
The Assassin
Silent as the night and lethal as a viper's strike, the Assassin moves with deadly precision, unseen and unheard. Their mastery of shadows and deception makes them a ghost in the darkness, striking swiftly and decisively before vanishing without a trace.
Commencement Package
One spell from the class spell list.
+8 sneak, +1 Bluff, +1 Disguise, +1 Use device
-4 Bravery, -4 mettle
Level 1
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Reflex
+1 Concentration
+1 Acrobatics
Level 2
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Bluff
+1 Disguise
+1 Use device
Level 3
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Acrobatics
+1 Sleight of Hand
+1 Investigate
Level 4
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Reflex
+1 Concentration
+1 Acrobatics
Level 5
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Bluff
+1 Disguise
+1 Use device
Level 6
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Acrobatics
+1 Sleight of Hand
+1 Investigate
Level 7
2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Reflex
+1 Concentration
+1 Acrobatics
Level 8
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Bluff
+1 Disguise
+1 Use device
Level 9
1 Master Feat
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Acrobatics
+1 Sleight of Hand
+1 Investigate
Spell List
Deck of the Dead
Level 1 Black, Purple Spell (1)
Element: Necrotic, Space
Mechanics:Target corpse is transformed into a playing card. The Card can be transformed back into a corpse having the same death rattle as the time it was transformed.
Cost:3mp to transform back and forth. All non magic items transform with the corpse. If the card is torn or otherwise destroyed, it returns back into the body.
Cast time:Addition spell
Modality:The caster transforms a corpse into a playing card to make proof of death easier.
Notes: The caster can spend the 2BA to add 6 space range to this spell and transport cards from 6 spaces away into their hands.
Shadow Walk
Level 2 Black, Purple Spell (5)
Element: Shadow, Space
Mechanics:The caster enters a shadow like a portal and comes out of another shadow on the battlefield. Even through non magical walls. (teleport, breaks line of sight, phase)
Cast time:1AA
Modality: The caster enters a shadow like a portal and comes out of another shadow on the battlefield.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell's cost by 6mp.
Muffle Noise
Level 2 purple Spell (2)
Element: Silence
Mechanics: The caster conjures an invisible sound barrier occurring the size of a level 1 ring. units inside the ring can hear the sounds, but no one outside of the ring can hear the sounds. The effects last only 1 round.
Cast time:Addition Spell
Modality: The caster conjures a sound barrier around them and a small area.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to increase the area of effect by 2 rings.
Conjure Sound
Level 2 Yellow Spell (5)
Element: Illusion
Mechanics: The caster summons an audio illusion in a space 30 feet away (6 spaces). The illusion’s potency is 18 vs natural senses/accuracy. The sound made can be any that the caster chooses. (but can’t do damage or effects)
Cast time:1AA
Modality: The caster creates a sound to trick or distract foes.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to increase the potency of this spell by 6 if cast while out of the enemies line of sight.
Transform into object
Level 1 Gray Spell (4)
Element: transmutation
Mechanics: The caster or willing target turns into a non magic object of their choice and even performs like that object. Specific objects like a specific key and so on the caster must have touched and seen before turning into them. The caster is as flat footed as the object. If the caster changes back into a person while in a tight space then 1 pure damage is dealt to both the caster and the object until the other is destroyed (all of that damage is dealt in 1 round.)
Cast time:1AA, 1MA (continuous channeling.) The target pays the cast time.
Modality: The turns into an object to better hide.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to cast this spell on a willing target up to 9 spaces away.
Death Seal
Level 3 Purple Spell (7)
Element: Space
Mechanics: The caster’s next attack adds soul capture to the target until the end of the battle. Upon the target’s death, the soul is instantly captured in a seal on the caster’s body. No amount of magic or feats can revive the body until the seal is removed. The seal counts as a curse and is very difficult to remove (the caster’s scroll writing skill plus their intel mod and 10). Until this spell ‘s effects occur, the caster has 11 purple counters on them.
Cost:9mp, 8 round cooldown.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster seals up their victim's soul in a tattoo on their body.
Notes: The caster may spend 1BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp and remove the cooldown if the target is already dead.
