Animal Taming
You roll a d20 and add your Animal Taming and Personality modifier to the roll. If the total is higher than the Difficulty Check, you succeed. If it is lower, you fail.
Calm a Wild Animal: The difficulty check is calculated as the animal's level + 15. If the attempt fails, you take damage equal to the animal's level to your Mhp (maximum hit points). If you or your team intentionally harms the animal, the calm is lost and the difficulty check increases by 10.
Train an Animal: To attempt to train an animal, it must be subdued and possess less than sentient intellect. The difficulty check is calculated as (animal's level * 2) + 10. If the training attempt fails, you suffer damage equal to 2 times the animal's level as a dice roll. For example, if the animal is level 3, you would take a d6 damage to your Mhp. If you succeed, you may choose one of the items below to teach the animal.
Examples of things that animals can be trained to do.
Don’t harm allies.
Come when called.
Stay with the team.
Be ridden.
Attack target.
Fetch item.
Stand guard at night