Use Device
Lock Picking: your DM assigns a difficulty level to each lock. When attempting to pick a lock, roll a d20 and add your Use Device skill and agility modifier. If the total exceeds the Difficulty Check, you succeed. Failure results in the destruction of 1 lock pick, and subsequent attempts take 10 minutes each.
You roll a d20 and add your Use Device skill and intelligence modifier to the roll. If the total is higher than the Difficulty Check, you succeed. If it is lower, you fail.
Difficulty Check 7 (Very Easy)
Operating a simple, familiar device made by another culture, such as a door latch or a basic lock.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy):
Figuring out how to use a moderately complex device from another culture, like a crossbow or a basic trap.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate):
Successfully activating or manipulating a sophisticated piece of equipment, such as a magical artifact or a complex machinery
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard):
Mastering the controls of an advanced device, like a flying apparatus or a complex magical contraption, to achieve a specific outcome.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard):
Understanding and utilizing an esoteric or ancient device with intricate mechanisms and obscure functions, requiring exceptional knowledge and skill.
Difficulty Check 32 (Legendary):
Achieving complete mastery over an ancient and sophisticated device with intricate mechanisms and obscure functions.