You roll a d20 and add your Concentrate skill and intelligence modifier to the roll. If the total is higher than the Difficulty Check, you succeed. If it is lower, you fail.
A spell based concentration attempt costs 1 Attack Action (AA), 1 Move action (MA) and 2 Bonus Actions (BA). If targeting you must roll to hit as usual.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to ignite a small campfire or a torch.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to engulf a wooden object, like a chair or a table, in flames.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): Using magic to create a controlled burst of fire to clear away overgrown vegetation.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): Using magic to heat up metal and bend it.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to shape loose soil into a small mound or a shallow trench.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to raise out hand holds on a stone wall or cliff edge.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): Using magic to shape stone into simple structures like a low wall or a small statue.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): Using magic to entirely collapse a stone wall.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to create a gentle breeze to cool down a warm room.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to generate a moderate gust to clear away fallen leaves from a garden.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): Using magic to summon a strong wind to propel a small sailboat across calm waters.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): Using magic to conjure a powerful cyclone to disperse a dense fog bank blocking a mountain pass.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to conjure a small orb of water in your palm.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to create a small stream of water to quench thirst or wash hands.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): Using magic to summon a small wave to douse a small fire or to clear debris.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): Using magic to briefly redirect the flow of a small to moderate sized river.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to freeze a puddle of water.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to create icicles hanging from the edge of a roof or a tree branch.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): Using magic to freeze a metal lock and potential make it able to be shattered by a hefty blow.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): Using magic to freeze a pond.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to generate a small static charge to zap someone lightly.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to summon a moderate lightning strike to create a diversion or to damage a structure.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): Using magic to summon a controlled lightning strike to disable machinery or create a distraction.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): 6 space range strikes the target with a bolt of electricity that dazes them with a potency of 14 vs concentration/accuracy.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to cause your hand or weapon to glow.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to create a small glowing orb to illuminate a dark room.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): Using magic to create a dazzling display of light to disorient foes or signal allies.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): make a bright flash of light that breaks line of sight in a level 4 ring.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to cause a target to feel hope and peace and heal small scraps and bruises. (d4 holy heal, or remove black tower counters.)
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to heal minor wounds. (d6 holy heal or remove black tower counters.)
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): Using holy magic to create a protective barrier that shields all within a level 1 ring a d6 damage.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): use holy magic to reduce the power of a dark curse. (reduce seal tampering check by 10 for the round)
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to change the color of a small object or piece of clothing.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to alter the texture of a surface, making it smooth or rough.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): Using magic to permanently change the size or shape of a small object, such as resizing a key or reshaping a wooden stick.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): Using magic to transmute a small amount of one substance into another substance of equal or lesser value, such as turning stone into water or steel into copper.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to animate small objects, causing them to roll about. (requires a summoning slot, and has a thrall cost of 3Mmp)
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to imbue life into simple constructs, like animating a broom to sweep. (must be weaker than level 1 and requires 1 summoning slot and has a thrall cost of 3Mmp)
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): Using magic to imbue life into basic constructs, like animating a cart to drive itself and follow complex commands. (must be weaker than level 1 and requires 1 summoning slot and has a thrall cost of 3Mmp)
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): animate a basic golem out of anything. The golem is level 1 (requires a summoning slot and has a thrall cost of 6Mmp)
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to manipulate small metallic objects, attracting or repelling them with a weak magnetic force.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to create a magnetic field strong enough to move larger metallic objects or to magnetize non-magnetic materials temporarily.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): use magic to bend metal like clay.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): use magic to slightly move large metal objects.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to wilt and kill plants and small animals.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to drain a small amount of life force from a living creature, causing mild fatigue. (d4 necrotic damage and life steal)
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): use magic to deal a d8 black tower counters to a target.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): Using magic to cast a minor curse on a target, inducing feelings of lethargy and weakness. (lowers target’s strength, accuracy, and agility mod by 1 with a potency of 16 vs mettle/toughness.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to deepen shadows in a dimly lit room, making it harder to see within.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to create illusory shadows in the dark. Optical and mobile illusion potency 16 vs bravery/personality.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): Using magic to extend shadows into tangible forms, such as creating shadow tendrils to grasp or hinder targets. (can move anything you could move with your normal attack action only it has 6 space range and is conducted.)
