+1 utility
Stat Changes

+8 investigate
+8 natural senses
+5 sneak
+5 bravery
+4 athletics
Wild and instinctive. Hair is any natural cat fur color. Skin is shades of dark tan. Appearance is slightly cat-like. Their height is 5’8” on average. Weight is 150 lbs. on average.

Sensitive: Take 3 extra damage from sonic attacks. And plus 6 to any potancies you have to clear involving smell or sound as the modality.
Choose 3:
Increase Investigate cap: increase investigate cap to 10. The skill gets filled and you get reimbursed for any skills you have already put towards it. If you take this a second time in the same skill, the cap increases again and is filled, but you don’t get reimbursed for it. (investigate)
Investigate Mastery: roll two investigate checks and take the best result. (investigate, rr)
Past Presence: Can sense magic residues (investigate vs 2x the amount of hours since the magic was present.)
Life Detector: Can use 1AA or (1MA+2BA) to detect life within a 45 foot radius.
Maneuver: Move normally while sneaking, swimming, climbing and any other natural movement hindering check. (M)