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hydrain female.jpg

hydrain male.jpg

hydrain female.jpg
+2 accuracy
+2 agility
+1 toughness
-2 personality
-2 utility
Stat Changes

+8 athletics
+3 reflex
+3 concentrate
+3 investigate
+2 intimidate
-4 persuade
Arrogant and brave. Their hair is usually slick and shiny. it can be any natural color but it is more vibrant. they have shark like gills on their neck, they are barely noticeable when on

Quick Attack: gain an attack action even if it’s not your turn. With an 8 round cool down. (A, CD)
Vertical Jump: you can jump as far as you can move. (M)
Pierce Master: up the weapon damage dice roll of pierce damage. (S)
Magic clad: block 2 points of magical damage. (mC, BL)
Hydra hide: When a wound is dealt to you, block 3 points of that damage type for the rest of the battle. (idw, Resi)
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