+1 agility
+1 strength
+1 toughness
-1 personality
-1 utility
Stat Changes

+6 acrobatics
+6 reflex
+6 survival skills
+3 bluff
-4 charm
-2 natural senses
Jittery yet unified. They look like elves with their very slender body and face but They don’t have pointy ears.. They have narrow red eyes and an extra set of small narrow eyes diagonal and up from their other eyes. Or just one extra eye in their forehead. Their skin can be any shade of dark brown to black skin. their fingers are pointed and often clawed, as well as their toes. Their height is 5’10 on average. Weight is 155 lbs on average.

Gecko climb: climb checks always work. (As)
Unnatural reflexes: gain 1 brown counter a round. These counters and any enemy placed brown tower counters can be spent to increase your agility by 1 per point spent for one instance of dodging. The increase can occur even after the attack has been rolled. (Agi)
Entomancer: bug focused Fauna spell’s cost 3mp less to cast as do any spells cast on bugs. (bugs, Mpcr)
Moderate Telepathy: Can use 1BA to converse with units in their minds at a 30ft distance. (Tlpy)
Beast Dodge: plus 2 agility mods outside of structures. (Agi, outss)