy silhouette of the target appears behind them and whispers in their ear. If successful the target becomes deeply weak and saddened.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to do a personality/bluff check of 22. If they succeed this spell costs 15mp less to cast.
Strength Siphon
Level 4 Black Spell (8)
Element: Shadow
Mechanics: lower the target’s strength by 1 mod for the battle and increase the caster’s strength by 1 mod by 1 for the battle. Potency 22 vs toughness/willpower. insured
Cost: 12mp, 8 round cooldown.
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: the target feels the vitality leave their cells and watches as the caster's muscles inherit their loss.
Notes: the caster may pay 2BA to give this spell a 6 space range and insured.
Fill the abyss
Level 5 Black, Yellow Spell (9)
Element: Shadow, Psychic
Mechanics: level 4 cone,(calms undead units potency 22 vs natural senses/Intelligence)
Cost: 15mp
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: the caster breathes out a swirling black mist that enters into the mouths and eyes of the undead units. The target's endless hunger is filled and they become docile. at least for a moment.
Notes: the caster may pay 2BA to reduce this spell's cost by 9mp if outnumbered. (If this spell is cast on an undead unit outside of battle, the unit can try to escape the check right away, if they fail, they don’t get another check for up to 2 hours unless a battle starts.)
Raise a Zombie
Level 1 Black, Blue Spell (4)
Element: Necrotic, Animation
Mechanics: The caster raises a level 1 zombie.
Cost:3mp, 1SS, one corpse (Thrall cost 6 Mhp)
Cast time:1AA
Modality:The caster animates a corpse into a ravenous zombie.
Notes: The caster can spend the 2BA to gain a ½ chance that the zombie doesn’t have summoning sickness.
Raise Basic Skeleton
Level 4 Black, Blue Spell (8)
Element: Necrotic, Animation
Mechanics: The caster raises a level 2 skeleton.
Cost:12mp, 1SS, one corpse (Thrall cost 12 Mhp)
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality:The caster stabs a corpse and the flesh burns away as magic binds together an undead construct.
Notes: The caster can spend the 2BA to remove 9mp from the cost of this spell if cast outside of battle.
Raise Feral Zombie
Level 1 Black, Blue Spell (4)
Element: Necrotic, Animation
Mechanic: Neutral raise a level 2 Zombie.
Cost: 3mp, 1 corpse
Cast time: 1AA
Modality: caster says a few incantations then gestures to the corpse and raises his hand. The corpse raises an enraged zombie that will attack both allies and enemies.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell 9 space range.
Raise a Ghoul
Level 2 Black, Blue Spell (8)
Element: Necrotic, Animation
Mechanic: Raise a level 2 ghoul.
Cost: 6Mhp, 6mp, 1 corpse, 1SS, (Thrall cost 12 Mhp)
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: caster says a few incantations then gestures to the corpse and raises his hand. The corpse raises an enraged zombie.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove 6MHP from the cost of this spell. other Ghouls spawned by this Ghoul use your summoning slots. If you don’t have enough, the spawned Ghouls are neutral summons. Ghouls stay after battle but you lose control of them unless you pay their thrall cost. Which is 6Mhp times the creature's level.
Summon a Ghost
Level 5 Black, White, Orange Spell (13)
Element: Necrotic, Holy, Summon
Mechanics: summon a level 3 Ghost.
Cost:15mp, 6hp, 6Mhp (thrall cost 18Mhp)
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: By tapping into the plane of shadows, the caster summons a incorporeal spirit that swiftly moves through obstacles. These wraiths can phase through solid objects, making them excellent scouts or ambushers.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove 6hp and 6Mhp from the cost of this spell, if it is cast outside inside battle and outside of structures.
Summon a Flesh Golem
Level 9 Black, Blue Spell (13)
Element: Necrotic, Animation
Mechanics: The caster summons a level 3 flesh golem, it’s hp is equal to 3x the number of bodies used in the spell’s cost.
Cost:27mp, 1SS, (Thrall cost 18 Mhp)
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if there are 5 or more corpses on the battlefield.
Summon a Wraith
Level 7 Black, White, Orange Spell (17)
Element: Necrotic, Holy, Summon
Mechanics: summon a level 4 Wraith.
Cost:21mp, 6hp (thrall cost 18 Mhp)
Cast time: 2AA, 2MA
Modality: By tapping into the plane of shadows, the caster summons an incorporeal spirit that feeds off hate and anger.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove 6hp from the cost of this spell
Raise a Wight
Level 7 Black, Blue Spell (11)
Element: Necrotic, Animate
Mechanics: summon a level 4 Wraith, that is dormant for 2 round.
Cost:21mp, 1 corpse, (thrall cost 18 Mhp)
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: the caster raises a powerful undead creature inside a corpse.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove 6hp from the cost of this spell
Level ? Black, Blue Spell (?)
Element: Necrotic, Animation
Mechanics:the caster touches a corpse and brings it back to life. With all of the feats and abilities it had while living.
