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You roll a d20 and add your Sneak skill and Agility modifier to the roll. If the total is higher than the Difficulty Check, you succeed. If it is lower, you fail.

Hiding: is your sneak/intelligence +D20. It can’t exceed the target object's conceal level.

  • Difficulty Check 0 Plus the target’s natural senses/accuracy (Very Easy):

  • Using stealth to quietly move past an unsuspecting person in the dark.

  • Difficulty Check 5 Plus the target’s natural senses/accuracy (Easy):

  • Using stealth to quietly move past a distracted or unaware individual.

  • Difficulty Check 10 Plus the target’s natural senses/accuracy (Moderate):

  • Using stealth to quietly move past an attentive unit.

  • Difficulty Check 15 Plus the target’s natural senses/accuracy (Hard):

  • Using stealth to quietly move past an attentive unit while in their direct field of view.

  • Difficulty Check 20 Plus the target’s natural senses/accuracy (Very Hard):

  • Using stealth to quietly move past an attentive unit while in their direct field of view. On unfavorable or otherwise noisy ground such as dry leaves, gravel, etc.

  • Difficulty Check 25 Plus the target’s natural senses/accuracy (Legendary):

  • Using stealth to quietly pass several guards attentively standing watch in a well lit hallway.

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