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Spell Caster

Scholar: gain 4 more spell slots. (^)

Disengage: gain an additional 1BA each round that can only be used on disengaging cost. (disen, Fa)

Point Blank Shot: gain 2 accuracy mods when attacking with a ranged attack in the target’s melee zone. (Ac, -b)

Magic Knight: when attacking, ¼ chance to cast a spell with a true value of (4) or less from your spell list for free, and can have no other requirements unless they can be met. (FS, Ud)

Power Up: You gain 1 personal power up slot. (PPU)

Acumen: If you roll a 1 on the d20 attack roll, treat it as if you rolled a 12 instead. (1, Ac)

Battle Caster: dodge normally while channeling. (Agi)

Quick Attack: gain 1AA, with interrupt. 4 round cool down. (A, CD)

Quick Cast: remove 1AA and 1MA from the cast time of a spell you are casting. 3 round cool down. (Fa, CD)

Dodge: instantly dodge an attack. (4 round cool down) (Bd, CD)

Duck: can drop into prone dodging a ranged attack. (2 round cool down) (Bd, CD)

Evade: can instantly dodge a physical melee attack. (2 round cool down) (Bd, CD)

True shot: one attack will not miss with a 4 round cool down. (instaH, CD)

Greater Attunement: Gain an additional enchanted item slot. (pEI)

Sanguine Sage: Upon receiving a wound, heal a d8 mp. (idw, Mp)

Mass effect: a spell you cast may affect up to 5 additional targets. 4 round cool down. (ma, CD)

Nova: a spell you cast gains a level 5 ring. (ma, CD)

Dragon’s Breath: a spell you cast gains a level 5 cone. (ma, CD)

Irresistible: a potency spell you cast gains 10 potency. 4 round cooldown. (Pot, CD)

Lasting: a spell you cast lingers the whole battle. 4 round cooldown. (ma, CD)

Hidden Power: invert your strength mod and add 2 to it. 4 round cooldown. (S, CD)

Marksmen: double the accuracy of your ranged attacks for the round. 2 round cooldown. (CD, Ac)

Magic Blast: Add level 1 ring to spells you cast that already have rings. (ma)

Magic Leap: Add a level 1 link to spells you cast that already have link. (ma)

Magic Breath: Add a level 1 cone to spells you cast that already have a cone. (ma)

Magic Beam: Add a level 1 beam to spells you cast that have range. (ma)

Magic Lasting: Add a level 1 linger to spells you cast that already have linger. 1 round cooldown. (CD, ma)

Chain Effect: your spells gain a level 5 link. (Can’t jump back to an already affected target. 4 round cool down. (CD, ma)

Destroy: Add a level 1 destruction to spells you cast if it already has destruction. (Des, ma)

Potent: Increase the potency of abilities you have and spells you cast by 2 that already have a potency. (Pot, ma)

Magic Focus: up the damage dice roll of 2 elements of your choice. every time you focus in this feat you may add an additional element to its list. (S)

Multi-cast: ¼ chance to cast the spell again for free. (MBd, ma)

Gift of the Magus: ¼ chance to cast the spell for free. (MBd, ma)

Focused Replenishing: takes an attack action and move action. Heals you a d10mp. (Mp, Chann)

Mana Regeneration: replenish d2 Mp per round. (Mp, Er)

Magician: spells cost 1 less MP (Mpcr)

Tower Focus: choose a tower and spells from that tower cost 2mp less to cast. (Mpcr, that tower as a tag)

Mancery: choose an element. Spells of that element cost 3mp less to cast. (Mpcr, ma+, that element as a tag)

Elemental focus: choose 2 elements, spells of those elements cost 2mp less to cast. Every focus in this feat adds an additional element to the list. (Mpcr)

Well Read: Plus 3 to all these skills: knowledge of Arcane, Knowledge of Nature, Knowledge of Culture, Enchanting, Scroll writing, and Healing. Does not break skill caps. (Skil)

Chakra: takes an attack action and move action. Heals you and units in a level 1 ring a d4mp and hp. (Chann)

Mana Burst: takes an attack action and move action. Heals you and units in a level 1 ring a d8mp. (Mp, Chann)

Angelic Touch: takes an attack action. Revive a unit that has been dead for 5 rounds or less. 4 round cooldown. (CD, Rev, Chann)

Upgrade: If possible, gain a feat focus in one of the tags present on your enchanted item. This does not break caps or tags rules. ( pEI)

Long Shot: gain 2 accuracy vs units 6 spaces or further from you. (Far, Ac)

Farshot: Add 3 spaces to all range attacks. (Ri)

Targetward: reduces magic damage from single target attacks you’re hit with by 4. (BL, mC, single)

