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Cleave: gain an attack action upon a finishing blow. (A, X)

Life Eater: heal d10 Hp upon a finishing blow. (Hp, X)

Juggernaut: gain 1 strength mod for the battle upon finishing blow (S, X)

Weapon Focus: up the weapon damage dice roll of 3 weapons of your choice. every time you focus in this feat you may add an additional weapon to it’s list. (S)

Quick draw: each round gain an additional 2BAs that can only be used to draw items, put them away, or grab things off of shelves. (Fa)

Weapon Master: your weapon focuses apply to all weapons. (Wm)

Greater Grip: gain 1BA that can only be used for two handed weapons. (Fa)

Armor bearer: -1 from all penalties of armor (BL)

Born in Steel: armor doesn’t affect skills. (BL)

Battle Mage: armor doesn’t affect Mp cost. (BL)

Metal Mover: Armor doesn’t affect movement. ( BL)

Armor Focus: All armor you wear blocks 1 point more of all damage. (BL)

Berserk: double strength mod when terminal. (T, S)

Death dodgin’: Double agility mod when terminal. (T, Agi)

Make it count: Double accuracy mod when terminal. (T, Ac)

The Tough get going: Plus 3 armor when terminal. (T, BL)

Terminal recovery: heal a d6 hp a round when terminal. (T, Er, Hp)

Wimp: add 5 to your terminal range. (T)

Spaz attack: Take a second turn this round, but you only get a move action next round. (A)

Fanatic: gain an additional 1BA or 1MA each round that can only be used for offhanded attacks. (ff, Fa)

Twin Swords: Gain weapon focuses on off hand attacks as well. (ff, S)

Bilateral: added Ud tagged feats to your offhand attacks. (ff, Ud)

Ambidextrous: add the weapon’s abilities to off handed attacks. (ff)

Tough guy: gain 6 Hp. (Health)

Magic Man: gain 6 Mp. (Mana)

Combo: ¼ chance to attack again on an attack, even if you miss. (Ud, A)

Vampire Strike: heal a d4 Hp upon landing a successful attack. (Hp, Ud)

Manapire Strike: heal a d4 Mp upon landing a successful attack. (Mp, Ud)

Hone: ¼ chance to gain an accuracy mod upon attacking, even if you miss. (Ac, Ud)

Counter: a ¼ chance to gain an attack action when attacked (A, C)

Reflect: ¼ chance to to take the damage, but also reflect a copy back at the attacker. (C)

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger: a ¼ chance to gain a strength mod, for the battle, when attacked. (S, C)

Creedence: Gain a d4mp when you dodge an attack successfully. (C, Cds, Mp)

Defender: ¼ chance to block all damage, if you have a shield it no longer takes 1BA to use. (Bd)

Weapon guard: ¼ chance to block all melee attacks and gain 1AA. (Bd, C, A)

Hamodo: ¼ chance to block a physical attack with an attack of your own. (A, C, Bd)

Wonder guard: 1/2 chance to block damage that would kill you. (Bd, oX)

Magic guard: ¼ chance to block magical attacks and gain 1AA. (Bd, C, A)

Arrow guard: ¼ chance to block all ranged attacks and gain 1AA. (Bd, C, A)

Hado: ¼ chance to block physical attack and gain a d6hp. (Bd, C, Hp)

Mahou: ¼ chance to block physical attack and gain a d8mp. (Bd, C, Mp)

Vitality Surge: a ¼ when attacked, to heal a d6 hp. (Hp, C)

Magus Surge: a ¼ when attacked, to heal a d8 mp. (Mp, C)

Soul Surge: a ¼ when attacked, to gain a d2 hp regen for the battle. (Hp, C)

Thorns: melee attackers take d2 pierce damage every time they attack you. 14 potency vs agility/reflex not to take damage from it. (C)

Infiltrator: ignore guarding feats when attacking. Those are feats with the tag Bd. (Igno)