Gecko climb
Level 3 Brown Spell (3)
Element: Ability
Mechanics: The target is able to climb up objects without a check. (tags:M)
Cost:9mp, 1PPU
Cast time:addition spell
Modality: The caster magically changes the target to be able to climb up even the steepest of walls.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if out of the enemy’s line of sight.
Blade Whisper: Poison Blade
Level 3 Green, Blue Spell (6)
Element: Poison, Enchant
Mechanics: adds d6 poison damage potency 18 vs mettle/toughness to the caster’s next attack. Puts 6 green counter’s on the caster until this spell’s effects resolve.
Cast time:1AA
Modality: The caster whispers an incantation on their blade causing it to glow a deep green. Once the blade is used, the target absorbs the energy and quickly begins to die.
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast out of the line of sight.
Marked for Death
Level 4 Purple Spell (4)
Element: Space
Mechanics: 6 space range, deals modded attack damage, delay 3 rounds. This attack only has sneak damage if the caster is hidden when the attack occurs.
Cast time:Addition spell.
Modality: The caster puts a magical shadow mark on a target up to 30 feet away. 6 rounds later the caster blinks next to the target and deals a modded attack, then teleports back to their original location.
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to give this spell a level 2 link when it occurs.
Bleed Out
Level 3 Black Spell (7)
Element: Necrotic
Mechanics: Caster potency 22 vs concentrate/intelligence. The caster’s next attack deals a d6 necrotic damage potency 20 vs healing/intelligence. Requires 1AA to attempt to heal. The caster has 7 black tower counters on them until the effects of this spell resolve.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster looks at the target and attempts to cut them in a vital spot. If successful the wound bleeds profusely.
Notes: The caster may reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the target is at full life.
Create Lock Pick
Level 1 Gray Spell (1)
Element: Transmutation, Creation
Mechanics:The caster takes a little material such as dirt, straw, etc. and transmutes it into 2 lock picks.
Cost:3mp (and 3Mmp)
Cast time:addition spell
Modality: The caster creates lock picks out of raw materials.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to create 4 more lock picks.
Level 4 Purple Spell (4)
Element: Space
Mechanics:The caster is able to magically pass through objects, even magic ones. For the round.
Cast time: Addition spell.
Modality: The caster can phase through matter like a ghost.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast out of the enemy’s line of sight.
Back Flip
Level 4 Brown Spell (4)
Mechanics:The caster kicks off the target knocking them back (d4 knock back) the caster flips backward 5 feet (1 space). The caster is immune to free hits for the round. (disengages)
Cast time:addition spell
Modality: The caster kicks off of the target knocking them back while performing a backflip.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the target has more hp then the caster.
Shadow Replica
Level ? Balck, Orange Spell (?)
Element: Shadow, Summon
Mechanics: The caster makes a replica of themselves. The replica has all the caster’s feats and abilities only it dies as soon as it takes any damage. It also has every non magical item the caster has (except gold). The items disappear when the replica does. This spell can only be cast out of the enemy’s line of sight.
Cost:6mp times the caster’s level, 1SS
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality:The caster summons a shadow of themselves that is just as capable.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce the cost of this spell by 9mp if the caster is level 3 or higher.
Shadow Blind
Level 6 Black Spell (10)
Element: Shadow, Fear
Mechanics: The caster’s next attack blinds the target potency 18 vs Bravery/Personality. The caster has 10 black counter’s on them until this spell resolves.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster’s next attack fill’s the target’s eyes with darkness and discourages their heart. They are blind until they can cast off the depression.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost By 9mp if cast outside of the enemy’s line of sight.
Level 4 Purple Spell (7)
Element: Silence
Mechanics:The caster target’s a large area up to 30 feet away (6 space range, level 2 ring). All units in the area of effect can’t hear. (Deafen, level 2 ring, potency 20 vs natural senses/accuracy).
Cast time: 1AA
Modality:The caster uses magic to prevent the targets from hearing.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast out of the enemy’s line of sight.
All is Well
Level 3 Yellow Spell (3)
Element: Illusion
Mechanics: The caster cloaks the area around them (level 1 ring) with an illusion that looks the way it did just moments ago. For example if sneaking up on a guard. The caster cast this spell. Then fights the guard. The area to an outsider would look like the guard still doing what he/she was doing before. Also sounds, movements and smells from the area are as they were. The illusion’s Potency is 22 vs natural senses/accuracy. This spell lasts a max of 4 rounds.
