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+2 intelligence
+1 strength

-2 accuracy

Stat Changes


+4 balance
+4 willpower
+4 concentration
+4 scroll writing
+4 acrobatics
+4 bravery

-4 natural senses
-3 investigate
-2 lifting



Reserved and strategic. Their hair is typically black and their eyes are almond shaped. Height is 5”10 on average. Weight is 150 lbs on average.


Repositioning: when you move you are immune to free hits but you must end your move in the melee zone of another enemy. Is a declared feat. (M)

Metal Mover: Armor doesn’t affect movement. (-a)

Assurity: criticals ignore immunities, resistances, and guarding feats. Those are feats with the tags: imu, Bd, Resi.  (Igno, Cri)

Way of the warrior: lower your critical hit ratio by 6 for one attack, interrupt. (8 round cool down) (CD, Cri)

Well Read: Plus 3 to all these skills:  knowledge of Arcane, Knowledge of Nature, Knowledge of Culture, Enchanting, Scroll writing, and Healing. Does not break skill caps. (Skil)


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