can take 2 points out of one stat and add them somewhere else once per day.
Stat Changes

they have 8 skill points they can place anywhere they want and can switch them once per day, but they must decide where to put a -3 skill points once per day as well.
No one knows what they originally looked like. They change so much from day to day that they must wear a mask to recognize even their loved ones. Height is ? on average. Weight is ? lbs on average. they often look ape-like if left alone in the wild too long.

Ogrean Evolution: You get 2 free feats that you can change once per day. Tags still apply to these feats.
Ogrean weakness: choose one commonly damaging element that you take double from. This element changes every time you use Ogrean Evolution. You cannot pick the same element until you have used Ogrean Evolution at least 3 times since then.