Cast time:addition spell
Modality:The caster cloaks an area to look from the outside like it did moments ago.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to add a level 2 ring to this spell.
Concealed Cast
Level 5 Yellow Spell (5)
Element: Illusion, Silence
Mechanics:this spell is added to another spell making the entire spell invisible. (potency 24 vs sense magic/intelligence) This spell does not work on summons or wards.
Cost:15mp, 2OBP
Cast time:Addition spell
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast outside of the enemy’s line of sight.
OBP: The caster meditates in silence for 1hour to gain a charge on this spell.
Of Cat’s Feet
Level 2 Brown, Gray Spell (3)
Element: Talent, Manipulation
Mechanics: adds 6 to the casters sneak check. Must be done before rolling. (within)
Cost:6mp (cost 9Mmp if cast outside of battle)
Cast time: Addition spell
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to be immune to fall damage and also make it so their weight doesn’t matter. For example,They could walk over pressure based traps and on weak strings like a tightrope. Effects last the round.
Piercing Blade
Level 3 Brown Spell (3)
Element: Ability
Mechanics: The caster adds ignore armor, Resi, BL, and Bd tagged feats to a target attack for the round.
Cast time:addition spell
Modality:The caster uses magic to make an attack supernaturally sharp.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to make their attacks ignore level 2 immunity of the attacks damage type.
Sure Strike
Level 3 Brown Spell (6)
Element: Ability
Mechanics:The caster’s next attack gains 5 accuracy mods and ignores instaD, Bd tagged feats. The caster has 6 brown counters on them until this spell resolves. Within.
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster plays out in their mind exactly how they will attack.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove the 1AA from the cast time of this spell when cast out of the enemy’s line of sight.
Immaculate dodge
Level 3 Brown Spell (6)
Element: Ability
Mechanics: The caster dodges the incoming attack. (interrupt, instant dodge, Within)
Cast time: 1AA
Modality: The caster perfectly dodges and incoming attack.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the attack being dodged is an area of effect spell.
True Strike
Level 3 Brown Spell (4)
Element: Ability
Mechanics: adds instant hit to the caster's attack. within.
Cast time:1MA
Modality:The caster has been in so many conflicts that they have an intrinsic knowledge of how to hit even the most nimble of target’s.Tapping into this just takes significant effort.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to make this spell add ignore feats tagged with Bd and instaD.
Level 2 Brown Spell (5)
Element: Ability
Mechanics:triples the caster’s agility mod for the round. (within)
Cast time:1AA
Modality: The caster uses all their focus to dodge and weave with impeccable exactness.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to gain 6 more movement for the round if they’ve dealt more than 6 damage this battle.
Level 6 Purple Spell (7)
Element: Space
Mechanics: The caster disengages and teleports equal to their movement away. This breaks line of sight and can go through non magical objects and walls.
Cast time: 1MA
Modality: This is the original purple tower spell ever made by the 4 founders of magic, and has been very useful for many elusive mages throughout time.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 12mp if blinking to an area where they will still be in an enemies line of sight.
Level 3 Yellow Spell (6)
Mechanics: the caster gains chameleon potency 20 vs sense magic/intelligence. Lasts 3 rounds. Within.
Cost:9mp, 3OBP, 8 round cooldown.
Cast time: 1AA
Modality: The caster uses magic to turn invisible.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast outside of the enemy's line of sight.
OBP: The caster must steal an item worth 150 gold or more to put a counter on this spell.
Shock Absorb
Level 2 White Spell (2)
Element: Protection
Mechanics: The caster can leap from great heights and survive being swat with the cudgels of giants. (The caster is immune to blunt damage for the round. Interrupt, Within)
Cast time: Addition Spell
Modality: The caster uses magic to stop all blunt kinetic energy that hits into them.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to be immune to knock down and knock back for the round.
Water Aerobics
Level 1 Gray Spell (1)
Element: Manipulation
Mechanics: The caster can walk on water if they wish and they also can breathe underwater for the round. Within.
Cast time: Addition spell
Modality:The caster uses magic to fully control the way their body reacts to water.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 3mp and add move/act normally while under water to the effects of this spell.
