
The Solomonar
Masters of the elements and wielders of storms, the Solomonar commands the very skies themselves, shaping weather to their will. With a profound understanding of the natural world, they evoke thunder and lightning, summoning tempests to lay waste to their enemies or bring bountiful rains to parched lands. Wrapped in the cloak of the elements, they stand as guardians of the balance, ensuring harmony between the heavens and the earth.
Commencement Package
One Spell from the class spell list.
+3 Enchanting, +3 Sense Intent +1 Charm, +1 Persuade, +1 Sense Magic, -3 Sleight of Hand, -3 Sneak
Level 1
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Bravery
+1 Mettle
+1 Willpower
Level 2
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Charm
+1 Persuade
+1 Sense Magic
Level 3
2 Feats
One spell from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Concentration
+1 Sense Intent
+1 Seal Tampering
Level 4
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Bravery
+1 Mettle
+1 Willpower
Level 5
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Charm
+1 Persuade
+1 Sense Magic
Level 6
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Two spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Concentration
+1 Sense Intent
+1 Seal Tampering
Level 7
2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Bravery
+1 Mettle
+1 Willpower
Level 8
1 Free Stat point
2 Feats
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Charm
+1 Persuade
+1 Sense Magic
Level 9
1 Master Feat
Three spells from the class spell list
Free Skill points equal to utility mod
+1 Concentration
+1 Sense Intent
+1 Seal Tampering
Spell List
Thunder Bolt
Level 4 Red Spell (7)
Element: Lightning
Mechanics: d12 lightning damage, 6 space range.
Cast time:1AA
Modality:The target hurls a javelin-like bolt of lighting at a target 30 feet away that does serious damage on impact.
Notes: The caster can spend the 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast outside of a structure.
Charged Assault
Level 5 Red Spell
Element: lightning
Mechanics:The caster turns into a bolt of lighting and flies through the air (equal to movement) knocking down all unit’s in their path and dealing a d6 lighting damage. This movement does not provoke free hits. (fly,Disinguages, knock down, beam)
Cast time: 1AA,1MA
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if the caster is out numbered.
Thunder Soul
Level 4 Red Spell
Element: Lightning
Mechanics: The caster flings a ball of electricity at a target 30 feet away (6 spaces). The power of this attack is equal to the caster’s strength of character. ( deals 2x personality mod as lighting damage.)
Cast time:1AA
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA, 1MA to add the caster’s personality mod to the attack again.
Judgment Storm
Level 7 Red Spell
Element: Lightning
Mechanics: The caster summons a Storm. The storm is full of judgements and rains down vicious bolts of lighting upon any it finds unworthy. (deals 2x the caster’s personality mod in lighting damage, potency 24 vs Bravery/Personality. Whole battlefield. This spell can only be cast outside of structures.
Cast time:3AA,3MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp
Level 4 White, Brown Spell
Element: Protection, Talent
Mechanics: The target’s bravery skill becomes 10 and they are immune to lighting damage, they resist 3 points of necrotic and disease damage and they are able to fly.(distance is equal to their personality mod.)
Cost:12mp, 8 round cool down
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 3mp and add a level 1 ring.
Thunder Cage
Level 5 Red Spell
Element: Lightning
Mechanics: The caster summons an electric cage around an area (level 2 ring) 30 feet away (6 spaces). The cage tests the strength of character of any who touch it and will either zap them with electricity or allow them to pass through. When all target’s have escaped the cage, it subsides. Attacks and spells can still pass through the cage. (level 2 ring, d6 lighting damage, d2 knock back. Potency 20 vs willpower/personality.)
Cost:15mp, 2OBP
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 1BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp
OBP:The caster must spend 1 hour meditating about how they can improve to add a charge to this spell.
Flight of Faith
Level 1 White, Brown Spell
Element: Holy, Ability
Mechanics:The targets gain flight with movement equal to their personality mod. Level 1 ring. (tags:M, Per)
Cost:3mp, 1PPU
Cast time:addition spell
Modality: The caster magically takes flight.
Notes: The target may spend 2BA to increase the flight movement of this spell by 4 for the round while under this spell’s effect.
Chain Lighting
Level 5 Red Spell
Element: Lightning
Mechanics: 6 space range, d10 lightning damage level 3 link.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if outnumbered.
Fulgurous Blast
Level 2 Red Spell
Element: Lightning
Mechanics: The caster pulls massive amounts of energy into themselves to convert it into electricity. Doing so causes them to glow very brightly and takes the whole of their concentration making dodging nearly impossible. Then after 3 rounds the caster erupts a large blast of electricity. ( d20 lighting damage, level 3 ring, delay 3 rounds, the caster can’t dodge during those 3 rounds.)
