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Natural Senses

You roll a d20 and add your Natural Senses skill and Accuracy modifier to the roll. If the total is higher than the Difficulty Check, you succeed. If it is lower, you fail.

  • Difficulty Check 7 (Very Easy)

  • Noticing and identifying the smell of freshly baked bread in a nearby bakery.

  • Noticing and identifying the distant sound of a church bell ringing.

  • Difficulty Check 12 (Easy)

  • Hearing the rustling of small animals in the underbrush.

  • Detecting the faint scent of smoke from a distant fire.

  • Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate)

  • hearing and identifying the distant rumble of a cart approaching on a dirt road.

  • Smelling the scent of a predator that has marked its territory nearby.

  • Difficulty Check 22 (Hard)

  • Sensing the approach of a predator by the change in birdsong.

  • Detecting the faint trace of poison in a drink by smell.

  • Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard)

  • Sensing the subtle vibrations in the ground that indicate an approaching war party.

  • Detecting the subtle change in wind direction that signifies an incoming storm.

  • Difficulty Check 32 (Legendary)

  • Feeling the faint tremors of a hidden underground river deep beneath the earth.

  • Perceiving the nearly inaudible heartbeats of hidden enemies in the dark.

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