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What Are Feats?

Feats are individual abilities or talents that characters can acquire to customize and enhance their abilities. They are not basic attributes like strength or intelligence but rather specific talents that can impact gameplay in various ways. Feats often influence a character's effectiveness in combat, magic, skills, or other aspects of the game.

Purpose of Feats

  • Customization: Feats allow players to tailor their characters to their preferred play style, making each character unique.

  • Specialization: They enable characters to specialize in certain areas, becoming exceptionally skilled or powerful in specific domains.

  • Enhanced Abilities: Feats provide bonuses or new capabilities that can enhance a character's performance in specific situations, such as combat, exploration, or social interactions.


Feat Guides

In "Quest," any class can choose any feat, giving players nearly complete control over their characters' development and customization. However, with hundreds of feats available, it’s advisable to consult these feat guides. These guides highlight the most recommended and applicable feats for various character setups, helping you optimize your character's abilities.

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