Fake Death
Level 1 Black Spell (4)
Element: Necrotic
Mechanics: The target’s body appears to all senses to be dead. Any damage done to the target under this spell’s effect, excluding completely destroying the body, is healed upon the end of this spell. The target cannot move and is silenced during this time and has no bonus actions. This spell can not be cleared passively at least 1MA must be used to attempt to clear this spell. Potency 24 vs Sense magic/Intelligence.)
Cast time:1AA,1MA continuous channeling the target pays the cast time of this spell.
Modality: The target magically enters a state of false death which is nearly impossible to see through.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add a d4 black counters to any unit that interacts with the target while under this spell’s effects.
Secret Strike
Level 1 Black Spell (4)
Element: Shadow
Mechanics:The caster attacks and the target feels nothing. 5 rounds later the attack damage is dealt plus a d12 shadow damage.
Cast time: 1AA
Modality: The caster delivers a dark attack that hides in the target’s soul until a few moments later when it leaps out with greater force.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce the damage delay time by 2 rounds.
Loose Noose
Level 3 White Spell (7)
Mechanics: The target's neck can’t be wounded and they don’t need air to breath. Also this spell is immune to silence level 1. (Neg, iw)
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: A common spell used by many roguish fellows to escape the gallows.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if subdued.
Level 4 Brown Spell (7)
Element: Ability
Mechanics:Disengage, triple the caster’s movement speed, within.
Cast time: 1AA
Modality:The caster runs out of the conflict with blurry speed.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the caster is out numbered.
Level 1 Black, Yellow Spell (4)
Element: Shadow, Illusion
Mechanics: Caster potency of 22 vs sneak/intelligence. If successful The caster conjures a haze that reduces all enemies line of sight to 6 spaces. If failed, the haze lasts 3 rounds and covers a level 3 ring.
Cost:3mp, 3OBP
Cast time:1AA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove the 3OBP from this spell if the caster is missing 5hp or more.
OBP: The caster Spends 30 minutes inhaling the smoke from a black level 1 magus candle to get 1 charge.
Blade Whisper: Sleep
Level 4 Blue, Yellow Spell (8)
Element: Psychic, Enchant
Mechanics:adds sleep potency 18 vs Willpower/Toughness to your next bladed attack. (puts 8 yellow counters on the caster until the attack occurs.)
Cast time: 1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster whispers on their blade and it begins to glow a light blue. Once the caster strikes with the blade the target absorbs the energy and falls asleep.
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp when attacking from out of line of sight.
Level 2 Purple Spell (3)
Element: Silence
Mechanics: The target can’t be detected with magical forms of detection. Examples: detect life, detect humanoid, etc. Also Can’t be seen by magical means such as scrying or viewing the past. (Tags:Neg)
Cost:6mp, 1PPU
Cast time:1MA
Modality: The caster shields themselves from magical viewing.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add a level 1 ring and friendly fire to this spell.
Level 3 Yellow Spell (7)
Element: Illusion
Mechanics: The caster uses magic to make an object or person invisible as long as they don’t move. Potency 24 vs sense magic/intelligence.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster uses an illusion to hide the target object or unit from sight.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the caster is out of the enemy's line of sight.
Level 5 Purple Spell (9)
Element: Silence
Mechanics: The target gets a buff that increases the difficulty of natural senses checks vs them. Adds 12 to any attempt. (inSc, inSc)
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The target no longer gives off much of a scent and their sounds are muffled.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if out of the enemy’s line of sight.
Level 2 Yellow Spell (3)
Element: illusion
Mechanics: The target’s face cannot be recognized, even by loved ones, potency 24 vs sense intent/accuracy. Lasts 4 rounds in battle, and 2 hours out of battle.
Cast time:1MA
Modality: The caster uses psychic magic to make the target unrecognizable to the minds that view it.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 3mp and add a level 1 ring.
Counter Strike
Level 3 Brown Spell (3)
Element: Physical
Mechanics: interrupt, ¼ chance to block a melee attack and gain an attack action
Cast time:addition spell
Modality:The caster has a chance to deftly avoid a melee attack and deliver an attack of their own in response.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell's cost by 9mp, if the caster is at full life.
