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The Invoker

Harnessing the unpredictable forces of fortune and beckoning creatures from realms unknown, the Invoker stands as a mysterious and formidable figure on the battlefield. With a mere gesture, they twist the threads of luck to their advantage, turning the tides of fate in their favor. Through arcane incantations, they summon otherworldly beings to do their bidding, unleashing chaos and devastation upon their enemies. With each invocation, they dance on the razor's edge between mastery and madness, their powers transcending the boundaries of reality itself.

Commencement Package

One spell from the class spell list.
+4 Willpower +4 Knowledge of Arcane, +4 Sense Magic, +3 Enchanting, -3 Athletics, -3 Wrestle, -3 Lifting, -3 Mettle

Level 1

2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Concentrate
+1 Seal Tampering
+1 Sense Magic

Level 2

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+2 Willpower
+1 Persuade

Level 3

2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Scroll Writing
+1 Enchanting
+1 Knowledge of Arcane

Level 4

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Concentrate
+1 Seal Tampering
+1 Sense Magic

Level 5

2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+2 Willpower
+1 Persuade

Level 6

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Scroll Writing
+1 Enchanting
+1 Knowledge of Arcane

Level 7

2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Concentrate
+1 Seal Tampering
+1 Sense Magic

Level 8

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+2 Willpower
+1 Persuade

Level 9

1 Master Feat
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Scroll Writing
+1 Enchanting
+1 Knowledge of Arcane

Spell List

Merchant’s Oath

Level 1 Orange Spell (2)

Element: Luck

Mechanics:The Caster puts a curse on a willing or orange tower subdued target and gives them a task (example: deliver this necklace to the emperor) until the target completes said task, any person that interacts with the target becomes magically aware of the curse and if they continue to make a deal, trade, or other transaction with the target, they become cursed that the deal will turn out poorly for both of them. The curse can only be removed when the task associated with the curse is completed or if the cater removes the curse from the target. This spell’s seal tampering check is 8 points more difficult to clear. This spell has 6 space range.


Cast time:1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add a d6 orange tower counters to the effects of this spell.

A Touch of Bad Luck

Level 3 Orange Spell (4)

Element: Luck

Mechanics:The Caster touches the target reducing their luck by 1, potency 14 vs personality/willpower. (Luck: increases or decreases the resulting roll of checks they make or are made against them.)


Cast time:1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce the luck by 2 more if the target has rolled a 1 this battle. (Or if cast outside of battle if they have rolled a 1 in the last 2 hours.)

Unlucky Charm

Level 5 Orange, Blue Spell (9)

Element: Luck, Enchant

Mechanics:The Caster touches an object and curses it. Any check made or damage dealt with the object have luck reduced by 4. It takes 1AA to attempt to remove said curse. If the object is on a unit, the unit is magically aware of the curse and its stipulations. Potency 16 v seal tampering/intelligence.


Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may cast this spell as a ritual making the seal tamper check a 24 with a backfire of cursing the attempt with reduced luck of 4 with a potency of 24 vs seal tampering/intelligence with the same backfire. Requires 1 level 2 blue magus chalk, and 3 level 1 orange magus candles and 1 and a half hours channeling time.


Level 5 Orange Spell (9)

Element: Luck

Mechanics:The Caster touches a unit, increasing their luck by 1 as a personal power up. (tags: Luck, Agi, Ac)

Cost:15mp, 1PPU

Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell a 1/4 chance to increase the target’s luck by an additional 1 point.

Skin of the Teeth

Level 5 Orange Spell (9)

Element: Luck

Mechanics: increase luck by 2 when terminal. (tags: Luck, Luck, Agi, Agi, Ac, Ac)

Cost:15mp, 1PPU

Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 15mp if the target is terminal.

Favorable Winds

Level 8 Orange, Red Spell (12)

Element: Luck, Wind

Mechanics:The Caster summons a breeze that alters the luck of the entire battlefield. Allies gain 1 luck for the round, and enemies lose 1 luck for the round.This can only be cast outside of structures.


Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell cost for the whole battle by 6, this doesn’t apply to the current cast.

Summon a Black Cat

Level 1 Orange Spell (5)

Element: Summoning, Luck

Mechanics:The Caster summons a level 1 black cat. The cast puts a d6 orange tower counters on target each attack, then if the target has 9 orange tower counters on them, remove 9 and reduce the target’s luck by 1 for the battle.