Cast time:1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to increase this spell’s area of effect by 3 rings if outnumbered.
Shock Trap
Level 2 Red, Blue Spell
Element: Lightning, Enchant
Mechanics: The caster places a magic symbol onto the ground. The symbol fades and is a 20 sense magic/intelligence to see. If stepped on a blast of lightning ushers out dealing massive damage. (This spell auto hits if stepped on it’s panel. Deals a d12 shock damage)
Cast time:2AA,2MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 6mp
Level 1 Gray, Red Spell
Element: Transmutation, Lightning
Mechanics:The caster turns into electricity and stores themselves inside metal. In this form they cannot use actions, and they can not be attacked. If the object gets destroyed while they are in it, they take 9 damage. They can remain in this form as long as they want. In this form they do not age or need to eat. The caster may exit the metal object from any point of it. For example if the caster jumped into a 100 ft chain on one end, they would be able to jump out the other end.
Cast time:1AA,1MA continuous channeling
Modality: ^^^
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to jump into another metal object within 10 feet away (2 spaces). The caster does not leave this form, or activate free hits during the jump.
Charge Up
Level 1 Red, Brown Spell
Element: Lightning, Ability
Mechanics:The caster hits a target within 30 feet (6 spaces) with a bolt of energy. The target is then able to move twice as fast for the round.
Cast time:1AA
Modality: ^^^
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA, 2FHS to give this spell split level 2.
Level 2 Red, Brown Spell
Element:Lightning, Talent
Mechanics:The caster places their hand over the target and pulses positive/ confidant energy into them. (The target’s bravery and charm skill become 10.)
Cost:6mp, 1PPU
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to remove a d8 black counters from the target.
Wrath of Heaven
Level 4 Red Spell
Element: Lightning
Mechanics:The caster is struck by a large bolt of lighting that comes down from the heavens. It deals a d14 lighting damage in a level 1 ring, and a d14 knock back in a second ring around that. Both have knock down. Can only be cast outside of structures.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if there are at least two enemy units in their melee zone.
Rolling Thunder
Level 3 Red, Gray Spell
Element: Lightning, Manipulation
Mechanics:The caster hits a target within 30 feet (6 spaces) with a bolt of lighting that comes down from the sky. It deals a d6 lighting, link level 2, the damage dice roll is upped by a d6 every time it jumps. Can only be cast outside of structures.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to have this spell deal a d8 lighting damage instead and get upped each jump by a d8 instead.
Level 1 Red, Brown Spell
Element: Lightning, Ability
Mechanics:The caster hits a target corpse with a bolt of lightning reviving back to life within 1 round of it’s death. 6 space range.
Cast time:1AA
Modality: ^^^
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to revive the target within 3 rounds of death.
Devastating Gale
Element: Wind
Mechanics: The caster summons a tunnel of wind that knock down the target and deals the caster’s weapon damage as knock back.
Cast time:1AA
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to give this spell a d8 water/blunt damage if under water.
Sky Blade
Level 1 Red Spell
Element: Wind
Mechanics:The caster uses their sword to fly through the air.
Cast time:1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 3 and increase their movement by 2.
Wind Guide
Level 3 Red, Brown Spell
Element:Wind, Ability
Mechanics:The caster uses the currents of the wind to help guide their attacks and increase their accuracy mod by 2. Within (Tags: Ac, Ac)
Cost:9mp, 1PPU,1OBP
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes:The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 6mp and remove the 1OBP cost from this spell if the caster casts this spell outside of structures.
OBP:The caster must spend 30 minutes practicing swordplay in a current of wind.
Spiraling Blade
Level 4 Red Spell
Element: Wind
Mechanics: deals weapons damage as wind/slash damage, 15 space range.
Cast time:1AA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 6mp and add a level 1 beam when cast outside of structures.
Cloak of the Secret Wind
Level 3 Red Spell
Element: Wind
Mechanics:The Caster becomes invisible and can fly for the round.(Invisibility: Target is imperceivable with the naked eye. This effect cancels when the target interacts.)
Cast time:1AA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to be immune to wind and lightning damage for the round as well.
Guardian Gale
Level 3 Red Spell
Element: Wind
Mechanics:The Caster summons a cyclone of wind in a level 2 ring that reduces the accuracy of ranged attack coming into it or going out of it by 4.
Cast time:1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to give this spell intercept.