Cost: 12mp times the corpses level while living. -12mp (thrall cost 6Mhp times X, where X is the target’s level)
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: the caster touches a corpse and brings it back to life only it has the soul of a ravenous zombies. Lucky it’s under the casters control until the battle ends if it isn’t Thralled. This true Zombification allows the zombie to have all the feats and abilities of unit when it was alive. It doesn’t however have the memories or soul of that unit.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 12mp if cast outside of battle and outside and inside a structure.
Ritual: requires (30 minutes, a level 1 magus candle, a level 1 magus chalk, and a level 1 frankincense.) times the level of the unit when it was living. The unit can be thralled for 6Mhp times its level.
Ritual modality: the caster writes a series of intricate symbols on a table or altar. The corpse is then placed on the table or altar. Candles are lit around the body and frankincense is burned. The caster fans the smoke toward the body and chants. After a while the body begins to move slightly then slowly gains control of all its facilities. Then raises all together.
Bone Goliath
Level 5 Black, Blue Spell (13)
Element: Necrotic, Animation
Mechanics: The caster raises a level 5 bone Goliath.
Cost:15mp, 1SS, four corpses, 8 round cooldown, (Thrall cost 24 Mhp)
Cast time:2AA, 2MA
Modality:The caster magically assembles a pile of corpses and the flesh burns away revealing a massive bone goliath.
Notes: The caster can spend the 2BA to remove 9mp from the cost of this spell if cast outside of battle.
Skeletal Steed
Level 1 Black, Orange Spell (5)
Element: Necrotic, Summon
Mechanics: summon a level 1 Skeletal Steed.
Cost:3mp, (thrall cost 6Mhp)
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: summon an animated horse skeleton. With a saddle and supplies.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove 3mp from the cost of this spell and give it 6 space range, if it is cast outside of battle and out of a structure. (1 meal worth of food and water comes with the bone horse as does a saddle. All items summoned with the horse or left in it’s saddle bags disappear when the horse does. If the caster dies and the horse is unsummoned. The items left in the saddle bags appear on top of the caster's corpse. If the saddle is removed more than 10 feet from the horse it turns to smoke as do the items in its bags until the next time the horse is summoned. There are 2 saddle bags each can hold about 50 pounds of goods.)
Death Knight
Level 5 Black, Blue Spell (16)
Element: Necrotic, Animation
Mechanics: Raise a level 5 death knight.
Cost:15mp, 12hp, 9Mhp, 1 corpse, 8 round cooldown, (Thrall cost 30 Mhp)
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove 9Mhp from the cost of this spell if there are at least 3 corpses on the battlefield.
Blood Replica (Replica)
Level ? Black, Blue Spell (?)
Element: Necrotic, Animation
Mechanics:6 space range, make an exact replica of the target. The replica dies after taking any damage. (doesn’t have summoning sickness.), can only target a unit that has blood.
Cost: (3hp,3mp) times the target’s level, 1SS
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: the caster uses their own blood and a little blood from the target to form an identical replica of a target, only it is an undead blood golem in addition to its other types.
Notes: the caster may use 2BA when casting this spell to remove 9hp from its cost, if the target has taken damage this round.
Spectral Split (Replica)
Level ? Black, White, Gray Spell (?)
Element: Necrotic, Holy, Manipulation
Mechanics:6 space range cast on a summoned unit or thrall, you control that is undead. Replicate that unit only the copy dies after taking any amount of damage. The copy phase and fly half movement. (no summoning sickness)
Cost: 6mp multiplied by the targets level, 1SS
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: the caster fabricates a ghost from the rotting body. The ghost is an ethereal duplicate not tied very tightly to this world.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove 9mp from the cost of this spell if cast at night.
Raise Draugr
Level 7 Black, Blue, Red Spell (9)
Element: Necrotic, Animation, Ice
Mechanics: Summon a level 3 Draugr Warrior
Cost:21mp, 1 corpse (you personally killed)
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: the caster raises mythical draugr from the still corpse.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to minus 15mp from the cost of this spell if it is cast in a snowy or arctic biome.
Raise a Blazebone
Level 1 Black, Red, Blue Spell (4)
Element: Necrotic, Fire, Animation
Mechanics: The caster raises a level 2 skeleton. Only its attacks count as fire damage in addition to their other types and it is immune to light and fire, but takes double from water and ice. Has no summoning sickness and dies after 2 rounds.
Cost:3mp, 1SS, one corpse
Cast time:1AA
Modality:The caster stabs a corpse and the flesh burns away and the skeleton raises cloaked in flame. It only reeks havoc for a few seconds before being burned away completely.
Notes: The caster can spend the 2BA to give this unit 1 more round of life.