Cost:3mp, 1SS

Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give the summoned unit the personal power up Die hard: come back to life after being killed. Heal up to your toughness mod or zero. Has an 8 round cooldown. (oX, CD)


Level 4 Orange Spell (9)

Element: Luck

Mechanics:The Caster strikes a target increasing their auto fail to 1-5 with a super fail chance. And lower the target's luck by 1 as well, potency 16 vs willpower/personality.


Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell a level 2 cone.

The Devil’s Own Luck

Level 1 Orange Spell (4)

Element: Luck, Chaos

Mechanics:The Caster strikes a target within 30 feet (6 space range). Each round the target rolls 3 d6s if any of them land on 6, take them out, and add reduce luck by 1 to the effects of this spell for each removed this way. When all 3 dice are out, remove this spell’s potency and deal a d30 chaos damage to the target. potency 12 vs willpower/personality. The potency of this spell increases every time the target fails to escape.


Cast time:1AA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to increase this spell’s potency by 10 if the target has rolled an auto fail this battle.

Salt Toss

Level 1 Orange, White Spell (2)

Element: Luck, Protection

Mechanics:The Caster throws salt over their shoulder, reduces luck potencies on them by 24 and ignores any luck reduction for the round. within


Cast time:1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove within from this spell and give it 3 space range.

Lucky Penny

Level 3 Orange, Gray Spell (3)

Element: Luck, Manipulation

Mechanics: 6 space range, Interrupt, target a damage, flip a coin if heads double the damage, if tails reduce damage to 0. If the caster has a luck potency on them roll a d20 instead 1-10 counts as tails, 11-20 counts as heads. Luck affects this roll.

Cost:9mp, the caster throws a coin worth 50 gold at the target. This can be picked up later.

Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to increase their luck by 1 for the round.

Stroke of Luck

Level 5 Orange Spell (5)

Element: Luck

Mechanics: target may reroll their next attempt and take the best result and also increase their luck for the round they make the attempt. 6 space range, the target has 4 orange counters on them until this spell’s effects resolve.


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the target fail a check last round.

Lucky Break

Level 5 Orange Spell (5)

Element: Luck

Mechanics: 6 space range, Interrupt, the target rerolls a dice and must take the new result.


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 15mp if the target roll is a 1.

Third Times the Charm

Level 3 Orange Spell (6)

Element: Luck

Mechanics: 6 space range, Interrupt, if the target has failed the same check 2 times in a row, then add auto hit and critical hit ratio reduced by 6 and no auto fail if the target roll is an attack, or if it's a skill check add 9 to your skill for the check.


Cast time:1AA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to gain an attack action on their following turn if the target check is succeeded.

Snake Eyes

Level 1 Orange, Green Spell (1)

Element: Luck, Summoning, Fuana

Mechanics: Roll 2 d6s, if both land on 6 increase the casters luck by 3 for the battle, and summon 2 level 1 monocular snakes. However, the caster gets a d4 enemy orange tower counters put on them.


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to roll the d6s two additional times.

Jack Pot

Level 1 Orange Spell (1)

Element: Luck, Summoning

Mechanics: Roll 3 d8s, if all the dice land on 7 then summon 3 level 13 chaos titans without summoning sickness. You may choose anywhere on the battlefield to put them and they don’t have to be together. When the battle ends the titans, if still alive, each give the caster 3,000 gold.


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to roll the d8s two additional times.

Draw Straws

Level 3 Orange Spell (3)

Element: Luck

Mechanics: The caster and target have a 50% chance to lose 2 luck for the rest of the battle. If the caster or the target have a luck potency on them roll a d20 instead 1-10 counts as tails, 11-20 counts as heads. Luck affects this roll.


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell 6 space range.

Suicide King

Level 2 Orange, Black Spell (2)

Element: Luck, Necrotic

Mechanics: The caster may choose any amount of hp they currently have then flip a coin, if heads they gain the amount chosen, if tails they lose the amount chosen. If the caster has a luck potency on them roll a d20 instead 1-10 counts as tails, 11-20 counts as heads. Luck affects this roll. Within


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove this spell’s cost.

Vote of no Confidence

Level 5 Orange Spell (9)

Element: Luck

Mechanics: target has 1-19 is an auto fail, potency 12 vs willpower/personality. Auto fail can’t be increased on this potency.


Cast time:1AA, 1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 15mp if the target has rolled a 1 this round.