Snatched from Heaven
Level 1 Red Spell
Element: Wind
Mechanics:The Caster targets a flying unit and controls the wind around them to drop them from the sky, dealing fall damage based on the target’s altitude. Infinite range as long as the caster can see the target when casting this spell.
Cast time:1AA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to give this a level 2 ring.
Down Draft
Level 5 Red Spell
Element: Wind
Mechanics:The Caster summons a blast of wind from above that deals 6 wind/blunt damage and knock down. 6 space range, level 1 ring. Targets the legs for wounds.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spells cost by 9mp if cast outside of structures.
Up Draft
Level 2 Red Spell
Element: Wind
Mechanics:The Caster summons a level 1 ring tunnel of wind traveling upward. Units that fall into this tunnel take no fall damage, units inside the tunnel can jump equal to their movement while inside the tunnel.
Cost:6mp upkeep cost
Cast time:Addition spell
Modality: ^^^
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to add 30 more feet to the jump ability of this spell.
Air Breathing
Level 3 Red Brown Spell
Element: Wind, Ability
Mechanics:The Caster magically alters the target to be able to breathe air and fly at half their movement. (tags Neg, M)
Cost:9mp, 1PPU
Cast time:1AA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to change this spell to water breathing and fight/move normally under water instead.
Wind Kami’s Command
Level 1 Red Spell
Element: Wind
Mechanics:The Caster powerfully controls air as long as they are not directly harming a unit with it. This includes the power to calm a storm. Create a breeze, cleanse a poison or gas from the air. In the range of 30 feet, move an object of 50 pounds or less up to 30 feet.
Cast time:1AA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to increase the weight movement of this spell by 100 pounds.
Wind Whisper
Level 4 Red, Yellow Spell
Element: Wind, Sonic
Mechanics:The Caster whispers a message or even a spell that the wind carries. Moving up to 6 spaces a round. Ward level 1, immune to physical damage. Upon delivery of the message or spell the ward dies.
Cast time:1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast outside of battle.
Ghost Rigging
Level 1 Red, Blue Spell
Element: Wind, Animate
Mechanics:The Caster summons a powerful and complex tunnel of wind that replaces missing parts in a device or object. Such as a ship with no mast, or a musket with no firing pin or a bucket with a hole in the bottom.
Cast time:1MA upkeep cost
Modality: ^^^
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA as upkeep instead of 1MA.
Reveal Invisible
Level 4 Red Spell
Element: Wind
Mechanics:The Caster summons a curious wind that sticks to and wraps around all units on the battlefield making all invisible units visible.
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if any of their team members have taken sneak damage in this battle.
Lock Lungs
Level 2 Red
Element: Wind
Mechanics: 6 space range, the caster keeps the target's breath locked in their lungs, potency 18 vs toughness/mettle. Target also gains immunity from airborne poisons and gases while under this spell’s effects. (The target suffocates and dies after 5 rounds plus their toughness mod. If they are still under this spell’s effects.) If cast on a declared ally, the target can recede from the spell’s effect at any desired time, but if they don’t break free after 3 rounds plus their toughness mod, they suffocate and die.
Cost: 6mp
Cast time: 1AA
Notes: The caster may spend 2BA to add a level 2 ring to the area of effect of this spell.
Wind Tomb
Level 1 Red Spell
Element: Wind
Mechanics: With 6 space range, the caster may permanently entomb a target subdued by red magic in a swirling tomb of wind that is impenetrable and keeps living targets alive in a suspended animation.
Cast time:Addition spell
Modality: ^^^
Notes: This spell may be cast as a ritual.
Ritual: This spell creates an impenetrable tomb of wind that surrounds the target. This spell can be used on virtually anything ranging in size from a small animal to a fortress. Though a number of magus chalks must be used based on the size. Living creatures that are entombed entered a state of suspended animation.The caster can determine if the wind tomb is silent or if it howls and moans.
Raging River
Level 6 Red, brown Spell
Element: Water, Physical
Mechanics: The caster summons a torrent of water that sweeps away all caught in it. Knock down, knock back d20, destruction level 1, 12 space range, beam, level 1 ring.
Cost:18, 3OBP
Cast time:2AA,2MA
Modality: ^^^
Notes: the caster may spend 4BA to give this spell a ¼ chance to add an additional d24 knock back.
OBP:the caster must spend 1 and ½ hours practicing swordplay while in a body of water.
Aqua Bolt
Level 3 Red, Brown Spell (7)
Element: Water, Physical
Mechanics: d6 water/pierce damage, 6 space range, knock down and remove 2BA.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: the caster conjures a bolt of pressurized water and hurls it at a target, dealing damage upon impact. This spell can be used for both offense and defense, as it can knock enemies off balance or extinguish flames.