Raise the Burning Dead
Level 1 Black, Red, Blue Spell (1)
Element: Necrotic, Fire, Animation
Mechanics: The caster may add this to any undead raise. Add 6 space range to the raise/summoning spell and reduce the spell’s cost by (X6mp where X is the units level). The unit gains a duration limit of 2 rounds and is altered in this way: its attacks count as fire damage in addition to their other types and it is immune to light and fire, but takes double from water and ice. Has no summoning sickness and dies after 2 rounds. (doesn’t work on replicas)
Cast time:Addition spell
Modality:The caster hastily raises an undead unit in a fiery cloak that destroys it in a few rounds.
Notes: The caster can spend the 2BA to cast this spell on a unit subdued by black or red tower counters. The target in this cases doesn’t have to be a raise/summoned unit or ally and the spell is cast for free.
Heart Weevil: The Ethereal Skull
Level 1 Black Spell (4)
Element: Necrotic
Mechanics: 6 space range, conducted, d6 necrotic damage
Cost 3mp, the target must already be hurt and only works on units that can bleed
Cast time: 1AA
Modality: the caster conjures a skull out of smoke. The skull flies over to the target and opens its mouth. Blood is drained from the wound in a stream. Slowly the skull becomes made of blood.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to keep the last target location as its cast point when you cast it again and up the damage dice roll once.
XXXXXXX (these two spells are polymerized. Meaning you may learn the first without learning the second. But you cannot learn the second without the first. Learning both spells requires 2 spell slots.)
Heart Weevil
Level 2 Black, Blue Spell (6)
Element: Necrotic, Animation
Mechanics: Summon level 1 blood golem except its hp is equal to the amount of damage dealt with the spell “Ethereal skull” in this battle. The first round it’s summoned it has whirlwind attack. (no summoning sickness)
Cost: 6mp, 1SS, 8 round cooldown
Cast time 1AA, 1MA
Modality: the skull of condensed blood forms for itself and an elemental like body made of blood. Still keeping a skull face. The blood elemental is liquid and therefore can pass between cracks in the walls and reform on the other side.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add a level 2 ring to the whirlwind of this unit’s initial attack.
Necrotic Bolt
Level 1 Black Spell (4)
Element: Necrotic
Mechanics: D6 necrotic damage, 6 space range.
Cast time:1AA
Modality: The caster strikes the target with a putrid bolt that tears flesh and attempt to trick the body into rotting and locking up.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell a ¼ chance to reduce the target’s agility mod by 2 for the battle.
Bone Shard
Level 1 Black, Brown Spell (5)
Element: Necrotic, Physical
Mechanics: 6 space range, d6 pierce/necrotic damage, ¼ chance to deal d6 Necrotic damage to target and in a level 1 ring around the target.
Cost: 3mp, 3hp
Cast time: 1AA
Modality: the caster grows a sharp bone out of their body and launches it off toward the enemy. The shard is full of negative energy and sometimes pulses out said energy on impact. There have been cases of an echo pulse following the first.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove 3mp, 3hp from the cost of this spell.
Reaper’s Cradle
Level 2 Black, Purple Spell
Element: Necrotic, Time
Mechanics: pauses a target’s death rattle or doom effect until end of battle or until next battle.
Cost:6mp, 1PPU
Cast time:1MA
Modality:The Caster touches a target dead unit and black currants of magic go into the target, putting their cells in a magical stasis.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove 6mp from the cost of this spell.
Life Channel
Level 2 Black, White Spell (6)
Element: Necrotic, Holy
Mechanics: Deals a d10 necrotic damage to one target and heals the next target equal to the damage dealt to the first. Split level 1, without, Insured, (the cost of this spell only has to be paid if the spell successfully hits the first target). If the first spell misses then the second will have no effect.
Cost:6mp, 1FHS
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality:The caster steals life energy from one unit and transfers it into another.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to change the healing effect of the second spell into black tower counters and give it +2 Accuracy for it’s chance to hit.
Necrotic Dominion
Level 1 Black, Yellow Spell (4)
Element: Necrotic, Psychic
Mechanics: D12 black tower counters, 6 space range, can only target undead units.
Cast time:1AA
Modality: The caster touches a unit filling them with dark energy. If an undead unit is overpowered by that malicious energy then the caster can harness their mind.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to remove the cost and cast time of this spell and gain permanent mind control (potency 32) over any undead unit subdued by black magic.
Fiendish Feast
Level 4 Black, Brown Spell (8)
Element: Necrotic, Ability
Mechanics: the caster gains 1 strength and agility mod for the battle and heals a d6 hp.
Cost:12mp, 1 corpse
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster devours a corpse and gains vitality and stamina.
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to remove 9mp from the cost of this spell if the corpse died in this battle.
Heart Rend
Level 1 Black, Brown Spell (5)
Element: Necrotic, Physical
Mechanics: d4 necrotic/hack damage, deals double to terminal foes, if your damage kills, gain a d10 hp, and a d10 mp.
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster tears the heart out of the target and devours it, magically rejuvenating themselves.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to increase the damage of this spell once and make it capable of being cast on units subdued to black tower magic.
