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You roll a d20 and add your Alchemy skill and Intelligence modifier to the roll. If the total is higher than the Difficulty Check, you succeed. If it is lower, you fail.

Minor Healing potion

Effects: Heal’s target a d12 hp.

Cast time: 1AA, 1MA

Ingredient 1:The ground up horns of any animal belonging to the Pecora sub order. (examples Sheep, deer, elk, bison, etc.)

Ingredient 2: Any sweet fruit such as Mango, orange, plumb, apricot, etc.

Difficulty check: 15 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other:takes 30 extra minutes to grind up the horns.

Sell: 60


Buy: 140

Percent: 40

Healing potion

Effects: Heal’s target a d12 hp, 1-3 count as 3.

Cast time: 1AA, 1MA

Ingredient 1:The ground up horns of any animal belonging to the Pecora sub order. (examples Sheep, deer, elk, bison, etc.)

Ingredient 2: Any sweet fruit such as Mango, orange, plumb, apricot, etc.

Difficulty check: 17 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other: takes 30 extra minutes to grind up the horns.

Sell: 90


Buy: 210

Percent: 60

Greater Healing potion

Effects: Heal’s target a d20 hp.

Cast time: 1AA, 2BA

Ingredient 1:The ground up horns of any animal belonging to the Pecora sub order. (examples Sheep, deer, elk, bison, etc.)

Ingredient 2: Any sweet fruit such as Mango, orange, plumb, apricot, etc.

Difficulty check: 21 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other:takes 30 extra minutes to grind up the horns.

Sell: 150


Buy: 350

Percent: 100

Minor Mana potion

Effects: Heal’s target a d12 mp.

Cast time: 1AA, 1MA

Ingredient 1:(lvl 1) fairy goat milk

Ingredient 2: Any edible flower (examples Sego Lilies, roses, carnations, lilac, hibiscus, etc)

Difficulty check: 15 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 60


Buy: 140

Percent: 40

Mana potion

Effects: Heal’s target a d12 mp, 1-3 count as 3.

Cast time: 1AA, 1MA

Ingredient 1:(lvl 1) fairy goat milk

Ingredient 2: Any edible flower (examples Sego Lilies, roses, carnations, lilac, hibiscus, etc)

Difficulty check: 17 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other: N/A

Sell: 90


Buy: 210

Percent: 60

Greater Mana potion

Effects: Heal’s target a d20 mp.

Cast time: 1AA, 2BA

Ingredient 1:(lvl 1) fairy goat milk

Ingredient 2: Any edible flower (examples Sego Lilies, roses, carnations, lilac, hibiscus, etc)

Difficulty check: 21 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other: N/A

Sell: 150


Buy: 350

Percent: 100

Elixir potion

Effects: Heal’s target a d10 hp and mp.

Cast time: 1AA, 2BA

Ingredient 1: Ground up butterflies or moths of any type.

Ingredient 2: Honey

Difficulty check: 21 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other:takes 30 extra minutes to grind up the bugs.

Sell: 150


Buy: 350

Percent: 100

High Elixir potion

Effects: Heal’s target a d16 hp and mp.

Cast time: 1AA, 2BA

Ingredient 1: (lvl3) Ground up Moon moth.

Ingredient 2: Honey

Difficulty check: 27 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other:takes 30 extra minutes to grind up the Moth.

Sell: 330

True: 550

Buy: 770

Percent: 220

Tear Drops

Effects: Remove any accuracy hampering effects.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1:Alcohol (of any type)

Ingredient 2: Mineral oil

Difficulty check: 13 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 30


Buy: 70

Percent: 20

Revitalizing potion

Effects: Remove any strength hampering effects.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1:Bear meat

Ingredient 2: Fish oil

Difficulty check: 13 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 30


Buy: 70

Percent: 20

Reinvigoration potion

Effects: Remove any Agility hampering effects.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1:Wheat (or any grain)

