Bravery is primarily a skill used to resist certain spells and attacks. However, the DM can also use bravery for additional challenges as described below. The game functions well without these additional bravery checks, so it's up to the DM to decide if including them will enhance the fun and role-playing experience.
You roll a d20 and add your Bravery and Toughness modifier to the roll. If the total is higher than the Difficulty Check, you succeed. If it is lower, you fail.
Difficulty Check 7 (Very Easy)
Standing up to a bully.
Difficulty Check 12 (Easy)
Confronting a feared but manageable opponent or entering a dark, spooky place alone.
Difficulty Check 17 (Moderate)
Holding your ground against a formidable enemy.
Difficulty Check 22 (Hard)
Leading an outnumbered charge into battle or standing firm in the presence of a terrifying creature.
Difficulty Check 27 (Very Hard)
Facing a powerful and legendary foe head-on or making a courageous decision that risks your life to save others.
Difficulty Check 32 (Legendary)
Remaining resolute and fearless in the face of certain doom, such as standing against an overwhelming force or sacrificing yourself for the greater good.