1 intelligence stat
+5 seal tampering
+4 scroll writing
+3 concentration
+3 sense magic
Stat Changes

wise and greedy. Their hair color is always slick black. Their skin is dark shades of tan and brown. Their height is 6’0” on average. Weight is about 180 lbs. on average. (human-like)

Spell Focus: makes a chosen spell cost 3 less to cast. Also gives you an additional spell slot. You may change the chosen spell every time you level up. (Mpcr)
Bedouin: Resist 3 points of fire and earth damage. (Resi)
Arcane Agility: Plus 2 agility vs magical attacks. (vma, Agi)
Weapon Focus: up the weapon damage dice roll of 3 weapons of your choice. everytime you focus on this feat you may add an additional weapon to it’s list. (S)
Summoner’s Soul: gain a pool of 12hp that can only be used for thralling summoned or otherwise thrall able units and animal taming. (Hp)