+2 intelligence
+1 strength
-2 personality
Stat Changes

+8 intimidate
+5 bravery
+5 seal tampering
+2 sense intent
-5 charm
dark and mysterious. Their hair can be dark cold colors such as blue, purple, black ect. Skin is any shade of purple. Their height is 6’0” on average. Weight is 180 lbs. on average. (elf-like)

Fenrin Sway: can use negative personality mod for all personality checks and it counts as positive. (Per)
Increase Intimidate Cap: increase intimidate cap to 10. The skill gets filled and you get reimbursed for any skills you have already put towards it. If you take this a second time in the same skill, the cap increases again and is filled, but you don’t get reimbursed for it. (intimidate)
Black tower Resist: gain 4 resist potency vs all black tower spells. (Potre)
Veiled Strike:Up attack dice roll twice vs foes under the effects of a potency. (S, vPotre)
Formidomancey: Fear spells cost 3mp less to cast. (Mpcr, ma+, fear)