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Stealthy Initiator 

Quick and the dead: if you deal the first damage of the battle, it’s a critical. (Cri, InA)

Pressure Point Master: lower critical hit ratio by 2. (Cri)

Critical Crit: increase the multiplication of critical damage by 1. (S, Cri)

Increase Sneak cap: increase your sneak cap by 2. The sneak skill gets filled and you get reimbursed for any skills you have already put towards sneak. If you take this a second time for sneak, the cap increases again and is filled, but you don’t get reimbursed for it. This can only be used if your sneak skill is not in the negative. (sneak)

Sneak Mastery: Roll 2 dice when performing a sneak check and take the best result. (sneak, rr)

Sneak Proficient: ¼ chance to add 8 to your roll any time you perform a sneak check. Breaks caps. (sneak)
Sneak Acumen: While performing a sneak check If you roll a 1 on the d20 roll, treat it as if you rolled a 12 instead. (1, sneak )

Vital Vigor: Upon receiving a wound, gain 1 Agility mod for the battle. (idw, Agi)

Steady Resolve: Upon receiving a wound, gain 1 Accuracy mod for the battle. (idw, Ac)

Feral Swiftness: Upon receiving a wound, gain 2 movement for the battle. (idw, M)

Reckless Dodge: double your agility mod for the round, but take your agility mod in pure damage. (Agi, teD)
Reckless Shot: double your Accuracy mod for the round, but take your Accuracy mod in pure damage. (Ac, teD)

Brew Master: only affected by the good effects of alchemy. (imu)

True Sight: can see through illusions. (imu)

Watchful: Immune to sneak damage. (imu)

Cling to Life: You can be resurrected no matter how long you’ve been dead as long as the battle is still going. (Neg)

Alert: Can dodge normally when flat footed. (Neg)

Impervious Dexterity: Your agility mod can’t be reduced by spells, feats, or abilities. (Agi, StPr)

Dodge: instantly dodge an attack. (4 round cool down) (Bd, CD)

Quick Attack: gain 1AA, with interrupt. 4 round cool down. (A, CD)

Disguise: may change your appearance to look and sound like someone else. Potency 20 vs accuracy/Sense intent. 4 round cooldown. 4 hour cooldown outside of battle. Can cast on self only. (CD)

Invisibility: invisibility 16 potency vs natural senses/accuracy, uses a 1AA,1MA. 4 round cool down. Cast on self only. (CD, invis)

Muffling: plus 10 sneak for the round. 3 round cooldown. 90 minute cooldown outside of battle. can only be cast on self. (Sneak, CD)

Disable: choose one of the target's feats and they can't use that feat. 6 space range, 12 potency vs memory/intelligence, uses a 1AA. 4 round cool down.(CD)

Daze: target unit can't act or dodge until another unit engages them. 16 potency vs concentration/toughness, uses a 1AA. 4 round cool down. (CD)

Silence: 6 space range, Silence 12 potency vs Shout/Strength, uses a 1AA. 4 round cool down. (CD, Qxx)

Marksmen: double the accuracy of your ranged attacks for the round. 2 round cooldown. (CD, Ac)

Way of the warrior: lower your critical hit ratio by 6 for one attack, interrupt. (4 round cool down) (CD, Cri)

The Warrior’s Way: lower your critical hit ratio by 10 for one attack. (4 round cool down) (CD, Cri)

True shot: one attack will not miss with a 4 round cool down. (instaH, CD)

Zeal: gain an attack action every time you get a critical. (Cri, A)

Speculate: gain an accuracy mod for the battle every time you get a critical. (Cri, Ac)

Utilitarian: Gain 2 utility stats. (Util)

Quiet Wisdom: Gain a d4mp a round while hidden. (Mp, Er, hid)

Felicity: you may reroll any d20 based dice, but you must take the second roll even if it is worse. 4 round cool down. (rr, CD)

Experienced: Gain 15 free skill points. (Skil)

Craftsmen: Plus 3 to all these skills: Does not break skill caps. Examples: Smithing, Enchanting, Use Device, Alchemy, Healing, Scroll Writing. Does not break skill caps. (Skil)

Herculean: Plus 3 to all these skills: Lifting, Athletics, Wrestling, Acrobatics, Reflex, mettle. Does not break skill caps. (Skil)

Well Spoken: Plus 3 to all social skills. List: Bluff, Charm, intimidate, persuade, sense intent, animal taming. Does not break skill caps. (Skil)

Jack of All Trades: Plus 1 to all skills. Does not break skill caps and does not refund points that go over the cap. (Skil)

Adept Agility: Plus 1 to all agility based skills. Does break skill caps. (Skil)

Long Shot: gain 2 accuracy vs units 6 spaces or further from you. (Far, Ac)

Farshot: Add 3 spaces to all range attacks. (Ri)

Turn on a Dime: Gain 2 agility mods for the round if you didn’t move that round. (Agi, Dmr)

