Mimic Voice/Disguise
You roll a d20 and add your Mimic Voice/Disguise and Personality modifier to the roll. If the total is higher than the Difficulty Check, you succeed. If it is lower, you fail.
Difficulty Check 7 (Very Easy)
Putting on a simple disguise, such as donning a cloak or changing your hairstyle.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy)
Disguising yourself as a different profession, like a merchant or a beggar, to blend into a crowd.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate)
Transforming your appearance significantly enough to pass unnoticed among a group of strangers.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard)
Creating a complex and convincing disguise, complete with makeup, prosthetics, and appropriate clothing, to fool even close acquaintances.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard)
Impersonating a specific individual, mimicking their mannerisms and speech patterns, to deceive those who know them well.
Difficulty Check 32 (Legendary)
Mastering the art of disguise to the point where even the most skilled investigators and spies are unable to see through your ruse, allowing you to infiltrate any organization or society undetected.