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Charming Craftsmen

Tinker: -30 minutes from each out of battle prep cost. (-OBP)

Greater Attunement: Gain an additional enchanted item slot. (pEI)

Upgrade: If possible, gain a feat focus in one of the tags present on your enchanted item. This does not break caps or tags rules. ( pEI)

Salvage: when a craft check (Alchemy, smithing, enchanting…) fails you have a ¼ chance to keep the materials from being destroyed. (Sc)

Plagiarism: When a craft check succeeds you have a ¼ chance to still have the materials. (Sc)

Expertise: when you get a natural 20 while crafting, up the quality of the crafted item twice instead of once. (Sc)

Inspiration: ¼ chance to add 6 to a craft check. Only works outside of battle. (Sc)

Adept Chemist: you can add one more effect to potions being brewed. (Sc)

Brew Master: only affected by the good effects of alchemy. (imu)

Reverse Mind control: When a psychic spell is cast on you, copy its effects and you can cast it for free on the original caster. You're still affected by the original spell if hit. (RfPo)

Cornucopia: you don’t need to eat or drink. (Neg)

Disguise: may change your appearance to look and sound like someone else. Potency 20 vs accuracy/Sense intent. 4 round cooldown. 4 hour cooldown outside of battle. Can cast on self only. (CD)

Frenzy: 6 space range, frenzy 10 potency vs willpower/Personality, uses a 1AA. 4 round cool down. (CD)

Calm: Calm 14 potency vs intimidate/Strength, uses a 1AA. 4 round cool down. (CD)

Hidden Power: invert your strength mod and add 2 to it. 4 round cooldown. (S, CD)

Luck Magnet: if you roll a natural 20 on your attack, gain 2 luck for the battle. (Ro, Lck)

Chemical Cast: May toss Potions with a 6 space range acting like a ranged spell. (PoAd)

Fulminate: May give a potion a level 1 ring as if it were a spell. (PoAd)

Chem Trail: Requires Chemical cast, Gives a potion beam. (PoAd)

Heads or Tails: you may reroll any d4 based dice, but you must take the second roll even if it is worse. 3 round cool down. (rr, CD)

Felicity: you may reroll any d20 based dice, but you must take the second roll even if it is worse. 4 round cool down. (rr, CD)

Increase skill cap: choose a skill and increase its cap by 2. The skill gets filled and you get reimbursed for any skills you have already put towards it. If you take this a second time in the same skill, the cap increases again and is filled, but you don’t get reimbursed for it. This can only be used on skills that are not in the negative. (the skill’s name is the tag)

Skill mastery: choose a skill. The choice is permanent. Roll 2 dice when performing the chosen skill and take the best result. (the skill’s name is the tag, rr)

Proficient:Choose a skill when you take this feat, ¼ chance to add 8 to that skill when performing it.(the skill’s name is the tag, if the skill is a crafting skill it also has the tag, Sc)

Acrobatics Proficiency: ¼ chance to add 8 to any acrobatics check.(acrobatics)

(skill name) Acumen: While performing the chosen skill If you roll a 1 on the d20 roll, treat it as if you rolled a 12 instead. (1, the skill’s name is the tag )

Experienced: Gain 15 free skill points. (Skil)

Craftsmen: Plus 3 to all these skills: Does not break skill caps. Examples: Smithing, Enchanting, Use Device, Alchemy, Healing, Scroll Writing. Does not break skill caps. (Skil)

Well Read: Plus 3 to all these skills: knowledge of Arcane, Knowledge of Nature, Knowledge of Culture, Enchanting, Scroll writing, and Healing. Does not break skill caps. (Skil)

Herculean: Plus 3 to all these skills: Lifting, Athletics, Wrestling, Acrobatics, Reflex, mettle. Does not break skill caps. (Skil)

Well Spoken: Plus 3 to all social skills. List: Bluff, Charm, intimidate, persuade, sense intent, animal taming. Does not break skill caps. (Skil)

Jack of All Trades: Plus 1 to all skills. Does not break skill caps and does not refund points that go over the cap. (Skil)

Adept Strength: Plus 1 to all strength based skills. Does break skill caps. (Skil)

Adept Agility: Plus 1 to all agility based skills. Does break skill caps. (Skil)

Adept Accuracy: Plus 1 to all accuracy based skills. Does break skill caps. (Skil)

Adept Intelligence: Plus 1 to all intelligence based skills. Does break skill caps. (Skil)

Adept Personality: Plus 1 to all personality based skills. Does break skill caps. (Skil)

Adept Toughness: Plus 1 to all toughness based skills. Does break skill caps. (Skil)

Peaceful Pishogue: Non damaging spells cost 2mp less to cast. (nDs, Mpcr)

Quick draw: each round gain an additional 2BAs that can only be used to draw items, put them away, or grab things off of shelves. (Fa)

Quick Cast: remove 1AA and 1MA from the cast time of a spell you are casting. 3 round cool down. (Fa, CD)

Rapid Reload: gain 1BA each round that can only be used for weapon load times and administering potions or applying poisons. (Fa)

Recorder: You can mimic any sound you’ve ever heard. Doesn’t apply effects such as sound based spells or sounds so loud they do damage. (As)

I’ve heard it all: The hearing aspect of natural senses checks always work within 15 feet of you. (As)

I’ve smelt it all: The smelling aspect of natural senses checks always work within 15 feet of you. (As)

Quick Study: Lower training difficulty and the ⅓ training by 2. (Train)

Bonus: Gain a bonus action with a 1 round cooldown. (Fa, CD)

Scholar: gain 4 more spell slots. (^)

My Crush:plus 4 charm vs units that are smaller than you. Can break caps. (charm, crush)

Attractive: Plus 2 personality mods vs units of the opposite sex. (x+y, Per)

Charming: Plus 4 charm vs units of the opposite sex. Can break caps. (charm, x+y)

Body Language: Plus 4 sense intent vs units of the opposite sex. Can break caps. (sense intent, x+y)

Scoundrel:Plus 4 bluff vs units of the opposite sex. Can break caps. (bluff, x+y)

Many Fish in the Sea: plus 4 willpower vs units of the opposite sex. Can break caps. (willpower, x+y)

Bewitching Beauty:Calm potency 24 vs willpower/Personality vs units of the opposite sex. 3 round cooldown. (CD, x+y)

Smooth Talker: Roll two personality checks and take the best result vs units of the opposite sex. (x+y, Per, rr)

Night Clubber: Plus 4 dance and sing/ play instrument at night. Breaks caps (entertain, aNi)

Refined Taste: Up the damage dice roll with enchanted weapons. (wEch,S)

In the Master’s Hand: up the damage dice roll with items you personally made. (my,S)

The Master’s Mantle: Gain an armor focus in armor you personally made: (my, aa)

Artificer’s Guard: 1/2 chance to block damage from an enchanted weapon. (Bd, vEch)

Artificers Dodge: Plus 2 agility mods vs enchanted weapons. (Agi, vEch)

Neighborly: Plus 2 personality mods vs people you know. (f+, Per)

Intelligence Boost: your intelligence stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 intelligence stats. (Int, Int)

Personality Boost: your personality stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 personality stats. (Per, Per)

Utility Boost: your utility stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 utility stats. (Util, Util)

Intelligence Up: Gain 2 intelligence stats. (Int)

Personality Up: Gain 2 personality stats. (Per)

Utility Up: Gain 2 utility stats. (Util)

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Spell Caster



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