Lich Skin
Level 1 Black, Red Spell (4)
Element: Necrotic, Ice
Mechanics:6 space range, the target becomes immune to ice damage, and they count as undead. They are immune to necrotic damage but take double from fire damage.(Tags: imu)
Cost: 3mp,1PPU
Cast time:1AA
Modality: the target’s skin shrivels up and turns blue. Their eyes glow red. And the frost no longer damages them.
Notes: the unit that has this spell on them may spend 2BA to reduce the cost of necrotic spells for themselves by 6mp for the round.
Bone Ward
Level 3 Black, Blue Spell (7)
Element: Necrotic, Enchant
Mechanics: the ward has a d12, the ward takes damage for any allied unit within a level 2 ring of the ward. The ward blocks 2 points of magical damage.
Cost:9mp, 1SS
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster conures and plants a bone staff in the ground and it absorbs damage for all allies around it.
Notes: As long as the ward is still alive, the caster may spend 2BA to increase the ward's life by a d6 if it took damage this round.
Blind-dead by the light
Level 3 Yellow, White, Black Spell (6)
Element: Illusion, Light, Necrotic
Mechanics: The target becomes invisible to the undead. Invisibility potency 22 vs Bravery/Toughness)
Cost: 9mp
Cast time:1AA
Modality: the caster whispers an incantation then touches the target. When undead units look at the target they only see blinding lights. If they pass the check the light fades to them and them alone.
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to give this spell a level 1 ring and friendly fire.
Sense undead
Level 3 Black, Purple (7)
Element: Necrotic, Space
Mechanics: can sense all undead units within the battlefield. For 1 round.
Cost 9mp
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Modality: the caster tunes into the flows of dark energy and can pinpoint their exact locations.
Notes: the caster may reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast outside of battle.
Flesh Molding
Level 1 Black Spell (5)
Element: Necrotic
Mechanics: increase Hp and Mhp by a d6 for the battle.
Cost:3mp, 1 corpse
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: the caster touches a corpse that quickly mends itself onto the casters body. The caster packs it down and smooths it out like clay. The additional flesh allows them to take more hits. Or repair their organs with those of the corpse if recently dead. When the battle ends, the caster sheds off the added flesh.
Notes:the caster may spend 2BA if you have this spell, to alter their appearance. They can even attempt to make themselves look like someone else with a disguise check for the potency to see through.
Necrotic Reclamation
Level 1 Black Spell (4)
Element: Shadow, Necrotic
Mechanics: 6 space range,instantly destroys an undead unit you raised or summoned. You gain d4mp times it’s level, +d12mp. Doesn’t work on replicas.
Cost: 3mp
Cast time:1AA
Modality: the caster stretches their hand toward the summoned unit and its energy is ripped from it in a blue mist that comes back to the caster.
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell's cost to 0mp and add another d2 mp gain.
Reform Corpse
Level 1 Black, Purple Spell (4)
Element: Necrotic, Time
Mechanics: 12 space range, Restore a corpse that has been completely destroyed, like turning the ashes back into a body or recovering even a damaged corpse. Growing flesh back on a skeleton and so forth.This cures destroyed (the condition of not being able to be revived).
Cast Time:1AA
Modality:the caster uses magic to pull information, kind of like blue blueprints of the target corpse, from the past and reform the corpse back to its original state.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA to remove this spell’s cost and recover a d2mp.
Death Mask of Sensored Sight
Level 2 Black, Yellow Spell (5)
Element: Necrotic, illusion,
Mechanics:potency 20 vs personality/sense intent the target can’t see the chosen unit.
Cost 6mp, 3OBP
Cast time: 1AA
Modality: the caster makes a mask from a skull then imbues it with magic. A symbol is written in a chosen person's blood. Then the caster puts the mask on a target and the target can no longer see that chosen unit. The mask roots itself into the target's spirit so removing the mask physically is near impossible with a lifting check of 30. The target must search their soul and release the mask's attunement.
Notes:the caster can speak out of the mask as a bonus action. The one wearing the mask cannot hear these communications.
OBP: blood from the chosen unit, a skull, 30 minutes
Spine Smithery
Level 2 Black, Blue Spell (3)
Element: Necrotic, Mechanical
Mechanics: make any single bone weapon of your choice.
Cost: 6mp, 9Mhp
Cast time: 1MA
Modality: the caster bows their head and pulls a bone weapon from their spine.
Notes: The Caster may spend 2BA to remove 6mp. This weapon stays forever and can be sold. The weapon is a 12 craftsmanship. for a bonus action the caster can attempt a higher quality using a smith check. If the check fails, then no item is made but you still must pay the spell's cost. Shields count as weapons.
Corpse Caller
Level 3 Black, Blue, Yellow Spell (4)
Element: Necrotic, animate, Sonic
Mechanics:for the round, all corpses on the battlefield attempt to move to the caster’s melee zone. Their movement is 3 spaces.
Cost: 9mp
Cast time:1MA
Modality: the caster beckons the dead, which come crawling to him/her.
Notes: the caster may pay 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 6mp
Corpse Fabrication
Level ? Black, Gray Spell (?)
