+2 intelligence
+1 agility
-1 toughness
-1 personality stat
Stat Changes

+3 acrobatics
+3 concentration
+3 reflex
+3 seal tampering
+3 investigate
+1 charm,
-1 mettle
Smart and responsive. Olive colored skin. Hair is lighter natural shades and loses color early in life. Skin is shades of light tan to white. Their height is 5’11” on average. Weight is 160 lbs. on average.

Third Eye Blind: you can not be seen by any scrying ability or spell. Such as seeing out of a summoned unit or ward or looking into the past etc. (invis)
Borrowed time: reduce a cool down by 5 rounds upon a finishing blow. (X, CD)
Death dodgin’: Double agility mod when terminal. (T, Agi)
Credence: Gain a d4mp when you dodge an attack successfully. (C, Cds, Mp)
Mana Free: your agility mod goes up by 1 for the battle for every 6 mp missing past the first from your Mp pool. (Agi, Mana)