You roll a d20 and add your Wrestle skill and Strength modifier to the roll. If the total is higher than the Difficulty Check, you succeed. If it is lower, you fail.
A wrestling attempt costs 1 Attack Action (AA) or 2 Bonus Actions (BA). You must roll to hit as usual. Then use that same roll plus your Strength modifier and Wrestle skill to exceed the target's Wrestle skill plus their Strength modifier plus the difficulty check of the desired wrestling move. If successful, you perform the wrestling move.
Making the wrestling move. The difficulty check starts at 10 and you choose 1 thing, then the Difficulty Check increases by 5 for every additional thing you add.
Knock down.
Deal 1d2 blunt damage.
Inflict 1d2 knockback.
Remove 1 Bonus Action (BA).
Remove 1 Movement Action (MA).
Daze: The target cannot act or dodge until another unit engages them. Potency 10 vs. Concentration/Toughness.
Apply 1d2 Brown Tower counters.
Reduce the target's Accuracy modifier by 1 for the round.
Deal 1d4 blunt damage (deals 0 if it doesn’t end up killing the target).
Disarm (counts as adding 3 effects).
Grapple: Neither the target nor the caster can dodge until the check is cleared. The check is only 4 vs wrestle and strength. Both parties on their turn can choose not to clear the check so that they can attack the other without them dodging. However, that decision must be made before performing any actions.
If the target is subdued to brown tower counters, choke them out and they lose consciousness and all their hp, however the removed hp returns to them after 10 minutes when they wake up.
If the target is subdued to brown tower counters hold them, removing 1AA, 1MA, and 2BA until you release them.
Disarm, this counts as adding 3 things.