Ingredient 2: any fruit from a vine

Difficulty check: 13 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 30


Buy: 70

Percent: 20

Night Eye potion

Effects: You can see in the dark and gain 1 accuracy mod in the dark. As 1PPU. (Neg, aNi, Ac)

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1:The eyes of any nocturnal creature

Ingredient 2: carrots or any other rooted vegetable

Difficulty check: 17 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 60


Buy: 140

Percent: 40

Swift Swim potion

Effects: Move, attack, and dodge normally under water, plus 4 speed under water. As 1PPU. (M, Neg, uw)

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1:Fish scales or (the scales of any water breathing creature)

Ingredient 2:1 use of sugar

Difficulty check: 19 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other:takes 1 hour to scrape off all the scales.

Sell: 150


Buy: 350

Percent: 100

Water breathing potion

Effects: Breathe underwater and plus 2 speed under water. As 1PPU. (Neg, M, uw)

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1:Fish gills or (the gills of any water breathing creature)

Ingredient 2:any type of Seaweed

Difficulty check: 17 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 60


Buy: 140

Percent: 40

Greater Water breathing potion

Effects: Breathe underwater and plus 2 speed underwater also you gain 1 personal power up slot. All of this counts as 1PPU. (Neg, M, uw, PPU)

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1:Fish gills or (the gills of any water breathing creature)

Ingredient 2:any type of Seaweed

Difficulty check: 23 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 150


Buy: 350

Percent: 100

Levitate Potion

Effects: Flight at half movement.. As 1PPU. (M)

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: Bonemeal of any flying creature

Ingredient 2: Dandelion seeds or similar seeds that use air.

Difficulty check: 17 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other: 30 extra minutes devoted to aerating agents in an alchemical antechamber.

Sell: 60


Buy: 140

Percent: 40

Fire Immunity potion

Effects: Immune to fire damage. As 1PPU. Tags (imu)

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1:The blood of any coldblooded creature

Ingredient 2:Charcoal or shoot or ash etc.

Difficulty check: 15 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other:30 extra minutes are required to boil out the blood until it dries.

Sell: 60


Buy: 140

Percent: 40

Necrotic Immunity potion

Effects: Immune to Necrotic damage. As 1PPU. Tags (imu)

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1:Holy water

Ingredient 2:any plant from the mint family. Examples (lavender, sage, catnip, rosemary)

Difficulty check: 17 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 60


Buy: 140

Percent: 40

Ice Immunity potion

Effects: Immune to ice damage. As 1PPU. Tags (imu)

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1:Alcohol of any kind

Ingredient 2:any kind of bear fat

Difficulty check: 17 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 60


Buy: 140

Percent: 40

Poison Immunity potion

Effects: Immune to poison damage. As 1PPU. Tags (imu)

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1:vinegar

Ingredient 2: (lvl1) any kind of badger kidney

Difficulty check: 15 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 60


Buy: 140

Percent: 40

Insomnia potion

Effects: immune to the effects of not sleeping, immune to sleep spells. As 1PPU.(imu, Neg)

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: The eyes of any nocturnal animal

Ingredient 2:Yerba Mate, Guarana, Cola Nut, Cacao, Tea for tú, Mate, Koka-kola, Guarana seeds, Tea or (any plant that contains caffeine)

Difficulty check: 17 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 60


Buy: 140

Percent: 40

Enfeebling poison

Effects: reduce target’s strength mod by 3 with a potency of 20 vs toughness/mettle.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: The ground hip bone of any once undead unit.

Ingredient 2: any mushroom.

Difficulty check: 17 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other:if failed, the Alchemist loses 3 strength mods for 24 hours or until they have had 8 hours of sleep. Takes 30 minutes to grind the bone down to powder.





Greater enfeebling poison

Effects: Remove target’s positive strength mods and then reduce target’s strength mod by 3 with a potency of 20 vs toughness/mettle.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: The ground hip bone of any once undead unit.

Ingredient 2: any mushroom.

