+3 strength
+2 agility
+2 toughness
-2 utility
-2 intelligence
-2 personality
Stat Changes

+6 natural senses
+5 wrestle
+5 investigate
+5 reflex
+2 sneak
-4 charm
-4 persuade
Foul and nimble. They have big pointy ears, long large noses, and they often have small tusks . their skin color can be any shade of green, though their face can be almost any color. They typically have wild hair and can be vibrant versions of any natural color. Height is 7 feet on average. Weight is 320 lbs on average.

Troll blood: heal a d4hp each round. (Hp, Hp, Er, Er)
Severe weakness to fire: take double damage from fire attacks and half of that to max hp.
Choose 3:
Disengage: disengaging costs 1BA less to do. (disen)
Stalker: Plus 4 movement while sneaking. (M)
Vertical Jump: you can jump as far as you can move. (M)
Savage strike: spend 1MA to add gain 2 strength mods for the round. (S)
Regeneration: heal d2hp each round. (Hp, Er)