Element: Necrotic, Creation
Mechanics: take a piece of a corpse and grow a whole fully functioning corpse from it. Effectively cloning Corpses.
Cost:3mp times the level of the unit when it was alive. -9mp, (3Mmp)
Cast Time:1AA,1MA
Modality:the caster takes a piece of a corpse and uses magic to pull information, kind of like blue blueprints of the target corpse, from the past and reform the corpse back to its original state just from the piece. Leaving all the other pieces where they are.
Notes:The caster may use 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast outside of battle.
Black Mirror
Level 4 Black, Blue, Purple Spell (8)
Element: Necrotic, Enchant, Space
Mechanics: Self potency 22 vs concentration/intelligence, The caster can trap a soul in a mirror. This can be used just like a soul gem. The caster can also talk to the soul and see them while they are in the mirror.
Cost:12mp, 1OBP, 1SS
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster tears the heart out of the target and devours it, magically rejuvenating themselves.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast outside of battle. (without a check the caster may move the soul from one mirror to another.)
OBP: one mirror
Bone Cuirass
Level 4 Black, Blue Spell (8)
Element: Necrotic, Enchant
Mechanics: ¼ chance to block magic attacks. Also block 2 points of all incoming damage. (tags: Bd, BL, BL)
Cost: 12mp, 1 corpse, 1PPU
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: the caster steps on a body. It explodes in a gory mess and the bones form together to make bone armor around the caster.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if they have at least 1 thrall. the armor crumbles after battle.
Corpse Explosion
Level 3 Black, Blue, Brown Spell (6)
Element: Necrotic, Animation, Physical
Mechanics: d12 pierce/necrotic damage, 6 space range to a target corpse, the effects occur at the corpse’s location, level 2 ring, 1 round delay.
Cost 9mp, 1 corpse
Cast time: 1AA
Modality: the caters project unstable dark magic into a target corpse. The corpse then swells up and explodes. Sending bone shards and gore all about at lethal speeds.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to cast this spell onto one of their undead summon/raised units. If this is done, then add another level of ring to this spell and increase the damage by a d8 times X. where X is the summoned/raised unit’s level.
Level 3 Black, White,Purple, Orange Spell (3)
Element: Necrotic, Holy, Time, Luck
Mechanics: The caster may ask the DM a yes or no question. If the DM doesn’t know the answer or revealing it would completely ruin the fun of the campaign, then the DM may say “The Spirits response is inconclusive.) in this case the caster gains back the cost of this spell, Otherwise the DM gives the answer truthfully to the best of their ability. If the answer is a prediction and the DM’s answer becomes incorrect the caster at that point gains a free summoned level 3 ghost regardless of slots for their next battle.
Cost:9Mp, 9Mmp (doesn’t come back until the following day) at least a couple bones.
Cast time: Addition Spell
Modality: The caster calls upon the spirits of the dead to answer a question. If the spirits are wrong they feel obligated to repay the caster with their services.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to disregard this spell and put a spirit they have communicated with use this spell into the body of a unit subdued to black or white tower counters.
Destiny Bound
Level 6 Orange, Black Spell (14)
Element: Necrotic, Luck
Mechanic:( Potency 24 vs willpower/personality this spell binds the target unit’s destiny to the caster, if one dies the other dies. If one is brought back by any means, so does the other. The potency can’t be cleared while dead and this spell stays on dead units.) if a unit had hp when they die to this spell, the same number of hp returns to them if they are revived.
Cost:18mp, 15hp
Cast Time:1AA
Modality:The caster touches the target and they both feel an ominous ping as their destinies become intertwined.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9hp if the target is a higher level than the caster. This spell can not be cast by summoned or animated units. This spell can be cast as a ritual.
Ritual cost: two level 10 pixie dusts, two level 1 magus chalk, a silver chain (200 gold), (2 casters 2 hours a piece), 3 use of spider webs, a vile of twin’s blood, Sacrifice 2 level 1 snake,
Rites: the casters lay the two targets down 5 feet apart. They draw intricate symbols around both that connect together. A silver chain is laid out in a circle around both of them as a whole. The casters mix a concoction of spider webs and twin’s blood. They then kill 2 snakes and pour the connection into both snakes. Then they put each snake’s tails in the other's mouth making a circle with their bodies. The snake circle is placed exactly in between both targets. The casters then throw the pixie dust onto the targets. Instantly the chalk lights up, the chain spins. The chalk fades away as the snake burns up. The chain crumbles and the spell binds the destinies of the targets.
Ritual effects:(Bind the Destiny of 2 units together, Potency 30 vs Willpower/Personality)
Noxious Surge
Level 3 Black, Green Spell (7)
Element: Disease
Mechanics: D10 disease damage, 6 space range. Level 1 ring.
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster shoots a blast of diseased energy which explodes on impact.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add linger to this spell.
Level 1 Black, Green Spell (4)
Element: Necrotic, Fauna
Mechanics: D8 black tower counters, 6 space range. Can only be cast on units with flesh.