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to up this spell’s damage dice roll and give it beam.
Tidal Surge
Level 6 Red, Brown Spell (10)
Element: Water, Physical
Mechanics: d10 water/pierce damage, level 2 cone, knock down and d4 knock back.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: the caster summons a powerful wave of water to crash upon enemies, knocking them back and dealing damage.
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if outnumbered.
Hydro Shield
Level 3 Red, White, Brown Spell (7)
Element: Water, Protect, Ability
Mechanics: 6 space range, ¼ chance to block any incoming attack. (Bd, Bd)
Cost:9mp, 1PPU
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: the caster creates a protective barrier of water around themselves or an ally, deflecting incoming attacks and reducing damage taken.
Notes: a unit with this personal power up may spend 2BA have this spell reflect the attack back at the attacker for double the damage if the block occurs. This additional effect lasts until the end of the round. The reflected attack counts as water damage in addition to its other types.
Mist Veil
Level 5 Red, Yellow Spell (9)
Element: Water, Illusion
Mechanics: chameleon potency 16 vs natural senses/accuracy. within.
Cost:12mp, 8 round cooldown.
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: the caster conjures mist upon the battlefield then envelops themselves in a shimmering veil of water, rendering them partially invisible and harder to target.
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if cast while hidden. This spell can be cast on the first round, however it makes units alert.
Whirlpool Vortex
Level 7 Red Spell (11)
Element: Water
Mechanics: root and doom potency 18 vs swim/strength. 6 space range, Level 3 ring, Linger the whole battle.
Cost:21mp, 8 round cooldown
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: the caster summons a swirling vortex of water to immobilize and drown enemies within its grasp.
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 9mp if outnumbered.
Blessing of the Sea
Level 5 Red, Brown Spell (9)
Element: Water, Ability
Mechanics: Remove all penalties from being under water. Also can breathe under water. Gain 2 Agility mods while under water (Neg, Agi, uw, uw)
Cost:15mp, 1PPU
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: the caster taps into the power of the ocean depths to empower themselves or allies with enhanced speed and agility.
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 6mp and give it a level 1 ring if cast outside of battle.
Aquatic Resonance
Level 3 Red, Green, Brown Spell (6)
Element: Water, Fauna, Talent
Mechanics: communicate with animals, increase natural senses and survival skills to 10 with under water. (uw, natural senses, survival skills)
Cost:9mp, 1PPU
Cast time:1AA
Modality: the caster harmonizes with the elemental energy of water, enhancing their senses and attunement to aquatic environments. This spell grants the ability to communicate with aquatic creatures, sense changes in water currents, and navigate underwater environments with ease.
Notes: units with this spell on them may spend 2BA to gain 60 feet of x-ray vision for the round while under water.
Casting Pools
Level 3 Red, Gray Spell (7)
Element: Water, Manipulation
Mechanics: the caster targets a unit up to 9 spaces away, then conjures 5 small pools of water. Each one can be up to 9 spaces away. (Mpr)
Cost:9mp, 1PPU
Cast time:1AA, 1MA
Modality: the caster summons pools of water then shoots their spell’s out of them.
Notes: units with this spell on them may spend 2BA to use any of the pools made by this spell as casting points for their spells. Spells cast through these pools cost 3mp less to cast.
Level 4 Red, Brown Spell (8)
Element: Wind, Water, Physical
Mechanics: d4times X water/wind/Hack damage. Level 2 ring. X equals the amount of units being targeted by this spell. (this spell’s area of effect can’t be increased by means outside of this spell)
Cast time:1AA,1MA
Modality: the caster conjures a cyclone of water.
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to give this spell linger level 1.
Water Tunnel
Level 1 Red, Gray Spell (0)
Element: Water, Gravity
Mechanics:the caster makes a 30ft, 10 ft in diameter tunnel in the water. This tunnel can move with the caster allowing them to travel across the ground in large bodies of water.
Cast time:1AA
Modality: the caster creates a tunnel through the water to travel through or collect things on the seafloor.
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to increase the length of this spell to 45ft, and allow the caster to change the shape of the tunnel.
Level 6 Red, Gray Spell (12)
Element: Water, Gravity
Mechanics:level 3 ring, 12 space range, beam, knock back to the end of the spell’s range, knock down and -2BA.
Cast time:2AA, 2MA
Modality: the caster summons a massive wave that sweeps the target’s away.
Notes: the caster may spend 2BA to reduce this spell’s cost by 15mp if cast near a large water source.