Speed Save
Level 4 Brown Spell (4)
Element: Ability
Mechanics: interrupt, increase the caster’s movement for the round by 1 space for every point of damage the caster takes from the incoming attack. Within
Cast time:addition spell
Modality: The caster uses the pain and adrenaline from an incoming attack, to bolt in or out of action.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the attacker has a higher strength mod than the caster.
Cold Steel
Level 3 Black, Red Spell (3)
Element: Ice, Shadow
Mechanics:The caster changes their attack damage type to include ice for the round. Also adds a d2 shadow damage with a potency of 16 vs bravery/personality.
Cast time:addition spell
Modality: The caster’s fridge blade disheatens the foe with a dark corruption.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add a d4 to the shadow damage of this spell.
Nimble Strikes
Level 2 Brown (2)
Element: Physical
Mechanics: caster potency 17 acrobatics/agility. add 3d2 strikes to their normal attack. The caster may end anywhere in the target’s melee zone without provoking free hits.
Cost:6mp, 3FHS
Cast time:addition spell
Modality: The caster jumps all around the target and delivers a series of swift shallow strikes.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to deal 3d4 strikes instead if the target is bigger than the caster.
Black Egg
Level 3 Black (7)
Element: Shadow
Mechanics: reduce target’s accuracy by 3 mods for the battle.
Cost:9mp, 2OBP
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster crushes the prepared egg and throws the glass in the target’s eyes.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add a level 2 cone to the effects of this spell.
OBP: requires an egg and piece of glass. Then the caster must spend 30 minutes channeling dark energy into the egg which powderizes the glass and sucks it through the egg’s shell blackening it.
Wilting Kiss
Level 3 Black (6)
Element: Shadow
Mechanics: reduce the target’s strength mod by 1 for the battle. Potency 18 vs mettle/personality. (if the check isn’t cleared it continues to drain strength.)
Cast time:1AA
Modality: The caster kisses the target which severely weakens them.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to have it reduce their strength mod by 2 vs units of the opposite sex.
Level 3 Brown (3)
Element: Physical
Mechanics: reduce wound threshold by 3 for the round.
Cast time:Addition spell.
Modality: The caster spends more focus to deliver more injurious attacks.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp vs unit with no current wounds.
Level 3 Brown (3)
Element: Physical
Mechanics: reduce the target’s agility mod by 1 for the battle.
Cast time:Addition Spell
Modality: The caster damages the target’s legs to reduce their mobility in combat.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce the agility mod by 2 instead vs units that haven’t had their agility mod reduced.
Shadow Clone
Level 1 Black, Orange (5)
Element: Shadow, Summoning
Mechanics: The caster summons a level 1 unit that looks just like them.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster summons a weak clone mostly used for misdirection.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to have a ¼ chance to summon 2 more shadow clones.
Level 5 Purple (9)
Element: Space
Mechanics:The caster casts an invisible mark on an object, or unit. Which requires 1AA,1MA to do. Then the next time the caster takes damage, the caster and the target swap places and the target takes the damage instead. This breaks line of sight and disengages. Within. Until the spell resolves the caster has 9 purple tower counters on them.
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster uses ninjutsu to mark an object or person to swap places with in a pinch.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast out of line of sight (or successfully hidden by sleight of hand.)
Wire Trap
Level 3 Blue (10)
Element: Animation, Mechanical
Mechanics: 6 space range, beam from one anchor to another, or a level 2 ring around a single anchor. Any unit that steps on any of the spaces in the area of effect will take this spell’s effects unless they clear a natural senses/accuracy check of 17. The target is pinned (the target can’t use move action to move. The target can’t dodge.) with a potency of 18 vs wrestling/agility. Every time the check is attempted the target takes a d6 slash damage.
Cost:9mp, 3OBP
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: The caster sets up a trap using a razor sharp wire. This is very thin and hard to see. Once the target touches the wire it tightly wraps around them and holds them fast.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast outside of line of sight.
OBP: requires 100 gold worth of wire, and 30 minutes charging it with animation magic.
Trap Within a Trap
Level 1 Blue (1)
Element: Mechanical
Mechanics: the caster cast this spell on a trap giving it a ¼ chance when seen/sensed to require its victim to roll again and take the worst result.
Cast time:Addition Spell
Modality: The caster hides the real trigger of a trap in the shadow of the obvious one or somewhere else unexpected.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA give the trap a ¼ chance to have the victim roll 2 more times and take the worst result.