Cast time:1AA
Modality: The caster fills the target with dark magic unit the soul is too weak to resist it, then the caster conjures flesh eating worms inside the target.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to have worms burst out of the target unit and devour its flesh, if the unit is subdued to black or green tower.
Pox Wave
Level 3 Black, Green Spell (7)
Element: Disease
Mechanics: D4 disease damage, level 2 cone, lower target’s agility strength and accuracy mod by 1 with a potency of 12 vs mettle/toughness.
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster lets out a hot wave of energy that instantly puts blisters on the target’s then weakens them and dulls their senses.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to increase the potency of this spell by 4.
Plague Burst
Level 3 Black, Green Spell (7)
Element: Disease
Mechanics: D4 disease damage, 6 space range. Level 1 ring. ¼ chance to cast a level 12 or less disease spell from your list for free. The cast point is this spell’s impact point.
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster shoots a blast of diseased energy which explodes on impact.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell a 2 round delay then up the damage dice roll 3 times and add another ring to this spell’s effects.
Ray of Rot
Level 4 Black, Green Spell (8)
Element: Necrotic, Disease
Mechanics: D10 necrotic/disease damage, level 2 cone, Destruction level 1.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster flings a jagged ray of filthy energy that rots and destroys whatever it contacts.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to increase the destruction level of this spell by 2.
Level 5 Black, Green Spell (9)
Element: Shadow, Disease
Mechanics: Target’s attack dice are reduced by 2, and they lose their positive strength mods potency 16 vs mettle/toughness. 6 space range, Beam.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster casts a beam of green energy surrounded in black smoke at the targets before them. Target’s feel the strength leave their bodies.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove the range of this spell and rescue the cost by 12mp.
Death Mites
Level 4 Black, Green, (7)
Element: Disease, Fuana
Mechanics: level 1 cone, d6 disease/hack damage potency 18 vs reflex/agility.
Cost: 12mp
Cast time: 1AA
Modality: the caster breaths a swarm of mites onto the target. The mites eat away the target's flesh. Until the target either shakes them off or is eaten away to bones.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell linger level 1.
Level 5 Green, Black Spell (8)
Element: Disease
Mechanics: level 3 ring, potency 18 vs toughness/concentration, d10 disease damage, -1 toughness and accuracy mod, lose 2BA, contagious (meaning if interacted with while under its effects the spell is cast on the attacker.) This spell is cast on the caster as well (as a pure cast).
Cost: 15mp
Cast time:1AA
Modality:the caster begins hacking and coughing uncontrollably. As a smoke-like cloud forms from the air the caster is breathing, the cloud grows until it reaches about 15 feet in all directions. Anyone in the cloud contracts the plague.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if outnumbered.
Stomach Flu
Level 1 Black, Green Spell (5)
Element: Disease
Mechanics: the caster casts this spell on themselves, it has contagious level 1, when this disease is contracted by another unit the caster is cured and the spell no longer has Contagious.(target must clear a 16 toughness/willpower check at the end of their turn or they fall down in prone and take a d4 black and green tower counters.)
Cost: 3mp, 1OBP, (the rotten morsel must be equipped which usually takes 1BA )
Cast time:1AA, 1MA,
Modality: the caster eats the rotten morsale and their stomach begins to ache and churn. If they fell the check they doubled over in pain falling to the floor. If anyone physically interacts with them the sickness transfers to them and the caster is cured. Occasionally the sick target will throw up and lose what they ate that day.
Notes:the caster may use 2BA to have this spell remove 2BA from the target in the potency.
OBP: the caster must take a use of rotten food and filet with dark magic taking 30 minutes to do so. The item is then a rotten morsel.
Zombie (level 1)
HP: 15 MP: 9 EXP:1
Stats: +3 strength, -2 Agility, -2 intelligence, -2 personality, -2 move
Hulking Horde: gain +1 strength mod for every ally unit in the target’s melee zone -1. (GS, S)
Zombie resilience 2: every 2 rounds revive is cast on you if the battle is still going, unless the finishing damage was targeting the head. (oX, oX)
Dark energy 2: add a d4 black tower counter to your attack. (U, U)
Life Eater: heal 5 Hp upon a finishing blow. (Hp, X)
Undead Constructs: Takes damage from holy healing effects, but heals from necrotic damage. Immunity to poison, psychic, fear, disease, and doom effects.
Weaknesses: takes double from holy damage.
Multiply the net damage you take by the destruction level of the attack +1.
Skills: +8 mettle, +8 lift, +8 sense magic, +5 climb, +4 wrestle, -4 acrobatics, -4 reflex
Skeletal Steed (level 1)
HP: 21 MP:6 EXP:1
Stats: +2 strength, +2 Agility, +6 move, -3 intelligence, -2 Utility
Tough guy: gain 6 Hp. (Health)
(Gives to it’s rider) High Ground: Increase accuracy mod by 2 when attacking from high ground. (Abo, Ac)
Undead Constructs: Takes damage from holy healing effects, but heals from necrotic damage. Immunity to poison, psychic, fear, disease, and doom effects.
