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Blade Dancer

The Blade Dancer

Graceful as a falling petal and swift as a summer breeze, the Elegant Blade Dancer glides across the battlefield with mesmerizing finesse. Their movements are a dance of deadly elegance, their blade an extension of their own fluid motion. With each twirl and flourish, they carve a path through their foes with effortless grace, leaving behind a whirlwind of steel and shattered illusions. Their artistry in combat is unmatched, their every step a testament to the beauty of martial mastery and the allure of the dance of blades.

Commencement Package

One Spell from the class spell list.
+8 Dance, +3 Charm,-4 Lifting, -4 Mettle

Level 1

2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Reflex
+1 Concentration
+1 Acrobatics

Level 2

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Charm
+1 Persuade
+1 Athletics

Level 3

2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Acrobatics
+1 Sleight of Hand
+1 Smithing

Level 4

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Reflex
+1 Concentration
+1 Acrobatics

Level 5

2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Charm
+1 Persuade
+1 Athletics

Level 6

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Acrobatics
+1 Sleight of Hand
+1 Smithing

Level 7

2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Reflex
+1 Concentration
+1 Acrobatics

Level 8

1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Charm
+1 Persuade
+1 Athletics

Level 9

1 Master Feat
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod

+1 Acrobatics
+1 Sleight of Hand
+1 Smithing

Spell List

Petal Dance

Level 1 Green Spell (1)

Element: Flora

Mechanics: While sustaining the dance, the caster gains 2 enemy green tower counters a round and their attacks are classified as Flora, in addition to their other types. Upon the conclusion of the dance, deal a dX heal in a dX ring with friendly fire, where x is the amount of rounds the dance was successfully performed. The dance concludes if the caster is struck by an attack or fails to land an attack on at least one unit each round.


Cast time:Addition spell


Notes: The caster may spend 2BA any round the dance is still sustained to increase the healing component of this spell by a d4.

Blade Dance

Level 3 Brown Spell (3)

Element: Physical, Ability

Mechanics:The Dance check each round is 17 vs dance/agility. While sustaining the dance, up the dice roll of slash damage, Lower wound damage threshold by 2, and lower critical hit ratio by 4. (Cri, Cri, U, cals) The dance concludes if the dance check is failed or the caster is struck by an attack or fails to land an attack on at least one unit each round.

Cost:9mp, 1PPU

Cast time:Addition spell


Notes: The caster may spend 2BA any round the dance is still sustained to add a level 1 ring and friendly fire to their attacks.

Fire Dance

Level 3 Red, Brown Spell (3)

Element: Fire, Ability

Mechanics:The Dance check each round is 17 vs dance/agility. While sustaining the dance, immune to fire, reflect all fire attacks back at the caster, Fire spells cost 6mp less to cast. (imu, C, Mpcr, Mpcr) The dance concludes if the dance check is failed or the caster is struck by an attack or fails to land an attack on at least one unit each round.

Cost:9mp, 1PPU

Cast time:Addition spell


Notes: The caster may spend 2BA any round the dance is still sustained to heal both Hp and Mp equal to the damage of incoming fire attacks.

Water Dance

Level 3 Red, Brown Spell (3)

Element: Water, Ability

Mechanics:The Dance check each round is 17 vs dance/agility. While sustaining the dance, Plus 4 agility while in or on water, Walk on water, water spells cost 3mp less to cast. (M, M, Agi, Agi, uw, uw, Mpcr) The dance concludes if the dance check is failed or the caster is struck by an attack or fails to land an attack on at least one unit each round.

Cost:9mp, 1PPU

Cast time:Addition spell


Notes: The caster may spend 2BA any round the dance is still sustained to gain water damage immunity and reflect any incoming water attacks.

Shadow Dance

Level 3 Black, Brown Spell (3)

Element: Shadow, Ability

Mechanics:The Dance check each round is 17 vs dance/agility. While sustaining the dance, Plus 2 agility in the dark, sneak cap 10, Turn invisible with a 16 potency, vs natural senses/Accuracy. Upon dealing critical damage. (sneak, Agi, aNi, Cri, invis) The dance concludes if the dance check is failed or the caster is struck by an attack or fails to land an attack on at least one unit each round.

Cost:9mp, 1PPU

Cast time:Addition spell


Notes: The caster may spend 2BA any round the dance is still sustained to break line of sight.

Whirling Dervish

Level 3 Brown Spell (4)

Element: Ability

Mechanics:caster check of 17 dance/agility. The caster moves equal to their movement, While the caster moves, they attack all units within their melee zone throughout the entire movement.


Cast time:1MA


Notes: The caster may spend 2BA add jump equal to movement and friendly fire for the round.

Resonant Dance

Level 3 Yellow, Brown Spell (3)

Element: Sonic, Ability

Mechanics:The Dance check each round is 17 vs dance/agility. While sustaining the dance, All of the caster’s attacks have linger level 1. The lingering attacks count as sonic damage. Immune to sonic damage, Reflect all sonic attacks that target the caster back to their owners. (Aa, Aa, C, imu) The dance concludes if the dance check is failed or the caster is struck by an attack or fails to land an attack on at least one unit each round.

Cost:9mp, 1PPU

Cast time:Addition spell


Notes: The caster may spend 2BA any round the dance is still sustained to add another level of linger to the attacks for that round.


Level 6 Brown Spell (7)

Element: Physical

Mechanics: The target gets to attack the caster 3 times and then the caster gets to attack the target 3 times.

