+1 agility
+1 personality
-1 strength
Stat Changes

+6 sleight of hand
+5 bluff
+5 sneak
+4 alchemy
+3 charm
+3 athletics,
-4 lifting, -4 mettle, -3 intimidate
Small and agile. Their hair is any natural color. Skin ranges from light tan to dark tan. They have almond shaped eyes. Their height is 4’6” on average. Weight is 100 lbs. on average.

Alert: Can dodge normally when flat footed. (Neg)
Increase sneak cap: increase sneak cap to 10. The skill gets filled and you get reimbursed for any skills you have already put towards it. If you take this a second time in the same skill, the cap increases again and is filled, but you don’t get reimbursed for it. (sneak)
Maneuver: Move normally while sneaking, swimming, climbing and any other natural movement hindering check. (M)
The Harder They Fall: Increase the multiplying of your critical hits by 2 vs foes that are bigger than you. (S, vBr, Cri)
Agile: Gain one agility mod. (Agi)