Weaknesses: takes double from holy damage.
Multiply the net damage you take by the destruction level of the attack +1.
Skills: +8 jump, +8 sprint, +3 mettle
Blood Golem (level 1)
HP:15 MP:15 EXP:1
Stats: +3 Agility, +2 Accuracy, -3 personality
Phase: can go through non magical obstacles. (phase)
Necromancy: Necrotic spells cost 3mp less to cast. (Mpcr, ma+, necrotic)
Undead Constructs: Takes damage from holy healing effects, but heals from necrotic damage. Immunity to poison, psychic, fear, disease, and doom effects.
Weaknesses: takes double from holy damage.
Multiply the net damage you take by the destruction level of the attack +1.
Skills: +8 acrobatics, +5 wrestle, +5 sneak +5 sleight of hand
Skeleton (level 2)
HP:9 MP:15 EXP:2
Stats: +3 Accuracy, +3 Agility, -2 Toughness, -3 Personality
Weapon Focus: up the weapon damage dice roll for longbow, long sword, and ax. (U)
Pierce Immunity: Immune to pierce damage. (imu)
Die hard: come back to life after being killed. Heal up to your toughness mod or zero. Has a 6 round cooldown. (oX, CD)
Reattachment 3: Immune to wounds: (iw, iw, iw)
Undead Constructs: Takes damage from holy healing effects, but heals from necrotic damage. Immunity to poison, psychic, fear, disease, and doom effects.
Weaknesses: takes double from holy damage and blunt damage.
Multiply the net damage you take by the destruction level of the attack +1.
Skills: +8 sense magic, +8 acrobatics, +5 concentrate, +5 investigate, +5 climb, +4 sneak, -8 natural senses
Ghoul (level 2)
HP:15 MP:6 EXP:2
Stats: +3 Strength, +3 Utility, +2 accuracy, +1 Agility, -3 Intelligence, -3 Personality,
The Ghoul 2: every 2 rounds revive is cast on you if the battle is still going. (oX, oX)
Berserk: double strength mod when terminal. (T, S)
Life Eater: heal 5 Hp upon a finishing blow. (Hp, X)
Undead : heals from necrotic damage. Immune to disease and shadow damage
Weaknesses: Takes damage from holy healing effects and takes double from holy, fire, and light damage.
Skills: +8 wrestle, +8 lifting, +8 mettle, +6 natural senses, +6 investigate, +6 climb, +4 sneak, -4 will power, -3 bravery
Flesh Golem (level 3)
HP:15 MP:12 EXP:3
Stats: +3 Strength, -1 Intelligence
Ironclad 2: block 4 points of physical damage. (ic, ic, BL, BL)
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger 2: a ¼ chance to gain a 2 strength mods, for the battle, when attacked. (S, S, C, C)
Healing snap: ¼ chance to heal back all the damage done to you that round at the end of the round. During the day. (Bd, Hp)
Regeneration: heal d2hp each round. (Hp, Er)
Undead Constructs: Takes damage from holy healing effects, but heals from necrotic damage. Immunity to poison, psychic, fear, disease, and doom effects.
Weaknesses: takes double from holy damage.
Multiply the net damage you take by the destruction level of the attack +1.
Skills: +8 wrestle, +8 lifting, +8 mettle, +8 intimidate, +1 sense magic
Draugr (level 3)
HP:21 MP:15 EXP:3
Stats: +3 Strength, -1 Agility +2 Toughness, -2 Personality
Ironclad 2: block 4 points of physical damage. (ic, ic, BL, BL)
Madness Aura 2: a ¼ chance each round to deal a d10 yellow counter, in a level 2 ring. If they become subdued to yellow tower counters then they are frenzied as a curse.
Growing Rage: a ¼ chance to gain a giant status, for the battle, when attacked. (G, C)
Inner Warmth: Immune to ice damage. (imu)
Elemental Focus 2: Psychic, ice, wind, and lightning. spells of those elements cost 4mp less to cast. Every focus in this feat adds an additional element to the list. (Mpcr, Mpcr)
Undead Constructs: Takes damage from holy healing effects, but heals from necrotic damage. Immunity to poison, psychic, fear, disease, and doom effects.
Weaknesses: takes double from holy, acid, and fire damage.
Multiply the net damage you take by the destruction level of the attack +1.
Skills: +8 wrestle, +8 lifting, +8 mettle, +8 will power, +1 sense magic
Ghost (level 3)
HP:9 MP:15 EXP:3
Stats: +3 Agility, +2 Accuracy, -1 Strength, - 2 Toughness
Phase: can go through non magical obstacles. (phase)
Flight 2: fly at full movement. (M, M)
Sneak attack 2: add ad8 to sneak damage. (U, SD)
Sunken State: ⅙ chance to turn invisible with a 16 potency, vs natural senses/Accuracy. When attacked. (C, invis)
Phantasmal: immune to physical damage. (imu, imu, imu, imu)
Undead Constructs:heals from necrotic damage. Immunity to poison, psychic, fear, disease, and doom effects.
