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The Witch

Wrapped in the whispers of ancient incantations and cloaked in the mysteries of the occult, the Witch wields magic that dances on the edges of shadow and light. With a cauldron bubbling with potent brews and a spell book bound in leather, they commune with the spirits of nature and the beyond. Through their dark arts and arcane rituals, they command the elements and shape the very essence of reality, weaving spells that can both heal and harm, their cackling laughter echoing through the night as they cast their spells upon the world.

Commencement Package

Roll for your source. Witches do not have a max mp pool and their mp does not recover after a fight or when they sleep. They have to take 10 minutes to devour one unit of their source (this has a 5 foot range). Which in turn gains them 3mp. Every 3mp the witch has past what would have been their Mmp puts 1 Black self counter on them. Witches have the option to add their intelligence mod as black tower counters to any spell they cast.

One spell from the class spell list.
+3 Alchemy

Level 1

2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Intimidation
+1 Concentration
+1 Seal Tampering

Level 2

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Alchemy
+1 Mettle
+1 Willpower

Level 3

2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Knowledge of Arcane
+1 Bluff
+1 Sense Magic

Level 4

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Intimidation
+1 Concentration
+1 Seal Tampering

Level 5

2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Alchemy
+1 Mettle
+1 Willpower

Level 6

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Knowledge of Arcane
+1 Bluff
+1 Sense Magic

Level 7

2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Intimidation
+1 Concentration
+1 Seal Tampering

Level 8

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Alchemy
+1 Mettle
+1 Willpower

Level 9

1 Master Feat
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Knowledge of Arcane
+1 Bluff
+1 Sense Magic

Spell List


Gray, Black Ritual

Element: Transmutation, Shadow

Mechanics: The willing or subdued target no longer gains Mp by sleeping or after battles, but they no longer have an mp cap. They have a source that they can absorb mp from. The source is randomed once this ritual is performed. This ritual cannot be reversed, nor the source changed. After being awakened by this ritual, the target can add X black tower counters to any spell they cast Where X is their intelligence mod, this effect lasts forever. If the target gains more mp than what their traditional Mmp cap would have been, they gain 1 self black tower counter for every 3mp past the traditional Mmp.

Cost: 1 level 3 Gray magus chalk, 3 level 1 Black magus candles

Cast time: 90 minutes.


Notes: the caster makes a triangle with the magus chalk and puts the subdued or willing person in the center. Then the caster places the candles on each point of the triangle and lights them. Then the caster chants words from the spell over and over until the elements enter the target’s soul and discern what source best fits them.


Level 1 Black Spell

Element: Shadow

Mechanics: D6 black tower counters, 6 space range.


Cast time:1AA

Modality:The caster calls up dark energies from underneath the ground that seep into the target’s soul

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA, 1MA in addition to this spell’s cost and cast time to bestow any Hex they see fit onto a target subdued by black magic.


Level 1 Black Spell

Element: Shadow

Mechanics: The caster calls up dark energies from underneath the ground that seep into the target’s soul. D6 black tower counters, 6 space range.


Cast time:1AA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA, 1MA in addition to this spell’s cost and cast time to bestow any bewitchment they see fit onto a target subdued by black magic.


Level 1 Black Spell

Element: Shadow

Mechanics: The caster calls up dark energies from underneath the ground that seep into the target’s soul. D6 black tower counters, 6 space range.


Cast time:1AA

Modality: ^^^

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA, 1MA in addition to this spell’s cost and cast time to bestow any curse they see fit onto a target subdued by black magic.

Leser Cross Contamination

Level 1 Gray Spell (5)

Element: Necrotic

Mechanics: put a X counter on the target for each time they or their allies have cast a spell in this battle. 6 space range.


Cast time: 1AA,1MA

Modality:the caster

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to

Cross Contamination

Level 4 Gray Spell (8)

Element: Manipulation

Mechanics: put a X counter on the target for each spell that has been cast this battle. 6 space range.


Cast time: 1AA,1MA

Modality:the caster

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to

True Summon

Level 7 Orange Spell (11)

Element: Summoning

Mechanics: summon any unit.

Cost: (X12mp+9mp), 1SS

Cast time: 1AA,1MA

Modality:the caster summons any unit to come to their aid.

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to gain a ¼ chance to summon 2 more units of the same level or lower.

Black Magic

Level 6 Black Spell (6)

Element: Shadow, Necrotic, Disease, Fear

Mechanics: cast any black tower spell.

Cost: (Xmp+18mp) where X is the target spell’s cost.