Complete Misfortune

Level 5 Orange Spell (9)

Element: Luck

Mechanics: target has 1-19 is an auto fail, potency 12 vs willpower/personality. Auto fail can’t be increased on this potency.


Cast time:1AA, 1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 15mp if the target has rolled a 1 this round.

Vote of No Confidence

Level 5 Orange, Yellow Spell (9)

Element: Luck, Psychic

Mechanics: target has losses 1 luck for the round this increases by 1 each round they fail the check, potency 18 vs willpower/personality. Auto fail can’t be increased on this potency.


Cast time:1AA, 1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add a d4 yellow tower counters to the effects of this spell.

Dumb Luck

Level 1 Orange, Gray Spell (2)

Element: Luck, Manipulation

Mechanics: 6 space range, change bad luck to good luck and good luck to back on the target for the round.


Cast time:1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to make the good and bad luck count as good for the round.

Tough Luck

Level 2 Orange Spell (5)

Element: Luck

Mechanics: 6 space range, add a d8 orange tower counter onto the target.


Cast time:1AA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to up the counter dice roll and if the target is subdued by orange tower counters curse them to have 1-19 as an auto fail with super fail chance for the rest of their life. (or until removed)


Level 1 Orange, Black Spell (1)

Element: Luck, Fear

Mechanics: 6 space range, Interrupt, if the target has rolled a 13 on any dice they gain fear level 2 of the space they are on with a potency of 18 vs bravery/toughness. (fear level 2: the target runs away with its move action the first round after that if they are still under its effect they can't move any closer to the space. Even if it puts them in harm's way to do so.)


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell 6 more spaces or range.


Level 1 Orange, Blue Spell (4)

Element: Summon, Mechanical

Mechanics: target gets a suit of full plate armor or whatever armor the target has a focus in, 1 silver basic weapon, and 1 steel basic weapon and or shield. These objects disappear at the end of the battle.


Cast time:1AA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell a level 2 ring.

Summon a Monopod

Level 3 Orange Spell (6)

Element: Summon

Mechanics: summon a level 1 Monopod. This spell costs 3mp less to cast for the battle, each time that it is cast.


Cast time:1AA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to summon two monopods if the caster is terminal.

Summon a Sprite

Level 2 Orange Spell (5)

Element: Summon

Mechanics: summon a level 1 sprite.


Cast time:1AA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA independent of this spell, to increase all sprites agility for the round by 1.

Summon Imp

Level 5 Orange Spell (9)

Element: Summon

Mechanics: summon a level 2 Imp.


Cast time:1AA, 1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell a ¼ chance to summon another Imp.

Summon Satyr

Level 5 Orange Spell (9)

Element: Summon

Mechanics: summon a level 2 Satyr, remains dormant 1 round.


Cast time:1AA, 1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give the Satyr 3 more hp.

Summon Centaur

Level 6 Orange Spell (10)

Element: Summon

Mechanics: summon a level 3 centaur. Doesn’t have summoning sickness, Only lasts 3 rounds.


Cast time:1AA, 1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if they already have a centaur under their control.

Summon Banshee

Level 5 Orange Spell (9)

Element: Summon

Mechanics: summon a level 3 banshee.

Cost:15mp, 8 round cooldown

Cast time:1AA, 1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: if the caster has taken 6 or more damage this round, then the caster may spend 2BA to reduce the spells cost by the damage they have taken from enemy units this round.

Summon Griffin

Level 9 Orange Spell (17)

Element: Summon

Mechanics: summon a level 4 griffin.


Cast time:2AA, 2MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove summoning sickness from the griffin if the caster has a wound.

Summon Succubus

Level 5 Orange Spell (13)

Element: Summon

Mechanics: summon a level 4 succubus.

Cost:15mp, 4OBP

Cast time:2AA, 2MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spells cast time by 1AA,1MA if there is currently only 1 gender represented on the battlefield.

OBP: the caster must have sex once to put a charge on this spell.

Summon Minotaur

Level 9 Orange Spell (17)

Element: Summon

Mechanics: summon a level 5 minotaur.

Cost:27mp, 8 round cooldown.

Cast time:2AA, 2MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove 9mp from the cost of this spell if outnumbered.

Summon Unicorn

Level 9 Orange Spell (21)

Element: Summon

Mechanics: summon a level 5 Unicorn.

Cost:27mp, 8 round cool down.