Refresh: recover two d8hp an hour outside of battle. (Hpr, Hp)

Wide Swing: Attack the first 3 spaces in front of you, with your weapon attacks. (Doesn’t deal damage to allies) (Aa)

Ghost Fist: Your weapon attacks ignore armor and other BL feats. (Aa, Igno)

Shatter Strike: You may spend 2BA to add destruction level 3 to your attacks this round. (Aa)

Flawless Fighter: 1-3 on the damage dice roll count as 3. (Aa)

Die hard: come back to life after being killed. Heal up to your toughness mod or zero. Has a 3 round cooldown. (oX, CD)

Last Stand: if damage dealt to you would kill you, gain a free 1AA with interrupt. Lower the critical hit ratio of this attack by 6. (4 round cool down). (oX, CD, Cri, A)

Rampage: if damage dealt to you would kill you, gain a free melee 1AA with interrupt. (oX, A)

The Ghoul: every 4 rounds revive is cast on you if the battle is still going. (oX)

Ironclad: block 2 points of physical damage. (ic, BL)

Magic clad: block 2 points of magical damage. (mC, BL)

Healing snap: ¼ chance to heal back all the damage done to you that round at the end of the round. (Bd, Hp)

Mana snap: ¼ chance to heal back all the Mp lost that round at the end of the round. (Bd, Mp)

Spirited: Strength mod multiplies with critical damage. (Cri, S)

Quick and the dead: if you deal the first damage of the battle, it’s a critical. (Cri, InA)

Pressure Point Master: lower critical hit ratio by 2. (Cri)

Critical Crit: increase the multiplication of critical damage by 1. (S, Cri)

Energy Cycle: You gain a ¼ chance to gain an attack action at the start at each of your turns. (A, Er)

Anger point: when someone deals critical damage to you, up your strength mod twice for the battle. (S, Coy)

On all Sides: plus 1 agility for every enemy unit in your melee zone -1. (Agi, Z)

Accumulate: takes an attack action, or 1MA and 2BA, gives you one strength mod for the battle. (S)

Lightning Reflexes: gain 3 additional free hit slots. (fhS)

Scholar: gain 4 more spell slots. (^)

Repositioning: when you move you are immune to free hits but you must end your move in the melee zone of another enemy. Is a declared feat. (M)

Disengage: gain an additional 1BA each round that can only be used on disengaging cost. (disen, Fa)

Point Blank Shot: gain 2 accuracy mods when attacking with a ranged attack in the target’s melee zone. (Ac, -b)

Magic Knight: when attacking, ¼ chance to cast a spell with a true value of (4) or less from your spell list for free, and can have no other requirements unless they can be met. (FS, Ud)

Water Warrior: Remove all penalties from being under water. Also can breathe under water. (Neg, uw)

Nimble: plus 2 agility vs foes that are bigger than you. (vBr, Agi)

Beast Dodge: plus 2 agility mods outside of structures. (Agi, outss)

Hefty Smite: your critical damage, knocks units into prone and removes 2BA from them. (Cri, kP)

Disarm: ¼ chance to disarm target when attacking. (disA, Ud)

Swashbuckler: ¼ chance to disarm attackers when attacked. (disA, C)

Power Up: You gain 1 personal power up slot. (PPU)

Weapon finesse: use agility mod for added Damage instead of strength. (Agi, Agi, S, S, S)

Called Shot: Lower wound damage threshold by 2. (cals)

Acumen: If you roll a 1 on the d20 attack roll, treat it as if you rolled a 12 instead. (1, Ac)

Arcane Agility: Plus 2 agility vs magical attacks. (vma, Agi)

Corporal Agility: Plus 2 agility vs physical attacks. (vpha, Agi)

Battle Caster: dodge normally while channeling. (Agi)
Strength Boost: your strength stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 strength stats. (S, S)

Accuracy Boost: your accuracy stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 accuracy stats. (Ac, Ac)

