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+1 agility
+1 accuracy
+1 personality
-1 strength
-1 toughness
Stat Changes

+5 animal taming
+5 natural senses
+3 acrobatics
+3 sneaking
+3 persuade
+3 athletics
+2 willpower
-3 use device
-5 intimidate
Calm and peaceful. Hair color is blonde or dirty blonde. Skin is light shades. Their height is 5’9” on average. Weight is 150 lbs. on average

Natural Mage: Gain a d4mp each round if you’re outside of a structure. (Mp, Er, outss)
Peaceful Pishogue: Non damaging spells cost 2mp less to cast. (nDs, Mpcr)
Weapon finesse: use agility mod for added Damage instead of strength. (Agi, Agi, S, S, S)
Power Up: You gain 1 personal power up slot. (PPU)
Forest Familiar: Gain 6 resist potency vs fauna and flora spells. (Potre)
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