Give it Up: Your attack gains disarm while attacking a terminal foe. (disA, VTf)

Under dog: up the damage dice roll by 2 if the enemy has more Hp than you. (S, u<Hp)

Shellacking: up your attack dice roll twice vs foes that have less hp then you. (u>Hp, S)

Vertical Jump: you can jump as far as you can move. (M)

Blink: may teleport as far as your move. (breaks line of sight, phase, disengages.) (Takes move action, 2BA, 4 round cool down) (M, CD)

Any Ground: plus 1 move, can move normally through any terrain. (M)

Anxious: when an enemy leaves your melee zone, gain a 1 agility mod for the battle. (LZ, Agi)

Weapon Focus: up the weapon damage dice roll of 3 weapons of your choice. everytime you focus in this feat you may add an additional weapon to it’s list. (S)

Slash Master: up the weapon damage dice roll of Slash damage. (S)

Hack Master: up the weapon damage dice roll of hack damage. (S)

Blunt Master: up the weapon damage dice roll of blunt damage. (S)

Pierce Master: up the weapon damage dice roll of pierce damage. (S)

Quick Climb: each round gain an additional 1MA that can only be used to climb or do an acrobatics check. (climb, acrobatics, Fa)

Quick draw: each round gain an additional 2BAs that can only be used to draw items, put them away, or grab things off of shelves. (Fa)

Rapid Reload: gain 1BA each round that can only be used for weapon load times and administering potions or applying poisons. (Fa)

Fanatic: gain an additional 1BA or 1MA each round that can only be used for offhanded attacks. (ff, Fa)

Double Backed: gain an additional 2BA that can only be used for offhanded attacks when attacking a flanked unit. (ff, Fa)

Twin Swords: Gain weapon focuses on off hand attacks as well. (ff, S)

Bilateral: added Ud tagged feats to your offhand attacks. (ff, Ud)

Ambidextrous: add the weapon’s abilities to off handed attacks. (ff)

End Game: lower critical hit ratio by 6 when terminal. (T, Cri)

Desperation: lower wound threshold by 6 when terminal. (T, cals)

Death dodgin’: Double agility mod when terminal. (T, Agi)

Make it count: Double accuracy mod when terminal. (T, Ac)

Wimp: add 5 to your terminal range. (T)

Vampire Strike: heal a d4 Hp upon landing a successful attack. (Hp, Ud)

Counter: a ¼ chance to gain an attack action when attacked (A, C)

Not again: a ¼ chance to gain an Agility mod, for the battle, when attacked. (Agi, C)

The Quickening: Gain 2 agility mods for the round when you deal a wound. (dW, Agi)

Whip snap: when you roll max damage double it. Requires a roll, if an attack simply does max damage this does not trigger. (S, wrMD)

Vanish: ¼ chance to block magical attacks and turn invisible with a potency of 16 vs natural senses/accuracy. (Bd, C, invis)

Sporadic movement: ¼ chance to dodge all ranged attacks and gain 1 Agility mod for the battle. (Bd, Agi)
Gecko climb: climb checks always work. (As)

Assurity: criticals ignore immunities, armor, and guarding feats. Those are feats with the tags: imu, Bd, BL. (Igno, Cri)

Ghost Fist: Your attacks ignore armor and other BL feats. (Aa, Igno)

Die hard: come back to life after being killed. Heal up to your toughness mod or zero. Has a 3 round cooldown. (oX, CD)

Bonus: Gain a bonus action with a 1 round cooldown. (Fa, CD)

Dent: Up your weapon damage dice roll twice vs unarmored foes. (S, vuna)

Agile Inhalator: Plus 1 agility mod for the battle upon finishing blow (Agi, X)

God of War: lower your critical hit ratio by 2 for the battle upon a finishing blow. (Cri, X)

On all Sides: plus 1 agility for every enemy unit in your melee zone -1. (Agi, Z)

Moving target: Up your agility mod by 2 for the round, if you moved that round. (Agi, Ymr)

Hasten: takes an attack action, or 1MA and 2BA, gives you one Agility mod for the battle. (Agi)

Stealing Base:may move 2 spaces without using an action once each round. (M, Fa)

Get up and Go: Can stand up as a free action. (Fa)

Repositioning: when you move you are immune to free hits but you must end your move in the melee zone of another enemy. Is a declared feat. (M)

Stalker: Plus 4 movement while sneaking. (M)

Disengage: gain an additional 1BA each round that can only be used on disengaging cost. (disen, Fa)

Back Whack: gain 2 strength mods for the round when attacking a flanked unit. (Ud, S, fB)

Feeding Frenzy: ¼ chance to gain 2AA when attacking a flanked unit. Ud, (A, fB)

Distracting Dodge: gain 2 Agility mods for the round when attacking a flanked unit. (Ud, Agi, fB)

Pack Precision: gain 2 Accuracy mods vs flanked units. (Ac, fB)