Agility Boost: your agility stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 agility stats. (Agi, Agi)

Toughness Boost: your Toughness stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 Toughness stats. (Toug, Toug)

Intelligence Boost: your intelligence stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 intelligence stats. (Int, Int)

Personality Boost: your personality stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 personality stats. (Per, Per)

Utility Boost: your utility stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 utility stats. (Util, Util)

Strength Up: Gain 2 strength stats. (S)

Accuracy Up: Gain 2 accuracy stats. (Ac)

Agility Up: Gain 2 agility stats. (Agi)

Toughness Up: Gain 2 Toughness stats. (Toug)

Intelligence Up: Gain 2 intelligence stats. (Int)

Recall: as a free action you can bring thrown items back to your hand. (-b)

Unfettered: gain 2 resist potency vs all spells. (Potre)

Athlete: Increase your base movement by 2. (M)

Quick Attack: gain 1AA, with interrupt. 4 round cool down. (A, CD)

Dodge: instantly dodge an attack. (4 round cool down) (Bd, CD)

Duck: can drop into prone dodging a ranged attack. (2 round cool down) (Bd, CD)

Evade: can instantly dodge a physical melee attack. (2 round cool down) (Bd, CD)

Alert: Can dodge normally when flat footed. (Neg)

Grip: you can’t be disarmed. (Neg)

Steady: You can’t be knocked back. (Neg)

Stability: you can’t be knocked down or lose bonus actions. (Neg)

Cling to Life: You can be resurrected no matter how long you’ve been dead as long as the battle is still going. (Neg)
Sky warrior: don’t take fall damage. Plus 2 movement while flying. (imu, M)

Double Edge: you may add your strength mod again to your attack but you take your strength mod in pure damage when doing so. (teD, S)

Resilient Fury: Upon receiving a wound, gain 1 strength mod for the battle. (idw, S)

Vital Vigor: Upon receiving a wound, gain 1 Agility mod for the battle. (idw, Agi)

Iron skin: immune to the multiplying effect of criticals. (imu)

Way of the warrior: lower your critical hit ratio by 6 for one attack, interrupt. (4 round cool down) (CD, Cri)

The Warrior’s Way: lower your critical hit ratio by 10 for one attack. (4 round cool down) (CD, Cri)

Devastating Blow: up a weapons attack dice 5 times for the round. 4 round cool down. (S, CD)

True shot: one attack will not miss with a 4 round cool down. (instaH, CD)

Zeal: gain an attack action every time you get a critical. (Cri, A)

Brown Tower Focus: Brown tower spells cost 2mp less to cast. (Mpcr, brown)

Regeneration: heal d2hp each round. (Hp, Er)

Stacking Rage: Gain 1 strength mod for the round for each time you’ve been attacked this round. (S, +Ar)

Stacking Dodge: Gain 1 agility mod for the round for each time you’ve been attacked this round. (Agi, +Ar)

Arrow clad: Block 2 damage for any ranged attack. (BL, Rb)

Greater Attunement: Gain an additional enchanted item slot. (pEI)

Pursuit: when an enemy leaves your melee zone, you gain a move action with interrupt. (LZ, gM)

Whirlwind attack: your attack hits all units in your melee zone. Including allies. (Z, Aa)

Reach: increase your melee zone by a level 1 ring. (Z, Aa)

Vertical Jump: you can jump as far as you can move. (M)

Slash Master: up the weapon damage dice roll of Slash damage. (S)

Hack Master: up the weapon damage dice roll of hack damage. (S)

Blunt Master: up the weapon damage dice roll of blunt damage. (S)

Pierce Master: up the weapon damage dice roll of pierce damage. (S)

Whip snap: when you roll max damage double it. Requires a roll, if an attack simply does max damage this does not trigger. (S, wrMD)

Durability: Increase wound threshold by 2. (iw)

Front line Fighter

Stealthy Initiator 

Front Line Tank

Back line Fighter

Mid line Fighter

Spell Caster



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