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You roll a d20 and add your Investigate skill and Intelligence modifier to the roll. If the total is higher than the Difficulty Check, you succeed. If it is lower, you fail.

  • Difficulty Check 7 (Very Easy)

  • Spotting footprints in the mud outside a house.

  • Noticing a recently moved object on a dusty shelf.

  • Difficulty Check 12 (Easy)

  • Finding a vague set of footprints in the dirt and determining the direction in which the person traveled.

  • Finding a hidden key under a flowerpot on a porch.

  • Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate)

  • Discovering a concealed trap door beneath a thick layer of dust in an abandoned cellar.

  • Locating a missing piece of jewelry in a cluttered room.

  • Difficulty Check 22 (Hard)

  • Noticing subtle scratches on a door lock and deducing that it has been tampered with.

  • Discovering a hidden message written in invisible ink on a piece of parchment.

  • Difficulty Check 27 (very Hard)

  • Determining the weight of a unit by analyzing the size and depth of its tracks, revealing crucial information about its cargo and destination.

  • Analyzing the scene of a recent altercation to determine what happened.

  • Difficulty Check 32 (Legendary)

  • Hunting down a supernatural entity capable of masking its presence and leaving false trails, using supernatural senses and arcane knowledge to pierce through its illusions and track it to its lair.

  • Tracking a flying creature through the air.

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