+2 strength
+2 toughness
+1 intelligence
-4 utility
Stat Changes

+5 sneak
+5 wrestle
+5 seal tampering
+5 intimidate
+3 mettle
+3 bluff
-3 bravery
-3 charm
-3 use device
-2 willpower
Hardy and manipulative. They are hulking figures with one or more horns growing out of their heads. their skin color can be red, pink, blue, gray, black, yellow or green. they typically have wild hair and claw-like fingernails, and fang-like tusks. Their height can vary greatly, Height is 7 feet on average. Weight is 320 lbs on average.

Oni Skin: pick a tower and your skin color is that towers color and you may use your move action to make spells from that tower cost 1mp times x less to cast. where x is equal to your strength mod. (S, Mpcr)
Choose 2
Blunt Master: up the weapon damage dice roll of blunt damage. (S)
Tower Resist: Choose a tower, gain 4 resist potency vs all spells within that tower. (Potre)
Tough guy: gain 6 Hp. (Health)
Magic guy: gain 6 Mp. (Mana)