Difficulty check: 23 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other:if failed, the Alchemist loses 3 strength mods for 24 hours or until they have had 8 hours of sleep. Takes 30 minutes to grind the bone down to powder.





Phoenix down

Effects: Revive a target within 3 rounds of their death plus their toughness mod.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1:(lvl 3) Phoenix feather

Ingredient 2: honey

Difficulty check: 25 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other: N/A

Sell: 270


Buy: 630


Black Powder

Effects: Deals a d6 fire damage, and a d2 knock back, level 1 ring.

Cast time: Requires fire to ignite the effects.

Ingredient 1: charcoal

Ingredient 2: Sulfur

Ingredient 3: (lvl1) Saltpeter or (lvl1) Niter

Difficulty check: 19 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other: N/A

Sell: 150


Buy: 350

Percent: 100

Galvanizing Powder

Effects: Destroys metal non-magical objects smaller than 1 cubic foot (only destruction level 3).

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: Iron rust powder

Ingredient 2: Aluminum powder

Difficulty check: 17 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other: N/A



Buy: 70


Effects: Deals d(6*X) fire damage and d(2*X) knock back and level X rings, with destruction level 2. Where X is the amount of black powder added in.

Cast time: Requires fire to ignite the effects.

Ingredient 1: X black powder

Difficulty check: 19 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other: If failed the alchemist takes X d6s in fire damage and X d2s as knock back.

Sell: X*150 + 60

True:X*250 + 100

Buy: X*350 + 140

Percent: X*100 + 40

Acid Bomb

Effects: Deals a d12 Acid damage, ignores armor, destruction level 3, level 1 ring.

Cast time: 1AA, 1BA (shake and throw)

Ingredient 1: The stomach of any creature

Ingredient 2: Sulfur

Difficulty check: 19 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other: If failed the alchemist takes a d24 acid damage.

Sell: 210


Buy: 490

Percent: 140

Invisibility potion

Effects: target gains invisibility with a potency of 18 vs natural senses/Accuracy. (Target is imperceivable with the naked eye. This effect cancels when the target interacts.)

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: (lvl1) Ectoplasm

Ingredient 2: (lvl1) Chameleon scales

Difficulty check: 25 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other: Takes an extra 30 minutes to make

Sell: 180


Buy: 420

Percent: 120

Phase potion

Effects: target gains phase level 2 for a round.(The target can pass through solid objects even if they are magical.)

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: (lvl1) Ectoplasm

Difficulty check: 17 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other: The Ectoplasm must be exposed to a direct stream of smoke for 30 minutes.

Sell: 90


Buy: 210

Percent: 60

Smoke Bead

Effects: All targets break line of sight and disengage for the round. Level 1 ring.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: Charcoal or shoot or ash etc.

Ingredient 2: lead (⅕ of a use)

Difficulty check: 21 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other: Magic must be used to condense smoke into the concoction for 30 minutes.

Sell: 120


Buy: 280

Percent: 80

Regeneration potion

Effects: remove all wounds from the target.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: Heart of a salamander, newt or any other creature that regenerates.

Ingredient 2: Bamboo or any other quick growing grass.

Difficulty check: 17 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other: N/A

Sell: 60


Buy: 140

Percent: 40

Tear Gas Bomb

Effects: Blinds the targets making all their attacks miss. In addition, the target can’t see, level 1 ring, linger level 2, potency 10 vs mettle/toughness.

Cast time: 1AA, 1BA (shake and throw)

Ingredient 1: 1 use of Pepper corns

Ingredient 2: the lungs of any flying creature

Difficulty check: 23 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other: Takes an extra 30 minutes to boil the gas from the lungs.

Sell: 180


Buy: 420

Percent: 120

Condensed Tear Gas Bomb

Effects: Blinds the targets making all their attacks miss. In addition, the target can’t see, level 1 ring, linger level 1, potency 14 vs mettle/toughness.