Back Blade: Up your weapon attack dice roll twice for the round when attacking a flanked unit. (S, fB)

Giant Slayer: up your attack dice roll twice vs foes that are bigger than you. (vBr,S)

Nimble: plus 2 agility vs foes that are bigger than you. (vBr, Agi)

Night Stalker:Plus 4 sneak at night. Breaks caps. (Sneak, aNi)

Night Blade: Up weapon damage dice roll twice at night. (S, aNi)

Night Vision: Plus 1 accuracy mod and night vision at night. (aNi, Ac, Neg)

Beast Dodge: plus 2 agility mods outside of structures. (Agi, outss)

Sneak attack: add ad4 to sneak damage. (S, SD)

Sneak Strength: Plus 2 strength mods when dealing sneak damage. (S, SD)

Backstab: Lower critical hit ratio by 4 when dealing sneak damage. (Cri, SD)

Debilitating strike: Lower your critical hit ratio by 2 and knock enemies into prone when dealing sneak damage. (SD, kP, Cri)

Demilitarize: your critical damage disarms the target unit. (Cri, disA)

Disarm: ¼ chance to disarm target when attacking. (disA, Ud)

Swashbuckler: ¼ chance to disarm attackers when attacked. (disA, C)

Weapon finesse: use agility mod for added Damage instead of strength. (Agi, Agi, S, S, S)

Gag: upon a critical silence the target with a potency 16 vs Shout/Strength. (Cri, Qxx)

Cut and Run: plus 2 agility mods, if you deal the first damage of the battle. (InA, Agi)

Swift Sight: plus 2 accuracy mods, if you deal the first damage of the battle. (InA, Ac)

Swift Steel: plus 4 Iron clad, if you deal the first damage of the battle. (InA, ic, BL)

Phantom Strike: Turn invisible with a 14 potency, vs Natural senses/Accuracy. if you deal the first damage of the battle. (invis, InA)

False Start: The first time you attack, even if it’s not the first damage dealt, it counts as an initiate, but you have minus 1 agility for the remainder of the battle. (InA)

Phantasmal Power: Turn invisible with a 16 potency, vs natural senses/Accuracy. Upon dealing critical damage. (Cri, invis)

Sunken State: ⅙ chance to turn invisible with a 16 potency, vs natural senses/Accuracy. When attacked. (C, invis)

Chameleon: you may use 2BA to gain invisibility 24 vs natural sense/Accuracy. If you move you lose invisibility. (invis, Dmr)

Third Eye Blind: You can’t be detected with magical forms of detection. Examples: detect life, detect humanoid, etc. Also Can’t be seen by magical means such as scrying or viewing the past or seeing out of a summoned unit or ward (invis)

Skulking: Plus 4 sneak when alone. Breaks caps. (L, Sneak)

Called Shot: Lower wound damage threshold by 2. (cals)

Acumen: If you roll a 1 on the d20 attack roll, treat it as if you rolled a 12 instead. (1, Ac)

Arcane Agility: Plus 2 agility vs magical attacks. (vma, Agi)

Corporal Agility: Plus 2 agility vs physical attacks. (vpha, Agi)

Strength Boost: your strength stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 strength stats. (S, S)

Accuracy Boost: your accuracy stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 accuracy stats. (Ac, Ac)

Agility Boost: your agility stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 agility stats. (Agi, Agi)

Toughness Boost: yourTougness stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 Toughness stats. (Toug, Toug)

Intelligence Boost: your intelligence stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 intelligence stats. (Int, Int)

Personality Boost: your personality stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 personality stats. (Per, Per)

Utility Boost: your utility stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 utility stats. (Util, Util)

Strength Up: Gain 2 strength stats. (S)

Accuracy Up: Gain 2 accuracy stats. (Ac)

Agility Up: Gain 2 agility stats. (Agi)

Toughness Up: Gain 2 Toughness stats. (Toug)

Intelligence Up: Gain 2 intelligence stats. (Int)

Personality Up: Gain 2 personality stats. (Per)

Utility Up: Gain 2 utility stats. (Util)

Increase Sleight of Hand cap: increase your sleight of hand cap by 2. The sleight of hand skill gets filled and you get reimbursed for any skills you have already put towards sleight of hand. If you take this a second time for sleight of hand, the cap increases again and is filled, but you don’t get reimbursed for it. This can only be used if your sleight of hand skill is not in the negative. (sleight of hand)

Sleight of Hand Mastery: Roll 2 dice when performing a sleight of hand check and take the best result. (sleight of hand, rr)

Sleight of Hand Proficient: ¼ chance to add 8 to your roll any time you perform a sleight of hand check. Breaks caps. (sleight of hand)

Sleight of Hand Acumen: While performing a sleight of hand check If you roll a 1 on the d20 roll, treat it as if you rolled a 12 instead. (1, sleight of hand)

Front line Fighter

Stealthy Initiator 

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Back line Fighter

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