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): Using magic to put a d10 black tower counters on a target.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to instill a slight feeling of unease or apprehension in a target.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): puts fear on a target with a potency of 16 vs bravery/toughness.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): level 1 cone puts fear with a potency of 16 vs bravery/toughness.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): puts fear level 2 on a target with a potency of 14 vs bravery/toughness.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to instill a slight feeling of unease or apprehension in a target.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to spread a minor ailment, causing multiple targets to experience symptoms like nausea or fatigue. (level 1 ring, -2 agility potency 12 vs mettle/toughness.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): Using magic to inflict a debilitating disease on a target, causing severe symptoms like high fever, chills, and weakness. (, -2 agility and accuracy potency 12 vs mettle/toughness.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): emitting a foul magic that causes all around the caster to vomit violently. (level 1 ring, -2BA, 1MA, potency 14 vs mettle/toughness.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to make a small flower bloom instantly.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to accelerate the growth of a basic plant, causing it to mature in seconds.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): Using magic to control and animate vines to entangle or trip enemies.(can move anything you could move with your normal attack action only it has 6 space range and is conducted.)
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): Using magic to summon a large, thorny barrier of plants to block passage or create an obstacle.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to calm a level 0 animal, making it more docile.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to summon a small creature, such as a bird or a squirrel, to perform a simple task or deliver a message.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): Using magic to command a medium-sized animal, such as a wolf or a deer, to follow your instructions for a short period.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): puts fear level 2 on a target with a potency of 14 vs bravery/toughness.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to create a mild toxin that causes slight discomfort or dizziness in a target.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): d2 poison damage with a potency of 16 vs mettle/toughness
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): d4 poison damage with a potency of 16 vs mettle/toughness
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): d4 poison damage with a potency of 18 vs mettle/toughness
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to make your weapon or finger tip able to etch into a surface.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to generate a stream of acid to weaken or dissolve metal objects, such as weapons or armor.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): deal a d6 acid damage ignore armor.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): deal a d6 acid damage ignore armor, destruction level 1.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to read the surface thoughts of a willing or subdued target.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to send a brief telepathic message to a nearby ally or creature.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): to put a d8 yellow tower counters on a target.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): use magic to probe the surface thoughts of a target.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to create a minor illusion, such as a small, flickering light or a faint sound.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to create a simple visual illusion, like a stationary object or a basic shape. (optical illusion potency 16 vs natural senses/accuracy.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): Using magic to craft a complex illusion that can move and seemingly interact.(optical and mobile illusion potency 16 vs natural senses/accuracy.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): Using magic to craft a complex illusion that can move and speak. (optical, audio, and mobile illusion potency 16 vs natural senses/accuracy.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to create a small burst of sound, like a snap of the fingers or a soft whistle.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to amplify your voice or produce a loud noise, like a shout or a clap, to startle or distract.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): Using magic to generate a powerful sonic wave that shatters all glass on the battlefield.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): level 2 cone d6 sonic damage.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to momentarily slow down or speed up a small object's perception of time.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): puts a d6 purple tower counters on a target.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): puts a d8 purple tower counters on a target.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): puts a d10 purple tower counters on a target.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to teleport a small object or creature a short distance 3 spaces.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to teleport yourself or a willing creature to a nearby location that you can visualize clearly. 3 space range, phase
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): Using magic to teleport yourself or a willing creature to a nearby location that you can visualize clearly. 6 space range, phase
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): Using magic to teleport yourself or a willing creature to a nearby area in the blink of an eye. 3 space range, phase, break line of sight.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to move an inanimate object you could pick up 3 spaces conducted.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to move an inanimate object you could pick up 6 spaces conducted.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): Using magic to move a target creature d6 spaces conducted.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): Using magic to move a target creature d8 spaces conducted.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to silence a target with a potency of 6 vs shout/strength.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to silence a target with a potency of 8 vs shout/strength.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): Using magic to silence a target with a potency of 10 vs shout/strength.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): Using magic to silence a target with a potency of 12 vs shout/strength.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to deal a d4 orange tower counters.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to deal a d6 orange tower counters
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): Using magic to deal a d2 chaos damage.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): Using magic to deal a d2 chaos damage, 6 space range.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to summon a level 0 creature such as a tiny elemental or a friendly spirit. (requires a summoning slot and has a thrall cost of 3Mmp)
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to summon a basic weapon or tool until the end of battle or until the stat of a battle if cast outside of battle.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): summon a willing person or creature you know or are allied with. Normal summoning rules apply.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): summon a random level 1 creature. (requires a summoning slot and has a thrall cost of 6Mmp)
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy): Using magic to give yourself 1 luck for the following turn.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate): Using magic to give any target 1 luck for the following turn or current turn.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard): Using magic to give any target 1 bad luck for the following turn or current turn. 6 space range.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard): Using magic to give any target 1 bad luck for the following turn or current turn. 6 space range level 1 ring.