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Marukai female.jpg

marukai male.jpg

Marukai female.jpg
+1 toughness
+1 utility
-1 accuracy
Stat Changes

+8 athletics
+5 use device
+5 sneak
+5 natural senses
+3 intimidate
-3 bravery
-4 mettle
-4 will power
small and aggravating. Hair is white or bleached blond. Skin is yellowish. Eyes are black while ears are large, pointy, and sometimes droopy. Their height is 5’0” on average. Weight is 100 lbs. on average.

Stalker: Plus 4 movement while sneaking. (M)
Backstab: Lower critical hit ratio by 4 when dealing sneak damage. (Cri, SD)
Quiet Wisdom: Gain 2mp a round while hidden. (Mp, Er, hid)
Sneak attack: add a d4 to sneak damage. (S, SD)
Shatter: ¼ chance to remove one personal power up from the target on a weapon attack. (RPU, Ud)
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