Cast time: XAA, XMA where X is the target spell’s cast time.

Modality:the caster summons any unit to come to their aid.

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast in the dark.


Level 5 Gray Spell (9)

Element: Creation

Mechanics: Create any object.

Cost: (Xmp+15mp) where X is the object being made’s true cost divided by 50.

Cast time: 1AA,1MA

Modality:the caster creates any object from base matter and elements.

Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast outside of battle.

Baba Yaga’s Flying Item

Level 1 Blue Spell (5)

Element: Animation

Mechanics: animate an object and it gains flight. This object is rideable.

Cost: 3mp, 1SS

Cast time: 1AA,1MA


Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to have the object swiftly fly to the caster’s location using nether the object or casters move action.

Witch’s familiar

White, Black, Orange Ritual

Element: Holy, Necrotic, Summoning

Mechanics: ritually put a demon lord’s soul into a harmless animal. The new creature is the witch's familiar and provides teaching and aids in battle. If the familiar dies, the witch may recast this ritual to revive the dead animal or put the soul into a new animal. When the witch gains exp, they can divide it up with their familiar if they want. Levels a familiar gains are retained, even after death.

Cost: 1 level 3 orange magus chalk, 5 level 1 white magus candles

Cast time: 30 minutes.


Notes: the caster makes a pentagram with the magus chalk and puts the subdued creature in the center. Then the caster places the candles on each point of the star and lights them. Then the caster chants words from the spell over and over, dragging the demon lord’s soul up from hell and trapping it inside the animal.


Purple, Black Ritual

Element: Time, Necrotic

Mechanics: ritually steal the youth from a human.

Cost: 1 level 3 orange magus chalk, 5 level 1 white magus candles

Cast time: 30 minutes.


Notes: the caster makes a pentagram with the magus chalk and puts the subdued person in the center. Then the caster places the candles on each point of the star and lights them. Then the caster chants words from the spell over and over, pulling the person’s life energy and vitality into the caster.

Witch Bolt

Level 2 Black Spell (5)

Element: Shadow

Mechanics: d4 shadow damage and a d4 black tower counters, 6 space range.

Cost: 6mp

Cast time: 1AA


Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 6mp.

Dark Kiss

Level 6 Black Spell (10)

Element: Shadow

Mechanics: d20 black tower counters.

Cost: 18mp

Cast time: 1AA,1MA


Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the target has 0 black tower counters on them.


Level 1 Black, Gray Spell (5)

Element: Shadow, Necrotic, Fear, Disease, Transmutation

Mechanics: The caster gains 3Xmp, where X is the number of enemy black tower counters they have on them. Then remove all enemy placed black tower counters from the caster.

Cost: 3mp

Cast time: 1AA,1MA


Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to remove this spell's cost and add 3mp.

True Beauty

Level 14 Yellow Spell (18)

Element: Illusion

Mechanics: increase and fill the casters charm skill cap to 14. (charm, chram, charm)

Cost: 42mp, 54Mmp, 1PPU

Cast time: 1AA,1MA


Notes: any unit under this spell’s effect may spend 2BA to lure a unit of the opposite sex to them with a potancy of 14 willpower/personality. This effect has a 6 space range.


Level 8 Yellow, Black Spell (12)

Element: Fear

Mechanics: frenzy target potency 22 vs bravery/toughness. 6 space range. Covert cast potency 18 vs sense magic/intelligence. Dodging this spell uses intelligence instead of agility.

Cost: 24mp

Cast time: 1AA,1MA


Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to increase the covert cast check by 8.

Sense Fear

Level 1 Purple, Black Spell (4)

Element: Space, Fear

Mechanics: The caster senses the location of units experiencing fear within the battlefield or within 90 feet of them.

Cost: 3mp

Cast time: 1AA


Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove this spell’s cost and 15 feet to the radius of this spell.

Steal Breath

Level 9 Purple, Black Spell (13)

Element: Silence, Necrotic

Mechanics: Doom and silence potency 24 vs strength/shout. If the target attempts to clear this check they take a d4 black tower counters. 6 space range.

Cost: 27mp

Cast time: 1AA,1MA


Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell a level 2 ring.

Agonizing Scream

Level 7 Black, Yellow Spell (11)

Element: Necrotic, Sonic

Mechanics: destruction level 1, level 5 ring, knock back to the edge of the ring. D10 black tower counters. This spell can only be cast if the caster is terminal.

Cost: 21mp

Cast time: 1AA,1MA


Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to replace this spell cost with 15Mhp, instead of 21mp.

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