Cast time: 1AA, 1BA (shake and throw)

Ingredient 1: one use of Pepper corns

Ingredient 2: the lungs of any flying creature

Difficulty check: 23 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other: Takes an extra 30 minutes to boil the gas from the lungs.

Sell: 180


Buy: 420

Percent: 120

Flash Bomb

Effects: Blinds the targets making all their attacks miss. In addition, the target can’t see, level 2 ring, potency 22 vs concentration/accuracy. The effects last a maximum of 2 rounds even if the check isn’t cleared.

Cast time: 1AA, 1BA (shake and throw)

Ingredient 1: one use of salt

Ingredient 2: one use of any bioluminescent plant or animal.

Difficulty check: 23 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other: The salt must lay in the sun for 5 hours before use.

Sell: 180


Buy: 420

Percent: 120


Effects:if the target is hit by fire while under this effect, they take a d4 fire damage and the damage increases by a d4 every round that it is not cleared. level 1 ring, potency 16 vs reflex/agility.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: one use of wax

Ingredient 2: blubber from any animal

Difficulty check: 23 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other: requires fire to start the effects of the potion.

Sell: 180


Buy: 420

Percent: 120

Leap potion

Effects:gain jump equal to your movement for the round.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: one use of frog legs

Ingredient 2: 1 use of feathers

Difficulty check: 13 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 30


Buy: 80

Percent: 20

Greater Leap potion

Effects:gain jump equal to twice your movement for the round.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: one use of frog legs

Ingredient 2: 1 use of feathers

Difficulty check: 19 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 120


Buy: 280

Percent: 80

Paralysis Poison

Effects:Paralyze the target with a potency of 18 vs mettle/toughness. Lasts a max of 2 rounds.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: (lvl1) one use of any nightshade

Ingredient 2: (lvl1) 1 use of ticks

Difficulty check: 23 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other:1 hour boiling the ticks and night shades.

Sell: 270


Buy: 630

Percent: 180

Paralysis Gas

Effects:6 space range, level 2 ring, Paralyze the target with a potency of 18 vs mettle/toughness. Lasts a max of 2 rounds.

Cast time: 1AA, 1BA (shake and throw)

Ingredient 1: (lvl1) one use of any nightshade

Ingredient 2: (lvl1) 1 use of ticks

Difficulty check: 23 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other:1 hour boiling the ticks and night shades.

Sell: 270


Buy: 630

Percent: 180

Silence Poison

Effects:Silence the target with a potency of 18 vs shout/toughness.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: cotton, wool, flax, or ramie (most fabric unraveled)

Ingredient 2: the tongues of any wool producing creature.

Difficulty check: 19 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other:1 hour to separate the fibers.

Sell: 270


Buy: 630

Percent: 180

Silence Gas

Effects:6 space range, level 2 ring, Silence the target with a potency of 18 vs shout/toughness.

Cast time:1AA, 1BA (shake and throw)

Ingredient 1: cotton, wool, flax, or ramie (most fabric unraveled)

Ingredient 2: the tongues of any wool producing creature.

Difficulty check: 19 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other:1 hour to separate the fibers.

Sell: 270


Buy: 630

Percent: 180

Common Poison

Effects:d2 poison damage with a potency of 18 vs mettle/toughness.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: The venom glands of any venomous creature

Ingredient 2: The liver of a human

Difficulty check: 19 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 210


Buy: 490

Percent: 140

Dire Poison

Effects:d6 poison damage with a potency of 18 vs mettle/toughness.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: The venom glands of any venomous creature

Ingredient 2: The liver of a human

Difficulty check: 23 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 270


Buy: 630

Percent: 180

Common Blight

Effects:d2 disease damage with a potency of 14 vs mettle/toughness. Each time failed the damage increases by a d2 and the potency increases by 2.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: The saliva of any sick creature or person.

