Sense Intent
You roll a d20 and add your Sense Intent skill and Personality modifier to the roll. If the total is higher than the Difficulty Check, you succeed. If it is lower, you fail.
Difficulty Check 0 Plus the target’s bluff/personality (Very Easy):
Noticing a slight shift in someone's body language that suggests they're feeling uneasy.
Difficulty Check 5 Plus the target’s bluff/personality (Easy):
Detecting a hint of insincerity in someone's tone of voice during a casual conversation.
Difficulty Check 10 Plus the target’s bluff/personality (Moderate):
Discerning the true motives behind someone's actions by carefully observing their behavior and speech.
Difficulty Check 15 Plus the target’s bluff/personality (Hard):
Uncovering a hidden agenda or ulterior motive behind a person's seemingly innocent actions.
Difficulty Check 20 Plus the target’s bluff/personality (Very Hard):
Unraveling the convoluted schemes of a seasoned spy, identifying the subtle clues that betray their true allegiance.
Difficulty Check 25 Plus the target’s bluff/personality (Legendary):
Seeing through even the most elaborate disguises and illusions to uncover the deepest desires and true intentions of those around you, making it nearly impossible for anyone to deceive you.