Level 2 Blue (5)
Element: Animation, Mechanical
Mechanics: level 2 cone, d4 pierce damage, reduce target movement by 4 for the round. 17 natural senses/accuracy to see. If seen the trap can be picked up or moved with 1AA,1MA. If the targets see the caster set the trap they don’t need to roll to see where the trap is.
Cost:6mp, 1OBP
Cast time:1AA
Modality: The caster throws spikes on the ground behind them using magic to spread them out well and evenly. This prevents pursuing units from continuing the chase.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to remove the cast time from this spell if the caster is outnumbered.
OBP:50 gold worth of spiked metal.
Level 2 Brown (3)
Element: Ability
Mechanics: reroll the attack dice roll and take the best result.
Cast time:1MA
Modality: The caster settles for nothing less than perfection and it shows in their combat abilities.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reroll the attack dice roll for a third time and take the best result if the caster hasn’t missed an attack this battle.
Shuriken Spread
Level 3 Brown (3)
Element: Physical
Mechanics: remove a ranged attack’s range and give it level 2 cone for the round. The caster breaks line of sight.
Cast time:Addition Spell
Modality: The caster flings a barrage of ranged weapons at the target’s this acts as a distraction for them to hide away.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add another 2 levels to the cone of this spell.
Kuni Barrage
Level 3 Brown (4)
Element: Physical
Mechanics: add to a ranged attack split level 3, roll 2 attacks, the second has -2 accuracy. both must hit or both miss.
Cost:9mp, 3FHS
Cast time:1MA
Modality: The caster throws a flurry of weapons at multiple targets.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the caster is outnumbered.
Level 5 Purple, Brown (6)
Element: Space, Physical
Mechanics: attacks the whole battlefield, friendly fire. roll 2 attacks, the second has -2 accuracy. both must hit or both miss. (doesn’t add positive strength mods)
Cost:15mp, 3OBP, 1FHS
Cast time:1MA
Modality: The caster teleports around the battlefield striking every enemy multiple times, then returning to their initial spot.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the caster is outnumbered.
OBP: the caster must spend 1hour practicing with a weapon worth 5,000 gold or more.
Shadow Born Blade
Level 3 Black, Gray (3)
Element: Shadow, Creation
Mechanics: the caster creates a dagger out of shadows that deals shadow/slash damage. The dagger is permanent and can be sold.
Cost:9mp, 9Mmp
Cast time:Addition spell
Modality: The caster conjures a dark blade from another dimension.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to change any shadow item into another shadow item of equal value.
Gone in a Flash
Level 3 Purple (3)
Element: Space
Mechanics: when the caster is hit by a light, lightning, or fire attack they may dodge it instantly and break line of sight and gain an instant move action.
Cost:9mp, 2OBP
Cast time:Addition Spell
Modality: The caster uses the blaring weakness of light magic to escape.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the caster teleported to a space they have already been.
OBP: The caster must spend one hour practicing the use of light blindness.
Holistic Wound
Level 4 Brown (5)
Element: Physical
Mechanics: in addition to the caster’s normal attack they add: reduce target’s agility, strength, and accuracy mod by 1 for the battle.
Cost:12mp, 8 round cooldown
Cast time:1MA
Modality: during their attack, the caster strikes Ki points on the target's body weakening their overall energy.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add a level 2 ring to this spell’s effects.
Death’s Sting
Level 4 Black, Green, Blue (8)
Element: Shadow, Poison, Enchant
Mechanics: The caster imbues a target weapon with a d8 shadow damage, and a d8 poison damage to its next attack. The wielder of said weapon has 8 black and green counters on them until the spell’s effects resolves.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: The caster puts a dark and powerful poison on a weapon.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell a ¼ chance to add doom with a potency of 22 vs mettle/toughness.
Soul Ride
Level 2 Purple, White (2)
Element: Space, Holy
Mechanics: if the target gets a finishing blow the round this spell is cast, then the target teleports 6 spaces, breaks line of sight, phase. And they heal a d8 hp.
Cast time:Addition Spell
Modality: The caster magically clings to the soul of the recently departed, entering a briefly ethereal state and when they return to the physical world, their soul is partially recharged.
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to make this count as cast for an additional round on the target.