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3 accuracy

-1 strength
-1 toughness

Stat Changes


+8 concentration
+4 sleight of hand
+4 acrobatics
+2 sneak

-3 mettle



Tactful and reserved. Hair is white, or silvery-gray shades. Skin is a light shade of tan. Eyes are gray and fingers are long and skinny. Their height is 5’6” on average. Weight is 140 lbs. on average.


Pressure Point Master: lower critical hit ratio by 2. (Cri)

Hone: ¼ chance to gain an accuracy mod every time you deal damage. (Ac, Ud)

Salt in the Wound: when dealing a wound you may add a d4 damage to that attack and to any other’s you deal for the rest of the round. (dW, S)

Zeal: gain an attack action every time you get a critical. (Cri, A)

Battle Caster: dodge normally while channeling. (Agi)


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