Natural Senses
You roll a d20 and add your Natural Senses skill and Accuracy modifier to the roll. If the total is higher than the Difficulty Check, you succeed. If it is lower, you fail.
Difficulty Check 7 (Very Easy)
Noticing and identifying the smell of freshly baked bread in a nearby bakery.
Noticing and identifying the distant sound of a church bell ringing.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy)
Hearing the rustling of small animals in the underbrush.
Detecting the faint scent of smoke from a distant fire.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate)
hearing and identifying the distant rumble of a cart approaching on a dirt road.
Smelling the scent of a predator that has marked its territory nearby.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard)
Sensing the approach of a predator by the change in birdsong.
Detecting the faint trace of poison in a drink by smell.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard)
Sensing the subtle vibrations in the ground that indicate an approaching war party.
Detecting the subtle change in wind direction that signifies an incoming storm.
Difficulty Check 32 (Legendary)
Feeling the faint tremors of a hidden underground river deep beneath the earth.
Perceiving the nearly inaudible heartbeats of hidden enemies in the dark.