Cast time:2AA, 2MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to heal a target a d4 hp. This can be done independently of the spell.

Summon Aqrabuamelu

Level 9 Orange Spell (21)

Element: Summon

Mechanics: summon a level 6 Aqrabuamelu, remains dormant 3 rounds.


Cast time:1AA, 1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 15mp if cast in a desert biome.

Summon Phoenix

Level 5 Orange Spell (9)

Element: Summon

Mechanics: summon a level 6 Phoenix, remains dormant 3 rounds.

Cost:15mp, 8 round cool down.

Cast time:1AA, 1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce the cost of this spell by spending enemy red tower counters on them.

Summon Hydra

Level 9 Orange Spell (21)

Element: Summon

Mechanics: summon a level 7 Hydra.

Cost:27mp, 4OBP, 8 round cool down.

Cast time:3AA, 3MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to spend enemy green and orange tower counters on them to help pay the mp cost of this spell.

OBP: the caster must swim for 1 and a half hours to put a charge on this spell.

Summon Basilisk

Level 4 Orange Spell (8)

Element: Summon

Mechanics: summon a level 7 Basilisk. Doesn’t have summoning sickness, Only lasts 2 rounds.


Cast time:1AA, 1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give 9 space range to this spell.

Summon Chimera

Level 7 Orange Spell (15)

Element: Summon

Mechanics: summon a level 8 Chimera. Doesn’t have summoning sickness, Lasts only 3 rounds.

Cost:21mp, 6OBP, 8 round cool down.

Cast time:2AA, 2MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA and 3Mmp to remove the OBP from this spell if cast while terminal.

OBP: requires lions teeth, snake venom, and goats horns, 1 ½ hours channeling magic into them to gain 1 charge on this spell.

Summon Mythic Yeti

Level 8 Orange Spell (19)

Element: Summon

Mechanics: summon a level 8 Mythic Yeti. remains dormant 2 rounds. This spell can only be cast outside of structures.

Cost:24mp, 24Mmp, 8 round cool down.

Cast time:1AA, 1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove 15Mmp from the cost of this spell is cast in a cold biome.

Summon Dragon

Level 11 Orange Spell (21)

Element: Summon

Mechanics: summon a level 9 Dragon.

Cost:33mp, 10OBP, 8 round cool down.

Cast time:3AA, 3MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA each round while channeling to remove the lat 1AA, and 1MA from the cast time of this spell.

OBP: a gem worth 500 gold. The gem determines what kind of dragon is summoned.

Summon Cyclops

Level 9 Orange Spell (22)

Element: Summon

Mechanics: summon a level 9 cyclops. Remains dormant 2 rounds.

Cost:27mp, 27Mmp, 3OBP, 8 round cool down.

Cast time:1AA, 1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give the cyclops 2 additional rings of reach the round it comes out of being dormant.

OBP: requires an eye that is consumed by this spell. It takes 1 hour channeling dimensional magic into said eye to give this spell one charge.

Ritual Summon

Orange Ritual

Element: Summon

Mechanics: Summon any summoned unit from your spell list with this cost and cast time instead of its original cost and cast time. The summoned unit still needs to be thralled.

Cost:X times 50 gold, where X is this spell’s true value.

Cast time: Takes 2*Y hours where Y is the rounds of dormant the spell has. + 2 hours if the summoned unit had an 8 round cooldown.

Modality: ^^^

Notes: ^^^

Chaos bolt

Level 1 Orange Spell (4)

Element: Chaos

Mechanics:D6 Chaos damage, 6 space range.


Cast time: 1AA

Modality:The caster conjures a ball of chaos energy that they can hurl at any target dealing moderate damage. However with a little more focus, the caster may turn the energy into a consistent beam.

Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to add beam and up the dice roll to the effects of this spell.

Spreading Chaos

Level 5 Orange Spell (8)

Element: Chaos

Mechanics:D8 Chaos damage, level 3 link. Up the dice roll once each jump.


Cast time: 1AA


Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp and put 1 counter from a random tower on the caster.

Crawling Chaos

Level 6 Orange Spell (10)

Element: Chaos

Mechanics:D8 Chaos damage level 2 ring, linger level 2, moves 3 spaces in a random direction each round.


Cast time: 1AA, 1MA


Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to add destruction level 2 to the effects of this spell.

Chaotic Blast

Level 4 Orange Spell (7)

Element: Chaos

Mechanics:roll a d4

1: 0 damage.

