+1 stat of your choice
Stat Changes

12 free skills of your choice
Basic and skilled. Their hair is any natural color. Their skin is different shades of light tan to Height is 6’0”. Weight is 180 lbs. on average. (human-like)

Free feat: choose one free feat from the feat list.
Weapon Focus: up the weapon damage dice roll of 3 weapons of your choice. everytime you focus in this feat you may add an additional weapon to it’s list. (S)
Armor Focus: All armor you wear blocks 1 point more of all damage. (BL)
Spell Focus: makes a chosen spell cost 3 less to cast. Also gives you an additional spell slot. You may change the chosen spell every time you level up. (Mpcr)
Increase skill cap: choose a skill and increase its cap by 2. The skill gets filled and you get reimbursed for any skills you have already put towards it. If you take this a second time in the same skill, the cap increases again and is filled, but you don’t get reimbursed for it. (the skill’s name is the tag)