Mobile Mage: gain 1MA a round that can only be used for spell costs. (Fa)

Moderate X-ray Vision: Can use 1BA to see through non magical objects at a 15ft distance. (X-ray)

Moderate Telepathy: Can use 1BA to converse with units in their minds at a 30ft distance. (Tlpy)

Accuracy Boost: your accuracy stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 accuracy stats. (Ac, Ac)

Agility Boost: your agility stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 agility stats. (Agi, Agi)

Intelligence Boost: your intelligence stat must be 12 or lower to take this feat. Gain 4 intelligence stats. (Int, Int)

Accuracy Up: Gain 2 accuracy stats. (Ac)

Agility Up: Gain 2 agility stats. (Agi)

Intelligence Up: Gain 2 intelligence stats. (Int)

Fore Thought: spend 1MA and 2BA to see how your current turn would turn out and then decide whether to do it or not. (Insure)

Cleave: gain an attack action upon a finishing blow. (A, X)

Soul Eater: heal a d10 Mp upon a finishing blow. (Mp, X)

Armor bearer: -1 from all penalties of armor (BL)

Battle Mage: armor doesn’t affect Mp cost. (BL)

Death dodgin’: Double agility mod when terminal. (T, Agi)

Make it count: Double accuracy mod when terminal. (T, Ac)

Final Reserves: heal a d6 mp a round when terminal. (T, Er, Mp)

Wimp: add 5 to your terminal range. (T)

Spaz attack: Take a second turn this round, but you only get a move action next round. (A)

Tough guy: gain 6 Hp. (Health)

Magic Man: gain 6 Mp. (Mana)

Manapire Strike: heal a d4 Mp upon landing a successful attack. (Mp, Ud)

Hone: ¼ chance to gain an accuracy mod upon attacking, even if you miss. (Ac, Ud)

Creedence: Gain a d4mp when you dodge an attack successfully. (C, Cds, Mp)

Wonder guard: 1/2 chance to block damage that would kill you. (Bd, oX)

Magic guard: ¼ chance to block magical attacks and gain 1AA. (Bd, C, A)

Arrow guard: ¼ chance to block all ranged attacks and gain 1AA. (Bd, C, A)

Mahou: ¼ chance to block physical attack and gain a d8mp. (Bd, C, Mp)

Magus Surge: a ¼ when attacked, to heal a d8 mp. (Mp, C)

Ghost Fist: Your attacks ignore armor and other BL feats. (Aa, Igno)

Die hard: come back to life after being killed. Heal up to your toughness mod or zero. Has a 3 round cooldown. (oX, CD)

Mana snap: ¼ chance to heal back all the Mp lost that round at the end of the round. (Bd, Mp)

Energy Cycle: You gain a ¼ chance to gain an attack action at the start at each of your turns. (A, Er)

Filter Feed: Gain a d4mp every time an enemy spell is cast on you. (Mp, wmag)

Mage Blood: Gain a d4hp every time an enemy spell is cast on you. (Hp, wmag)

Dual Cast: You can cast an additional spell each round. However, this additional spell costs extra mana points (MP), calculated as three times the spell’s true level, minus 3 MP. This spell still requires an additional spell slot and incurs a penalty of 1 Fatigue, Health, or Stamina (FHS) point. (A)

Friendly Fire: damage you deal doesn’t affect allies unless you want it to. (Prot)

Summoner’s Soul: gain a pool of 12hp that can only be used for thralling summoned or otherwise thrall able units and animal taming. (Hp)

Spam summoning: a ¼ chance when attacked to summon a level 1 creature from your spell list. It has summoning sickness. costs you nothing to cast. (FS, C)

Summoning shield: ½ chance one of your summoned creatures will take the damage for you upon being attacked. (Bd, cS)

One heart one mind: all 5 of your senses (or more) are connected to your summoned units and theirs to yours. (cS)

Slay Summoner: Summon one of your level one creatures for free upon a finishing blow. (X, FS)
Legion Leader: gain 2 more summoning slots. (GSs)

Grave Summoned: When you die your summoned units stay summoned for 1 round. They also stay summoned 30 minutes after battle without being thralled. (cB)

Grave Summoner: When you die your summoned units stay summoned for 5 rounds. 4 round cooldown. (cB, CD)

Invoked Longevity: ¼ chance to gain a grave summon counter when attacked. When you die, your summoned units stay alive for as many rounds equal to your Grave summon counters. (cB, C)

Provoked Longevity: When you are dealt critical damage, gain 2 grave counters. When you die, your summoned units stay alive for as many rounds equal to your Grave summon counters. (cB, Coy)

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Spell Caster



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