+2 agility
-1 utility
Stat Changes

+6 reflex
+4 acrobatics
+4 sneak
+4 natural senses
+4 athletics,
-3 lifting
-2 mettle
-2 bravery
Elusive and alert. Hair is dark brown and black. very long ears. Skin is light tan to dark tan. They have red markings on their face and bodies. Their eyes are murky warm colors and often blood shot instead of white. Height is 5’9” on average. Weight is 150 lbs. on average.

Maneuver: Move normally while sneaking, swimming, climbing and any other natural movement hindering check. (M)
Arrow guard: ¼ chance to block all ranged attacks and gain 1AA. (Bd, C, A)
Ventomancy: Wind spells cost 3mp less to cast. (vento, Mpcr)
Beast Dodge: gain 2 agility mods when outside of structures. (Agi, outss)
Disengage: gain an additional 1BA each round that can only be used on disengaging cost. (disen, Fa)