Ingredient 2: rust powder

Difficulty check: 19 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 210


Buy: 490

Percent: 140

Aging Poison

Effects:d4 purple tower counters with a potency of 16 vs mettle/toughness. If the target is subdued by purple tower counters they instantly age 40 years. If the check is cleared, the purple tower counters are removed and dealt as necrotic damage.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: The shell of a turtle (or anything other shell)

Ingredient 2: the bark of a tree

Difficulty check: 17 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other:30 extra minutes grinding up the shells.

Sell: 210


Buy: 490

Percent: 140

Love Potion

Effects:Mind control the target with a potency of 18 vs willpower/personality. Whoever drinks the potion becomes disturbingly in love with the target. They will likely do whatever that person says unless it gets in the way of their love. This counts as mind control vs Willpower/Personality.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: (lvl1) DNA from the person being targeted for control.

Ingredient 2: (lvl1) a human heart of the same gender.

Difficulty check: 29 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other:1 hour squeezing out every last drop of blood from the heart.

Sell: 360


Buy: 840

Percent: 240

Yellow Dye

Effects: The target takes a d6 yellow tower counters. If any unenchanted item is soaked in it for 5 hours then it becomes permanently yellow.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: Egg yolks

Ingredient 2: Sulfur

Difficulty check: 17 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 60


Buy: 140

Percent: 40

Red Dye

Effects: The target takes a d6 red tower counters. If any unenchanted item is soaked in it for 5 hours then it becomes permanently red.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: blood

Ingredient 2: any bug

Difficulty check: 17 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 60


Buy: 140

Percent: 40

Blue Dye

Effects: The target takes a d6 blue tower counters. If any unenchanted item is soaked in it for 5 hours then it becomes permanently blue.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: Blueberries

Ingredient 2: coal or tar

Difficulty check: 17 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 60


Buy: 140

Percent: 40

Black Dye

Effects: The target takes a d6 black tower counters. If any unenchanted item is soaked in it for 5 hours then it becomes permanently black.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: salt

Ingredient 2: iron powder

Difficulty check: 17 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 60


Buy: 140

Percent: 40

Bleach Dye

Effects: The target takes a d6 white tower counters. If any unenchanted item is soaked in it for 5 hours then it becomes permanently white.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: (lvl3) one pearl

Ingredient 2: stomach acid

Difficulty check: 11 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 60


Buy: 140

Percent: 40

Green Dye

Effects: The target takes a d6 green tower counters. If any unenchanted item is soaked in it for 5 hours then it becomes permanently green.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: Grass or leaves

Ingredient 2: one use of arsenic

Difficulty check: 17 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 60


Buy: 140

Percent: 40

Purple Dye

Effects: The target takes a d6 purple tower counters. If any unenchanted item is soaked in it for 5 hours then it becomes permanently purple.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: any snail mucus

Ingredient 2: one use of lead

Ingredient 3: one use of brine

Difficulty check: 15 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 60


Buy: 140

Percent: 40

Gray Dye

Effects: The target takes a d6 gray tower counters. If any unenchanted item is soaked in it for 5 hours then it becomes permanently gray.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: bone powder

Ingredient 2: lead

Difficulty check: 15 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other:30 extra minutes spent grinding the bones to powder.

Sell: 60


Buy: 140

Percent: 40

Orange Dye

Effects: The target takes a d6 orange tower counters. If any unenchanted item is soaked in it for 5 hours then it becomes permanently orange.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: carrots or yams

Ingredient 2: (lvl2) one use of annatto plant

Difficulty check: 11 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other:30 extra minutes spent simmering the annatto plant.

Sell: 60


Buy: 140

Percent: 40

Brown Dye

Effects: The target takes a d6 brown tower counters. If any unenchanted item is soaked in it for 5 hours then it becomes permanently brown.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: Acorns

Ingredient 2: cocoa beans, or coffee beans

Difficulty check: 15 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other:30 extra minutes spent boiling the acorns.