Cost:18mp, 3FHS

Cast time:1MA


Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 15mp if they are currently in an active dance that has been going for at least 3 rounds. (all units that would be hit by the casters attacks gain 3 attacks on the caster)

Break Dance

Level 3 White, Brown Spell (3)

Element: Protection, Ability

Mechanics:The Dance check each round is 17 vs dance/agility. While sustaining the dance, gain 4 resist potency vs all spells, Your weapon attacks ignore armor and other BL feats, Add destruction level 1 to your weapon attacks.(Potre, Potre, Aa, Igno) The dance concludes if the dance check is failed or the caster is struck by an attack or fails to land an attack on at least one unit each round.

Cost:9mp, 1PPU

Cast time:Addition spell


Notes: The caster may spend 2BA any round the dance is still sustained to add two more levels of destruction to their attacks.

Capoeira Dance

Level 3 Brown Spell (3)

Element: Physical, Talent,, Ability

Mechanics:The Dance check each round is 17 vs dance/agility. While sustaining the dance, gain 2 agility mods, gain Acrobatics and Reflex 10, gain a weapon focus and add hand to hand to the list.. (Agi, Agi, acrobatics, reflex) The dance concludes if the dance check is failed or the caster is struck by an attack or fails to land an attack on at least one unit each round.

Cost:9mp, 1PPU

Cast time:Addition spell


Notes: The caster may spend 2BA any round the dance is still sustained to add a d4 for each round the current dance has been going minus the first.

Tutting Dance

Level 3 Yellow, Brown Spell (3)

Element: Illusion, Ability

Mechanics:The Dance check each round is 17 vs dance/agility. While sustaining the dance, gain a ¼ chance to cast a level 8 or lower spell for free upon an attack. Yellow tower spells cost 3mp less to cast, Increase the potency of spells you cast by 2 that already have a potency. (Pot, ma, Mprcr, FS, FS, Ud, Ud) The dance concludes if the dance check is failed or the caster is struck by an attack or fails to land an attack on at least one unit each round.

Cost:9mp, 1PPU

Cast time:Addition spell


Notes: The caster may spend 2BA any round the dance is still sustained to reflect and be immune to Illusion spells for the round.

Waacking Dance

Level 3  Brown Spell (3)

Element: Ability

Mechanics:The Dance check each round is 17 vs dance/agility. While sustaining the dance gain a ¼  chance to 2AA upon an attack. Lower critical hit ratio by 2, give all attacks split level 1.  (Cri, A, A, Ud, Ud, Aa) The dance concludes if the dance check is failed or the caster is struck by an attack or fails to land an attack on at least one unit each round.

Cost:9mp, 1PPU

Cast time:Addition spell


Notes: The caster may spend 2BA any round the dance is still sustained to reflect and be immune to Illusion spells for the round.

Quick Step

Level 3  Brown Spell (3)

Element: Ability

Mechanics:requires a dance check of 17 vs dance/agility. Instantly dodge and attack, interrupt. The caster loses 1 agility mod for the rest of the battle. within.


Cast time:Addition spell

Modality:The caster moves quicker then they have the energy for, to avoid an attack and becomes winded.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA give this spell disengage and 3 movement with interrupt, if the incoming damage would have killed them.

Ribbon Frolic

Level 6 Brown Spell (9)

Element: Physical

Mechanics: a self check of 12 dance/agility, deals a d10 slash damage in any space the caster moves through during their movement, beam, disengage, level 1 linger.

Cost: 18mp

Cast time: 1AA

Modality: The caster pulls a long magical blue ribbon out of their clothes and becomes one with the winds of the battle, jumping effortlessly between targets in a mesmerizing display. The ribbon follows behind them cutting the very air and harming all who remain in its path.

Notes: The caster can spend the 2BA to reduce this spell's cost by 9mp if outnumbered.

Skirt of Invisible Blades

Level 3 Brown, Red Spell (3)

Element: Physical, Wind

Mechanics: d6 wind/pierce damage in a level 2 ring. Must roll a dance/agility check of 17


Cast time:Addition Spell

Modality: The caster pulls in their limbs and begins to pirouette, throwing out small paper-like blades of air from their clothes as they spin.

Notes: The caster can spend 2BA to reduce the accuracy mod of those hit by this attack by 3 for the round.


Level 2 Yellow (6)

Element: Sonic

Mechanics: d12 sonic damage, knockdown, affects the whole battlefield. The caster can only use this spell if they have moved and successfully hit the previous round. Reduce caster’s agility mod by 3 for the battle.


Cast time:1AA, 1MA

Modality: The caster sticks a landing from their last attack and a thunderous boom erupts outward from their feet, knocking down all within the audience.

Notes: The caster can spend the 2BA to have this spell deal 2x damage to terminal or subdued foes.

Perfect Double Aerial Back Handspring

Level 5 Brown, Purple Spell (5)

Element: Talent, Silence

Mechanics: self check of 22 vs acrobatics/agility, Interrupt, auto dodge a ranged attack and silence the attacker with potency 12 vs bluff/personality.

Cost: 15mp

Cast time: addition spell

Modality: The attacker witnesses such a graceful acrobatic display that they must literally lie to themselves to admit that it wasn’t. They are compelled to admit it or be stricken with awe for a very long time.

Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the damage would have killed them.


Level 3 Brown Spell(4)

Element: Physical

Mechanics: Change weapon damage to blunt for the round, lower head wound threshold by 6 for the round, add non-lethal.


Cast time:1MA

Modality: The caster quickly changes their grip and hits the target over the head with the Pommel of their sword.

Notes:the caster may spend 2BA to add a d6 more damage to their attack if the target has less hp then the caster.

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