+3 agility
+2 intelligence
-2 toughness stat
-2 strength stat
Stat Changes

+7 use device
+6 alchemy
+5 concentration
+5 scroll writing
+5 sneak
+5 enchanting
-6 lifting
-5 bravery
-4 wrestling
-4 mettle
-6 lifting
-3 bravery
-4 wrestling
-4 mettle
-2 bravery
nimble and intelligent. Their hair can be any natural color and also white and silver. Skin is tan or fair. Their height is 3’6” on average. Weight is 80 lbs. on average.

Alchemy Master: Roll 2 alchemy checks take the best result. (alchemy, rr)
Felicity: you may reroll any d20 based dice, but you must take the second roll even if it is worse. 8 round cool down. (rr, CD)
Scholar: gain 4 more spell slots. (^)
Alchemy Acumen: While performing and alchemy check If you roll a 1 on the d20 roll, treat it as if you rolled a 12 instead. (1, alchemy )
Blue Tower Focus: blue tower spells cost 2mp less to cast. (Mpcr, blue)