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+1 strength
+1 personality

-1 intelligence

Stat Changes


+8 bluff
+5 alchemy
+3 dance
+3 sense intent
+3 charm
+2 persuade
+2 investigate,

-5 bravery
-3 sense magic
-3 seal tampering



fun and personable. Their hair can be any natural colors though it’s mostly black with white streaks in random places. Skin is orange-tan. Their height is 6’0” on average. Weight is 190 lbs. on average. (human-like)


Brew Master: only affected by the good effects of alchemy. (imu)

Smooth Talker: Roll two personality checks and take the best result vs units of the opposite sex. (x+y, Per, rr)

Backstab: Lower critical hit ratio by 4 when dealing sneak damage. (Cri, SD)

Increase Bluff cap: increase bluff cap to 10. The skill gets filled and you get reimbursed for any skills you have already put towards it. If you take this a second time in the same skill, the cap increases again and is filled, but you don’t get reimbursed for it. (bluff)

Dangan Guile: gain 1 personality mod. (Per)


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