2: D10 Chaos damage.

3: D10 Chaos damage, level 2 cone.

4: d20 Chaos Damage, level 3 cone.


Cast time: 1AA


Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 6mp.

Waning Chaos

Level 5 Orange Spell (5)

Element: Chaos

Mechanics:D12 Chaos damage, 24 vs Bravery/Intelligence. Each time the check is failed, the potency and damage dice roll are lowered once.

Cost:15mp, 1OBP

Cast time: 1AA,1MA


Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the target is at full life.

OBP: 30 minutes of meditating on oblivion.

Conjure from Chaos

Level 5 Orange Spell (9)

Element: Summon, Chaos

Mechanics: roll a d6

1: summon on the enemy team a level 3 Salamander. The enemies are magically aware.

2: neutral summon a level 2 elemental.

3:summon a level 2 Hellhound.

4:summon a level 4 Ifrit.

5:summon a level 6 Lampad.

6: summon a level 9 Cherufe (massive lava and crystal golem)

Cost:15mp, 8 round cooldown

Cast time:1AA, 1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if outnumbered.

Stare into Chaos

Level 2 Orange, Yellow Spell (7)

Element: Chaos, Psychic

Mechanics:roll a d4

1: increase target’s strength mod by 2 for the battle if an enemy, if ally -2 strength for the battle. Then frenzy both the target and the caster potency 12 vs bravery/intelligence

2: daze potency 14 vs bravery/intelligence

3: Fear level 2 potency 12 vs bravery/intelligence

4:Infatuate level 2 potency 22 vs bravery/intelligence


Cast time: 1AA

Modality:The target looks into the caster’s eyes and witnesses pure chaos which has unpredictable results.

Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to give this spell 9 space range.

Summon a Wise Club

Level 5 Orange, Blue, Green Spell (9)

Element: Summoning, Enchant, Flora

Mechanics:the caster summons for the battle a club enchanted with weapon focus 2. This item instantly attunes with the target if the target has an enchanted item slot available. (tags: U, U)


Cast time: 1AA,1MA


Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the caster has at least 1 summoned unit out.

Summon a Wailing Shield

Level 5 Orange, Blue, Yellow Spell (9)

Element: Summoning, Enchant, Sonic

Mechanics:the caster summons for the battle a shield enchanted with defender and deal d6 sonic damage when blocking occurs. This item instantly attunes with the target if the target has an enchanted item slot available. (tags: Bd, Bd, C)


Cast time: 1AA,1MA


Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the cater has taken 6 or more damage.


Level 6 Purple Spell (10)

Element: Silence

Mechanics:Destroy a target summoned unit.


Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality: The caster severs the magics that tie the summoned unit to this plane.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the summoned unit is bigger than the caster.

Summoning Sovereign

Level 8 Orange Spell (16)

Element: Summon

Mechanics: gain control of a target summoned unit. The unit becomes dormant for 2 rounds.

Cost:24mp, 5OBP, 8 round cooldown

Cast time:2AA, 2MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the summoned unit is bigger than the caster.

OBP: the caster must spend 2 ½ hours viewing other planes to put 1 charge on this spell.

Grab the Reins

Level 6 Orange, Gray Spell (11)

Element: Summoning, Manipulation

Mechanics:gain control of a summoned unit potency 18 vs willpower/intelligence.


Cast time:1AA,1MA

Modality: The caster briefly rewires to themselves the magics that tie the summoned unit to this plane.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the summoned unit is bigger than the caster.

Puppet Rivalry

Level 1 Orange Spell (1)

Element: Summoning, Chaos

Mechanics: add a d8 chaos damage to your attack vs summoned units.


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to deal the attack's damage to the unit's controller as well if the caster has at least one summoned unit themselves.

Summoner’s Loop

Level 3 Orange, Purple Spell (4)

Element: Summoning, Space

Mechanics: the caster swaps places with a summoned unit under their control. Fade, disengage.


Cast time:1MA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove this spell’s cost if the summoned unit has more hp than the caster.

Summon Shift

Level 2 Orange, Gray Spell (5)

Element: Summoning, Manipulation

Mechanics: within 6 space range, a target summoned unit under the caster’s control transforms into a summoned unit from the casters list equal to or less than the summoned units level plus 1. Then the summoned unit becomes dormant for 1 round. Damage and effects the summoned unit has taken remains on it after the transformation.


Cast time:1AA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell 6 more range.

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