Sell: 60


Buy: 140

Percent: 40

Dye Thinner

Effects: remove a d6 X counters, where X is the dye chosen for the ingredient of this spell. If any unenchanted item is soaked in it for 5 hours then it is restored to its natural color and all dyes are removed.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: (lvl2) a dye of the color your trying to remove

Ingredient 2: any kind of alcohol

Difficulty check: 19 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 150


Buy: 350

Percent: 100


Effects: Target Sleep potency 22 vs willpower/toughness.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: any nut

Ingredient 2: Milk from any creature

Difficulty check: 23 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other:90 extra minutes spent boiling the nuts in milk.

Sell: 300


Buy: 700

Percent: 200

Sleeping Potion

Effects: Sleep potency 22 vs willpower/toughness. Must drink.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: any nut

Ingredient 2: Milk from any creature

Difficulty check: 13 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other:90 extra minutes spent boiling the nuts in milk.

Sell: 150


Buy: 350


Psychedelic Tea

Effects: The target loses both attack and move action, wandering about with illusions all around. They still dodge normally. Potency 22 vs concentration/toughness. Must drink.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1: any mushroom

Ingredient 2: one Cattail plant

Difficulty check: 17 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 120


Buy: 280


Psychedelic Gas

Effects:6 space range, level 2 ring, The targets loses both attack and move action, wandering about with illusions all around. They still dodge normally. Potency 12 vs concentration/toughness.

Cast time:1AA, 1BA (shake and throw)

Ingredient 1: any mushroom

Ingredient 2: The lung of any amphibious creature

Difficulty check: 17 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 120


Buy: 280


Cure Disease Potion

Effects: reduce a disease potency by 24.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1:one use of ginger

Ingredient 2: (lvl1) alligator liver.

Difficulty check: 15 vs alchemy/intelligence

Other:30 extra minutes spent tenderizing the liver.

Sell: 90


Buy: 210

Percent: 60

Cure Poison Potion

Effects: reduce a disease potency by 24.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1:badger, mongoose, or king snake liver. (or the liver of any creature with poison immunity)

Ingredient 2: (lvl1) Yarrow

Difficulty check: 17 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 90


Buy: 210

Percent: 60

Clarity Potion

Effects: reduce a yellow tower potency by 16.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1:Mint

Ingredient 2: The eyes of any bird.

Difficulty check: 19 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 90


Buy: 210

Percent: 60

Temporary Antidote potion

Effects: Immune to poison damage for the round.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1:Mugwort, Peppermint, Chamomile, Wormwood, Yarrow

Ingredient 2: Badger liver (or the liver of any creature with poison immunity)

Difficulty check: 13 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 30


Buy: 70

Percent: 20

Thawing potion

Effects: reduce an ice potency by 24.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1:Charcol, soot, ash

Ingredient 2:Firefly (or the blood of any creature with bioluminescence)

Difficulty check: 17 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 90


Buy: 210

Percent: 60

Brief Ice Guard potion

Effects: immune to ice damage for the round.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1:Charcol, soot, ash

Ingredient 2:Firefly (or the blood of any creature with bioluminess)

Difficulty check: 13 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 30


Buy: 70

Percent: 20

Brief Clarity Potion

Effects: immune to psychic and illusion damage and effects for the round.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1:Butterbur, Feverfew, ginger, willow bark

Ingredient 2:any type of bird egg

Difficulty check: 15 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 60


Buy: 140

Percent: 40

Calming Potion

Effects: reduce a frenzy potency by 24. If the target isn’t frenzied this potion calms with a potency of 14 vs willpower/personality.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1:any tea

Ingredient 2: Milk of any kind

Difficulty check: 19 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 90


Buy: 210

Percent: 60

Blessed Potion

Effects: reduce a black tower potency by 16.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1:Holy water

Ingredient 2: Salt

Difficulty check: 19 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 90


Buy: 210

Percent: 60

Echo Potion

Effects: reduce a silence potency by 24.

Cast time: 1BA

Ingredient 1:one use of crickets

Ingredient 2: any nut

Difficulty check: 19 vs alchemy/intelligence


Sell: 90


Buy: 210

Percent: 60

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