Weaknesses: Takes damage from holy healing effects, takes double from holy, light, fire, and wind damage.
Multiply the net damage you take by the destruction level of the attack +1.
Skills: +8 intimidate, +8 sneak, +8 sense magic, +8 concentrate, +1 shout
Wraith (level 4)
HP:18 MP:9 EXP:8
Stats: +3 Strength, +2 Accuracy, +1 Toughness, -2 Intelligence, -1 Personality
Phase: can go through non magical obstacles. (phase)
Flight 2: fly at full movement. (M, M)
Hate: a ¼ chance to lower your critical hit ratio by 2, for the battle, when attacked (Cri, C)
Fury: ¼ chance to gain a strength mod for the battle, upon attacking, even if you miss. (Ud, S)
Ghost Fist: Your weapon attacks ignore armor and other BL feats. (Aa, Igno)
Dauntless Assault: up your damage dice roll twice for the round if you were attacked that round. This ability procs only once a round (U, C)
Spirited: Strength mod multiplies with critical damage. (Cri, S)
Phantasmal: immune to physical damage. (imu, imu, imu, imu)
Undead Constructs:heals from necrotic damage. Immunity to poison, psychic, fear, disease, and doom effects.
Weaknesses: Takes damage from holy healing effects, takes double from holy, light, fire, and wind damage.
Multiply the net damage you take by the destruction level of the attack +1.
Skills: +8 intimidate, +8 sneak, +8 sense magic, +8 willpower, +7 bravery
Wight (level 4)
HP:21 MP:6 EXP:8
Stats: +2 Strength, +4 Agility +2 Accuracy, +2 Toughness, -3 Intelligence, -2 Personality, +4 movement
Weapon Focus 2: up the weapon damage dice roll twice for hand to hand, long sword, club, and dagger. (U, U)
Pierce Immunity: Immune to pierce damage. (imu)
Beast Dodge: plus 2 agility mods outside of structures. (Agi, outss)
Terminal recovery: heal a d6 hp a round when terminal. (T, Er, Hp)
Grip: you can’t be disarmed. (Neg)
Death dodgin’: Double agility mod when terminal. (T, Agi)
Wild Walker: plus 4 movement outside of structures. (M, outss)
Undead Constructs: Takes damage from holy healing effects, but heals from necrotic damage. Immunity to poison, psychic, fear, disease, and doom effects.
Weaknesses: takes double from holy damage.
Multiply the net damage you take by the destruction level of the attack +1.
Skills: +8 intimidate, +8 wrestle, +8 acrobatics, +4 willpower, +4 mettle +4 bravery +3 investigate
Bone Goliath (level 5)
HP:63 MP:9 EXP:10
Stats: +7 Strength, +2 toughness, +0 Accuracy, -2 intelligence, -6 agility
Giant status 2: increase one size category. double hp, +4 strength, -4 accuracy, -6 agility, take triple damage from area effect spells and abilities. (G, G)
Giant Skin 3: reduces damage from area of effect attacks you’re hit with by 6. (BL, BL, vArea, vArea)
Microscope 2: Plus 4 accuracy mods vs smaller units. (crush, crush, Ac, Ac)
Black Thorns 3: melee attackers take d4 pearce/necrotic damage every time they attack you. 16 potency vs agility/reflex not to take damage from it. (C, C)
Undead Constructs: Takes damage from holy healing effects, but heals from necrotic damage. Immunity to poison, psychic, fear, disease, and doom effects.
Weaknesses: takes double from holy damage.
Multiply the net damage you take by the destruction level of the attack +1.
Skills: +8 intimidate, +8 wrestle, +8 lifting, +8 willpower, +7 bravery, +6 mettle
Death Knight (level 5)
HP:18 MP:15 EXP:10
Stats: +3 Strength, +2 Accuracy, +1 Toughness, -3 Personality
Master’s grimoire: Can cast spells from your summoners spell list. (cS)
Soul Eater: heal 5 Mp upon a finishing blow. (Mp, X)
Weapon Focus 3: up the weapon damage dice roll three times for broad sword, long sword, club, and ax. (U, U, U)
Magic Knight 2: when attacking, ¼ chance to cast a spell with a true value of (8) or less from your spell list for free, and can have no other requirements unless they can be met. (FS, FS, Ud, Ud)
Armor bearer 3: -3 from all penalties of armor (BL, BL, BL)
Undead Constructs: Takes damage from holy healing effects, but heals from necrotic damage. Immunity to poison, psychic, fear, disease, and doom effects.
Weaknesses: takes double from holy damage.
Multiply the net damage you take by the destruction level of the attack +1.
Skills: +8 intimidate, +8 wrestle, +8 investigate, +7 sense magic, +5 lifting, +5 willpower, +4 mettle